2013 Christmas Card Campaign Update

2013 CampaignHeather Warkentin, 2013 campaign coordinator, reports on the results of this year’s Christmas Card Campaign.

I am very pleased to announce the donation results for the Christmas Card Campaign for 2013!! There may be a few more donations trickling in, but they will be accounted for in the new year.

Living Bible Explorers:

  • Duffel Bags (66) – $660
  • Lunches (76.5) – $765

Pathway Camp Ministries

  • Youth Retreat – $1300

Far Corners Ministry

  • Blanket (78) – $780
  • Pastoral Training (36.2) –  $905
  • Children’s Education (13) – $2600

We have met our goal to have the education of 13 children paid for in India. As well Pathway Camp Ministry figured they would need approximately $1400 to pay for their youth and staff to attend Youth Quake at Briercrest, we have met their goal as well.

Our congregation has come forward once again with hearts of compassion and mercy and I am again humbled by people’s generosity. God is good.

Thank you all for your involvement!!
