Latest News and Announcements:

4HG Youth January 5th

Happy New Year Everyone! 

It is a new year and we have a new opportunity to connect and build relationships with one another and with Jesus! 

We have some exciting events coming up that we can’t wait to jump into with you! 

Since covid we have stayed away from snacks that are not prepackaged. But this new year we want to give opportunity for parents to get involved again in different ways. The first way is going to be for parents who want to help with snacks. If that is you please contact Erika Cooper who will be excited to collaborate with you! (

We have some exciting events coming up to mark your calendars on! 

This Friday (Jan 5th) we have a Guest Speaker Alexis join us to talk about what God’s been doing in her life since she stepped into the missionary field!

The following week (Jan 12th) there is a missionary couple who are going to present their lives as missionaries at Rowandale Church, and we’ve been invited to join them (feel free to discuss some carpooling opportunities with your friends) 

And one more exciting Missionary event we will be attending as a Youth group of going to be the Manitoba Mission Fest especially the Friday Event on February 2nd. 

I dont know if you’re noticing a theme… but I think God might have something in store for us this year to help us focus on the great commission in Matthew 28. 

I hope to see you all for these exciting events! 


Weekly Update - December 28, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

NAB Year in Review Letter 2023 NAB Year in Review Letter 2023 (hard copies available at the Welcome Centre).

Year End Giving 

  • The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
  • All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
  • If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
  • Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
  • Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.

Newcomers Lunch—January  21, 12:00pm  We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Register by January 16. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served.  Gluten free option available. Register HERE.

Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Missionfest Manitoba is coming the beginning of February! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

PickleballWeekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

Growing in Grace Lunch – Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots of fun and a game of Bible trivia. Please sign up and pay by January 7. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140). Online registration HERE. Cost: $10/person.

Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:

English Conversation CircleWednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.

“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4  Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).

 Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

  • Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
  • Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund.  If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each.  In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.  

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

4HG Youth December 22nd

Hey All,

Merry Christmas!! I hope you’re all ready and excited for this weekend! We want to be part of that joy as a youth group.

Tonight we will have our cozy Movie night. So come in your sweats, your Pj’s, bring your pillows and blankets if you want. We’ll have a snack and watch a great movie together to close out the year. We will have time at the end of the night for some small group time and gym time!

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

Growing in Grace

Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots  of fun and a game of Bible trivia. 
Please sign up and pay by January 7. Cost : $10/person

Online registration HERE.

4HG Youth December 22nd

Hey All,

Merry Christmas!! I hope you’re all ready and excited for this weekend! We want to be part of that joy as a youth group.

This Friday we will have our cozy Movie night. So come in your sweats, your Pj’s, bring your pillows and blankets if you want. We’ll have a snack and watch a great movie together to close out the year. We will have time at the end of the night for some small group time and gym time!

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

4HG Youth December 15th

Hey All!!!

TONIGHT we are getting ready to celebrate Christmas by participating in the “WRBC Winter Olympics & Christmas Celebration” So get ready for some Cabbage Curling, Banner Decoration, Hockey, and more!

Be there at 6:45pm!


  • December 22nd – Cozy Chill Movie Night
  • No youth until January 5th

See you later this evening!


Weekly Update - December 14, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.

Year End Giving 

  • The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
  • All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
  • If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
  • Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
  • Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.

WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19  $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at

Digital Christmas Cards for our Missionaries are available now for signing until December 24 at midnight! We are asking ALL of the Whyte Ridge Baptist Family to let our missionaries know we are thinking of them this Christmas by posting a message, uploading a video or posting a special photo greeting at the links below!

Part time respite worker required for an early stage dementia senior. Requirements: experience with dementia, physically fit, car. Please respond to 204-791-8101.

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

PickleballWeekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

English Conversation CircleWednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4  Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).

 Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

  • Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
  • Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund.  If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each.  In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.  

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

4HG Youth December 15th

Hey All!!!

It’s almost Christmas!!! I hope you’re all ready with presents for your parents!

This week we are getting ready to celebrate Christmas by participating in the “WRBC Winter Olympics & Christmas Celebration” So get ready for some Cabbage Curling, Banner Decoration, Hockey, and more!

Be there at 6:45pm!


  • December 22nd – Cozy Chill Movie Night
  • No youth until January 5th

See you Friday!


Weekly Update - December 7, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.

Year End Giving 

  • The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
  • All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
  • If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
  • Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
  • Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.

WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19  $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at

Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines:  Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023

Digital Christmas Cards for our Missionaries are available now for signing until December 24 at midnight! We are asking ALL of the Whyte Ridge Baptist Family to let our missionaries know we are thinking of them this Christmas by posting a message, uploading a video or posting a special photo greeting at the links below!

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

PickleballWeekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

Growing in Grace – Join us for our Christmas Celebration on December 14 at noon.  There will be a turkey dinner, carol sing and gift exchange. Please bring a $15 gift to exchange. We will also be collecting for Winnipeg Harvest so bring a few items to put in the bin. Pre-registration and payment of $10 required by December 10. Register and pay HERE.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).

 Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

  • Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
  • Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund.  If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each.  In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.  

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

Weekly Update - November 30, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.

Membership Meeting, Sunday, December 3, 12:00 PM,  immediately following the morning service. This meeting will be held in-person, in our church building, and will include voting to welcome new members, electing a new Board member, and presentation and approval of the 2024 budget. A meeting agenda and copies of all relevant documents are attached. Light lunch will be provided for all those attending this meeting. WRBC 2024 Membership Mtg Budget Dec 3 23 printable WRBC Membership Meeting Agenda 2023-12-03 WRBC Membership Meeting Minutes 2023-06-04 Board Endorsed

Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or

Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines:  Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023

WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19  $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

PickleballWeekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship – Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm – 8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug.

Growing in Grace – Join us for our Christmas Celebration on December 14 at noon.  There will be a turkey dinner, carol sing and gift exchange. Please bring a $15 gift to exchange. We will also be collecting for Winnipeg Harvest so bring a few items to put in the bin. Pre-registration and payment of $10 required by December 10. Register and pay HERE.

English Conversation CirclesPractice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).

 Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

  • Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
  • Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund.  If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each.  In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.  

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

Weekly Update - November 23, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.

Dessert and Variety Night Christmas Celebration – Saturday, December 2, 7:30pm. Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to provide a special number for the Variety Night. Cost: $10—ages 10+ $5 ages 5—9. Online Registration and Payment  OR register on Sunday (November 26) morning at the Welcome Centre. Registration deadline is November 27.

Kids at the Ridge Gingerbread Bash – Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm 
Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19  $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at

Membership Meeting, Sunday, December 3, 12:00 PM,  immediately following the morning service. This meeting will be held in-person, in our church building, and will include voting to welcome new members, electing a new Board member, and presentation and approval of the 2024 budget. A meeting agenda and copies of all relevant documents will be made available in advance of the meeting. Light lunch will be provided for all those attending this meeting.

Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or

Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines:  Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship – Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm – 8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug.

Growing in Grace – Join us for our Christmas Celebration on December 14 at noon.  There will be a turkey dinner, carol sing and gift exchange. Please bring a $15 gift to exchange. We will also be collecting for Winnipeg Harvest so bring a few items to put in the bin. Pre-registration and payment of $10 required by December 10. Register and pay HERE.

English Conversation CirclesPractice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).


The Gingerbread Bash is BACK and you’re invited!

Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas season is just around the corner. Anyone have their Christmas tree up yet?  This year, our Kids at the Ridge team is hosting a Christmas celebration for the whole family that you don’t want to miss! 

If you didn’t attend last  year, you may be wondering, “What’s a Gingerbread Bash?” Well, let me tell you! 

Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

  • Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
  • Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund.  If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each.  In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.  

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

Weekly Update - November 16, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm


Women at the Ridge Christmas Craft Morning – November 25, 9:30-12:00. Cost $15.00.  Covers the cost of supplies to make a stenciled wood sign with a Christmas theme. Includes a light breakfast of muffins and breads and fruit, coffee, tea and warm apple cider. Brenda Noble will be sharing her testimony. Register  and pay on-line HERE. In-person registration will take place on Sunday, November 5, 12 and 19. Payment required at time of registration.

Dessert and Variety Night Christmas Celebration – Saturday, December 2, 7:30pm. Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to provide a special number for the Variety Night. Cost: $10—ages 10+ $5 ages 5—9. Online Registration and Payment 

Kids at the Ridge Gingerbread Bash – Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm 
Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

Membership Meeting, Sunday, December 3, 12:00 PM,  immediately following the morning service. This meeting will be held in-person, in our church building, and will include voting to welcome new members, electing a new Board member, and presentation and approval of the 2024 budget. A meeting agenda and copies of all relevant documents will be made available in advance of the meeting. Light lunch will be provided for all those attending this meeting.

Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines:  Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

LifePath Journey Interest Survey – The Kingdom Coming (Matthew 19-25) Many avenues of connection . . . How would you like to journey with us? Please take our Interest Survey and let us know today!  LifePath Journey Interest Survey Fall 2023

Come to the Table – Wednesday, November 22, 5:30-7:00pm (meal served until 6:30pm). Menu: Baked Spaghetti, Caesar Salad & Garlic Toast Dessert: Ice Cream Cake with Candy Canes. Cost: $7/person; $25/family of 4 ($5/additional). Register here: Come to the Table – November 22 (Registration deadline November 19, 10:00pm)

Wednesday Night Discussion Groups—The Kingdom Coming Following the Come to the Table meal, 7:00-8:30pm (Discussion Groups are for drop-ins or regular attenders).

Please consider joining us for Discussion Groups (DG) immediately after the meal (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm).  Focus: Guided discussion on what we are learning from the Gospel of Matthew. DGs are lead by a Host who leads by example and helps the conversation stay focused on our experiences with Christ. There are two types of Discussion Groups: Regular – where the same members meet week to week. Signup sheets available by Registration Table Wed. night. Location: you will be assigned a room that you will meet in weekly. Drop-in: where hosts stay the same week to week but members may change (for e.g. if you can only come twice – you are always welcome in these DGs). Location: at our front foyer (in front of Solid Grounds and our Welcome Centre).

Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship – Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm – 8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug.

English Conversation CirclesPractice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).


The Gingerbread Bash is BACK and you’re invited!

Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas season is just around the corner. Anyone have their Christmas tree up yet?  This year, our Kids at the Ridge team is hosting a Christmas celebration for the whole family that you don’t want to miss! 

If you didn’t attend last  year, you may be wondering, “What’s a Gingerbread Bash?” Well, let me tell you! 

Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

Christmas Food Hampers

Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines:  Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023

Weekly Update - November 9, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

Dessert and Variety Night Christmas Celebration – Saturday, December 2, 7:30pm. Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to provide a special number for the Variety Night. Cost: $10—ages 10+ $5 ages 5—9. Online Registration and Payment 

GriefShare is a 13 week program for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Tuesdays, November 7/23 – February 13/24, 7:00-9:00pm. Location:  Children’s Ministry Area Theatre, Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. $20 cost for workbook. Register at

Ab Chudley has left 2 copies of his recently published book, Eleven Days in Kyiv, for members of our church to borrow. It is based on his experience in Ukraine as an exchange teacher to the medical school and postgraduate institution in 1992 shortly after Ukraine had achieved it’s independence from the former Soviet Union. It is based on a diary that he kept during the visit. He has included his personal testimony that he gave to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church in January 9, 2022. If you would like to borrow this book please contact the church office.    Ab-Chudley-11-Days-in-Kviv22.

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

LifePath Journey Interest Survey – The Kingdom Coming (Matthew 19-25) Many avenues of connection . . . How would you like to journey with us? Please take our Interest Survey and let us know today!  LifePath Journey Interest Survey Fall 2023

Come to the Table –Wednesday, November 15, 5:30-7:00pm (meal served until 6:30pm). Register here: Come to the Table – November 15 (Registration deadline November 12, 10:00pm). Menu: Porcupine Meatballs, Baked potatoes, Salad, Veggies Dessert: Lemon Cherry Cake. Cost: $7/person; $25/family of 4 ($5/additional).

Wednesday Night Discussion Groups—The Kingdom Coming Following the Come to the Table meal, 7:00-8:30pm (Discussion Groups are for drop-ins or regular attenders).

Please consider joining us for Discussion Groups (DG) immediately after the meal (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm).  Focus: Guided discussion on what we are learning from the Gospel of Matthew. DGs are lead by a Host who leads by example and helps the conversation stay focused on our experiences with Christ. There are two types of Discussion Groups: Regular – where the same members meet week to week. Signup sheets available by Registration Table Wed. night. Location: you will be assigned a room that you will meet in weekly. Drop-in: where hosts stay the same week to week but members may change (for e.g. if you can only come twice – you are always welcome in these DGs). Location: at our front foyer (in front of Solid Grounds and our Welcome Centre).

WRBC Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, November 18, 9:00am. My Life with Christ. Guest Speaker: Perry Marquis. Cost: $10. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register online by  Monday, Nov. 13

Women at the Ridge Christmas Craft Morning – November 25, 9:30-12:00. Cost $15.00.  Covers the cost of supplies to make a stenciled wood sign with a Christmas theme. Includes a light breakfast of muffins and breads and fruit, coffee, tea and warm apple cider. Brenda Noble will be sharing her testimony. Register  and pay on-line HERE. In-person registration will take place on Sunday, November 5, 12 and 19. Payment required at time of registration.

English Conversation CirclesPractice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).


The Gingerbread Bash is BACK and you’re invited!

Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas season is just around the corner. Anyone have their Christmas tree up yet?  This year, our Kids at the Ridge team is hosting a Christmas celebration for the whole family that you don’t want to miss! 

If you didn’t attend last  year, you may be wondering, “What’s a Gingerbread Bash?” Well, let me tell you! 

Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

4HG Youth November 10th

Hey Team!

Note that this coming Friday (November 10th) we are NOT meeting at the Church, every Small group will be meeting in a different space.

Senior Girls: Paola’s on Friday night for painting with Bob Ross and board games. Also feel free to bring any other crafty type things (like crocheting or other) you’re working on. 22-185 Des Hivernants Blvd. N

Junior Girls: At Victoria’s house for a PJ party with making strawberry jam and some board/card games. 350 Hampton Street

Senior Boys: At Michael’s house 237 Foxmeadow Drive

Junior Boys: At Rudy’s place for a movie night with snacks. (bring your own if you have certain ones you really want) 940 Centennial Street

Hope you’re all enjoying your time with your small groups this week, and we will see you back in the Church for the 17th!


4HG Youth November 10th

Hey Team!

I hope you survived the first snow well and are excited about November! I am definitely excited to see where we get to in these next few weeks.

This coming Friday (November 10th) we are NOT meeting at the Church, every Small group will be meeting in a different space.

Senior Girls: Paola’s on Friday night for painting with Bob Ross and board games. Also feel free to bring any other crafty type things (like crocheting or other) you’re working on. 22-185 Des Hivernants Blvd. N

Junior Girls: At Victoria’s house for a PJ party with making strawberry jam and some board/card games. 350 Hampton Street

Senior Boys: At Michael’s house 237 Foxmeadow Drive

Junior Boys: At Rudy’s place for a movie night with snacks. (bring your own if you have certain ones you really want) 940 Centennial Street

Hope you’re all enjoying your time with your small groups this week, and we will see you back in the Church for the 17th!


Weekly Update - November 2, 2023

Download the App today!

Latest News and Updates

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

If you’ve been wondering about how you can serve at WRBC, an important ministry is the set up and take down of chairs on Sunday mornings before and after the service. This facilitates many of our ministries that happen throughout the week! Contact the church office or Pastor Rudy ( if you would like to be on a chair team or if you would like to know more.

Dessert and Variety Night Christmas Celebration – Saturday, December 2, 7:30pm. Contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to provide a special number for the Variety Night. Cost: $10—ages 10+ $5 ages 5—9. Online Registration and Payment 

GriefShare is a 13 week program for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Tuesdays, November 7/23 – February 13/24, 7:00-9:00pm. Location:  Children’s Ministry Area Theatre, Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. $20 cost for workbook. Register at

Ab Chudley has left 2 copies of his recently published book, Eleven Days in Kyiv, for members of our church to borrow. It is based on his experience in Ukraine as an exchange teacher to the medical school and postgraduate institution in 1992 shortly after Ukraine had achieved it’s independence from the former Soviet Union. It is based on a diary that he kept during the visit. He has included his personal testimony that he gave to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church in January 9, 2022. If you would like to borrow this book please contact the church office.    Ab-Chudley-11-Days-in-Kviv22.

Family Support Centre (Crisis Pregnancy Centre) Autumn Celebration of Hope – Thursday, November 9, 2023 at the Fort Garry Hotel. Call 204-772-1923 for  tickets.

UNITE Worship Night – Sunday, November 5, 6:00pm at McDermot Ave. Baptist Church. Contemporary songs. Everyone welcome.

Listening To God – A YWAM workshop that explores different aspects of hearing the voice of God.  God wants to communicate with us. The more confident we are in hearing God’s voice, the more we are able to walk forward in confident obedience. Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 7  for 6 weeks, meeting once a week, 7-9pm (6:30pm coffee and fellowship) at Portage Ave Church / 1420 Portage Ave (just east of Polo Park) Winnipeg. Cost: $20 per person. Contact: Walter and Chris Martens. te

On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates  a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am the day of the service. 

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

Solid Grounds Cafe   You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)

Pickleball – Weekly drop-in, co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 drop-in charge. Please use the north entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE

Connecting Points

LifePath Journey Interest Survey – The Kingdom Coming (Matthew 19-25) Many avenues of connection . . . How would you like to journey with us? Please take our Interest Survey and let us know today!  LifePath Journey Interest Survey Fall 2023

Come to the Table: Register here: Come to the Table – November 8 (Registration deadline November 5, 10:00pm). Wednesday, October 18, 5:30-7:00pm (meal served until 6:30pm). Menu: Greek lemony chicken, Potatoes, Greek side salad & Buns, Dessert: Puffed wheat cake. Cost: $7/person; $25/family of 4 ($5/additional)

Please consider joining us for Discussion Groups (DG) immediately after the meal (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm).  Focus: Guided discussion on what we are learning from the Gospel of Matthew. DGs are lead by a Host who leads by example and helps the conversation stay focused on our experiences with Christ. There are two types of Discussion Groups: Regular – where the same members meet week to week. Signup sheets available by Registration Table Wed. night. Location: you will be assigned a room that you will meet in weekly. Drop-in: where hosts stay the same week to week but members may change (for e.g. if you can only come twice – you are always welcome in these DGs). Location: at our front foyer (in front of Solid Grounds and our Welcome Centre).

English Conversation CirclesPractice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.

Growing in Grace Ladies Craft/Fun Day and Lunch – November 7, 10:30am. Cost: $20.00. Registration and payment required by November 5. Register online HERE. To register and pay in person see Bonnie Tholl or Donna Hartle.

Growing in Grace Lunch – November 9, 12:00pm – It’s Missions month. Chris Schroeder will be sharing with us about World Vision and we will be tasting foods from around the world. We also have a guest joining us from Africa and she will share her story and an African dance. The fun starts at noon! Please sign up by Nov 5th…prepay and preregistration required. Register HERE.

WRBC Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, November 18, 9:00am. My Life with Christ. Guest Speaker: Perry Marquis. Cost: $10. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register online by  Monday, Nov. 13

Women at the Ridge Christmas Craft Morning – 9:30-12:00. Cost $15.00.  Covers the cost of supplies to make a stenciled wood sign with a Christmas theme. Includes a light breakfast of muffins and breads and fruit, coffee, tea and warm apple cider. Brenda Noble will be sharing her testimony. Register  and pay on-line HERE. In-person registration will take place on Sunday, November 5, 12 and 19. Payment required at time of registration.

Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts  God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice:  In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:

Meet Jesus Bible Study –  Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room.  Contact Brenda. 

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.

Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders.  Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!

Help us support  Family Support Centre!  We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!).  Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).


The Gingerbread Bash is BACK and you’re invited!

Saturday, December 2, 6:00-7:00pm

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas season is just around the corner. Anyone have their Christmas tree up yet?  This year, our Kids at the Ridge team is hosting a Christmas celebration for the whole family that you don’t want to miss! 

If you didn’t attend last  year, you may be wondering, “What’s a Gingerbread Bash?” Well, let me tell you! 

Instead of making a gingerbread HOUSE, kids will build a gingerbread NATIVITY!  We will also play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story from the Bible.  It’s a truly sweet way for your whole family to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We hope you’ll join us – Register Here Today! *registration is required – suggested family donation of $5 to help with costs*

Kids at the Ridge Programming

A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Register Here:

POLO (Parents of Little Ones)  Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon.    An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones.  Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.

4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)

If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.

Instagram: @4hgyouth

Please complete the 4HG Registration Form (grades 6-12) to attend 4HG events (one time registration for 2021 – 2022).

Join us on Instagram (@4hgyouth) and on Facebook.  For details regarding 4HG, contact: Pastor Rudy Wall.

interacT meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm at 2405 McGillivray.  If you are not receiving our updates, contact Rudy Wall .   

Instagram: @wrbcyoungadults

Facebook: INTERACt: WRBC young adults

For more information contact Pastor Rudy

Ways to Give 

Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:  For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at  

To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:

To donate by text, Text GIVE to 833-717-0741 and further instructions will follow!  It’s easy!

If questions, email

Additional Information

Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.

Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC,  please click here.  For additional details on our Directory click here.   Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre. 

WRBC Online Resource Centre – Right Now Media FREE Access Request Form  THOUSANDS of video and studies, including HUNDREDS of children’s videos.

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada – Learn about key issues facing our culture and how biblical principles apply in these areas. Click here for additional information or subscribe to the weekly email HERE.  

To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.

Power of Prayer on Display as New Premier Steps Forward

Power of Prayer on Display as New Premier Steps Forward:


Eleven Days in Kyiv

Ab Chudley has left 2 copies of his recently published book, Eleven Days in Kyiv, for members of our church to borrow to read. It is based on his experience in Ukraine as an exchange teacher to the medical school and postgraduate institution in 1992 shortly after Ukraine had achieved it’s independence from the former Soviet Union. It is based on a diary that he kept during the visit. He has included his personal testimony that he gave to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church in January 9, 2022. If you would like to borrow this book, please contact the church office.    Ab-Chudley-11-Days-in-Kviv22. 

Update from Pathway Camp Ministries

Dear Friends of Pathway Camp Ministries

Thank you for your ongoing prayer and financial support over the years. We are grateful to God for all of the many campers, volunteers, staff members, supporters, and communities He has made a part of Pathway.   Building meaningful relationships has been the heart of this ministry.  We appreciate each of you.  Unfortunately, due to the COVID interruption and a lack of sufficient staffing, we were unable to resume camps and programs. We are sad to share the news that after a lengthy period of prayer and discernment, it was decided that it was the right time for Pathway to end its formal ministry and transfer its assets to an organization that has a similar mission. We are excited to bless Northern Canadian Evangelical Mission and support the work they are doing with Indigenous communities. Please know that your past contributions will still be put to good use. 

A very special thank you to Stephane and Jenny for their hard work and leadership. Even after retiring as a staff member, Stephane has provided countless hours of volunteer work for Pathway.  We also want to express our deepest appreciation for Rick and Elizabeth Greer whose faithfulness to God’s direction in their lives led to Pathway Camp Ministries being created.   

We know, firsthand, the blessing that Pathway Camp Ministries has been in the lives of those who attended, volunteered with, and supported its work.  If you would like to share your memories, experiences, and photos please do so by responding to this email.  We are planning to put together an on-line tribute to honor the work God has done that we will post in the next few months. 

Thank you again for being an important part of Pathway Camp Ministries.  We pray

God’s blessing upon you. 


The Board of Directors, Pathway Camp Ministries

Pathway Camp Ministries – Dear Friends (

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