Celebrating our Joint Venture

Celebrating our Joint VentureWhyte Ridge Baptist Church (WRBC) and Winnipeg Somang Presbyterian Church (WSPC) will be celebrating their joint mission venture in Bolivia in a combined worship service on September 7.

Pastor Terry, with Pastor Saehoon translating, will be speaking from Revelation 4-5 on “Worthy is the Lamb!” The key verse is:

“You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” Revelation 5:9

IBolivia - Celebrating our Venturencluded in the combined service will be an update about the ministry to Bolivia based on the Partnership Agreement made with WRBC, WSPC, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), and Bolivia Baptist Union/Union Bautista Boliviana. This partnership came about as a result of representatives of WRBC and WSPC traveling to Bolivia in the summer of 2013. The goal of the trip was to build relationships with Bolivian sisters and brothers and visit various projects of the Bolivian Baptist Union. Of special interest to the two groups was learning about the Seminario Theologico Baustista (STB) in Cochabamba and the Chagas project in Mizque.

STEP Program BoliviaWhyte Ridge Baptist and Winnipeg Somang Presbyterian will enter into a STEP relationship with CBM, the STB and the Chagas Project (through the Bolivian Baptist Union) beginning in 2015. The STEP program is a global discipleship program that provides churches with the opportunity to engage more significantly in global mission through a three-way partnership with CBM and one of its global partners. Learn more about the STEP program on the CBM website or through this STEP program PDF.

A joint mission trip is being planned by the two congregations for next July 15 – 30, 2015.

In addition to the above update, Shant Manuel of Far Corners Ministry will be sharing a brief report on the current ministry in India.