4HG: For His Glory – Senior High (Grades 8 – 12)

Click here for 4HG: For His Glory – Junior High (Grades 6-8)

Youth attending 4HG are challenged pursuing God’s heart for their individual lives, the people that they interact with, and the world around them. Their leaders strive to make use of the teens’ natural skills and abilities, as well as to push and challenge the youth to stand out and make a difference.

4HG meets on Friday nights. 

Latest News:

4HG Youth October 28

Hey All!

Tomorrow for our youth group we will be meeting at 6:45pm for some Games, Snacks, Music, and Jesus!
I know this is a surprise for you guys but I can’t wait to see you all!

Speaking of Surprises, next week I might tell you about a super fun event that is coming up in a few weeks! It’s nothing like anything we’ve ever done…. (and you’ll be super stoked to find out what it is!). Make sure to invite your friends for the upcoming Archery Tag night ;)

4HG Youth October 21

Hey All!

Hope you had a lovely week so far in the colours of Fall!
This Friday, we will be having a guest speaker come and talk Missions! Really exciting and I’m looking forward to our new discussion time as well!
Friday at 6:45pm!

Can’t wait to see you all there!

4HG Youth October 7th

Hey All!!!

This week we are meeting at the church for some awesome games, hangouts, snacks, AND something NEW! I’ll explain it when you get here. No need to bring anything, just yourself… and maybe your friends!

Important Note: Next Week October 14th, we are NOT meeting at Church, we will be meeting at Rowandale Baptist Church for a Camp Nutimik Worship night!!! 7pm on October 14th! More info next week. Feel free to build some car pools with each other!


4HG Youth Small Group night September 30

Hey All!

This Friday is going to look very different for all of us! Please pay very close attention to all the information in this email!

The small groups will be meeting in separate meeting places this week! 6:30 to 9pm for all groups!

The boys, Jr and Sr High will be meeting at my place for some games, ice cream and Jesus! (940 Centennial Street)

The Sr High Girls will be meeting at Christina Cooper’s apartment for some seriously needed R&R (465B Lanark Street)

The Jr High Girls will be meeting at the Mohr’s House for some fun times and snacks! (42 Meadowbank Rd)

I hope we can see you all in those places! Have an amazing Week!


4HG Youth September 23

Hey Peeps!
I Hope ya’ll had a lovely couple of weeks of school so far!

I’m so excited for us this week because we will be having music for Worship tomorrow, we’ll have the Gym for games!!! Can’t wait til 6:45pm!

A few Heads up for the parents!
1. If you have not filled out a registration for your Child to attend youth, please do so! (You can find the form here[https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995]) If you do not know if you have already filled one out for each child, you should have gotten a confirmation email.

2. Next week is our FIRST Small Group Night, where our small groups are splitting off and spending the evening in their small groups at someone’s house. If you would be willing to host one of those groups at your house, please contact me over this weekend so we can make plans to make that happen!

3. If you’re interested in helping Erika Cooper with the weekly snack by either baking or providing snack please contact her at erikacooper0101@gmail.com

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4HG Youth Ministries is overseen by Pastor Rudy Wall. He can be contacted by text / phone at (780) 288-1147 or by email.