4HG: For His Glory – Senior High (Grades 8 – 12)

Click here for 4HG: For His Glory – Junior High (Grades 6-8)

Youth attending 4HG are challenged pursuing God’s heart for their individual lives, the people that they interact with, and the world around them. Their leaders strive to make use of the teens’ natural skills and abilities, as well as to push and challenge the youth to stand out and make a difference.

4HG meets on Friday nights. 

Latest News:

4HG - February 24

This week we are celebrating our Small Groups! You’ll be meeting in your Small groups and hanging out at someone’s house so make sure you know exactly where you have to be.

If you have any questions as to where or when you’ll meet, please contact your Small-group Leader, or as a last resort… me.

Junior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Emma’s House for some deserved R&R

Junior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm0pm at Colin and Sheilla Taylor’s for some games

Senior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Michael’s house for Games and Snack

Senior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Lauren Edel’s house for surprise activities!

See you tonight!

4HG Youth February 24

Hello and Welcome One and All!

I hope your week is full of warmth and without Wind! But if it is…. I hope you’re bundled up and ready to face the world!

This week we are celebrating our Small Groups! You’ll be meeting in your Small groups and hanging out at someone’s house so make sure you know exactly where you have to be. If you have any questions as to where or when you’ll meet, please contact your Small-group Leader, or as a last resort… me.


Junior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Emma’s House for some deserved R&R

Junior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm0pm at Colin and Sheilla Taylor’s for some games

Senior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Michael’s house for Games and Snack

Senior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Lauren Edel’s house for surprise activities!


Upcoming Events:

Senior High Students, mark your calendar for March 18th for our Retreat Day!!! More info to follow.


4HG Youth February 17th

Hey you lovely Peeps!

This week we are in house once again. I know you’re not worried about being bored or having a lame night, and that’s good, because it certainly will not be any of those things. Getting to know each other and Jesus is never a waste of time. I can’t wait to see you all there! 

Heads up for Small group night next week (Feb 24th). (If you or your parents would like to host your small group, you can either let me know, or contact your Youth Leader)


4HG Youth February 10th

Hey Peeps!

I hope you’re all doing well! We’ve been in different places over the last little while, I cannot wait to see you all back in the building this Friday!

We will be meeting at 645pm on Friday for an In-house Youth evening of Games, snacks, Small Groups, and of course the Main Focus… JESUS.  I can’t wait to walk through some questions around Spiritual Disciplines.  Hope you can all make it!


4HG Youth February 3rd

Hey people of 4HG Youth!

This week Friday, we will be meeting at Church of the Rock at 7 pm to celebrate Mission Fest. The time will be spent exploring stands of different mission related ministries and worshiping God with other believers of this City. We will be meeting in the front entrance of the building (West side of the building, 1397 Buffalo Pl) Pickup will be at the same place at 9:15pm.


There is a worship service that night geared toward Young Adults (9:15pm-11pm), if you would like to stay for that, we can make arrangements as long as you have a ride to go home afterward.

As we’ve advertised, we are planning to head on a Short-term Mission trip to Tijuana in August (7th-18th) of this year. If you would like more information on what it is, what it would cost, where to apply, or anything else, please contact me either over email or at the phone-number below.

See you Friday!!


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4HG Youth Ministries is overseen by Pastor Rudy Wall. He can be contacted by text / phone at (780) 288-1147 or by email.