Whyte Ridge Baptist will be holding its annual fall meeting to deal with the proposed budget for 2016, membership and elections for terms that are expiring. Along with these normal items of business, there will be a presentation on the revised building plans and the potential for a vote to move ahead with building.
Building Plans
Chris Karam, Chair of the Building Committee, presented the revised plans to the members of Capital Funds Committee, Prayer Committee, the Board and the Pastors and staff at a meeting on November 3rd. The plans were well received and now come close to the target amount that was identified in the Feasibility Study that was conducted this past May.
The Board will be considering a resolution to bring to the church on moving forward with building.
Now is the time to Pray
As we move towards this important time in our church life, we need to ensure that we are all focused on the same thing – our ministry in serving God.
Building a new church is a big deal. There are dangers in committing to the cost which is significant. As we talk about the plans for the building, we will all see things differently and may think that things should be changed. But the building is not the goal, it is the means towards the goal which is to serve God.
If it is at all possible, please come to the meeting. Listen to the presentation on the building plans and join in making those plans possible. But for today, start or continue to pray for the wisdom and discernment to make choices that honor God. Pray for Chris Karam and the Building Team, John Wiltshire and the Capital Funds Team, Tim Hague and the Prayer Team who have been holding all of us up to God over these many months. Pray for Pastor Terry and the pastoral staff and pray for the Board as they now must decide how to move forward.
Who can attend
At WRBC our business meetings are open to everyone including non-members. The only condition within the meeting is that only members can vote on business matters. However, questions and discussion are open to everyone. Come and be a part of a very important and exciting time in the life of our church.
Mail Ballot—The Board has decided on a motion to take forward to the church to start us moving forward in our building plans. A mail ballot is available for those who cannot make it to the meeting on November 22. WRBC Mail Ballot