A Missions Brunch You Don’t Want to Miss

On Saturday, March 1 @ 9:30 am, Whyte Ridge Baptist will host the Manitoba Baptist Association Missions Brunch. Ron and Jeannie Seck, – missionaries with the North American Baptist Conference (NAB) working with Roma people in Hungary – will be sharing about their experience.

R & J SeckAfter 40 years in pastoral ministry, Ron and Jeannie are devoting the balance of their career service to working with Roma (Gypsy) people in Hungary. Up until 2011, Ron served as Senior Pastor of Fellowship Chapel (for 36 years!) in the suburbs north of Detroit, Michigan, and Jeannie was a high school art teacher. In December of 2011 they were officially appointed as NAB missionaries, serving as Field Director for Hungary. They are also the Central European regional coordinators for Community Health Evangelism. On their website – JustASeck – they write about this partnership and ministry:

We are thrilled to be part of this holistic approach to planting churches; making disciples and bringing personal, church and community health among the poorest, most rejected people of Europe.

To learn more about the Secks and their ministry, watch their 6-minute intro video.