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Join us weekly for Come to the Quiet, a weekly prayer time that takes place every Wednesday morning on Zoom and in Person at 10:30am at the church. Everyone is welcome.  Contact Erika Cooper for details.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Karen Owzarek

Karen Owzarek's mother, Ingrid Wegner, passed away into glory on Tuesday, September 10th, with family by her side. Please pray for the Owzareks, as well as for Karen's dad and the rest of their family during this challenging time.

A Celebration of Life for Ingrid Wegner will be held on Saturday (September 14th) at 2 pm at the Sobering Funeral Chapel in Beausejour. Her obituary can be viewed on the funeral chapel's website.

Received: September 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Jon Peters

On Aug.24, at about 11 am in the mall, I saw Evita at a jewelry booth for the first and last time. She was willing to listen for about 10 minutes as I told her the gospel, which seemed rather new to her. She agreed that it made sense, and professed faith in Christ before she prayed with me. I returned to give her my tract and a marked NT, which she gladly accepted. Pray for her to grow in faith.

The arthritis in my toe prevents me from walking there as much as I used to.

Pastor Kevin’s praise/song ministry gets me going every time; and so today I went after church and spoke God talk with 3 people in the mall. It’s easy to do when you’re excited about the truth, grace, and love of Jesus. Pray for more souls to come to Jesus!

May we all use our remaining days to know Him, and proclaim Him !

Received: September 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Emmie Dryjski

From Jane MacDiarmid and Emmie Dryjski

Dear friends and church family,

Our dear friend and Bible Study partner Nancy Eldsvg has gone home to be with her Saviour.

She peacefully passed away this morning.

She has fought the good fight and has finished the race.

She has kept her faith and is awarded the crown of righteousness.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Please pray for her family during this difficult time.

Received: September 8, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

Debbie Hopkins

An update from Nicole Hocaluk

“I have my appointment tomorrow at health science to see where I'm at. They should be hopefully be doing x rays again. Otherwise, I've been still stuck in bed.

Alyssa got her appointment yesterday. They said no school for 6 months."

Please continue to pray for the family as she has indicated this is a long journey to physical and emotional healing

She very much appreciates our prayers

Received: September 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Emmie Dryjski

From Jane MacDiarmid and Emmie Dryjski

Friends and church family please pray for our dear friend and Bible Study partner Nancy Eldsvig.

Her condition is deteriorating quickly. Her organs are starting to shut down.

Please pray that Nancy will continue to feel the joy of the Lord as He prepares to take her home.

Also, please pray that her children are going to be able to arrive to Winnipeg before the Lord calls her home.

Received: September 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Emmie Dryjski

From Jane MacDiarmid and Emmie Dryjski

Dear friends and church family,

Please pray for our dear friend Nancy Eidsvig.

She is hospitalized with bone cancer. Presently she is in isolation at Victoria Hospital.

Please pray for continued health and healing and for the Lord to keep her pain free.

Also, please pray for wisdom for the medical team as they discern the next step.

Nancy has been our faithful, longtime Bible Study and prayer partner.

We praise God for Nancy's high spirit and joy in her heart in spite of this affliction.

Received: August 31, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Tim and Vicki Dyck

Last week I received the results of my recent CT scan.

It states that there is no visible new cancer growth in the pancreas, nor any visible sign of metastases in any organs such as the liver, spleen, etc.

So that is quite good news for me. Chemo treatments will still continue.

Thank-you for your enduring support for me and Vicki and family in this part of the journey too. We are grateful that we don't have to do this alone.

Bless you all,

Tim and Vicki

Received: August 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Debbie Hopkins

Please keep Nicole Hocaluk in your prayers She and her daughter were in a car accident last Sunday. I asked if I could put this up and she said absolutely

From Nicole

“My daughter and I had been in a serious car accident on Sunday. I have a broken ankle, broken arm, two cracked ribs, cracks in my back, staples in my other foot, and I am bruised from head to toe. My daughter, thankfully, is doing better than me. She has a lot of bruises, and her back is hurt. They flew me to the hospital by stars helicopter, and my daughter by ambulance to the city The officers told me we were very lucky to be alive as my car was seriously written off, and we were lying in a ditch full of water. I'm so thankful God was watching over us and that we are still alive.”

Received: July 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Sheila Henry

Sheila Henry

Glaucoma surgery went smoothly on July 18. Had an appointment with surgeon this morning. Everything is healing nicely! Pressure was at 15 which is very good. No longer on pressure drops because of glaucoma surgery. Vision is improving. Surgeon said it should get better over time. Praise to our Almighty God! Please pray for continue healing. For pressure to stabilize. Many thanks for all your prayers! Very much appreciated!

Received: July 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Doug on behalf of Sheila Henry

Sheila Henry having glaucoma surgery ( Trabeculectomy ) on Thursday July 18. at 12:00 on her right eye. Please pray that the surgery goes smoothly and that it will be successful in keeping the pressure down to slow down the deterioration of her optic nerve in her right eye. Many thanks for everyone's prayers.

Received: July 13, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Kevin Klassen

Please pray for Wendi and Sieg Neumann and family as Wendi's mother passed away this morning.

Ruth Schroeder was 102 years old. She left a long legacy of faith and is now in the certain and joyful presence of Jesus her Saviour.

Her service will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris, details to be determined.

Received: July 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Tim and Vicki Dyck

From Tim and Vicki Dyck:

Short update on this story...

I am scheduled to start chemo on Monday, June 24th, as long as there is no known health deterioration in the next 5 days. All the other prep is now in place.

Thankyou for the many prayers, visits, and other items of support over the last number of months. Vicki and I acknowledge, and are very grateful, for the love you've shown to us.

Your continued prayer for us in this part of the journey is also appreciated.

Bless you all,

Tim, and Vicki Dyck

Received: June 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Tim and Vicki Dyck

Received from Tim and Vicki Dyck:

On Tuesday morning we had a follow-up appointment with Tim's surgeon. He stated that despite the longer and more complex than expected surgery, he felt all went well. He stated that the tumor was larger in size than we thought, measuring approximately 4.2 x 4.2 x 3.1 cm. The margins they took were clear of cancer but 5 of 28 lymph nodes were cancerous. The cancer is diagnosed as stage 3.

Wednesday morning we met with the oncologist who confirmed stage 3 pancreatic cancer. Chemo is scheduled to start in 4-6 weeks time to allow for increased strength and recovery from surgery. The chemo schedule is every 2 weeks for 6 months. Prep for chemo includes the insertion of a portacath, blood work and another CT scan.

We appreciate your prayers and support as we continue this difficult journey.

Received: May 24, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell - Part 9

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update to ask you to continue praying that the rains will stop and that the rivers around us will not rise too significantly. The neighbourhood where our church is located is on alert and the people are constantly in our thoughts. Paulo and I had planned to make the trip there today, not sure how we would go or how long it would take but the heavier rains stopped us.

We found out that Samaritan's Purse is coming. One plane left the USA yesterday and one today, on their way to us. We are hopeful we can connect with them and I have offered to be an interpreter if they need them.

Once again, we are so grateful for your prayers!


Received: May 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Doug - on behalf of Lyndell - Part 8

Yesterday, the semi truck sent by the Brazilian Baptist Convention from Rio de Janeiro arrived! Praise the Lord! Today we found out Samaritan's Purse is on their way. Praise the Lord! So many answered prayers! God time and time again is proving his faithfulness and goodness to us!

I continue helping people from our Baptist churches and other circles find needed items. And so far, I have had the joy of helping get everything from potable water, food baskets, mattresses to a wheelchair, sewing machine, and the specialized formulas etc. We have also financially supported pastors and churches sheltering and feeding people. I have also been supporting our Seminary student and church planter, Ricardo, who has literally been our hands and feet on the ground

We praise the Lord for answered prayers and are so grateful for such wonderful prayer warriors!


Received: May 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Doug - on behalf of Lyndell - Part 7

Hello Everyone,

It continues to rain today, but, except for a few minutes, we have had power all day! Thank you, Lord for answered prayers! Up until now, we have received 12 containers of the specialized formula and have funds to buy even more. Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, we received news that the main water pump that brings water in from the lagoon and sends it to the treatment plants is now working. It had been flooded but the water dropped low enough that they were able to remove the rest and then waterproof and seal it. Out of the 23 treatment plants, 6 are working and water is slowly being restored in a large part of our city. Praise the Lord! I am sure you can imagine the chaos when a city of 1.5 million has no water! But another great thing about restoring the water system is that it is taking water out of the lagoon and even with the rain, the level has dropped to 4.57 meters! Praise the Lord!

Received: May 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell - Part 5

Hello Everyone,

With my last update I forgot to ask you to pray that when the rain comes, we don't lose power. That typically happens when it rains. But if I lose power, I will lose the internet and won't be able to do the work I have been doing all week, connecting people with resources. It is thundering and raining hard outside right now. May the Lord have mercy!

During the night, we received more donations of containers of the special formulas we need for the 2 families - praise the Lord, he is already responding to your prayers for this! And we are receiving monetary donations from doctors to buy more! Thank you, Lord!


Received: May 10, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil) - Part 6

This is just one example of many of what I have spent my days doing since we got our power and internet back at home. For Paulo and I, it has been very complicated to access these areas ourselves. So I have been coordinating our relief efforts from home by connecting people in need with our Baptist pastors and churches in those areas.

Paulo and I have also turned our church into a distribution centre.

I feel privileged to be a witness to what the Lord is doing. Links of people I would never typically put together are becoming a life-line to help those in need.

One of our prayer requests is that everyone in our area would have access to potable water.

The initial shock of the flood is wearing off and people are starting to think about what they have lost and wonder what the future looks like. While our immediate focus is on the most basic of needs, we pray that God would also minister to the hearts of people in this time of suffering and loss.

I can't even begin to express how very grateful I am for your messages and offers to help.

Received: May 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil) - Part 5

Hello Everyone!

Today a mother and her adult daughter from our church put a prayer request on our Whatsapp group saying they were almost out of food and water and they hadn't had power for days. They are staying in their apartment complex even though the only access in or out is by boat. While they had been using the boat to get to local grocery stores, the grocery stores had run out of almost everything. To get messages out by cell phone, they were having to get into long lines at the apartment complex to access the only plug-in that had power to charge up their phones for a bit. When I saw their prayer request, I immediately contact one of the Chain of Love Homes coordinators. I have known her for years and I know she goes to the First Baptist Church in that city. She put me in touch with her brother-in-law, the pastor, and a student of mine from many years ago. I sent him funds to buy groceries and water and their address and he went right away. While he couldn't get a hold of this mother in daughter because they had no cell phone service, he was able to reach out to another friend of his who lives in the same complex who was able to get the food and water to them.

Received: May 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Tim and Vicki Dyck

Tim Dyck is now home from the hospital following the surgery that he had on April 26. Praise God that he is home - let us continue to pray as Tim continues to recover and also as next steps are discerned.

Church family will soon be receiving an email with opportunity to take part in a meal train for Tim and Vicki at this time.

Received: May 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil) - Part 4

- We have received several messages on our whatsapp groups about children who are at shelters and don't know where their parents are.

- Our field has been financially helping churches who are receiving people to shelter or making meals to hand out.

- Paulo and I are hosting our friends' brother-in-law who was trapped downtown and has no way of reaching his city. Thankfully, his family is safe with relatives because their city is under water.

- The intercity/interstate bus depot and airport are under water. We can see the runway from our apartment and it looks like a lake.

- There are only 2 water treatment centers working in our whole area. They are completely overwhelmed.

For those of you who have asked about Chain of Love, they are safe. They are not near any of the flooded areas.

We are lifting our eyes up because our help comes from the Lord! Even in the midst of the storm, he is our ever-present help and we are so grateful for his protection for those we love and serve and for you, partnering with us in prayers!


Received: May 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil) - Part 3

Hello Everyone,

The power has returned to our apartment building so I can now send out another update. We still don't know how much time we will have water, but we have bought drinking water just in case.

As we woke up this morning, the situation was worse than the night before. The water levels had risen even higher which meant more people needed rescuing and shelter. BUT the rain stopped and the sun came out!

-The secretary from our Seminary, Sandra, and her family were rescued and were headed to a shelter when I was able to contact her. Her city is now 100% covered in water.

-The water has been spreading in the neighborhood where our church is, so the families staying there were forced to leave. We are very grateful that a pastor in another neighborhood gave them refuge and our church member with dengue was able to receive medical attention.

- There are 2 people from the Ballet school at our church who are missing.

Received: May 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil)

Part 2

Currently, we are hosting a man who is the brother-in-law of friends of ours. He was trapped downtown at his work for the night. His family lives in another city about 40 minutes away and he has no way of reaching them.

We are blessed to be in a safe place and still have power and water, but have been warned that our water may run out soon.

There are people who have been waiting on their roofs for hours to be rescued. Access is extemely difficult.

We are very grateful for your continued prayers.


Received: May 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil)

Part 1

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for praying. Over night, the situation in our church's city became much worse. An elderly couple from our church phoned and asked to stay at our church. They walked out of their neighborhood in water until they could find a dry spot and call an Uber. Another family was already staying at the church. One of my Seminary students and his family had to evacuate their brother-in-law's home. (Earlier this same family had to evacuate their own home which has now been flooded They went to our church but were warned that the dyke could burst anytime. They helped the elderly couple get to another safer city. My Seminary student is now staying at a shelter. Paulo and I live in the city next to the city where our church is located. Our access has been cut off.

Received: May 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Doug Friesen - on behalf of Lyndell Campbell-Requia (Brazil)

Hello Everyone,

There has been major flooding here in our state in Brazil and we are asking for prayers.

The Jones family and Paulo and I are well and we still have power and water for the time being. However, our hearts are breaking for the suffering of the people around us. Just this morning, the Good News Baptist Church (that the Bayers helped plant and where Chain of Love congregated for many years) is about to receive a number of families who have had to evacuate their homes and will probably lose everything. One of our Seminary students is in the process of evacuating his family. The caretaker of the apartment building where we live, who is a sister in Christ, has moved into our building because her house is completely covered in water. The death toll is rising along with the list of missing people. And more rain is in the forecast.

We ask you to pray along with us for God's mercies, for the rains to subside and for no more lives to be lost.

Thank you so much! In Christ,


Received: May 3, 2024

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