Whyte Ridge Baptist Missions and Partnerships



Lyndell Campbell Réquia • BRAZIL

Seminary Professor in Brazil – North American Baptist Conference (NAB)

Birthday: 11/07

Lyndell serves in Brazil as a seminary teacher and as a church planter.  She says, “I absolutely love teaching and equipping people to serve in God’s Kingdom, but because I believe in the importance of practicing what I teach as well, I am looking forward to helping a church develop from the very beginning.”

Lyndell married Paulo Réquia on November 27, 2010. To help us pronounce her Brazilian last name, she writes: “The actual pronunciation in Portuguese is ‘heckya’ with emphasis on the first syllable.  I guess in english it would be ‘wreckya’ with the emphasis on the first syllable again.  Hope that helps!”


My Whyte Ridge Baptist Champion: Harry Pohl

Contact Harry Pohl

View Lyndell’s Full Biography  Request Monthly Newsletter Country Facts on Brazil
Learn about NAB Missions Meet the Missionary: Q & A with Lyndell Campbell-Réquia Click here to donate



HungsNick & Iris • EAST ASIA

Life Coaches in East Asia – North American Baptist Conference (NAB)

Anniversary – May 14   Birthdays: Nick – October 22, Iris – September 6

Nick and Iris are pioneering a new work in East Asia. They have a tremendous opportunity to equip leaders on the campus of an important University. These leaders will then be challenged to replicate the things they are learning on impact trips throughout the region.

Working in a closed country requires patience, a posture of learning, and keen sensitivity to the unique challenges of living under scrutiny. For more information about Nick and Iris please contact the Ministry Outreach Department at serve@nabconf.org.


My Whyte Ridge Baptist Champion: Harry Pohl

Contact Harry Pohl

View Nick and Iris’ Full Biography  Request Monthly Newsletter Click here to donate
Learn about NAB Missions Meet the Missionaries: Q & A with Nick and Iris  



Shant and Ginny Manuel • Northeast India

Executive Director & Administrator, respectively – Far Corners Ministry

Anniversary: October 9  
Birthdays: Shant – September 4, Ginny – October 30

After growing up in Mumbai (Bombay), India, Shant came to Canada to further his studies in 1973.  While in bible college he met Ginny and they married in 1976.  In 1981 Shant felt a clear call to pastoral ministry and went on to do his M Div and later his D Min on the topic of Partnership in World Mission.  After twenty years as a full-time pastor, he spent four years with Partners International, representing the work of national missionaries in various countries.  Ginny was a busy mother to their son and daughter, and worked part time as a piano teacher, and in later years as a paramedic.  She has always been actively involved in missions and music in their various pastorates.  In 2008 Shant and Ginny were led to form Far Corners Ministry (FCM).  They spent nine additional years in part time pastoral ministry along with this work in India, but now focus all their energy on FCM, and enjoy time with family, especially their two young granddaughters.

Far Corners Ministry started in 2008 with three main objectives – to support the growing church through pastoral training and church construction, and to help the poor with everyday needs such as blankets and mosquito nets. Over the years, we have continued these types of ministries, and with the help of trusted partners in India, have expanded the scope of how we seek to bring God’s blessing to people in these specific far corners of our world.  This expanded scope has included the monthly support of pastors, educational support for children, vocational training, emergency food relief, and now agricultural projects.  This ministry is done in partnership with Canadian churches and individuals, inviting them to take an active role in realizing these objectives. 

My Whyte Ridge Baptist Champions:  Azhar and Janet Laldin

Contact Azhar and Janet Laldin

  Request Monthly Newsletter  
  Meet the Missionaries / How to Donate:
Q & A with Shant and Ginny Manuel



Stephane and Jenni • NORTHERN MANITOBA

National Worker – Pathway Ministries

Birthdays:  Jenny – Dec 2; Stephane – Jan 26th 

Stéphane Joron is the director of Pathway Camp Ministries. He is a passionate and joyful French Canadian from Montreal, who enjoys studying the bible. Prior to 2002, he worked in many fields of expertise, including:Construction / renovation; Chartered accountant (CPA,CA); Bankruptcy trustee (CIP) and Real estate management.

He came to Christ (as a single father) in 2002. From 2002-2014, he was the church administrator to a network of churches in Quebec and served as a deacon and treasurer. During those years, he was also involved as co-director of the men’s ministry, as real estate manager and  as director of renovation projects. He also organized a soup kitchen for the homeless, the annual youth festival and participated in two mission trips to Costa Rica and Nicaragua where he helped the pastors and met with the local people and native churches.

In the latter part of 2014, Stéphane started his masters in theology (biblical studies) at the university of Montreal and began attending a small daughter church led by the former pastor of the Oka native reserve. While studying, he had no idea of how he was going to use what he learned, but continued to seek and trust the Lord to direct his path. Until December 2016, when God opened an awesome opportunity to reach out to the First Nations children with Pathway Camp Ministries.

Jenny is the Ministry Communicator of Pathway Camp Ministries. She is a compassionate and warmhearted person from Toronto, and is a prayer warrior.  She served at In Touch Ministries for the last eight years, was part of a Sunday service that ministered to the mentally and physically challenged persons and was part of the prayer team in her church.

Stéphane and Jenny were married in December 2017 and now reside together in Moosehorn, MB. It is their desire to minister to the First Nations children, so that they will know the hope they have in Jesus.


My Whyte Ridge Baptist Champions: David Stark

Contact David Stark

Learn about Pathway Ministries Sign Up For Monthly Newsletter Click here to donate

Meet the Missionaries / How to Donate:
Q & A with Stephane and Jenni




“Priscilla”* • GLOBAL

Overseas Worker – Pioneers

Birthday: Unlisted

“Priscilla”* has been serving overseas in a restricted-access country for the past 3.5 years.  She is an English teacher by profession and her skills and experience in that area have opened doors for her to share Truth in a place where many are unable to go.

* “Priscilla’s” name has been changed given the desire to provide anonymity due to sensitivities in the region she serves.

At Pioneers we recognize the primacy of the church in fulfilling Christ’s mission to, “make disciples of all nations.”  Their aspiration is to assist local congregations at every point in the process, from encouraging believers to be more missional, to facilitating a candidate’s trek to where few dare to go and providing support so they can fulfill their calling there. 

Pioneers desires to engage with churches in ways that promote Christ’s Glory as His kingdom advances.


My Whyte Ridge Baptist Champion: Gary Schellenberg

Contact Gary Schellenberg

Learn about Pioneers Sign Up For Monthly Newsletter Click here to donate
  Meet the Missionaries: Q & A with Priscilla  



Latest Updates:

Check out the most recent updates below!

Needed: Food Bank Substitute Drivers

Needed: Food Bank Substitute Drivers – 2:15 pm pickup at Harvest MB, 1085 Winnipeg Ave. 
Usually done at WRBC by 3:30 pm.  Thursday afternoons – as needed.  Willing to serve in this way? Please contact the church office.

Prayer for Ukraine

Prayer for Ukraine, composed by Mykhola Lysenko, 1885, lyrics by Oleksandr Konysky, has become the spiritual anthem of Ukraine. It is sung by the Kyiv Symphony Chorus.

This song accompanied the introduction of WRBC’s Ukraine Task Force on Sunday, April 3/22.

Prayer Tree for Ukraine / Pray for Ukraine

This tree became a Prayer Tree for Ukraine with prayers from WRBC family.  To review prayer requests for Ukraine, visit www.whyteridgebaptist.ca/PRAYER.

Ukraine Task Force

WRBC’s Ukraine Task Force thanks everyone who donated clothing and household items for displaced Ukrainian families coming to Winnipeg.

The response was amazing as the collected items filled one truck and three cars. The donations were delivered to the Ukrainian Congress warehouse to store and distribute to the incoming Ukrainian families.

Many will be blessed by your generosity and caring.

Thank you!

Photo 1: Some of the donated items from WRBC


Photo 2: Shelves of donated items at Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Significant Others May 12 Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Significant Others Discussion Group for Thursday, May 12 has been postponed.

We will try to rebook “Our Jewish Neighbours” for this Fall.

ONE Night for Ukraine – An Evening of Worship and Prayer

Join us for a special night of worship and prayer in support of the millions of children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

With music from the ONE Worship Night Band and special guest, Jordan Janzen of The Color, we’ll lift our voices together to pray for a swift resolution to the conflict and restoration for Ukraine and the lives that have been impacted.

To donate to World Vision’s response to the Ukraine Crisis visit www.worldvision.ca/ForUkraine

View the event replay below:


Kids at the Ridge - Praying for Ukraine

A couple of weeks ago, our SONSeekers kids brought home a “Praying for Ukraine” coloring sheet that they were encouraged to put on their fridge to remind them to pray.

The coloring sheet  can be found here if you didn’t receive one: Pray-for-Ukraine-Coloring-Page

We also painted a large poster that we put on our church bulletin board to remind our families at church to pray for Ukraine.

Maybe you’ve already talked to your kids about the war, but if you haven’t, our kids may already be hearing about this in school, through friends, or even through overhearing news stories on the family tv at home. Just in case you are struggling with what to say to your kids or what to pray for, I’ve put together some prayer points and bible verses you can read through together as a family.

– Pray for Safety – read Isaiah 41:10

– Pray for Comfort – read Psalm 34:18 and Psalm 73:26

– Pray for Hope and Courage – read Deuteronomy 31:8-9

– Pray for Peace – read John 16:33

Praying for you all as you navigate this tough topic with your kids.

Mrs. Sheilla

NAB Crisis Relief Fund for Ukraine

To donate to the crisis relief for Ukraine click here:  Crisis Relief Fund for Ukraine – North American Baptists, Inc. (nabconference.org)

World Vision Crisis Relief Fund for Ukraine

To donate to the crisis relief for Ukraine through World Vision click here:  World Vision Canada Support Ukraine Crisis Response Fund

SONSeekers Missions Update

Hi Parents,

Well, it’s already March and we have been feeling a few “warmer” days lately. At the end of February, our kids had a special Missions class where we talked about different kinds of Missionaries and different ways people can be a missionary. We also talked about how we can share God’s love with others around us and that we can be on a mission for Him no matter where we are! Part of our activity was to pray for one of our WRBC Missionary Families, and we also wrote them a letter and made a big card for them showing how much we love them, appreciate them and are praying for them.

So I wanted to share this sweet card with our parents and families as they did such a great job. We mailed it last week, so we are praying it arrives safely!

We talked to the kids about how we can share the love of Jesus with those around us, but also how can we share the Good NEWS with them. So I’ve included a part of our activity below that you can try out as a family.

Family Activity Idea – Practice being a Missionary:

Take a look at some of the steps below that a missionary might use to tell someone about Jesus. Discuss with your kids ideas of how they might tell someone about Jesus, using any of these steps. Then, pray together and try acting on one or more of the steps below as a family.

– Make friends
– Eat a meal together
– Explore the city
– Invite friends to your home
– Give them a Bible
– Talk about Jesus
– Pray for them
– Invite them to church
– Enjoy their company
– Tell them how to become a Christian

I pray this activity brings meaningful conversations around the table with your kids!

Blessings on your week ahead.

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Meet the Missionary: Q & A with Shant and Ginny Manuel

Get to know Shant and Ginny Manuel

Q When did you first know God was calling you to create this mission?

On one of Shant’s last trips to India with Partners International, a local pastor in the northeast talked about the urgent need for leadership training and requested help from believers in Canada.  In October 2007, Shant sensed a strong call to return there and provide training opportunities to a group of pastors and church leaders. He invited other experienced pastors from Atlantic Canada to join him and, in January 2008 along with several other lay people, they spent two weeks in Sikkim and West Bengal teaching and assessing the needs for potential future ministry.  From that trip came additional requests for training from local church leaders in India and growing interest in this ministry back in Canada.  After much prayer and counsel, Shant and Ginny felt called to begin Far Corners Ministry.  

Q What are some of the ways you have been affirmed in following God’s leading?

We started Far Corners Ministry by faith, and not really knowing where it would lead us.  We have seen God provide for every need of this work through His people, with support growing as the scope of the ministry expanded.  One of His great blessings was to connect us to our regional coordinator in India – a godly man who has a heart for strengthening the local church, training pastors, and ministering to various needs in Christ’s name.  To have such a gifted and trustworthy partner connected to the local church is an amazing gift!

Though we are a small ministry, we feel that God’s blessings have been great as we have taken each step forward in faith and confidence in Him.  We have had His assurance that while our role is to make the needs known, it is He who moves peoples’ hearts to pray and to give.  We are humbled by the faith and trust that churches and individuals have put in us and see this as God’s affirmation to continue.

 Q How can WRBC best support your ministry?

The partnership that has developed with the Whyte Ridge church family has been nothing short of amazing!  From the first mission trip undertaken by the church in November 2010, we have been so blessed by the many volunteers from WRBC that have contributed to our ministry in India and Nepal over these past eleven years.  The planning and preparation of these teams supported and guided by your church leadership has truly demonstrated your commitment to mission.

We look forward to more opportunities to serve together.  We also value your ongoing prayers for both of us, our Board of Directors, and especially for our regional coordinator in India and all the pastors and ministry leaders working in challenging circumstances.  We so appreciate your faithful financial support and response to the various needs that have arisen! 

Due to the often-unpredictable situation faced by the evangelical church in India, we want to help them come to a place of future self-sustainability.  To this end, FCM is launching new agricultural projects that will result in local financial resources being available for pastors and churches.  We feel that this is a very important way to ensure the continued health and growth of the local church.  Please pray for FCM as we once again step out in faith.

Website: www.farcornersministry.org  – will be available again soon

Latest mission newsletter: 

How to donate:

You can give to Far Corners Ministry in one of three ways:

E-transfers will go directly into the Far Corners Ministry bank account by using our ministry email: info@farcornersministry.org  For new donors using e-transfer – please also send a separate email giving us your name and mailing address for income tax receipts.

Cheques can be mailed to: Far Corners Ministry, 33 Byblos Road, Upper Hammonds Plains, NS  B4B 1Y1

Paypal through our website – www.farcornersministry.org – The website has been offline recently but will be available again by mid-September.

Far Corners Ministry is a registered Canadian charity (#BN 812210615 RR0001), and issues income tax receipts for all individual and corporate donations every February.  FCM is funded by the generous donations of individuals, churches, and business.  We treat these donations with great respect and pledge to faithfully use your gifts as good stewards of this work in India. – “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” Matthew 28:40




2021 World Watch List Guide

As we finish our summer series on prayer and look forward to our WRBC Missions weekend Oct 22-24th, you may be getting used to various pandemic restrictions like staying at home or attending Sunday service online. For many of us, we are feeling the negative impact of isolation and lack of connection. Our God is a God of relationship and encourages us to form and maintain healthy relationships with our brothers and sisters as well as those who might be outside the faith.

Sadly for our brothers and sisters living in developing countries, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is far greater than the impact we are likely experiencing. This situation is more significant in countries where being a Christian is illegal or is viewed unfavourably such as India and Yemen. They are discriminated against and marginalized. They may be refused food, medical care and other necessary aid, experiencing increased surveillance, violence and discrimination, because of their faith.

As you may know, every year, Open Doors produces the World Watch List, which ranks the 50 most dangerous countries to live in as a Christian. This year, the report will include information about how COVID-19 is impacting our marginalized and discriminated against brothers and sisters.

Where is the most dangerous place in the world to live as a Christian? Find out by downloading the new 2021 World Watch List Guide. Here are a few things you’ll learn:

– This year’s World Watch List highlights how the global pandemic has heightened systemic discrimination and persecution of over 340 million Christians.
– In China, the Communist Party extended its regulation of all religions in 2020, and even government-approved churches, both Catholic and Protestant, are under ever-more surveillance, both online and offline. Under-18s are still officially banned from all religious activity.
– North Korea remains the most dangerous place for Christians, having been number one since the inception of the World Watch List in 2002.

As a church family, let’s learn about the persecuted church together and pray with them. Click here to view the 2021 World Watch List Guide.

Haiti Emergency Response and Prayer Points

On August 14th, a massive earthquake struck Haiti affecting thousands of vulnerable children and their families.  Christian organizations such as World Vision are on the ground providing life-saving assistance such as clean water, food and tents for those who have lost their homes.
If you would like to part of the solution, you can donate to World Vision’s Emergencye response as we look to impact over 240,000 of those impacted at the link below:

Donate here: http://www.worldvision.ca/HelpHaiti.


Prayer Requests for Haiti:

Please pray for:

  • Comfort for Families shocked by the loss of loved ones
  • Safe transportation of humanitarian relief and equitable distribution of help to all the victims.
  • Powerful witness of Christian compassion during the crisis.
  • Hope for families hurting in a season of unrest and uncertainty
  • Generous contributions to arrive in a timely fashion for rebuilding, including for damaged churches.
  • Limited greed and misuse of funds and relief materials.
  • Vision and political will for local authorities so they seek primarily the welfare of the people.
  • Political breakthrough and stability through meaningful negotiations among political groups and civil society so that the nation can go forward after the assassination of the president.
  • That credible and experienced citizens in-country and in the diaspora are raised and find visibility as potential political leaders for the nation.
  • Protection from additional potential storms and bad weather

To download additional details, click here: CHURCH Haiti Emergency Response

Far Corners Ministry Emergency Food Relief

The following article has been submitted by Far Corners Ministry:

When India first went into a sudden and very restrictive lockdown in 2020, the effect on the poor was very devastating. That April 2020 we first received a request from our regional coordinator in Northeast India to help provide emergency food relief. This was especially needed for those whose very small subsistence income was suddenly cut off. Just $15.00 Cdn would provide a family with things such as rice, lentils, oil and vegetables for about 10 days. Through the efforts of the pastors and churches that we partner with, food was distributed to the very poor of their congregations and then to the surrounding villages and mission areas of those churches. Through generous donors we were able to help hundreds of families with these basic food staples. It was a truly wonderful way to demonstrate the love of Christ.

India is now facing increased coronavirus infections and is once again dealing with lockdowns. For the poor who are mainly daily wage earners, this is especially hard. If they are not able to go to their jobs, they have no money to buy even the basic food for their families. So we have again been asked to help provide emergency food relief. This has started going out to those most needy such as the auto rickshaw drivers, the tea garden workers and other daily wage earners.

You can give to this need for emergency food relief directly through Far Corners Ministry in one of two ways and know that 100% of your donation will go directly to meet this need. Far Corners Ministry is a registered Canadian charity (#BN812210615 RR0001), and issues income tax receipts for all individual and corporate donations every February.

Etransfers will go directly into the Far Corners bank account by using our email: info@farcornersministry.org. Please put in the message line that it is for food relief.

Cheques can be mailed to: Far Corners Ministry, 33 Byblos Road, Upper Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1Y1

Thank you so much for your interest, prayers and support!

Shant and Ginny Manuel

Far Corners Ministry

Canadian Baptist Ministries: Bolivia Update - October 27, 2020

Canadian Baptist Ministries Church Engagement Team Lead Adrian Gardner talked to Bolivia Field Staff Bill Dyck and Terry Janke, Lead Pastor of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, in the most recent episode of CBM Calling!

The conversation revolved around Whyte Ridge’s partnership with Bolivia and responding to COVID-19 as a community.

Check it out!

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