Mission Trip with Pathway Camp Ministries to Garden Hill

Once again our church will be sending people to Garden Hill, MB with Pathway Camp Ministries (PCM) this summer to provide 5 days of VBS style ministry with the elementary age children in Garden Hill First Nation. Our hope is to send a team of 9 people (one person serving as head cook), plus their team leader, on this mission. We will be flying to Island Lake on Sunday, July 31 returning Saturday, August 6.

Cost per person is $750 with the church contributing $350 per team member.

Individuals are welcome to request support from family and friends to help with covering their costs. WRBC has a letter requesting support you are free to use.

To apply, please complete the following forms or request hard-copies at the Information Centre. Please submit by Sunday, May 1st to the WRBC Office or the Information Centre, or print, scan and email to jwbergmann@mts.net.



Pathway Camp Ministries CPIC BackCheck Consent Forms_012313

Training dates will be held in May and early June.

Should you have any questions regarding this mission opportunity please contact John or Wendy Bergmann @ 204-261-6715 or jwbergmann@mts.net.