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I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Daniel Penner

Hi everyone,

There is a chance that they will discharge Jaden today. However all the dr need to be on the same page as we'll as a mountain of paperwork has to be filled out. The most important one is a release form from the hospital to air Canada allowing Lorilee and Jaden to fly.

So we are praying that the dr will all be in agreement that Jaden can come home today. He is doing a lot better. Not 100% but getting there. His IV came out last night and he is now eating and drinking more regularly on his own.

Pray that it happens by noon BC time (14:00 Winnipeg time) so that she has enough time to make it to the airport and catch the 14:35 flight.

Pray that there will be a seat on the flight, we haven't booked it yet as we still don't know if they will discharge them in time to make the flight.

Please pass on to those I might have missed. Thanks everyone.



Received: August 5, 2014

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