Movie Night (Hold the Date!) – The War Room – Sunday, May 1 6:00 – 8:30 pm

Movie Night (Hold the Date!). Join us for a special showing of The War Room on Sunday, May 1; 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.  Invite your friends an neighbours!


War is as old as human history, an aged widow named Miss Clara narrates in the opening moments of War Room. “We fight for power. We fight for riches. We fight for rights. We fight for freedom,” she says. “There always seems to be something to fight about.”

That’s as true for individuals as it is for countries. Yet despite the reality of relational conflict, Clara observes, “Very few of us know how to fight the right way.” We fight each other instead of recognizing our common spiritual enemy, she says, the thief who comes “to steal, kill and destroy.” If we hope to thwart Satan’s schemes, to counter his cunning strategies to divide us, we’ll need a beefy battle strategy. A strategy that can come from only one place: time spent asking for God’s guidance in our prayer closet.

Or, as Miss Clara calls it, her “war room.”

Elizabeth Jordan doesn’t know anything about such secret spiritual places. Oh, this successful real estate agent, wife and mother is a Christian. But tending to the details of her life is all-consuming for her right now. Especially when one of those details involves her deteriorating relationship with her husband, Tony.

Tony’s a star sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, a natural born talker whose megawatt smile has magnetic appeal. He pulls in four times as much money as Elizabeth does—a fact he’s quick to remind her of when she tries to give her sister some of it. Tony, you see, has no interest in helping people who are hardly working when he’s working so hard.

Tony doesn’t have much interest in his wife, either.

And caught in the middle of this troubled couple’s conflict is 10-year-old daughter Danielle, who longs for her parents’ love and attention … and longs for them to stop yelling at each other.

Reenter Clara. Elizabeth’s path crosses Clara’s when the older woman needs a real estate agent. And while Elizabeth’s trying to get the info she needs to sell her house, Clara can’t quit showing her she cares about more than just business. Soon a friendship is born, one in which an older woman begins to disciple a younger one about fighting the right way against theright enemy in the right place.

In the war room.