Worship and Prayer Evening, April 24th @ 6:00 pm

Worship and Prayer EveningThe Prayer Committee for the Building Program is pleased to invite the congregation to an evening of prayer and song in support of the building project. Working with the pastors we want to provide our community with the opportunity to come together before God to ask for His guidance in this work.

Please join us April 24th at 6pm at WRBC and bring the kids! This will be a unique chance to celebrate all that God has done and all that we anticipate He will do for our church and community through this endeavor.

Our church community needs you to actively engage in prayer for this effort. Come prepared to pray for the physical building being proposed, the financial considerations attached to this incredible undertaking and for us as a community that we might be of one mind and spirit as we move forward.


Tim Hague, on behalf of the Prayer Committee