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I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Wayne & Andrea Edel

Update on Lauryn Edel:

We would like to thank you all for praying for Lauryn and our family this past week. Your prayers provided us with peace and strength during this time. To give a brief update, Lauryn has a swollen optic nerve affecting one of her eyes that is causing her to have reduced vision. It does appear to be slowly healing on its own. The doctors will be monitoring her for the cause of this, which could be a number of factors, which is why she will be having a repeat MRI done again in 6 months. The cause of this condition is typically associated with MS which is what the doctors will be looking for. As a prayer request, please continue to pray that she will get her vision fully restored and that she will not have repeat episodes of this. Praise God for an amazing medical team that He put in place to work with us. Thank-you.

Andrea, Wayne, Jaimie and Lauryn

Received: February 23, 2014

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