4HG: For His Glory – Senior High (Grades 8 – 12)

Click here for 4HG: For His Glory – Junior High (Grades 6-8)

Youth attending 4HG are challenged pursuing God’s heart for their individual lives, the people that they interact with, and the world around them. Their leaders strive to make use of the teens’ natural skills and abilities, as well as to push and challenge the youth to stand out and make a difference.

4HG meets on Friday nights. 

Latest News:

4HG Youth April 15th-22th

Hey All!

Hope you’re all sitting warm and cozy because although it might not be the storm of the century out there… it is a bit crazy.

We are coming on Easter Weekend this week. Tomorrow is Good Friday. Remembering the story of Jesus going to his death for our sake. I hope you all take time to dig into what that means for you.

We will NOT have Youth tomorrow, but there will be a church service online in the morning (https://www.facebook.com/WhyteRidgeBaptist/live)

We will be back next Friday (April 22nd) and there is a real possibility of actually doing something outside. I will let you know what the plan is next week.

Upcoming Events:
Mission Fest Manitoba! April 29th, no youth at the Church, we will be meeting at 6:45pm @ “Church of the Rock 1397 Buffalo Place Winnipeg”

Senior Retreat: May 20th-22nd Deadline for registration is May 1st. (https://whyteridgebaptist-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/rudy_whyteridgebaptist_ca/EUQIxSsxYztIqd2aO1RFjqQBRRWa5Ria8p9V71REkv80iQ?e=YixSS8)

4HG April 8

Hey All,

I want to just say ‘Thank you!’ for last week! The MBA worship Night was amazing!!!! You guys really stepped up and allowed us all to feel comfortable around people we didn’t know at all or at least not very well. Tonight we are coming back to 4HG as you know and Love it, with games, music, God’s word, snack, AND Small group! Hope to see you all tonight at 7pm!
Upcoming News:
Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm
Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd (Deadline May 1st) Form is attached: Sr-High-Retreat-Form-2

4HG April 1

Are you guys so excited?!
TONIGHT is our MBA (Manitoba Baptist Association) Youth Worship Night!
Come, Worship and Play with people from all over the City, it is going to be so exciting to build those connections with people around you! I hope to see you all tonight at 7pm!

Upcoming News:
Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm

Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd (Deadline May 1st) Form is attached: Sr-High-Retreat-Form-2

4HG March 25

Hey Peeps!!!

Making sure you have a heads up for this week and the plan for the future!

On Friday this week we will be meeting at 7pm at the church for an awesome night of Games, Worship, Prayer, and Smallgroup! (can’t forget snack tho, eh?)

I cannot wait to see you all (actually see you because it’s not completely dark outside anymore!)

Future Stuff:

April 1st: MBA Worship Night, come worship with the other youth groups in the area and let’s show them how we do things!

May 13th: Camp Nutimik Worship Night, get to know the camp and the people, and let’s worship together

May 20-22nd: Senior High Retreat, Forms are ready, fill them out and get them back to me by April 22nd.

We are coming out of the Ice, restrictions are loosened and we are excited to take steps to rebuild some of the pieces we have lost. As small as it might sound, Youth-Snack is a big part of our community building. It allows us to be casual and relaxed with one another and be part of each other’s lives. If you have in the past, or are now thinking about how you might be able to contribute to that joy, please contact Erika Cooper: erikacooper0101@gmail.com to find out how you can support our Youth in this.

4HG March 18

Hey Peeps!!!

Get Ready for a night of Peace. I know normally I want to hype you up to get ready for an awesome night of craziness, but tonight we will be focusing on peace. We’ll still be crazy and have fun, obviously! Hope to see you tonight at 7pm for some awesome opportunities to spend time with your friends, with your leaders, getting to know maybe even new people. Can’t wait to see you!

Upcoming Events to put on your radar:

Coming on March 19th (TOMORROW) we will be having a Junior Youth Retreat day for anyone in Grade 6-8!
It is important to REGISTER here for it THIS WEEK (cost $20, includes food!): https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f6549 (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f6549).

April 1st will be our MBA Worship Night for the churches of our association to get together at Whyte Ridge to glorify God. Be sure to mark that on your calendars!

I’m also in conversation with Camp Nutimik to plan a Retreat for our Senior Youth to go out there possibly on May 20-22. More info to follow on that!

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4HG Youth Ministries is overseen by Pastor Rudy Wall. He can be contacted by text / phone at (780) 288-1147 or by email.