Weekly Update @ Whyte Ridge Baptist Church
(Please note there will NOT be a Weekly Update next week)
WRBC Mission Statement:
Making and nurturing followers of Jesus Christ through healthy relationships
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Christmas @ The Ridge
Free Church Family Christmas Photos – This will be the last Sunday for you to have your picture taken in the main foyer before and after the service. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Contributions to our Christmas Food Hampers encouraged.
Plan to join us for our Christmas Eve Service at 5 pm December 24.
Year End Giving
- The deadline for donations for 2024 tax receipting is December 31, 2024.
- All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2024.
- Donations may be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 29.
- Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2024.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: Online – whyteridgebaptist.ca/GIVE E-Transfer – give@whyteridgebaptist.ca or Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 (See more info at end of this email). We also have a black locked mailbox, outside, near the main entrance of the church (to drop off your donation when the church building is not open). Please note that our church office will be closed from Dec 25 -Jan 1.
Invite your family & friends to join us in our Christmas celebrations!
Copies of our Christmas @Whyte Ridge Baptist Church flyer are available at the Welcome Centre for you to hand out to your family, friends & neighbors.
WRBC Christmas Offering—We exceeded our goal of $2400 and received $5,963.30 towards our Special Christmas Offering. Our gift to support Far Corners Ministry will provide education for twelve pastors’ children in India. The over and above donations will go into our general fund to help us make our 2024 commitments. Praise for this generous offering!
Digital Christmas Cards for our Missionaries are available now for signing until December 24 at midnight! We are asking ALL of the Whyte Ridge Baptist Family to let our missionaries know we are thinking of them this Christmas by posting a message, uploading a video or posting a special photo greeting! Click on the link below to send your Special Digital Christmas Greeting to our Missionaries!
Andrew and Courtney Joy Friesen (AIM International)
Nick and Iris Hung (North American Baptist Conference Missions)
Lyndell Campbell Requia & Paulo (North American Baptist Conference Missions)
Shant and Ginny Manuel (Far Corners Ministry)
Growing in Grace Anniversary Cookbooks are ready to order! Pre-order and pay $20 for your copy at the Welcome Centre.
WRBC Foodbank Christmas Hampers – our church family, ministries, and outside groups have donated generously to our Food Bank and Christmas Hampers this season! We are thankful that all the families have received hampers in the last two weeks and we have 42 more hampers prepared for the next two weeks. Our Food Bank team will be preparing some extra hampers but still need some specific items if you would like to contribute – canned fruits, canned tomatoes, rice and treats. We appreciate everyone who participated and the many volunteers who have prepared the hampers each week.
Share Christmas with a mom supported by Family Support Centre by dropping off formula or other baby items to the church. Contact the church office for more information.
Mark Your Calendar for these New Year Events
Growing In Grace Legal Learning Month – Thursday, January 9, 2025, 12 pm – 2 pm. Join us for our January get-together when we have Hannah Humphries (lawyer) come and share with us a legal point of view dealing with power of attorney, wills, health directives and other legal issues. Breakfast at noon is on the menu. Pre-registration and pre-payment of $10 is required. Register by January 5: Growing In Grace Registration.
Precept Ministries Bible Study – January 8 – 29, 2025. Registration required for Precept Upon Precept in-depth study or In & Out (less homework). Register: Precepts Registration. The study of Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun explores the meaning of life under the sun and its relationship to eternity and God. Life on earth is short and this study of Ecclesiastes will direct you to carefully consider how God refers to life today.
English Conversation Circles – Wednesday nights beginning January 22, 7-8:30 pm. Register: ECC Registration or contact Brenda at ecc@whyteridgebaptist.ca for more information.
Rosewood Retirement Home Singing will NOT take place on January 2.
Watch for dates for the Next Singing Opportunity in the New Year!
Contact the Church Office for more information.
Continue to pray for the man that God has already chosen to lead WRBC into the future. Pray that he would see the job posting and the Holy Spirit would nudge him to apply. Pray that God would prepare his heart and if appropriate, his family, for this opportunity. Pray for our staff and ministry leaders who are continuing the work God has for us at WRBC. And pray for us all as a church family, that together we would be united and patiently perseverant.
Register Here – Pre-Registration Required (Available 1 Week Prior to Each Session)
Christmas Greetings from our missionaries Nick & Iris Hung
Read about Lyndell Campbell-Requia’s Ministry: NAB Missionary – Asking Lyndell Campbell-Requia Three Questions
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Family Support Centre is in need of Newborn(0-3 month) sleepers, baby shampoo/soap and diaper cream to go in the Baby Layettes given to the moms.
Please consider helping moms in need and drop off your items at the church in the blue bin by the mail slots.
Formula is always needed if you are able to donate (most requested brands – Enfamil, Similac & Good Start).
Contact our church office for more information or if you would like to be involved in this important ministry.
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Kids at the Ridge – Child Registration
Register Now: Sept 2024 – Aug 2025 Child Registration Form
Hey Parents – this registration form is for all children attending our programs in Nursery up to Grade 6. This information is required to be filled out each year for each child to make sure we have updated allergies, permissions, and consent for your child. It also helps us determine class sizes for the new year. Please complete this form if you have not done so already.
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor for more information. Explore how you can be an important part of this ministry to children!
(Youth Ministries – Grades 6-12)
Merry Christmas to All!!!
Christmas party this Friday night 6:45-9:15!
We’ll be at the church playing games, having good food, and celebrating the true story of Christmas!
Feel free to wear your favorite Christmas sweater or festive clothes!
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Upcoming Events:
December 27 – no Youth meeting
January 3 – no Youth meeting
January 10th – Skating Night
Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events.
If you would like to receive the weekly emails or have any questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
If you are interested in volunteering in our youth ministries, please contact Rudy Wall for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook. For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.
interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray. If you would like to receive our updates, contact Rudy Wall.
Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults
Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults
For more information contact Pastor Rudy
Ways to Give
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at whyteridgebaptist.ca/GIVE.
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: give@whyteridgebaptist.ca. No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
- Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
- Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow! It’s easy!
If questions, email give@whyteridgebaptist.ca.
Additional Information
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions, please contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at whyteridgebaptist.ca/DIRECTORY. If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here. Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form THOUSANDS of videos and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
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