How to Project Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity Theft Slider

by Bonnie Tholl

In our increasingly technological world the possibility of identity theft has left many feeling anxious and worried. While it is wise to be cautious, we do not need to live in fear. To know how to avoid being a victim of identity theft, Growing in Grace (+55 plus) will be hosting a special event on How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft.

Growing in Grace LogoAt noon on Thursday, March 13th, Sergeant Robert Cooke from the RCMP will be joining our Growing in Grace luncheon.

His presentation will be on Identity Theft, frauds and scams and other issues that are daily in the news. All the information presented will be geared to seniors in todays society but everyone is welcome to attend.

There will be time for questions and answers after the presentation.

Please sign up at the Information Centre by March 9th. A “thank you offering” to cover the costs of the meal will be collected at the door.

For more information call Bonnie at 204-489-1482.


Bible study this month will be Thursday, March 27th at 10 am.

Call John for more information 204-269-7375