Walk! Pray! Love!

Walk! Pray! Love!

by Pastor Kevin

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.” – Jesus 

This coming Sunday our worship service is going to look a little different than usual. We are holding one worship service at 10 am and, after a shorter time together in the church sanctuary, we are going to head outside and join together in prayer for our community. Our church family (including the kids) will divide into groups and walk through a number of parts of the Whyte Ridge and Fort Whyte developments, praying God would bless the people, the schools, and the local organizations.

Preparing for Love Winnipeg

This is not to be confused with our Love Winnipeg Sunday, which takes place a week later. On that day (June 1st), we will be going out into the community to bless others by helping those around us in a variety of ways, including grounds keeping at the schools, clean-up and tree planting at the community centre, graffiti removal in the community and visitation at several personal care homes.

As we look ahead to Love Winnipeg, this Sunday is partly about us preparing our hearts to serve others and, more importantly, it is about us asking the Lord to show His love to people in a powerful way. It is good and right for us to pray diligently for those around us.

Walk! Pray! Love! • Worship Continued

Our prayer walk this Sunday is not an “extra” thing that we are doing at the end of our worship service. Rather, think of it as the last part of our worship time together. When you come to church this week, be prepared to pray for our community.

We will be dividing into 6 prayer groups. Each group will start their prayer walk in a different part of the community.  Participants will be given a list of potential items from which to pray. You will be encouraged to walk in groups of two or three, or in family groups, spending half an hour praying together as you walk.

Those whose last names begin with the letters A-D are going to meet in the WRBC parking lot and start your walk from there. Those whose last names begin with E-H will meet in the Whyte Ridge Elementary School parking lot. I-M will meet at the HGI Middle School parking lot, N-Q will meet at the Whyte Ridge Community Club. R-Z will meet at the church’s property on McGillivray Blvd. Those who are not able to join the walk can remain in the church sanctuary for a time of prayer together there.

May God be blessed as we gather together this Sunday to worship Him in a variety of ways. And may He richly bless our community according to His purpose and in answer to our prayers.

Walk! Pray! Love!

See you Sunday!