Whyte Ridge Baptist Missions and Partnerships


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PRAYER REQUEST: Praying for Persecuted Christians in India

Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Family,

This important VIDEO which is Threatening to Slaughter thousands of Innocent Christians in a village in Chhattisgarh (India) on the 1st of March 2025.  We URGE you to Stand in the Gap and PRAY that God’s Mighty power and Protection will PREVENT these Evil people from carrying this Inhuman plan.

This is a serious Threat and Plan. Let’s do our part, Pray..🙇‍♀

Below is a map to help you see the proximity of Chhattisgarh to the area of India we serve in (roughly between Bhutan and Bangladesh)

If Shakti shares any updates this post will be updated…

Pastor Doug


Heavenly intervention,

Today three hindu group came in the village which they targeted and organised a peaceful and protection committee and took oath to each other as promise to maintain peace and protect each other. Praise God, prayer answered and His blessed intervention.

They are their neighbouring village group people.

Thanks for your prayer. One of my friend do ministry in the same state.


World Watch List 2025 – Your Prayer Guide for the Persecuted Church

World Watch List 2025 – Your Prayer Guide for the Persecuted Church

Since 1955, Open Doors has been strengthening Christians where faith costs the most.

We partner with the local church in more than 70 countries to help them advance the gospel in their nation even in the face of persecution.

For more than 30 years, Open Doors has been publishing the World Watch List, an indexed ranking of the top 50 countries where it’s most dangerous to be a Christian.

This prayer guide is perfect for anyone wanting insight into the pressure Christians face for following Jesus.

As you read through the prayer guide, be open to what God will say to you through the testimony of those who live with persecution as a day-to-day reality. Your faith will be stretched as you pray, and your relationship with the wider body of Christ will be enriched as you stand in solidarity with them.

Download your free PDF prayer guide here: World-Watch-Prayer-List-2025

World Watch List 2025 - Your Prayer Guide for the Persecuted Church

World-Watch-Prayer-List-2025 – Your Prayer Guide for the Persecuted Church

Strengthening Christians where Faith Costs Most – Get your free 50 Day Prayer Guide Today!

Online or at our Welcome Centre

Missions Update: Katy Mesics, YFC Winnipeg

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”Isaiah 9:2

Dear Friends and Family,

Most of you know the location of the YFC building in downtown Winnipeg; 333 King Street, on the corner of Main Street and Higgins Avenue. This is arguably one of the darkest areas of the city. Although it is true that there are disadvantages to being located here, I always find myself coming back to the image of our building being a lighthouse, a beacon of hope, in the darkness that surrounds us. 

There are so many beautiful ways that the image of light in darkness is portrayed throughout the scriptures – from the beginning “let there be light” (Genesis 1:1) to the prophecy of Jesus’ birth as a light coming into the world (Isaiah 9:2), and Jesus himself declaring us the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).

I am so thankful for this season in which we get to celebrate the coming of Jesus – the light of the world – and as we receive him, preparing him room in our hearts that we also get to be part of bringing light into a dark world!

As I reflect on the ministry of Turning Point Counselling and YFC and my ability to serve as the Ministry Director, I of course think of all you who have and continue to contribute to me being here, whether through finances, encouragement or prayer. Thank you from me, and thank you on behalf of all the youth, families, staff and volunteers that I have the privilege of serving! I see the impact of your partnership in hope being restored, lives being saved, and healing being received. God’s literal light coming into the dark places of people’s lives.

It is truly a gift for me to serve in this way, and my prayer is that you will also experience this gift as you partner with me.

Have a Merry Christmas and may Jesus continue to light your way,

Katy Mesics


Fundraising Update

God has been so faithful throughout this fundraising season that I have been in; He has provided both physically and spiritually, truly sustaining me every step of the way. In the New Year it will be time to adjust my work hours according to how much financial support is in place to sustain it. I am currently at 50% of my goal, or 16 hours/week, but I would love to work as close to 32 hours/week as possible.

If you have been considering giving or perhaps have been waiting for the year-end, I would humbly ask that you would take that step of obedience and faith. Together we can continue to serve the youth of our city, inhabiting the darkness with His great Light!

Due to delays with Canada’s Postal strike, these alternative ways of giving are recommended at this time:

Online: https://yfc.ca/winnipeg/team/katy-mesics/ 

Etransfer: donation@yfcwinnipeg.ca

Phone: 204-669-4205 x207


English Conversation Circles Winter 2025

English Conversation Circle (ECC)

Dates: Wednesdays: Jan 22nd – April 16th (off April 2 for Spring Break)

Time: 7 pm – 8:30 pm

Location: Children’s Ministry area

Contact: Brenda Noble (ecc@whyteridgebaptist.ca)

Register online here: Winter 2025 ECC Registration

Stories of Church Family Ministry - Summer 2024

Praise God that this summer our church family has been able to support 13 of our youth and young adults who decided to use their summer months to serve God in either a Christian Camp, or parachurch, setting. Here are a few of their stories!

Rachel Laldin 

Hi Church, 

My name is Rachel Laldin and I got the chance to work at Camp Nutimik for 6 weeks this summer! This is my third year being on staff. I was hired as part of the Housekeeping Team, however I was stretched in other ways as well. I did spend four weeks on the Housekeeping Team, but I also spent one week Cabin Leading and two weeks as the Campus Care Lead. It was good to see the different sides of Campus Care from a leadership perspective. That week gave me a desire to step up for other leadership opportunities in the future. 

During my week as a Cabin Leader, Kiahna Oeste and I led some of the Whyte Ridge middle years’ girls! We were able to build connections and grow relationships with them that I hope will continue at church. We had many great memories and times for spiritual growth. We were able to share testimonies and pray through shared experiences. Pastor Rudy had just led a chapel talking about the Holy Spirit. He then told us to share our experience of how the Holy Spirit had worked in our lives. After sharing, we extended this opportunity and found that we had more in common than we thought. Wes Krahn had been a spiritual mentor for many of us, both at church and at school. His influence was a common thread in testimonies, and the girls shared about how they could see the Holy Spirit working through him in different ways. I’m praying that our girls continue to seek God through this coming school year and know His presence with them. 

I would like to thank Whyte Ridge Baptist Church for supporting me with prayer and financial support. 

Rachel Laldin 


Emma Wynne 

My Name is Emma Wynne, this summer I had the opportunity to serve at Camp Nutimik as a Program Lead and the Waterfront Lead. From the point of view of a Program Lead, I got to watch staff members invest in their campers, showing a deep profound love and energy that only comes from the Holy Spirit. I got to spend spring in a season of planning out camp program such as games, schedule, biblical teaching curriculum, and training our summer staff.  

This summer we emphasized the idea of Shouting with Joy inspired from the scripture in Psalm 100. We looked at the gospel of Jesus and why we have reason to Shout with Joy. Jesus has beaten death and made a way for us to rejoice in Him in heaven for all eternity! It was truly a privilege to walk alongside staff as they dig deep in their faith and share the gospel with their campers.  

In my waterfront position, I got to lead a wonderful team of guards that care deeply about creating an environment where it is safe to experience God’s beautiful creation and provide new experiences such as canoeing, kayaking, and paddle boarding for so many kids. Much of the work I had the privilege of doing this summer, was encouraging our staff as they serve, help grow and develop our camp leaders, and pay attention to how God was using our circumstances to create opportunity to Glorify Him further. Praise God for the seeds that were planted, the staff who are excited to share the good news, and the first time commitments/ rededication’s that we get to celebrate.  


Jackson Wynne 

Hello, My name is Jackson Wynne and this summer I served at Camp Nutimik for 6 weeks of the summer fulfilling the roles of a Steps Mentor and the Worship Arts Lead.  

As a Steps Mentor I was a cabin leader for the 3 leadership programs we offer, Step Up, Step In, and Step Out. Within these programs we teach the kids how to become leaders and how to work as a team to achieve goals and live a life that is honouring to God. Each group had a very different feel to how they operated with each other, some groups were more sporty and some were very artsy, and all the in-betweens, but what was super cool was to see how they used their gifts and past experiences to connect to us as leaders, to their peers, and eventually to the campers in the other programs that were younger and had these future leaders to look up to. Each group had many GITs (Group Initiative Tasks) that challenged their brains and bodies that we as leaders got to watch and experience with them. As I watched these GITs and activities it reminded me of when I was involved in the steps program and what God had done for me when I was in those kids shoes, I was able to use examples and stories from my time in the program and apply them to lessons in evening devotionals like how God is always walking with us and how he will not fail or give up on us. God was able to use me and my experience as a leader at camp and as a camper to guide these kids and encourage them to step up in their faith and grow into spiritual leaders.  

The Step Up program graduated and became staff this year and put them to the task of being leaders to their first group of campers whether that meant cabin leading, doing dishes, leading devos, or cleaning toilets. It was incredible to see their progress as leaders and their openness to come with questions that either they had, or their campers had to their leaders and now peers and that I can still be apart in guiding them and working with them to share Gods word and love.  

The other part of my Job was the Worship Arts Lead position, which gave me the responsibility of running Chapels everyday as well as Firesides every other night. Music is one gift from God that he has blessed me with and he has been guiding me over the past couple years into leading worship sessions in church, chapels, and everywhere I go. The big lesson I felt from God this summer in both Jobs was that I am not in control of the future and I cannot do things how I want but instead I must do things the way he has planned for me. In chapels at the beginning of the summer I felt I was occupied with doing everything right and making it to a certain standard that I forgot to actually worship… Now after one week of that during staff training week, I realized that I needed to let go of my standard and let God speak through the songs we sing and let my voice shout in pure Awe and worship. He has help me to let go and understand that my job is not to put on a show (as I do usually in music school), but to guide others in pure Worship.  

Thank you for supporting me and the camp in sharing the Gospel and Gods unfailing love to the kids who come and get to experience the Joy of the Lord. 

Rachel Kartesz 

 I am so thankful for all the financial and prayer support I have received from my wonderful church family at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church! This summer, I had the privilege to work for Youth for Christ, with inner-city youth in the North End. I have many stories of ways I’ve seen God work in the hearts of the youth this summer, but the one I will share is about three siblings, and the heart changes God began. They began the summer with no interest in Jesus whatsoever. Whenever we had our X-Factors, the scheduled time to talk to the youth about Jesus, they seemed disengaged. But God is always working, even when it seems He isn’t. After the X-Factors, we always had small group time to unpack Christian concepts with the youth. By the end of the summer, one of my coworkers was having some small group time with the three siblings, and he asked them whether they would be interested in pursuing a relationship with God. The younger siblings said “no”, but the oldest said “maybe”, which prompted the younger siblings to change their answers to maybe as well. From that moment, I observed a growing desire and curiosity to know Jesus from the eldest sibling. His mother has even expressed an interest in getting baptised!  

 This story is just one beautiful example of how youth ministry can impact entire families with a desire to know Christ and pursue Him. Please be in prayer for this family, that they would continue to take meaningful steps toward knowing Christ and His will for their lives. This summer, God has focused my heart on this idea of having a “legacy of faith”. When we don’t know Christ, we are stuck in a broken “legacy of sin”. I saw the effects of this legacy of sin and brokenness in the North End this summer, in broken families, poverty, addiction, and other life difficulties. God used this summer to impart on me a greater understanding of his grace to invite EVERYONE into the “legacy of faith”, no matter who we are or where we come from, he wants to invite us into his family, into this legacy of faith. We are all so deeply connected to one another, and the story of the three siblings embodies this. A single choice to be curious can prompt an entire family to a change of heart about what they want their legacy to be. 



A Prayer Letter from Katy

Dear Church Family,

I am currently in a campaign to increase my ministry support to 100%, so that I am fully funded as the Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling. You may have received a letter from my supervisor, Ashley Klassen, to announce the beginning of my campaign.

I am writing this letter to ask if you will please pray for me as I enter this next phase of my journey. It is my understanding that many ministry staff must campaign at various times throughout their career. As such, I want to start this journey on a foundation of prayer, and seeking the Lord for His heart, so I ask you to join me with the following prayer requests:
— Please pray that God would continue to give me wisdom to lead the Turning Point Counselling Ministry well, and the grace to balance all the different “hats” I wear: Supervisor, Counsellor, Administrator, Fundraiser, etc.!
— That God would call professionally trained and ministry-minded counsellors to join our team.
— For the clients that come through our doors—that God would enable and equip our counsellors to meet them where they are at, to journey with them, and to exemplify the hope and healing that comes from Jesus Christ.

If you have not received a magnet from me yet, please update your contact info here: here so I can send you one in the mail! I would ask you to please hang it on your fridge to help you remember me in prayer. I would also ask that you join my ministry Facebook group by clicking on this link:

If you would like to join my inner-circle prayer team in order to receive more detailed, personal, and regular ministry requests, please contact me. You can reach me by email here or by calling 204-227-5701. Also, any questions or messages of encouragement from you would be greatly appreciated!

Sincerely in Christ,

Katy Mesics
Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling | Youth for Christ Winnipeg

An Invitation to Partnership from Katy Mesics

Hello Church Family!

God is using the ministry of YFC Winnipeg in powerful ways to reach students with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Our mission is essential, because the youth of Winnipeg are struggling daily with damaged relationships, various addictions, the trappings of technology, and in many cases, life without hope.

As you may know, I am currently in a campaign to increase my ministry support, so that I am fully funded as the Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling. I continue to serve youth and families in many areas to reach them with the hope that only Jesus can provide:

– Leading the Counselling Ministry, including supervising our staff team.
– Counselling youth ages 12-21 and their families.
– Providing mental health education and support to the greater YFC Winnipeg staff.

God can use you in this vital ministry as well, and a huge thanks to you if you are already part of my team! I believe God has equipped me for this position, but I cannot fulfill this ministry role alone. Just like any other missionary I need a team of people to pray, volunteer, and give generously towards my ministry.

Would you become a monthly partner with YFC Winnipeg—towards my support? God has already provided 40% of what I need, and am looking to raise my full support by October 31, 2024.

To give online click the link or scan the QR code below: https://yfc.ca/winnipeg/team/katy-mesics/

I hope to touch base with you in the coming weeks to answer any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Many Blessings,

Katy Mesics
Turning Point Ministry Director | YFC Winnipeg

Katy's YFC Ministry Adventure

Greetings Church Family!

I am currently in a campaign to raise 100% of my financial support to be able to continue in my role as Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling with Youth for Christ Winnipeg. For more details, please read the following letter from my Supervisor. Thanks for your continued support!

Katy Mesics


Dear Friends and Family of Katy Mesics,

I am happy to let you know that Katy’s ministry continues to thrive! My name is Ashley Klassen and I am a Senior Ministry Director for YFC Winnipeg.

I have seen first-hand the extraordinary impact that Katy’s ministry has had on so many young lives through the power of Jesus Christ, and I am profoundly grateful for her dedication to the youth of Winnipeg.

As you may know, Katy raises support to be able to do the work that she does. For this reason, I am continually astounded at Katy’s level of commitment, and can attest to the fact that this component of ministry can be quite challenging. Oftentimes, support for ministry workers can begin to ebb, as it has for Katy.

We are beginning a campaign for Katy to raise $3,100 each month in order for her essential ministry to get fully funded. If you currently support Katy, thank you for your faithfulness!

If you have not yet joined her support team and would like to, or you desire to increase your support, would you become a monthly partner with YFC Winnipeg—Katy’s support—by filling out the form enclosed? 

To give online, go to this link: https://yfc.ca/winnipeg/team/katy-mesics/ 

It would be an incredible encouragement to Katy if you would support her before she reaches out to you. Thanks in advance and may God bless you for your generosity.


Ashley Klassen

Senior Ministry Director | Youth for Christ Winnipeg

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” –  Matthew 6:21

Camp Stories

My name is Jackson Wynne, and this summer I spent a portion of my summer out at Camp Nutimik Baptist Camp where I took on the role as a Cabin Leader for Classic Camps, and One week of Tent Adventures. Over the course of the four weeks I was out there, I was given the opportunity to start stepping up into a leadership role in working with children of different ages starting from 9-15. During the camp day we were given three spiritual emphasis times that we would spend diving into Gods word, hearing and teaching bible stories that would then lead to conversations with the campers on how the story and the lessons may apply in their lives as they go about their normal lives at home. Within these times it is not something I am the most familiar with teaching, it is quite new to me, and I feel as though this is something God has been leading me towards as I start to go further in life and begin to enter the world as an adult. God was showing me the heart of these kids that I was leading, and the heart God has given them to seek him, I was surprised most weeks by the growing amount of questions these discussions would lead to, usually there would be hour long conversations past lights out about how God works in the world which is not something I would have expected when the week started. It was incredible how God was able to speak through me to these kids and the impact it eventually had in them, and I know that God had planted many seeds throughout the course of this summer, and I saw that in some incredible features of the growing interest these kids had in who God is. Every day there would be more and more questions and more wonder, it was something that was enlightening to see for me, as some weeks were very hard staying with these kids 23 hours of the day, even with my hour and a half break every day. I came to see that it was more than just worth it, I grew relationships with these kids that were God honoring and that made seeds planted as the kids went back home to grow more in their faith and to make it personal to them so that they may know God’s grace and love. I knew God brought them to camp for a reason, and I know he put me there to see this, to see that I can be someone who is working with God to share his love and his kingdom with not just the kids, but also my friends who worked with me as well and the other staff and speakers I got to meet along the way who are helping me to know God and his kingdom.


My name is Toby Cooper, and this summer I had the privilege of working out at Camp Nutimik this summer. I worked out there for three weeks, as a part of the kitchen staff, and later on the maintenance team for a couple of days because some of the staff got sick, so some positions had to be shuffled around.

In the time that I was there, God was primarily working on patience and letting go of anger in my life, and He continued working on them while I was part of the missions team that went to Mexico in August. God was working on these things primarily, because in the past I have struggled with these things, and they have been a stumbling block in my life that has often stopped me from getting closer to God, or from healing wounds with other people in my life.

God was working on these things during my time at camp that would actively test my patience, so that I would need to rely on the Lord to get through. He was also seeking to draw me closer to Him on a daily basis through our quiet times, and the sessions of the camp I was able to sit in on. He was encouraging me to rely on Him and trust Him more, instead of just letting the things that were coming against me daily, and the unpleasant encounters with people, got me frustrated, so that my eyes would slip from being focused on the Lord.


This summer I went to Camp Nutimik, a summer camp that teaches kids about Jesus. This summer I took part in a program called Step Out. This was a three week program that taught us how to be leaders. During those three weeks we took time to grow our relationships with God and each other, this was very important because we needed to learn how we can lean on others and on God for help and direction. The last week we were in the program we were able to shadow a cabin, we got to eat meals with them, go to chapel and chapel debrief, do morning and evening devos together, and also do fun activities with that cabin. Shadowing a cabin showed us how to cabin lead and what a week would kind of look like. Once I finished the three week program I got to volunteer at camp for four weeks. My first time cabin leading I got to experience it with an amazing group of girls that were always so optimistic in any situation, especially one of my girls who had to be taken to the Walk in Clinic. The second week I got to cabin lead a great bunch of girls that got along very well, sometimes a little too well. This is when I saw God work in me and give me the fruit of the spirit. The other two weeks I was volunteering at camp, I was on campus care duty. While doing campus care I was able to grow great relationships with the other staff members on campus care duty with me. All four volunteer weeks were tiring but very rewarding, especially seeing the smiles on the kids faces. I got to learn more about God, and I got to see him working in others around me. My favorite part about being at camp is the people, they are all very supportive and friendly, overall it’s just an amazing community to be around. – Kiahna Oeste


Hello! This marks the end of another summer as a cabin leader at Gem Lake Wilderness Camp. I had an amazing two months full of fun times, new experiences, strong connections with campers and staff, all while being right in the middle of God’s good creation. Each year God seems to teach me something new up and camp, or at least remind me of something that I’d forgotten or pushed to the side. This year, I would say that I felt the push to get my priorities back in line. Back in the city I knew that I was starting to push God farther back in my life, but being up here and having many of the common distractions stripped away really convicted me about just how many things I had placed ahead of God in my list of priorities. I know this will be a struggle as long as we are on earth, but I hope this transition out of the camp season will be a turning point for me. Of course, God worked in the lives of the campers too, which is especially evident during our one-on-one times, which were definitely a highlight for me each week. These are times where, each day, we get to spend time with one of the campers who is up that week; just me and them. They let us get to know the camper better and build more trust than we can with our entire cabin group, and they often lead to some pretty special conversations and relationships. One of my one-on-ones in particular really stands out to me. In one of our earlier weeks, I was paired with a kid who was especially challenging. They were clearly trying to see how far they could go before I would snap and get angry. With a good helping of supernatural patience, I stayed patient and steady when I spent time with this camper, and I did my best to reflect the fact that no matter how much we may mess up or rebel against God, He will always love us and welcome us back with open arms. I saw the fruits of my labor at the party on the last day of camp when this camper, who I thought I wasn’t reaching, breaks down and admits what a great week they’ve had and how much they’ll miss me and the camp. It was a powerful reminder that what myself and the staff team are doing is truly having a positive impact on the youth that come up. – Ethan Hildebrand


Camp has always had a special place in my heart. It is where I grew to know Christ more in my faith walk, and it is where I built a community that I now call family. This has now been my fifth summer working at Camp Nutimik, and it has been an honour to serve in the way that I have this summer.

I was able to work on some administrative duties in the spring, which meant a lot of time in the office! But through that I was able to help prepare certain things in place so that the kids would have a smooth time once they arrived at camp. I am very grateful to have helped in this way!

I also had the opportunity to be a leader for the Steps programs at camp, which are our leadership programs. This is where I was able to walk alongside some of the future leaders of camp, and it was so clear to see how God worked in the lives of those kids specifically in order to bring them to where they are today. It was amazing to see how joyful the campers were, no matter how tough the experience might be; like accidentally tipping a canoe during the canoe trip or staying in a tent with one too many spiders! Overall, being a part of these leadership programs was a huge blessing. It felt like a full circle moment!

I was also able to cabin lead during our classic camp this summer. I especially loved getting to dive into Psalm 139 during high school week. Both my co cabin leader and I wanted to drive home the fact that Jesus knows THEM and loves them despite it all. Little by little, our girls warmed up both to us and the rest of the cabin. With the way that the week went on, it was very clear to see how God specifically put this cabin together. I am still in awe whenever I think about it.

It was an amazing summer. I want to thank Whyte Ridge for supporting me this summer, and for helping me and many others be a part of being able to share God’s love with those around us at camp! – Paola Gonzalez


My name is Emma Wynne, this year at camp I got to serve in the roles of Girls Unit Leader and Waterfront Lead. In these roles I got to walk beside and help mentor our summer staff as they grow in their roles as leaders in the cabins and mentor the lifeguards/ waterfront staff. God put together our team in such phenomenal ways such as filling important gaps such as camp cooks, speakers, and health officers. Each week presented new campers, new challenges, and new opportunities to show Gods love to kids. From my point of view, I got to watch cabin leaders form connections with each camper so carefully and so intentionally share Gods word and love with them. The staff take interest in what each child’s hobbies, interests, worries, and joys are. Each day is an opportunity to pray over, invest in, and have fun with these kids. the days are spent doing skills such as canoeing and archery, playing wide games with such a fun intensity, and praising God for it all in chapels and firesides. To sit back and watch kids discover who God is and have a spark started in their hearts is one of the most incredible things you can witness. The hardest part of the week is saying goodbye to these kids at the end. As they go home, we as staff pray over campers knowing that they are being sent out into a broken world. Camp is for planting seeds; our prayer is that those seeds get watered once they go back into the world.

In my other role at camp, I got to see Gods provision, grace, and protection over our waterfront. Our waterfront team was filled with wonderful lifeguards who mentored each other and were constantly looking to interact and create the best experience for the kids. God’s hand of protection was over our waterfront protecting us from weather and helping us prevent potential accidents and injuries. God was always reminding us that He was holding us in His hands. The right people were always in the right place, at the right time. Serving at the waterfront or in other words God’s lakeside temple, opened the door to sitting in total awe and coming to a place of surrender in His great power, grace, and incredible love.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this ministry and those serving through prayer, financial support, and encouragement.


Hi church, my name is Rachel Laldin and I worked at Lake Nutimik Baptist Camp for four weeks this past summer. This was the second summer I’ve worked there, and I love it because because of the community within the staff. The interactions I get with campers, though few, are very important and special to me. For example, I got to connect with this one middle years camper through a wide game. This wide game was led by support staff while cabin leaders did paperwork. I enjoyed forming a relationship with this camper through little conversations and celebrating our wins! This was extra special to me because this camper is from WRBC.

I worked as a support staff on the campus care team doing housekeeping and dishes. Some housekeeping responsibilities included making sure the camp is clean and tidy, cleaning washrooms and setting up for chapels. I also served on the worship team in chapels by playing bass guitar, two worship nights for the intermediate and high school weeks and I even got to be on the drama team for a couple of weeks – that stretched me because I’ve never been too open to the idea of acting :). This turned out to be a huge blessing during the weeks because it was a way for the campers to get to know me.

Over the summer I have experienced God’s work in myself and our staff team. He provided the energy, strength, words and stamina to go through every week with new campers. If there’s one thing that this summer taught me it’s Matthew 11:28-30 which says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Thank you church for supporting me this summer. I recognize and appreciate your investment in my growth!

A Time in Thailand with Tim and Brenda

Tim and Brenda Noble will be sharing about how they saw God at work during their summer trip to Thailand and their work here.

Wednesday, September 20, 7:00-8:30pm in the Fireside Room.

NEW NAB Missionary Seasonal Newsletters



Celebrating 20 Years in Brazil



As I have shared my missionary experiences, over the years I have had people tell me that I should write a book. If I did it would certainly be a humorous one. Not that I think serving the Lord is funny. I just know first-hand that it can be rather amusing to take someone away from everything they know and plop them into a place they are completely unfamiliar with! But besides the funny stories, I would write about how I have changed, and important lessons learned. And I would dedicate it to my four grandparents, whose frequent prayers paved the way for me to end up where I am today.

On this, my 20th anniversary in Brazil, I don’t have time to write a book. But I would like to share a couple of things I have learned to commemorate this day. Perhaps it will become the start of a couple of chapters in a book one day. Like the last 20 years, only the Lord knows.

Lesson #1: The depth of my faith in the Lord is equally measurable to my ability to trust Him. Because trust is the foundation and the starting place of faith. Before coming to the mission field, I had no need to trust in God. In fact, I put my trust in myself and my parents. If I couldn’t figure out how to solve a problem, Mom and Dad were always there. It wasn’t as though I didn’t dedicate time to the Lord and for serving Him. I did my daily devotions; I was active in my church and even my job was a ministry position. But I now recognize that my faith was shallow because I didn’t depend on God for anything. Life in Brazil changed that. When I arrived, all I had was God. I didn’t even have myself because I had no clue how to exist in this place and couldn’t speak the language. However, in the last 20 years I have learned to trust in the Lord even when I can figure things out myself. I experience that “peace that passeth all understanding.” And my faith is much deeper and richer because of it. Of course, at times I slip up. But even then, I always come back to the Lord because I know He has what I need.

Lesson #2: At the very core of love, is sacrifice. At the start of 2009 I was feeling extremely alone. While I felt fulfilled ministerially, I remember telling the Lord that I only had about one more year left to give as a missionary before the loneliness would be too much for me to bear. Enter an average height, dark and handsome man into my life! And that smile! Paulo Andre Requia melted my heart. Except there was one problem – HE WAS MY STUDENT! Oh, the scandal! But we were in love, and the Lord blessed our coming together through the Seminary director and our pastors. Before this, I had thought being a single missionary was a sacrifice, but now I was confronted with the reality that the greater sacrifice was getting married. Was I truly ready to give up my future for our future? Was I willing to spend the rest of my life in Brazil, far away from my family and culture? I loved my independence, but did I love Paulo Requia more? Well, I think we all know the answer to these questions! Marrying Paulo was about loving him, but it also became about loving Brazilians and accepting love from them. To love, we must start giving ourselves away, pieces at a time. And loving Jesus, means giving up my whole self to him.

Lesson #3: You never heal from the wound grief leaves on your heart. Many people have experience much more loss than I have, and I would never attempt to understand how deep their grief is. But I do know that grief leaves its mark on our hearts – a permanent scar. At times, the pain of my grief ebbs and flows like the waves in the ocean. At other times, it comes unexpectedly like a tidal wave and knocks me off my feet. But as Paulo said to me soon after losing my dad, “You will get through this. You will learn to live with the grief.” There are many moments I wish I could share with my dad, like today. He was even in Brazil for my first anniversary here. To be honest, I don’t want this pain to go away, because the more I feel the pain, the more it shows what my dad meant to me – what he still means to me. So, I cherish the scar on my heart because it represents the important place Dad had in my life.

I finish this reflection with a thankful heart to the Lord, to my family and friends, to my missionary partners who support me and the North American Baptist Conference, to my Brazilian church and the Seminary, and to my Paulo. Thank you for believing in me and the Lord’s calling on my life. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for accepting me and loving me. And thank you for teaching me by living out what you believe and speak. I am forever grateful for all that you’ve done in my life!

Lyndell (March 15, 2023)

World Watch List 2023 - Praying for Persecuted Christians

This is Open Doors 30th-anniversary edition of the World Watch List, a ranking of the 50 countries where Christians experience the most extreme persecution.

Published every January, it is a unique, in-depth record of the places where faith in Jesus costs the most, helping to demonstrate the enormous scale of the persecution being faced by Christians around the world.

Every year, The World Watch List stirs more and more people to wake up to the reality of extreme persecution. It is more than just a list – it helps us not only to pray for the persecuted church, but also to speak up for those who are being silenced, and to take action to help those in need of love and support.

Download your copy of this year’s World Watch List guide here.

Also available here: World-Watch-List-2023

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023

Click here for the most recent WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre).

A Summer at Winkler Bible Camp

Thank you, Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, for your support to me through prayer and finances while I was serving at Winkler Bible Camp this summer. It is such a blessing to know I have so many people supporting the work with kids at camp. Here is a little bit of information on what I was doing during the summer and some of the highlights.

I was at camp for a total of 17 weeks. The first nine weeks (in spring) consisted of site projects, maintenance, rental groups, and planning for summer camps. We do a lot of our summer camp prep in those two months before summer, so we make new activities, liven up some of the old ones, and plan what the kids are going to do. We also had school groups and companies rent our site during the day that we would help with.

The next eight weeks was running summer camp! For me, that consisted of running a smaller area of camp called Teepee Village. It is a kilometer into the bush with no electricity or running water and offers a great space to make deep connections with everyone there. A highlight out there was an evening around the fire; one of the leaders had his guitar and we had an impromptu worship time. I also was part of a skit that would run every day at chapel – I was the main character. The skit was completely original to the camp and followed the story of some adventurers trying to find the kingdom of heaven, represented as the “Lost City of Gold.”

Teepee Village didn’t run all summer, so the other weeks I was helping out wherever needed at the main camp.  But throughout the summer I was able to make deeper connections with other staff and we spent some late nights talking about faith. All in all, it was an awesome summer of being able to do ministry and I am hoping to do it again next year.

Thank you!
David Woelk

A Summer at Gem Lake

Hello all! My name is Ethan Hildebrand and I spent my summer as a cabin leader at Gem Lake Wilderness Camp this year. Gem Lake is run by Inner City Youth Alive, an organization that is specifically aimed at bringing the hope of the gospel to those who live in the North End, especially the youth. I’m super thankful to have spent my summer up at Gem Lake, and I can honestly say I’ve had a very impactful two months. With it being my first normal summer up at camp, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. There were some nerves, lots of unknowns, and a whole lot of excitement, but through it all, I knew that God had brought me back up to camp for a reason, and he certainly showed his hand over the course of the summer.

In a summer of fun and meaningful moments, one stands out to me in particular. Coming back from a one-on-one time, a camper and I were having a conversation about camp, which shifted to a conversation about God and the existence of God. This camper hadn’t been particularly open to spiritual conversations during our past times together, but he had actually asked questions this time. I saw a hunger for truth in him, and it was a very tangible piece of evidence that what I and the staff team are doing up here is truly making a difference. It was a great summer, and I’m glad I followed God’s calling to serve at camp this summer.

Thank you from WRBC’s Ukrainian Task Force

WRBC’s Ukrainian Task Force thanks everyone who donated household cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, dishes and food.

Ministering to Ukrainian Refugees - Explore NAB Update

For the latest NAB Updates on our denominational response to the Ukraine Crisis, view the latest Explore NAB Update.  An excerpt from the latest update is below.

Ministering to Ukraine Refugees

NAB Northwest Regional Minister Marcus Elmer, Pastor Nick Jackson, and Pastor Pavel Sandu with a Moldovan pastor and his wife.

We have been excited to hear the many stories of local NAB churches throughout Canada and the US engaging with Ukrainian refugee care. We have also been overwhelmed by the response from the conference as a whole to our own Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

The following story comes from one of our NAB churches in the Northwest Association. A few months back, Pastor Pavel Sandu of Golgotha Romanian Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington, invited Marcus Elmer, interim regional minister for the NAB Northwest Association, and Pastor Nick Jackson of Timberline Baptist Church in Lacey, Washington, to accompany him on a 10-day encouragement trip to Moldova. Golgotha’s engagement with Ukrainian refugee care aligns well with the vision and mission of the NAB. While it is not the practice of the NAB to promote funding individual ministries of our NAB churches, we are sharing this story as it was presented to us from the Northwest Association leadership, and it includes an opportunity to support the ministry presented in this story.

One day we visited the border crossing at Palanca, Moldova. We witnessed refugees crossing the border by foot and in cars. We went there also to encourage the Christian volunteers that were working on both sides of the border. The volunteers are from Christian churches in Moldova, staffing the border crossing 24/7, offering snacks, water, information and help. Their yellow vests read “Praying for Ukraine.” We delivered some hot food to the volunteers and thanked them for their dedication.


Singerei Bible Camp is a ministry of the Baptist Union denomination of churches in Moldova. . . . By God’s sovereign hand, the camp had recently completed the construction of two brand new group homes that were planned to serve as orphanages staffed by live-in parents. These two new homes on the camp grounds had just been completed before the refugee crisis in February. Therefore, the homes were immediately re-purposed for the refugees. Each home can house up to 8 families. The camp currently hosts over 100 refugees.

Click here to read the full recap of their trip, including more about their visit to Singerei Bible Camp and visits to a host of churches. You can also support Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons by giving to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

Summer Missions Report

This summer I was on staff for the high school missions program, Bonfire, at YWAM Mendocino Coast. This program consists of 2 weeks on the YWAM base, followed by a missions trip for the final week. This year, we had 7 staff and 9 students.

On the base, we had classes on the Holy Spirit, values & culture, the Father heart of God, discerning God’s voice, spiritual warfare, some valuable tools for ministry, and more! We also had team-building activities, prayer and worship times, and fun field trips, including ocean kayaking and bonfires on the beach. These two weeks were packed full of fun and challenges as we got to know each other and both students and staff were learning a lot. God did so many little miracles, and several of our students had major growth and breakthrough with God in various areas of their lives!

For the third week, we drove to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico, and partnered with some ministries in the area; helping build a school for adults who didn’t have access to education, and spending time visiting a ministry for women and their children who are leaving situations of abuse. Getting to know and bless the women and children even for a couple days was beautiful and impactful, and it was also very encouraging to see what the long-term workers have accomplished as they follow God and build this ministry.

Also on outreach, I got to, with our school leader, baptize 4 of the students! I love baptisms because they are such a tangible picture of what God is doing in someone’s life, and it’s very exciting to see them taking that step of commitment, so I was very honoured to be a part of that for our students.

Throughout this program, I learned a lot about my gifts and leading along with the Holy Spirit. It is amazing to see God bring things I dreamed of into reality as I step forward in faith, and I’m so thankful to my church family for supporting me in this!

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you want to hear more! God bless!

Alexis Cooper

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