Growing in Grace is a ministry for seniors who meet together the second Thursday of the month at 12:00 noon for a time of fun, fellowship and a great lunch. They meet in the lower level of the church unless a special event has been planned off-site.
There is a sign up sheet each month at the Information Centre in the church foyer and online to allow for the planning and preparation. For more information contact Bonnie Tholl at 204-489-1482.
Latest News:
Growing in Grace - April 10, 2025
It’s time for High Tea!
Get your suit out and fascinator on to enjoy fancy sandwiches, delicious desserts and lots of fun. There will be a presentation on “Writing your life story”. See the bulletin for more info.
Pre-payment and registration required. Click here to register.
Call Bonnie for more info. 204-797-3140.
Precept Bible Study - 2 Peter
In a day when false teachers are leading countless people astray and to live effectively for Christ, we need to know the truth. Learn to live effectively and grow in spiritual discernment.
Wednesday nights – April 9 to May 14, 7:00-9:00 pm, Main Auditorium
Book Choice: In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework)
Cost: $25 for workbook – pick up in Church Office
Register online starting March 21 & ending April 22. Precept Registration – 2 Peter
Contact: Email for more information.
Prayer Retreat: Scripture Guided Prayer: Learning to Enjoy Listening & Responding to God
Prayer Retreat: Scripture Guided Prayer: Learning to Enjoy Listening & Responding to God
Date: Sat, May 3rd
Time: 9 am – 12 pm
Location: Front Foyer (Prayer Walk Outside)
Register online by Wed, April 30th.
WRBC Winter 2025 Connecting Points Brochure
Now available at the Welcome Centre and Online!
English Conversation Circles Winter 2025
English Conversation Circle (ECC)
Dates: Wednesdays: Jan 22nd – April 16th (off April 2 for Spring Break)
Time: 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Children’s Ministry area
Contact: Brenda Noble (
Register online here: Winter 2025 ECC Registration
WRBC Family Night at YFC
Board Games, Large Group Games . . . something for everyone!
When: Fri, Nov 29th
Where: Youth for Christ (333 King St).
Cost: Free!
Time: Doors open 6 pm
Feel free to bring a board game!
An Invitation to Partnership from Katy Mesics
God is using the ministry of YFC Winnipeg in powerful ways to reach students with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Our mission is essential, because the youth of Winnipeg are struggling daily with damaged relationships, various addictions, the trappings of technology, and in many cases, life without hope.
As you may know, I am currently in a campaign to increase my ministry support, so that I am fully funded as the Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling. I continue to serve youth and families in many areas to reach them with the hope that only Jesus can provide:
– Leading the Counselling Ministry, including supervising our staff team.
– Counselling youth ages 12-21 and their families.
– Providing mental health education and support to the greater YFC Winnipeg staff.
God can use you in this vital ministry as well, and a huge thanks to you if you are already part of my team! I believe God has equipped me for this position, but I cannot fulfill this ministry role alone. Just like any other missionary I need a team of people to pray, volunteer, and give generously towards my ministry.
Would you become a monthly partner with YFC Winnipeg—towards my support? God has already provided 40% of what I need, and am looking to raise my full support by October 31, 2024.
To give online click the link or scan the QR code below:
I hope to touch base with you in the coming weeks to answer any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Many Blessings,
Katy Mesics
Turning Point Ministry Director | YFC Winnipeg
Join Us for Pickleball!
Weekly co-ed pickleball is for anyone (registration required) age 18+ at the following times (2 Hour Sessions):
Mondays: 9:00 am / 11:10 am / 1:30 pm
Tuesdays: 6:00 pm / 8:10 pm
Thursdays: 9:00 am / 11:10 am / 6:00 pm / 8:10 pm
18+ – Gym shoes required. $5 fee (to be paid upon arrival)
There are three full courts, four players/court. You don’t need to have a partner to join the fun! No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 fee paid upon arrival. Please use the west entrance.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Registration Form.
For more information contact Gary Schellenberg at
Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist App Today!
Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist APP today at! (note it will direct to a app given they host the app – this is not the GIVE app).
Don’t delay – live services, registration, giving, the Prayer Wall and more – You can find it in the app!
Growing in Grace
Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots of fun and a game of Bible trivia.
Please sign up and pay by January 7. Cost : $10/person
Online registration HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre
This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
Click here to request your FREE membership today!
Growing in Grace BBQ
Growing in Grace (Seniors Ministries) BBQ on June 23, 12:00pm. Register online or at the Welcome Centre. This event will be outside at 2405 McGillivray, weather permitting (indoors otherwise), so please plan accordingly. See you then! Cost: $10/person. Invite your friends! Contact: Bonnie (204-489-1482).
WRBC Online Church Directory Profile (Breeze)
Click here to be directed to our WRBC Online directory! Please bookmark for reference.
If you have created your username and password, you can login anytime at or select ‘Church Directory Login’ from the menu at the bottom of our website or the Whyte Ridge Baptist Directory logo near the home button on this page.
You can also download the app for your mobile phone here for easy access!
If you have not yet updated your WRBC Online Directory Profile, please do so either in response to the invitation email that has been sent to you or login and update your profile and profile photos. or contact Pastor Kevin and he will happily arrange for assistance with set up. If you have not received an email invite but would like to be part of the Online Directory, please click here and request your invitation.
Details regarding how to complete this process can be found here:
Note that sections 1 and 2 in this video have been combined, and that some of the fields have changed. The video also may seem to end abruptly, but all instructions are included.
Thank you,
The Pastors and Leadership at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church