Latest News and Announcements:
4HG - August 6th at 5 pm
Note there is NO YOUTH this week.
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
Friday, August 12th – No Youth
Friday, August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
Friday, September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Set Apart - August 7, 2022
Hey Kids,
Tune into this weeks Ministry Minute with Mrs. Jacoba! Will the next assignment find her mailbox this week? Let’s find out!
Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute:
4HG - August 6th at 5 pm
This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.
Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes!
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
4HG - August 5th @ 5 pm
This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.
Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes!
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Mustard Seed Faith - July 31, 2022
Hey Kids,
Join us this week as we discover a new assignment! This one takes us back to last summer for a fun experiment to teach us a lesson. I hope your summer is going well! Don’t forget to hold onto your Sermon Notes pages and bring them in for our Fall Kick off Sunday!
Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute:
UPDATE: 4HG Summer Update - July 29
Please note: This week Sr. Boys (not Jr. Boys) meet on Saturday at from 2 – 4 pm (note time) at the home of the Coopers – 340 Duffield St.
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
July 30th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
4HG Summer Update - July 29 (2 - 4 pm)
This week Sr. Boys meet on Saturday from 2-4 pm at the home of the Coopers- 340 Duffield St.
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
July 30th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
Crisis Pregnancy Centre Update
As you know, our church supports the Crisis Pregnancy Centre here in Winnipeg. Many of you have donated baby items (including formula) to the centre through our Mother’s Day drive and by dropping off formula at the church.
The Crisis Pregnancy Centre is so very grateful for your support! In fact, this past Mother’s Day, the centre has been able to give your donations to help new moms provide for their babies.
Here are some of the Thank You notes for the Crisis Pregnancy Centre:
Unfortunately, as many of you have heard (and Pastor Doug mentioned a couple of Sundays ago), our present federal government is working to remove the charitable status of crisis pregnancy centres across Canada. We want to support the CPC and we encourage you to contact your MP and let them know that you do not want the government to remove the charitable status of these centres.
If you need help with the letter, we encourage you to use the sample letter (Sample Letter (page 2).
And, once again, thank you on behalf of the Crisis Pregnancy Centre, for your support!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Whom do you Serve? - July 24, 2022
Hey Kids!
Join us as we discover our new assignment. This is a special one – we get to hear from some of you!
PS – are you filling out your Sermon Notes pages? Watch our Kids Ministry Minute Summer Intro video from July 3rd for the details!
Watch this Week’s Kids Ministry Minute:
Revised: 4HG Summer Update - July 22
**Revised: Note the start time this Saturday is 7 pm (not 2 pm)**
Hey People!
This week the Junior Boys will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 7 pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined!
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
4HG Summer Update - July 22
Hey People!
This week the Junior Boys will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 7 pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined!
Here is our summer schedule. If you have any questions please contact me!
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
Have an amazing Summer everyone!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Faith in Action - July 17, 2022
Hey Kids!
Join us as we learn more about our next assignment!
*Don’t forget to fill out our Kids Sermon Notes Page and bring them in at the end of the summer for a chance for a prize!*
4HG Summer Update - July 15
Hey People!
For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know.
This week the Senior Girls will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 2pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined :D
Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.
If you have any questions please contact me!
July 16th – Senior Girls Afternoon
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
Have an amazing Summer everyone, I hope You find some rest and can relax a bit!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Who's In Charge? - July 10, 2022
Hey kids,
Join Mrs. Sheilla and Pastor Rudy as they work out the answer to their next assignment!
**Don’t forget to fill out your Kids Sermon Notes page as you listen and bring in all your completed pages to Mrs. Sheilla at the end of the summer for a chance to earn a prize!**
Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!
Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute - Summer Intro - July 3, 2022
Hey Kids!
Here is our very first episode of our Kids Ministry Minute for 2022! Watch this video to see what we’re up to this summer and we hope you’ll follow along with us as we go on God’s Assignment.
*Sermon Note booklets are available now to pick up at the kids check-in counter*
Happy summer everyone!
4HG June 10th
Hey People!
I wanted to make sure that you remember that there is NO YOUTH tonight. For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know.
July 1st – Canada Day No Youth
July 8th – Junior Girls Night
July 15th – Junior Boys Night
July 22nd – Senior Girls Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!
If you are bored and would like to do more hanging out thorughout the week in the summer, please send me a message that you’d be interested in something like that, because I’d like to make the Church Property available for games and s’mores on Wednesday Nights occasionally through the Summer. If that sounds like something you’d be into, let’s make it happen!
Have an amazing Summer everyone, I hope You find some rest and can relax a bit!
An Opportunity to Invest in Kingdom work in NE India
Far Corners Ministry (NE India) – Kalchini Project (Updated, May 25, 2022)
UPDATE: All gifts will be matched by a generous donor until June 30, 2022!
To invest in this project, you can e-transfer to the ministry email at or by following this link to the Far Corners Ministry website (indicate Kalchini Project):
ORIGINAL DETAILS: In 2009 WRBC began a ministry partnership with Far Corners Ministry (focused on NE India). This ministry is founded and led by Shant and Ginny Manuel. WRBC sent their first team to north-east India in 2010 and has every two years since, until Covid-19 interrupted the rhythm.
Several months ago, I (Bob Fast) was in conversation with Ginny and learned about a small but growing congregation that was in desperate need of a new meeting place. Pastor Sujat (one of the supported pastors) and his wife Hemanti minister in the village of Kalchini. Initially they met in one room of their three-room house. Then they outgrew it and put up a tent-like structure just next to the house. The tent-like structure had been repaired several times, and after the last rainy season it became apparent that this was not going to be adequate.
By November 2021, they had grown to about eighteen families with forty members. Many new families from other faiths are joining and during Christmas time 17 people committed their lives to Jesus and now they are coming regularly to church. Now there are around 34 families at Kalchini to attend in the new church building and Shakti (the local missionary working with Far Corners) feels that they will see continued growth in this area. Praise God!
The Kalchini church construction project started in November and was planned to be built in stages as funds became available. The building is approximately 18 x 40 feet. The pastor and wife have given part of their land for the building which saves over $5,500. The cost that Shakti gave for the project at the beginning was approximately $12,275 CDN. Costs for building materials and labour costs have increased significantly in India as in other parts of the world so this cost keeps rising. Other interested donors have given to this project to help with the construction. After donations from various donors, mostly in Canada, to complete the project, they estimate they require $4500 CDN.
My wife Dale, and I participated in one of the WRBC trips to Northeast India in 2016. Many others from our church have also gone and ministered to the wonderful people there… and have been ministered to. They are very committed to serving God and building His kingdom. I have regularly thought about how we can support them in some of their entrepreneurial initiatives. The people in this area are not wealthy but are very hard working.
Dale and I have personally invested in this particular kingdom project, and I would like to encourage you to pray about how God might be leading you to participate. It would be great if together, we could provide $5,000 to get this church building complete. To invest in this project, you can e-transfer to the ministry email at; or by following this link to the Far Corners Ministry website (indicate Kalchini Project):
Bob Fast
May 2022
Here are some photos of the church in progress:
Service Resources: June 12, 2022
Service Resources:
Interactive Sermon Notes (Check it out!)
Romans 16 1-16 – Friends Living the Gospel Together – Sermon Notes – June 12 2022
Qualities of Christ-Honoring Friendships June 12.22