Visiting a church for the very first time can be a bit nerve racking. However, having an idea of what to expect can help make taking this step easier. Check out the links to your right to learn more about our Sunday services, what there is for kids, our staff, and what we believe. We look forward to meeting you.
At Whyte Ridge Baptist, we value relationship. We believe it is the key to finding one's way into the life of the church whatever your age or stage of life. This may mean stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards for doing so are great.
Consider the links to the right as doorways to opportunities for connecting in a meaningful way at Whyte Ridge Baptist.
Good Friday (March 29) and Easter Sunday (March 31) Services – 10:30am
SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please let her know. She is also looking for a place to stay in Winnipeg April 13-20 or April 21-28. If you can help with either of these requests, you can contact her at Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please contact her HERE. Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Come to the Table—March 13, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration March 13. Menu for March 13: Enchiladas and Caesar Salad, Dessert: Cup Cakes (registration closes Sunday evening prior).
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Seder (Passover Meal) Experience – Wednesday, March 27, 6:00–8:30 pm. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Cost: $12/person; $40/family (up to 4 in same household; $7/additional. Free for children under 2. Meal served at 7 pm. Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, March 21.Click to registeror call 204-489-3875.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist APP today at! (note it will direct to a app given they host the app – this is not the GIVE app).
Don’t delay – live services, registration, giving, the Prayer Wall and more – You can find it in the app!
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please contact her HERE. Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
Worship Service at Rosewood—March 7. If you would like to be part of the ensemble that leads in several hymns at the service meet at Rosewood, 9:20am for practice.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—March 6, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration March 6. Menu for March 6: Pizza & Caesar Salad Dessert: Ice Cream.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Seder (Passover Meal) Experience – Wednesday, March 27, 6:00–8:30 pm. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Cost: $12/person; $40/family (up to 5 in same household; $7/additional. Free for children under 2. Meal served at 7 pm. Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 24. Click to registeror call 204-489-3875.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
February 23 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Thank you for coming out to the Family night, what a great night for the whole church to be around each other and enjoying getting to know ppl you only see for a few minutes on a Sunday morning. We will have one more of these this year in April.
I have to make a change from the email that I sent out last week, the small-group night is on March 8th, not on March 1st. Please be advised of that.
This week we are gathering at the church to continue hearing people’s testimonies, how God impacted the lives of those who want to follow Him. I hope to see you all there and can’t wait to hear from you in your small groups.
Aside from the small group night coming next week, we also have a Sr. High Retreat day coming up with an overnight at the Church. Pay attention to next week’s email with information about that!
Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, will begin March 10th. Many of those fasting desire a close relationship with God. Pray that God would move in mighty ways in the lives of my local friends and around the Muslim world this month, and that He would reveal Himself to those who truly seek Him. – Priscilla
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days
To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours
With games, art, coffee, popcorn, hot chocolate, and community we have so many things for you to choose from that you could enjoy with your family and friends. Its a perfect opportunity for you to invite people you would love to see!
I can’t wait to see you this Friday at 6pm!
Upcoming: Next week we are meeting in our own separate small groups, we’ll have exact places, times, and activities for you in next week’s email so look out for that!
We are hiring a CUSTODIAN (contract position) for WRBC! To apply, please send your resume to the office by February 26 ( A detailed job description is also available through the office. The job requires 25-32 hours per week.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Interchurch Prayer Vigil for peace and justice in Ukraine at McIvor Church, 200 McIvor Ave. Saturday, February 24, 3:00-4:30pm. Prayer Vigil
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 28, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 28. Menu for February 28: Hamburgers, French Fries. Coleslaw and Caesar Salad Dessert: Rhubarb Crisp
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
February 23 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
We are hiring a CUSTODIAN (contract position) for WRBC! To apply, please send your resume to the office by February 26 ( A detailed job description is also available through the office. The job requires 25-32 hours per week.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship—Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Everyone Welcome! Tuesday, February 20 , 7:00-8: 30 pm. Contact Pastor Doug for more information.
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 21, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 21. Menu for February 21: Baked Chicken with Rice, Garden Salad Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
As a member of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, you are being asked to vote on a proposed amendment to the Church Bylaws. Please click on this link to read the motion and vote either “in favour” or “opposed” to this motion. As we need 2/3 positive membership vote to pass this motion, or 1/3 negative membership vote to deny it, it is important that all members exercise their right to vote. If you prefer to vote with paper ballot, please contact the church office (
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 14, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 14. Menu for February 14: Ham with Scallop Potatoes, Green Salad Dessert: Apple Crisp
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 7, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 7. Menu for February 7: Baked Spaghetti and Caesar Salad, Carrot Cake
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Speaker: Pastor Terry Janke – A Theology of Retirement: Developing a Faith Robust Enough to Handle any Transition. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
I hope all of you are excited for this weeks Youth Event this Friday!
We’re finding out what the plan is for the rest of the year, learning each others stories and inviting others to join our story. I can’t wait to see us put the lessons we’re learning into action, inviting our friends and new potential friends into our lives.
Since covid we have stayed away from snacks that are not prepackaged. But this new year we want to give opportunity for parents to get involved again in different ways. The first way is going to be for parents who want to help with snacks. If that is you please contact Erika Cooper who will be excited to collaborate with you!
We have some exciting events coming up to mark your calendars on!
– We will be attending as a Youth group of going to be the Manitoba Mission Fest especially the Friday Event on February 2nd.
– WRBC Family Night – Friday, February 23, 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Coffee House, Board Games, Large Group Games, Movies. . . something for everyone!
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Come to the Table—January 31, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration January 31. Menu: Chicken Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Toast Dessert: Blueberry Eton Mess.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Whyte Ridge Baptist has joined “Welcome Church,” the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s network of churches who welcome newcomers to Canada! Learn how you can be involved! Come watch introductory videos and discuss ideas. January 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am at the Church! Contact if questions.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Speaker: Pastor Terry Janke – A Theology of Retirement: Developing a Faith Robust Enough to Handle any Transition. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Maniitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Come to the Core—January 21, 7:00pm. An equipping event for the whole church aimed at equipping us in worship and prayer.
WRBC Annual General Meeting – February 4 following the service (Subway sandwiches provided for lunch). 2023 Annual Report: 2023 Annual Report (hard copies available at the Welcome Centre).
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Come to the Table—January 24, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration – January 24. Menu: Farmer Sausage with Perogies, Texas Sheet Cake.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Whyte Ridge Baptist has joined “Welcome Church,” the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s network of churches who welcome newcomers to Canada! Learn how you can be involved! Come watch introductory videos and discuss ideas. January 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am at the Church! Contact if questions.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship—Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Everyone Welcome! Tuesday, February 20 , 7:00-8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug Friesen.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Maniitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Newcomers Lunch—January 21, 12:00pm We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served. Gluten free option available. Register HERE.
Come to the Core—January 21, 7:00pm. An equipping event for the whole church aimed at equipping us in worship and prayer.
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment is due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Newcomers Lunch—January 21, 12:00pm We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served. Gluten free option available. Register HERE.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Missionfest Manitoba is coming the beginning of February! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Growing in Grace Lunch – Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots of fun and a game of Bible trivia. Please sign up and pay by January 7. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140). Online registration HERE. Cost: $10/person.
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.