Employment Opportunities with Elections Canada

The following employment opportunities are available for election day, Tuesday, April 19.

Elections Canada is accepting applications for both Voting Officer and Assistant Voting Officer positions.  Details of the positions are as follows:


Election Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Time: from 6:00 am to 9:30 pm (work all day)

Both opportunities are paid positions.


Assistant Voting Officer:

— Assist Voting Officer to set up the voting station and perform other duties as required 

— Check voter’s identification and look up names on voters list

— Fill out records for the voting station

— No previous election experience required

— Count ballots

— Experience dealing with the public

— Must be an eligible voter in the electoral division where employed as a voting official (must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, has resided in MB for at least 6 months)


Voting Officer: Experience with past elections would be an asset.

— Set up voting station

— Pick up and return ballot box to the returning office

— Administer oaths as required

— Administer and Issue ballots to voters

— Count ballots

— Supervise  the voting process

— Experience dealing with the public

— Must be an eligible voter in the electoral division where employed as a voting official (must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, has resided in MB for at least 6 months).


Each voting station requires an assistant voting officer and a voting officer to administer and process the ballots. Husband and wife teams are welcome.

Applicants can apply online at electionsmanitoba.ca website under employment.

A mandatory training is scheduled for the week of Apr 7-15. For more information, please contact the electoral division office at the following address:


Fort Whyte Electoral Division

103-865 Waverley Street, Winnipeg R3T 5P4


Office Email: fwmb2016(at)gmail.com