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Let’s Talk About It: God’s Design for Sexuality

Let’s Talk About It: God’s Design for Sexuality – Recorded Zoom Webinar with Pastor Terry (90 minutes – Tuesday, Feb. 9/21). This is a Q / A session responding to questions that were sent in after the two sermons preached Jan 31 and Feb 7 on God’s Design for Sexuality. A Resource page will also be made available in the coming week. 

To view the Webinar please click this link:  You can also view the ‘God’s Design for Sexuality’ messages (part A and B, recommended to be viewed prior) as well as the webinar at 

If you have questions to follow up on, please contact the church office to speak with one of the pastors.

Memorial Service - Irma Kelm

To view the memorial for Irma Kelm, visit:…/memorial-service…/

What does it mean to have freedom in Christ?

Psalm 119:32 says, “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”

To me it looks like a contradiction, “I am free to do what you want, not what I want.” That is what it means, but to us that looks like obeying someone else, not freedom. Many years ago when I lived in Sioux Lookout, I had an experience that helped me understand this idea. If we think of life as a journey, this experience seems very relevant.

I used to go cross-country skiing each day when I finished work. There was a 5 km trail that a friend and I would go on every day. The trail was not flat like Manitoba, but rather adventurous. You know it gets dark early in Canadian winters, so we would “race the dark” many times.

As the weeks went by, we got to know the trail very well: at each place, we would know what was next, whether a sharp turn or a hill, or whatever. This meant that we could ski very quickly along the “racing loop.” I could go at top speed even if it started to get dark, because I knew what to do next. I never moved the wrong direction to ski off the trail or to bump into trees or rocks. I was free to hit my top speed, like the Psalmist saying, “I run in the path of your commands.”

If I had wanted to be truly “free” to “do what I wanted” I could go off the trail, but I would end up in deep snow. I would have to ski very slowly, and be careful of rocks and little bushes, and I would be exploring so I would be unsure of where I was going. That’s fun too, but not as it’s getting dark!

I think that’s what “freedom in Christ” is like in the journey of our lives. If we have no path, we start off doing what we want to, but we can get lost or caught in bushes (like the lost sheep), in the dark. If we want to run quickly, God has provided a path in His Word. He also sets us free from the things in our hearts that would tangle us up (like the Israelites coming out of slavery in Egypt to worship God in their own land, or Hebrews 12:1-2).

I see this is Psalm 37:4 as well: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This doesn’t mean we get whatever we want. “Freedom in Christ” is not taking away external things that stop us from doing what we want, but breaking the power of the internal things that hinder us from desiring what is good. God’s purpose is to change our hearts so we truly love Him and understand what He wants. When we want what He wants, then we really can do what we want to do: and then of course we get His very best!

To do this means training our heart to love God and seek His will, which changes our hearts to find joy in following His path, wherever it leads. Then we can run freely and joyfully in His path. Happy skiing!


Meet the Missionaries: Q & A with Nick and Iris

Get to know Nick and Iris

Q: When did you first know father was calling you to the field?

N – During the period of 2002-2003, father touched my heart to share the good news to people of other nations through participating in various STM ministries. In particular, He urged me to move forward in this direction at Urbana 2003 conference.

Q: What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

N – Since I was sixteen years old, travelling to other countries with backpacker friends became one of my favorite activities. Through communicating with people in different countries and staying at different environments, it broadened my way of thinking, enhanced my acceptability of other ways to do things which are different from mine, as well as improved my ability to cope with different living conditions.

Q: What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

– I encourage myself to live out of comfort zone, try new things, meet some people who are not of the same language and culture.

Q: How would you describe your first year on the field?

N – When I look back my first year on Asia field, I would describe it as an “adaption and learning” period of my ministries here.

Adaption: the new physical environment, food, limited amount of genuine information about outside world from public media and limited access of overseas websites/internet

Learning: many survival skills and knowledge, language, getting to know the nationals’ social norms, moral standards, beliefs, worldview, etc

Q: What are some of the ways you have been affirmed in following father’s leading?

N – In July, both Iris and I got a strong burden and feeling that it is time for us to get involved in local c****h ministries. We prayed for His direction. In August, there were several brothers and sisters who “suddenly” approached us and shared the great need in their c****hes. They urged us for our involvement/help. We prayed about this and father touched our hearts to serve in a local c****h. We strongly feel that God is leading us.

I – I got a passion to help female university students and give them advice on education, courtship and relationship issues. Divorce percentage is also very high where we live. New married young couples look for role models, and find out how to keep harmony in the new family with their original families, etc.

I am very thankful that many female students and young couples come to me and share with me their struggles and difficulties. Through listening and giving them advice, I can also witness my faith to them and help them set up a father-like family.

Q: What is something that would surprise others about your work or the people you work with?

I – Father is awesome. I have experienced miracles while working with HIM and for HIM. Working in an environment with unfamiliar language and culture, I face many uncertainties every day. I am unable to lean on my own ability, knowledge and experience. Therefore, I look for HIS presence and guidance. Father is the one to make a way beyond my imagination. Every time when I see how HE opens doors for me and what HE prepares for me, I am experiencing miracles.

Q: What advice would you give to those considering overseas work?

I – I would suggest those who are considering working overseas: (a) to have a mind to keep learning; (b) to be flexible; (c) learn to be patient; and (d) always prepare to give joyfully.

Q: How can people support you?

I – (a) Please p**y that father draws the lost people close to HIM and respond to HIS love. (b) Please p**y that I can learn language better as I cannot memorize the tone and the sound of the words properly. (c) Please p**y that father gives me a clear mind to discern HIS guidance and will.

N – I am so excited to become involved in local c****h ministry here. P**y for His direction, strength and protection.

Meet the Missionary: Q & A with Lyndell Campbell-Réquia

Get to know Lyndell Campbell-Réquia

Q When did you first know God was calling you to the mission’s field?

Even as a small child I was always so interested in the stories told by the missionaries who visited my church.  In my early 20s I started exploring the different possibilities within the NAB Conference.   I even bought a car with a stick-shift to better prepare myself for living overseas one day!  But God confirmed my calling through my participation on 4 short-term mission trips to Mexico, Brazil, India and Belarus.

Q What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

On a larger scale, I had ministry experience, having worked in three churches.  Right before I left, I was Dean of Students and a professor at Taylor University College so I also had experience teaching in higher education.  I also had a number of friends who were from other cultures.  I made an effort to speak with other long-term missionaries before going.  One missionary really helped me prepare for my role as a Seminary professor in Brazil by giving me on-going advice.   On a smaller scale, the last car I bought in Canada was a stick shift, so I was able to drive the car the mission provided for me in Brazil!

Q How would you describe your first year on the mission field?

I learned for the first time what it really meant to trust in God.  Here are a couple of examples: The mission provided me with a car that broke down around 10 times that first year.  Since I couldn’t speak the language, calling a tow truck was not an option, so I prayed… a lot!  And God sent people to help me.  Several times I got lost – I’d always been good with a map, but when there are no street signs, maps don’t always work so well.  I prayed some more and God oriented my path.  He was an ever-present help in the challenges I faced and I learned to rely on Him because He became my only option.

Q What surprised you the most once you began your work? What did you wish you knew beforehand?

Before leaving for the mission field, it never occurred to me that because I did not know the language, I wasn’t able to be fed at church that first year.  I couldn’t understand the sermons, the words to the music we would sing, the Bible studies, etc.  If I had realized this challenge before going I would have been better prepared.

Q What is something that would surprise others about mission work or the people you are called to serve?

When God calls us to the mission field, often it’s much more about who God wants us to become than what He wants us to do for Him on the field.  I’ve grown so much deeper in my relationship with God by becoming a missionary than I would have if I had stayed in ministry in my home country.  I’ve learned more deeply about what sacrifice really means, especially in the context of truly loving another.  God is so much more concerned with who I am than what I do for Him.

Q What are some of the factors that lead you to become an overseas missionary through the NAB?

NAB has been my family for almost my whole life and so I wanted them to be with me on the mission field, too.

Q What advice would you give to those considering overseas missions?

Be 100% certain of you calling before you go.  Don’t allow yourself to think about quitting for the first 5 years because your service really doesn’t begin until then.  And remember that God put nationals in place before you arrived on the mission field therefore it’s important to learn from them, work with them and submit to their leadership. How can people pray for y u? I would appreciate prayer for my husband, Paulo, and I for continued spiritual growth, for safety, for good health, for a strong marriage and that God would continue to use us as His instruments to reach and train others here in southern Brazil.  Thanks!

Unit 12 Session 3 - Solomon Built the Temple - January 17, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join Josh, as he continues the story of King Solomon! This week we will hear about how God led His people to build a temple where he would dwell with them.

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Prek to Kinder

Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Gr 3-6


Family Activity/Discussion Ideas:

1. Don’t forget to watch the end of our lesson video for a fun activity with Sheilla! This week we are drawing self portraits and writing the attributes of a Christian. Can you find any other verses in the Bible that you can use?
2. Built a fort like Josh did (or an even bigger one!) and discuss how God lives with us instead of in a temple today.
3. In what ways does your family honor God? Brainstorm some new ways! How can you encourage one another?

Have a great week!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

Sermon Scripture Studies for Romans

What are Sermon Scripture Studies?

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15

As a church family, we desire to mature in our relationship with God. We believe that growing in our understanding, and love, for God through His Word is foundational for our intimacy with Him, and each other, to develop.

Our regular practice on Sunday mornings is to dedicate 30-35 minutes to learn from God’s Word as it is shared through expository preaching. Expository Preaching is a philosophy, not a method, in which the main idea of the text is the main basis for the main idea of the sermon.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

We believe that all of Scripture is inspired by God and needed for us to be thoroughly equipped for the good works God has planned for us to do. Along with our commitment to expository preaching, we believe there is great value in preaching through books of the Bible to gain a better understanding of God’s redemptive story and how we are to faithfully follow Him.

To enrich our understanding of each week’s biblical passage, we provide Sermon Scripture Studies that contain notes from three study bibles and one commentary. We also provide discussion questions that focus on the passage as well (four sections: Open It, Explore It, Get It, and Apply It). 

Sermon Scripture Studies are provided for Whyte Ridge Baptist Church sermon series (as of Summer 2020).  To download these resources, click on the link below the video / audio of the sermon you are interested in at or find the complete Sermon Scripture Studies here.



Unit 12 Session 1 - Solomon Asked For Wisdom - Jan 3, 2021

Hey Kids!

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2021?! What an interesting year for sure. If there was one word you could give 2020, what would it be?

As we begin to look ahead to school starting again in just a few days, our lesson comes at a good time! Today we are jumping back into the timeline in the Old Testament in 1 Kings. King David has died and his son Solomon became king and he asked God for something… can you guess what it is? It’s not what you would expect!

Click on the video and activity links below to access our lesson materials!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Prek to Kinder

Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Gr 3-6

Hope you have a wonderful first week back at school – whether you are doing online learning or in the building!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

Christmas Session 4 - Wise Men Visited Jesus - Dec 27 20

Well kids, we are on our last Christmas session and our last activity for December! I hope to work on some new activity packs you can pick up again for some upcoming lessons, so stay tuned for more information!

Today our lesson is on the Wise men who visited Jesus! The wise men came to worship Jesus as King. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, as God promised to King David! Jesus is our true king who is worthy of all our worship!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!




Hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus. Don’t forget to watch the end of the video for the lesson activity instructions! It was a cold one!!! Enjoy!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

Christmas Eve Service - Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Online

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attend and invite your friends and family to join us for our Online Christmas Eve Service at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church to be hosted for the FIRST TIME on FACEBOOK LIVE as well as at!

It’s easy to invite others on Facebook! Here’s how:

  1. Select the time you plan to join, click ‘Going’
  2. Select ‘Invite’ in the Event selected
  3. Check those you wish to invite from your Friends list
  4. Select ‘Send Invitations’

It’s that easy!

Event details here:

4:30 pm –

6:00 pm –

You can also join the video at the times above and click ‘Share’ to post the LIVE video to your Facebook wall! Or do BOTH!  

If difficulties, please message us direct on Facebook for support or email

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Session 3 - Jesus Was Born - Dec 20 20

Merry Christmas to all our kids and families!

Wishing you so much joy and peace as you celebrate Christmas together as a family. I know this year looks a lot different, but I pray that this will be a wonderful opportunity to slow down and spend quality time together. Maybe this year, you’ll come up with new family traditions that can help you celebrate Jesus’ birth together!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson For Elementary!





Love Mrs. Sheilla

Christmas Session 2 - Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph - Dec 13 20

Hi Friends,

In this week’s lesson, we will learn that God chose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly parents! Can you imagine that? God chose ordinary people to do something extraordinary!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!




Have a great week!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

Kids at the Ridge Presents: The Christmas Story

Please join us on Sunday, December 13th, during the Livestream Service, as our Kids at the Ridge will be presenting a special video reading of the Christmas Story taken from Luke 2 and Matthew 2.

COVID Update

In response to the most recent COVID restrictions we will be observing the following:

1. Sunday morning worship services will be online only at

2. The church will remain closed to the public but the office will be available by phone (204-489-3875) and email 9:00 – noon, Tuesday to Friday. To message our office direct, visit

3. Pastoral staff may be reached by phone or email. Email details can be found at

Thank you for your patience as we try to do our part in keeping our community safe. Our understanding is that this level of precaution will be in place for the next four weeks.

Canadian Baptist Ministries: Bolivia Update - October 27, 2020

Canadian Baptist Ministries Church Engagement Team Lead Adrian Gardner talked to Bolivia Field Staff Bill Dyck and Terry Janke, Lead Pastor of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, in the most recent episode of CBM Calling!

The conversation revolved around Whyte Ridge’s partnership with Bolivia and responding to COVID-19 as a community.

Check it out!

Seven Pillars of Freedom

Seven Pillars of Freedom is an depth discipleship program for men who struggle with sex and pornography addiction. Understanding the addictive process, this group experience will equip for lifelong healing. For further inquiries contact Steve Morris (204-941-3258).

Unit 9 Session 3 Bible Lesson Video - Gideon

This Week’s Bible Lesson Resources: 

Activity Page Unit 9 Session 3 – PreK-Kinder

Activity Page Unit 9 Session 3 – Gr 1-3

Activity Page Unit 9 Session 3 – Gr 3-6


SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute - Sept 6 20


SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute - Aug 30th

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute - Aug 23rd

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