Kids at the Ridge Update – March 20, 2025

Hey Kids and Parents!

I hope you are all keeping healthy these days. We have heard of so many getting sick (myself included!), so you are in our thoughts and prayers!! 

We have a couple more weeks with our new Key Passage before we begin our special Easter Unit. Practice with the kids at home and if they are ready to recite, they can earn a small prize or treat. We will be working on this key passage until March 30th (but kids can say it until April 6th). See the new verses below for Preschool to Grade 1 and for Grades 2-4.  

Starting March 30 (Preschool) and April 6 (Elementary), we will be starting a special interactive Easter unit that helps kids to focus in on each part of the story surrounding Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  We pray that it is meaningful and impactful to each of our kids. 

Reminder to keep practicing our Palm Sunday Song! We will be taking kids into the worship service to sing a special song for Palm Sunday (Sunday, April 13th). All kids in Preschool to Grade 4 can participate on stage but they MUST have a filled out Child Registration form and photo permissions in place. If you are unsure what your photo permissions are for your kids, please contact me!  If you haven’t filled out our Child Registration Form yet, please do so now: 

Keep Practicing our Palm Sunday Song!

We’ve recorded the song and added lyrics so you can follow along at home! Click the link below to view on YouTube.



Big Picture Question: What is the fair payment for sin?

The fair payment for sin is death.


Partner with Kids at the Ridge!

Here are 4 simple ways you can partner with our ministry: 

  1. Say “HI”!  Meet and get to know your child’s leader and share with the leader things about your child.  Ask us about the lesson that day and share any feedback on what your kids have shared with you at home. Help us to get to know your family better so we can pray for you.
  2. Pray for our Children’s Ministry team. We know life is busy at home and work and school. Our lives are busy too. Pray for your child’s leader. Pray for their hearts to be focused on Jesus as they prepare and lead your children.  Connect with the teacher and ask how you can pray for them or let them know you are praying for them. 
  3. Arrive to church on time. We know the morning rush out the door on a daily basis can be a struggle – I’ve definitely been there!  Doors open at 10:20am after our team prayer huddle. Arrive early or right at 10:30am. We love our small group time right at the beginning to connect with your kids and catch up on what’s going on in their lives. It’s a great way to help them feel connected to their leader and the class before we start our Large Group Worship Time.  If you arrive when we’ve already started worship, some kids have a hard time adjusting to the large group and it can also be a distraction.  We only get a short time with your kids, so we want to make the most of it!
  4. Offer to help.  Not every role in our ministry is teaching. If you have a gift for decorating, baking organizing, crafting etc, we’d love to have your help!  We can always use people to help set up our space for our teachers too – we have a lot of set up and take down each week as we share our multipurpose space!

Parent Resources:

  • Worship Playlist on YouTube! Did you know we have a SONSeekers playlist on our YouTube channel?  I’ve added all our favorite songs and a few extras too – just note that our actions on some of the songs might be different :)  
  • Kids at the Ridge Summer VBS Camp – Magnified! Register now! 
    Check out the post for more information or contact me. 

Have a great week and see you on Sunday!

Mrs. Sheilla