Stories of Whyte Ridge People


We believe all of life exists to honour God and each of our stories are only a part of the greater story of what God is doing. When we share our personal stories of how God has worked in our own lives, it is an opportunity for others to be encouraged by seeing more of Him.

Here are some of those stories. It is our hope they will encourage and challenge you in your own walk with Jesus. If you have a “God story” from your own life you would like to share, you are invited to submit your story through our online God Story Submission Form.

Some of the submitted stories may be posted on our website.

Unit 16 Session 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream - June 6, 2021

Hey Kids! Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Most of the time they are pretty silly and don’t mean anything. Today in our lesson, we will hear how God gave King Nebuchadnezzar a dream to get his attention – and he sure did! Watch our video to learn more! *Don’t forget to […]Read More »

Kids at the Ridge...on Zoom!

Hey kids, This week, instead of our regular lesson, we met together on ZOOM to talk together and share, play a game and take time to pray together! For those who missed joining us this week, our next Zoom meet will be on June 27. Please email me at for the Zoom link!   […]Read More »

Unit 16 Session 1 - The Fiery Furnace - May 23, 2021

Hey Kids, You don’t want to miss this special lesson today as Pastor Rudy AND Pastor Kevin make an appearance for our Trust Experiment! We had some silly results and discovered that our plans don’t always work out the way we want to… BUT we learn in our story today that we can and should […]Read More »

Unit 15 Session 6 - Ezekiel Gave Hope - May 14, 2021

Hey Kids, Last week we learned that the kingdom of Judah was captured by its enemies… but God had a plan. He gave the prophet Ezekiel a vision of hope! Let’s find out more. Click on the video to watch our lesson and don’t forget to watch to the end to get this week’s activity […]Read More »

Unit 15 Session 5 - Judah Taken Captive - May 9, 2021

Hey Kids! Did you know that God says our hearts can be hard or soft? The people of Judah had hard heart towards God and turned away from Him. This led to Judah being captured by their enemies! God was right to punish His people for their sin, but He kept His promise to provide […]Read More »

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