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I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.

Darryl & Melanie Penner

Prayer and Fasting for the Penner Family

A friend of Darryl and Melanie Penner has invited us to join with him for time of prayer and fasting for the Penner family. You're all aware of the journey that Melanie, Darryl, Kira and Teagan have been on over the past year. You can catch up on this week’s events at Melanie's blog @

Currently, Melanie is waiting to hear from the doctors about her most recent tests and should be receiving results later this week. Melanie’s doctor will be calling her at the earliest Thursday at the latest next Monday. It is during this appointment that the next steps will be decided upon for her treatment.

The call is for us to ...

1. Join together in a day of prayer and fasting on either April 29 and/or 30. Please skip the meals for the day and use that time to pray for healing, peace, hope, courage, strength, etc.

2. Spread the word to others who may not have heard this invitation to prayer.

Received: April 27, 2014

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