Mother’s Day Drive for the Family Support Centre

Donate items for Baby Layettes in support of Family Support Centre:

We are excited to have another opportunity to bless the clients and their new babies at the Family Support Centre!  

“It is no secret that the Family Support Centre of Winnipeg loves life. We believe that all people have intrinsic value, regardless of how old they are, what they believe, where they were born, or where they are currently living. We believe that people are amazing, and that they deserve respect and love.

If a client of our centre obtains an abortion, we love her. If she carries-to-term, we love her. If she releases the child in an adoption, we love her. If she grieves after her abortion, with zero judgment, we will mourn with her. If she is in need during parenting, we will care for her. If she struggles after the adoption, we will support her.

We think people are awesome. We believe they deserve hope.”

~Juergen Severloh , Executive Director

Please drop off your donations at WRBC and place them in a reusable bag.  You can choose to either donate one complete set or buy any of the items on the list: 

  • soothers (0 – 3 months)
  • newborn onesies
  • baby bath towels
  • baby wash cloths
  • baby wash/shampoo
  • baby lotion
  • diaper cream
  • new baby bottles
  • lotion for moms
  • bath wash for moms
  • socks for moms
  • Tim’s gift cards for moms

(*many of the items above can be purchased at a dollar store)

Please drop off by Mother’s Day Sunday, May 12th! 

For more info, contact Karen Owzarek at