Making Use of Scripture Studies for the Gospel of John – Spring & Summer 2016

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,  a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed,  correctly teaching the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15 (HCSB)

As a church family, we desire to grow in the whole counsel of God believing that “[all] Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17).

Along with our commitment to expository preaching that is based on working through books of the Bible we provide Scripture Studies that focus primarily on deepening our understanding of the Scripture passage on which the Sunday morning message is based.

While Scripture Studies (SS) and the Sermon Focus aim to be similar, the objective of our Scripture Studies is to lead you through the Gospel of John chapter by chapter whereas the Sermon focus deals with various themes found in John.

Our hope is that their use will increase both attentiveness and note-taking during the Sunday morning messages, as people know that they will be revisiting the Scripture passage that week in their own personal study and potentially in discussion with their LifeGroup and/or other significant relationships.

Scripture Studies for the Gospel of John (Spring & Summer 2016) can be found free online at or can be bought at cost from our information centre ($3 – notes only; $5 with binder)


Included in our Scripture Studies for the Gospel of John are three separate documents that have been given the following headings:


Designed as the primary resource in the Scripture Studies, this document contains the following elements:

  • Portions of the Scripture passage to be studied from the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB).
  • Notes from:
    • the HCSB Study Bible
    • the Apologetics Study Bible,
    • and the New Living Translation (NLT) Life Application Bible


This document is for those who desire a more in-depth study of the passage.  It contains information from the New American Commentary and represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship. The scholars used the New International Version as the standard in their translation.

**Scripture divisions used in our series and the NAC differ from each other. This is the reason for the occasional discrepancy between the verse range listed in our series and the commentary notes provided in our Scripture Studies.


This document contains numerous discussion questions created by the developers of the best-selling Life Application Bible and are designed to support a natural teaching flow: Open it, Explore It, Get It, and Apply It.

Use these questions to stimulate your study of the Scripture passage – but do not aim to work through them all. Skim the questions and make use of the ones that resonate with you the most. If you have only a brief time to spend in this document, take special note of the questions that are highlighted with an “*”.

If you’re part of a LifeGroup, we suggest that you contribute to the discussion by coming prepared with one or two questions for your members to discuss. Feel free to create your own questions – in fact, that is preferable.

**Scripture divisions used in our series and the resource we use for questions differ from each other.  For this reason, the questions given for each week may vary slightly from the range of verses used in our sermon series