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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil)

Hello Everyone,

There has been major flooding here in our state in Brazil and we are asking for prayers.

The Jones family and Paulo and I are well and we still have power and water for the time being. However, our hearts are breaking for the suffering of the people around us. Just this morning, the Good News Baptist Church (that the Bayers helped plant and where Chain of Love congregated for many years) is about to receive a number of families who have had to evacuate their homes and will probably lose everything. One of our Seminary students is in the process of evacuating his family. The caretaker of the apartment building where we live, who is a sister in Christ, has moved into our building because her house is completely covered in water. The death toll is rising along with the list of missing people. And more rain is in the forecast.

We ask you to pray along with us for God's mercies, for the rains to subside and for no more lives to be lost.

Thank you so much! In Christ,


Received: May 3, 2024

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