WRBC Online Church Directory Profile (Breeze)

Click here to be directed to our WRBC Online directory!   Please bookmark for reference.

If you have created your username and password, you can login anytime at www.whyteridgebaptist.ca/DIRECTORY or select ‘Church Directory Login’ from the menu at the bottom of our website or the Whyte Ridge Baptist Directory logo near the home button on this page.

You can also download the app for your mobile phone here for easy access!

If you have not yet updated your WRBC Online Directory Profile, please do so either in response to the invitation email that has been sent to you or login and update your profile and profile photos. or contact Pastor Kevin and he will happily arrange for assistance with set up. If you have not received an email invite but would like to be part of the Online Directory, please click here and request your invitation.

Details regarding how to complete this process can be found here:  www.whyteridgebaptist.ca/wrbc-online-church-directory-profiles/ 

Note that sections 1 and 2 in this video have been combined, and that some of the fields have changed.  The video also may seem to end abruptly, but all instructions are included.

Thank you,

The Pastors and Leadership at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church