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Please submit your prayer request to the Prayer@WhyteRidgBaptist prayer wall below so we may know how to pray for you. You will be given the option to submit your prayer request here on the website, or to have it only shared with the Pastoral staff. Our prayer coordinator will be sure to share the request you submit according to your instructions.

Join us weekly for Come to the Quiet, a weekly prayer time that takes place every Wednesday morning on Zoom and in Person at 10:30am at the church. Everyone is welcome.  Contact Erika Cooper for details.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Families of the week for December 2-8, 2013: Samantha Karam, Milton & Irma Kelm, Rudy & Debbie Kessen, Harry & Jan Khan, Kevin & Lynelle Klassen.

Received: December 2, 2013

This prayer has been answered!

Rose Olson

Thank you for the prayers for Sidney. I spoke to my sister-in-law this morning and she shared that Sidney's surgery went very well and the doctors were able to use less risky procedures. She was moved out of IC yesterday to the next level of care. Sidney's Mom shared that the "prayers were felt" as it was the first time that Sidney went into a surgery without her crying. She will be in the hospital for another 1 to 2 weeks. They have only seen one little smile so far. Pray that God will continue to use this young life for His glory. She was only expected to live 3 to 4 months...she turned 5 years old a few weeks ago.

Received: November 29, 2013

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.

Steve & Barb Morris

Norma Hills (nee Morris) is a sister to Steve Morris of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. Some members of the prayer chain may remember the prayer requests issued almost five years ago when her husband Bill Hills was diagnosed, and faced surgery to remove a tumor from his spinal cord. He went through that surgery successfully but is now facing a return of that tumor in addition to other undiagnosed masses in his internal organs.

Prayer Request :

• Bill's immune system will stay strong as he battles these critical health issues

• Wisdom for the doctors

• Clear direction as they meet with an oncologist on Monday, November 25th to schedule needed biopsies.

• For the family as they provide support for Bill and Norma

Received: November 27, 2013

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.

Greg & Erika Cooper

Tina Cooper (mother of Greg Cooper) had quadruple bypass surgery on Monday November 26th at St. Boniface Hospital. . She is doing well, please pray for continued healing.

Received: November 27, 2013

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 15 times.


ANSWERED PRAYER! Thank you for the prayers for Sidney. I spoke to my sister-in-law this morning and she shared that Sidney's surgery went very well and the doctors were able to use less risky procedures. She was moved out of IC yesterday to the next level of care. Sidney's Mom shared that the "prayers were felt" as it was the first time that Sidney went into a surgery without her crying. She will be in the hospital for another 1 to 2 weeks. They have only seen one little smile so far. Pray that God will continue to use this young life for His glory. She was only expected to live 3 to 4 months...she turned 5 years old a few weeks ago.

Pray for our young niece who is undergoing complicated fundoplication surgery today in Edmonton. Due to seizures one week after birth she has many challenging health needs. Pray for wisdom of the doctor team. Pray for her Mom and Dad and extended family that they might find peace and strength through faith. It was a very difficult decision about whether to proceed with this surgery.

Received: November 25, 2013

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Families of the Week November 24–30: Christian Janzen, Dave & Rhea Jenkinson, Lin Jin, Karlene Johnson, Chris & Kelly Karam

Received: November 24, 2013

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Families of the Week November 10-16, 2013: Gary & Christine Hollingshead, Darby Hopkins, Debbie Hopkins, Audrey Hughes, Shaun & Tanya Humphries.

Received: November 10, 2013

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