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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil) - Part 4

- We have received several messages on our whatsapp groups about children who are at shelters and don't know where their parents are.

- Our field has been financially helping churches who are receiving people to shelter or making meals to hand out.

- Paulo and I are hosting our friends' brother-in-law who was trapped downtown and has no way of reaching his city. Thankfully, his family is safe with relatives because their city is under water.

- The intercity/interstate bus depot and airport are under water. We can see the runway from our apartment and it looks like a lake.

- There are only 2 water treatment centers working in our whole area. They are completely overwhelmed.

For those of you who have asked about Chain of Love, they are safe. They are not near any of the flooded areas.

We are lifting our eyes up because our help comes from the Lord! Even in the midst of the storm, he is our ever-present help and we are so grateful for his protection for those we love and serve and for you, partnering with us in prayers!


Received: May 5, 2024

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