Men Becoming all that God Intended

Men's Breakfast 2014

Join us on January 25 @ 9 am for our Men’s Breakfast featuring guest speaker Tye Gamey. $5.00 get’s a great breakfast, great company, and a great speaker.

The theme for this month’s breakfast is “Men Becoming all that God Intended.”

God’s original creative intent was for us to live in a perfect world without brokenness but we know that we all fall short of God’s best for us. Our journey is hampered by the affects of what happened in the garden with Adam & Eve. As we are reconciled back into relationship with God, we can be filled up by Him–receiving the good things He has for us as a Father–we will be able to know and experience how the Heavenly Father can and longs to meet our needs. He wants to tell us who we are and how he feels about us.

Walk-ins welcome – but we’d appreciate men to sign up by Thur. Jan 23rd  (at the info center or by calling the church office) so we can adequately prepare the week of the breakfast.

Tye Gamey is the regional director of Living Waters Canada – Central Region. Tye has an M.A. in Biblical Counselling  and has worked in the areas of addictions, marriage and relationships. Having walked away from homosexuality himself, Tye has a wealth of understanding in coming alongside others. He and his wife Nancy, have three daughters and two son-in-laws and attend Soul Sanctuary. Tye is involved in full time ministry to sexually and relationally broken men and women.