4HG: For His Glory – Senior High (Grades 8 – 12)

Click here for 4HG: For His Glory – Junior High (Grades 6-8)

Youth attending 4HG are challenged pursuing God’s heart for their individual lives, the people that they interact with, and the world around them. Their leaders strive to make use of the teens’ natural skills and abilities, as well as to push and challenge the youth to stand out and make a difference.

4HG meets on Friday nights. 

Latest News:

4HG Youth Feb 7 2025

Hey All!!

I’m so excited for this week’s Youth Event (to be fair… I am excited for all our events!)
We are heading to Manitoba Missionfest this Friday!
Here’s what you need to know!
Where? 1397 Buffalo Place, Winnipeg (We will meet at the World Cafe to check in and out, check the Map below to find out where to go)
Cost? FREE
When? Feb 7th – 6:45pm to 9:15pm
What? We will spend the evening roaming around Church of the Rock in groups of at least 3 people, exploring the 135 Booths that are set up for ministries that are connected to Missions around the world. There are opportunities to sit in a session to hear one of the speakers, check out the Youth room and the things happening there, or spend some money to grab a snack!

I can’t wait to see you all there!

Upcoming Events:
Feb 14: In-House (Writing Letters)
Feb 21: Family Night
Feb 28: Small Group Night

4HG Youth January 31, 2025

Hey All!

What an amazing week last week! Thank you all for coming out and getting excited about being together and being with Jesus!

We are excited for this coming week’s event as well, as we ask another really important question about our faith and what we believe. The question this week is “What happens to the people who did not have a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What happens to babies who don’t live to be able to make a choice, what happens to people who live in unreached areas in this world?”  I hope you’re ready to engage with these hard questions! I hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events:
February 7th: Missionfest
February 14th: In-House
February 21st: Small-Group Night

4HG Youth January 31, 2025

Hey All!

What an amazing week last week! Thank you all for coming out and getting excited about being together and being with Jesus!

We are excited for this coming week’s event as well, as we ask another really important question about our faith and what we believe. The question this week is “What happens to the people who did not have a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What happens to babies who don’t live to be able to make a choice, what happens to people who live in unreached areas in this world?”  I hope you’re ready to engage with these hard questions! I hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events:
February 7th: Missionfest
February 14th: In-House
February 21st: Small-Group Night

4HG Youth January 24, 2025

Hey  All,

Due to the crazy weather last week, we moved our In-House event to this week. A quick recap of our plan is that we are back with our In-House night this coming Friday! We will be playing games, having snack, small groups, and we will look at one of the questions you have asked.

Our Question this week is: “Is there an in-between between Heaven and Hell?”  It’s a great question and challenging to think about. Where do we end up after this life is over? Can’t wait to dig into the Bible with you on this topic!

6:45-9:15pm! Be there!

4HG Youth January 24, 2025

Hey  All,

Due to the crazy weather last week, we moved our In-House event to this week. A quick recap of our plan is that we are back with our In-House night this coming Friday! We will be playing games, having snack, small groups, and we will look at one of the questions you have asked.

Our Question this week is: “Is there an in-between between Heaven and Hell?”  It’s a great question and challenging to think about. Where do we end up after this life is over? Can’t wait to dig into the Bible with you on this topic!

6:45-9:15pm! Be there!

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4HG Youth Ministries is overseen by Pastor Rudy Wall. He can be contacted by text / phone at (780) 288-1147 or by email.