To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, click here.
Weekly Update - August 29 2024
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray this Sunday at 10:30 am!
This week’s message: Committed to Jesus Christ – Part 2
An Unwavering Commitment, a Bronze Snake and the Light of the World (John 3:1-21)
For previous video and audio messages, visit!
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Latest News and Updates
Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm
WRBC Mission Statement:
Making and nurturing followers of Jesus Christ through healthy relationships
Rosewood Service begins again this Thursday, September 5. Anyone is invited to join this vocal ensemble the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 am at Rosewood Retirement Home. If you would like to join this group to sing hymns at the service, meet at Rosewood, 857 Wilkes Avenue at 9:30 am to practice. Contact Lorraine Bergmann or for more information.
Kids Official Kick Off Sunday, September 8th
Hey Parents! Our Kids at the Ridge Kick-off Sunday will be on Sunday, September 8th and we can’t wait to see you all back this year! Children’s check-in opens up to 15 minutes prior to the 10:30am service start time. Parents are required to register their children each year to update their information and permissions. Register Now: Sept 2024 – Aug 2025 Child Registration Form
Ministry Fair
Where has God called you to “contribute to His Church” ? Plan to visit our Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Ministry Fair – Sunday(s) September 15 & 22 following the morning service. Check out the ministry tables to see what is happening this fall in our church ministries and explore new opportunities to serve and connect with others in our church family.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
FirstServe opportunities Coming Soon! Is there a position in the church you were wondering if you would like to serve? Anywhere from serving coffee, running the sound booth, checking in our children on Sundays? The list is HUGE and you will be able to explore these options in the days ahead. When you sign up for a First Serve opportunity, you will be matched up with a volunteer in the area you are interested in so you can see first-hand what that role is all about. After trying it one time, you then decide if you want to continue the process to join that team or try something else! More details to come . . .
Update from Board of Church Governance: The Board of Church Governance would like to thank the following members of the Celebration Team for their dedication and perseverance:
Lorraine Barton (co-chair), Shirley Gagnon (co-chair), George Giesbrecht, Grettel Gonzalez, Matt Nobess, Sonya Sawatsky and Shirley Wynne. Their efforts culminated in an official recognition of Pastor Terry and Pat Janke’s lifetime of service, and specifically for their 15 years of ministry at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. If you missed that service on Sunday, August 18, it is available through our website. This team was officially dismissed by the Board at the end of that service, with gratitude for the great job they had done in fulfilling their responsibilities. The Board would also like to express their appreciation to the many others who supported the Celebration Team and contributed to a wonderful retirement celebration.
Kitchen Staff Training – required for all new kitchen workers – Sat, Sept 14, 9:30 – 11:30 am OR Wed. Sept 18, 7-9 pm. Contact for more information. Register HERE.
Camp Nutimik
Annual Plan to Protect Refresher Training
It’s that time of year again! If you are a current volunteer in our children’s or youth programming, please attend this annual Plan to Protect Refresher Training class. We want to provide the safest possible environment for our kids and families but also for our leaders.
Please attend this class to keep your Plan to Protect certification active.
Please help us plan for numbers. Sign up for the date that you can attend.
Plan to Protect Refresher Training Registration – Fall 2024:
Saturday, September 7 at 10:30 am
Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 pm
If you are not currently serving, please consider keeping your certification active just in case you decide to sub in or help in a future children’s or youth event in the future.
Note: This class is for all current volunteers who have completed their volunteer application process and have taken the Plan to Protect Orientation class.
If you are interested in volunteering with our Children or Youth, please contact Sheilla.
Connecting Points
LifePath Journey Fall 2024 (10 weeks (Week of Sun, Sept 22nd – Nov 24th)
Sermon Series Begins Sun, Sept 29: Resilient Hope in a Restless World (1 Peter)
Many avenues of connection . . .
How would you like to journey with us?
Please take our interest survey and let us know today.
Growing in Grace (Seniors 55+) Join us for the kick off to our 20th anniversary! We will be celebrating with a BBQ on Thursday, Sept 12 from 12 – 2 pm with all the fixings! Please remember to have your baby pictures in by Sunday, Sept 1st as we are playing the baby picture game. Must pre-pay $10 and pre- register by Sept 8th. You can register HERE. See You There!
Connecting Points Brochure (Fall 2024) – available this Sunday at the Welcome Centre. Check out our upcoming WRBC ministries and activities this fall (Sept – Dec) where you can connect with others in healthy relationships.
Solid Grounds Cafe – Meet a friend for coffee in the church foyer during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
URGENT NEED for BABY FORMULA – moms who come to Family Support Centre are in need of Baby Formula for their babies. Please consider how you can help meet this urgent need in our city. Use the bin in the foyer (next to the mail folders) at church to drop off your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact Debbie Neufeld for more information.
Harvest Manitoba—Check our Food Bank Wall to see what is needed and take a card for the item you want to donate. Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Summer Children’s Programming for Sunday mornings:
Preschool and kindergarten children will sit with their parents and be dismissed for programming after the Children’s Message. Grades 1-6 sit with their parents. Activity & coloring pages are available on the Kids’ Craft Carts in the auditorium.
Are you new? Please fill out our Child Registration Form for the upcoming year HERE.
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor for more information. Explore how you can be an important part of this ministry to children!
(Youth Ministries)
Kickoff for Youth Ministry is Friday September 13th – A-Maze-in Corn
Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events.
If you would like to receive the weekly emails or have any questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
If you are interested in volunteering in our youth ministries, please contact Rudy Wall for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook. For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.
interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray. If you would like to receive our updates, contact Rudy Wall.
Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults
Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults
For more information contact Pastor Rudy
Ways to Give
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
- Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
- Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow! It’s easy!
If questions, email
Additional Information
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions, please contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here. Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form THOUSANDS of videos and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.