4HG April 1

Are you guys so excited?!
TONIGHT is our MBA (Manitoba Baptist Association) Youth Worship Night!
Come, Worship and Play with people from all over the City, it is going to be so exciting to build those connections with people around you! I hope to see you all tonight at 7pm!

Upcoming News:
Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm

Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd (Deadline May 1st) Form is attached: Sr-High-Retreat-Form-2

4HG March 25

Hey Peeps!!!

Making sure you have a heads up for this week and the plan for the future!

On Friday this week we will be meeting at 7pm at the church for an awesome night of Games, Worship, Prayer, and Smallgroup! (can’t forget snack tho, eh?)

I cannot wait to see you all (actually see you because it’s not completely dark outside anymore!)

Future Stuff:

April 1st: MBA Worship Night, come worship with the other youth groups in the area and let’s show them how we do things!

May 13th: Camp Nutimik Worship Night, get to know the camp and the people, and let’s worship together

May 20-22nd: Senior High Retreat, Forms are ready, fill them out and get them back to me by April 22nd.

We are coming out of the Ice, restrictions are loosened and we are excited to take steps to rebuild some of the pieces we have lost. As small as it might sound, Youth-Snack is a big part of our community building. It allows us to be casual and relaxed with one another and be part of each other’s lives. If you have in the past, or are now thinking about how you might be able to contribute to that joy, please contact Erika Cooper: erikacooper0101@gmail.com to find out how you can support our Youth in this.

4HG March 18

Hey Peeps!!!

Get Ready for a night of Peace. I know normally I want to hype you up to get ready for an awesome night of craziness, but tonight we will be focusing on peace. We’ll still be crazy and have fun, obviously! Hope to see you tonight at 7pm for some awesome opportunities to spend time with your friends, with your leaders, getting to know maybe even new people. Can’t wait to see you!

Upcoming Events to put on your radar:

Coming on March 19th (TOMORROW) we will be having a Junior Youth Retreat day for anyone in Grade 6-8!
It is important to REGISTER here for it THIS WEEK (cost $20, includes food!): https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f6549 (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f6549).

April 1st will be our MBA Worship Night for the churches of our association to get together at Whyte Ridge to glorify God. Be sure to mark that on your calendars!

I’m also in conversation with Camp Nutimik to plan a Retreat for our Senior Youth to go out there possibly on May 20-22. More info to follow on that!

4HG Junior Youth Retreat and Upcoming Events

Hey Everyone,

Coming on March 19th we will be having a Junior Youth Retreat day for anyone in Grade 6-8!

It is important to REGISTER here for that THIS WEEK (cost $20, includes food!): https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f6549.

April 1st will be our MBA Worship Night for the churches of our association to get together at Whyte Ridge to glorify God. Be sure to mark that on your calendars!

I’m also in conversation with Camp Nutimik to plan a Retreat for our Senior Youth to go out there possibly on May 20-22. More info to follow on that!

Exciting stuff! Be sure to reach out if any questions, and to register for March 18!


4HG Youth March 4th

Hey All,

The sun is warm, days are getting longer, and guess what… Spring is just around the corner!
To celebrate winter saying goodbye, we will be playing some games this Friday, spending time with each other while cruising through the building playing hide-and-seek, sardines, dodgeball, eating snack, and seeing what the night brings. Bring your friends, bring energy, and just get ready for a relaxed crazy night!

Upcoming Events:
March 19th: Junior High Youth Retreat Day (9am to 5pm)
April 1st: Manitoba Baptist Association Worship Night at Whyteridge Baptist Church
May 13th: Camp Nutimik Worship Night at Whyteridge Baptist Church
May 20-22: Provisional Dates for a possible Senior Youth Retreat at Camp Nutimik

If you have any questions on any of these things, please feel free to contact me and let’s talk!


4HG Youth February 25th

Hey You all,

Coming out of the Deepfreeze this week I noticed that the Sun seemed slightly stronger! I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I’m thinking of planning outside events.

For this week however we will still be inside I think.

We will be digging into what Baptism is. I hope you can all make it on Friday at 7pm. Make sure you bring your Bible and be ready for some awesome conversations in your small-group!

Coming on March 18th we will be having a Junior Youth Retreat day for anyone in Grade 6-8.

April 1st will be our MBA Worship Night for the churches of our association to get together at Whyte Ridge to glorify God.

I’m in conversation with Camp Nutimik to plan a Retreat for our Senior Youth to go out there possibly in May. More info to follow on that.

Stay warm!


4HG Youth February 11th

Hey Peeps!!!!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be in the big group again tonight!
We will be playing games in the gym, worshipping together, having snack, and being in small group!
Hope to see you all there!
I’ll be sending out more information on both the Junior Retreat Day and the April MBA Worship night soon. Feel free to ask questions you might have that I can answer in those info-dumps.

I want to acknowledge that our Youth nights have recently gone longer than 9pm even though that is the official end time. This is usually because the kids absolutely love the use of the gym and the ability to spend time with their friends. If you would like to comment on this, please let me know if this is an issue that we should be addressing. I would love your feedback on this.

4HG Youth February 4th

Hey Students and Parents!

We are so excited by the new health Orders, which will be in effect for next week. However, this week we will still be in cohorts for Youth. We will be meeting at 7pm on February 4th for an amazing time of Worship, games, and Small group. Can’t wait to see you all there!

Upcoming Events:
We are planning a Retreat Day for the Junior Youth come March. More information to follow.

April 1st, we will be getting together with the other MBA Youth Groups around Winnipeg for a Worship night. The Event will be happening at WRBC!

4HG Friday Night

Hey All,

I hope you all made it through the cold and the wind over the last week, I can already feel the Sun being more powerful than before. It actually feels warm sometimes now.

I’m excited to announce that we will be back in person for tonight. We will still be in cohorts, the Seniors in Childrens Ministry and the Juniors in the Gym.

There are new restrictions coming our way and we don’t know what they are yet, but we will try to stay in person as much as we can. Hope to see you all tonight at 7pm at the Church for some games, Worship and Small-group!


Hey Students and Parents!

I’m super excited to have Youth tonight and hopefully see you all there, HOWEVER we will NOT BE IN PERSON. Due to the terrible conditions outside we will have Youth online today, please use the Link below to connect over zoom.

This is not the start of being online again for the future, this is a One Off due to the road conditions and the wind picking up again in the evening. We will be back in our cohorts in person next week.
Can’t wait to see you all tonight!

7:00 pm – 4HG Youth Ministry Gathering
Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/4hgzoom
Meeting ID: 651 553 957 / Password: 2405
Contact: Pastor Rudy Wall – rudy@whyteridgebaptist.ca

4HG Hot Coals

Hey You lovely people!

We are coming close to Christmas and the end of the year, so here is what you need to know!

Tomorrow (Dec. 10th) we are meeting at 7pm at the Church for a time of Worship, games, a lesson, and some time spent together resting in God’s presence. Our topic tomorrow will start a bit of a longer series on the conversation about our identity. Who are we? I hope to see ya’ll tomorrow!

Next week (Dec. 17th) is our Christmas Party, where we will listen to the Christmas story, build some Gingerbread houses, and celebrate Christ’s coming as a group!

We will take a break over Christmas and New Years, so after the 17th, we won’t meet until the 7th of January! Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.

For the Seniors, our retreat will be happening on January 14th-to 16th! We will head out to Nutimik for a few days to find rest and joy in spending time together. I will be sending out Registrations next week with all the information for that!

I know this was a lot of information, if you’re still reading, thank you! I hope you’re all finding some moments to breathe, and take in the beauty of winter. God’s blessing cover all of you!

4HG Friday Night

Hey Ya’ll!

Thank you for sticking with us through the hard conversations we’ve been having. It has been such a great time to dig into these topics with you all and we will continue those as well.

BUT this week we are taking a week off to take a breather. It has been a bit heavy, so to lighten it up, this week we will be playing Gorgon and Manhunter! We’ll have snack and hang out in our small groups as well. So come to the Church at 7pm and we’ll have a blast!

Our 4HG Christmas party will be on Dec 17th, and we will be taking off for two weeks over Christmas and New Years. We will be back on the 7th of January.

4HG Youth Update

Hey Students and Parents,

Two main point in this email to keep an eye on; Christmas, and the Senior Youth Retreat.

Before those two points I want to make sure you know what the plan is for this week! On Friday (Nov. 26th) we will be meeting at 7pm for our 4HG time. We will be finishing off the topic of Sanctity of Life for now and close up some questions you might have on this before we move on.

On the 17th of December we will be holding our Christmas Party here at the Church. We’ll build some ginger bread houses, sing some Christmas songs, play some games and share the Christmas Story.

The SENIOR RETREAT!!! It was supposed to happen at the beginning of December, but due to some shifts in restrictions and business of the Christmas season it will be postponed until the Weekend of January 14-16. It will only be available to Students (Grades 9-12) and Leaders who have been vaccinated (due to regulations), we will be in cohorts that will have limited interactions with one another, and it might look very different from previous camp experiences you have had. It is super important for us to find a moment of rest. Away from the internet, the phone, the busyness of life. To that end, we will do our best to keep people safe and in community. Registration information will be coming next week, please keep your eyes and ears open for that.

4HG Youth November 12th

Hey Students and Parents,

Youth tonight is still happening! I understand the rapid snowfall has made the roads somewhat sketchy to drive on, but if you can make it, we would love to have you in the building tonight!
We are actually continuing a difficult conversation that started last week and wont be finished by tonight. The Sanctity of life, dignity of life, and how abortion is viewed by God.
We will have some time to play, make music, and talk in groups as well.
Hope to see you all there.

Last week I put forth the idea of a Youth-retreat in my email for the Senior Students. We will have all the necessary information on that by next week so please keep your ears to the ground as it will be coming up soon.

Can’t wait to see you all tonight.

4HG Hot Coals

Hey Students and Parents!

We are getting into some of the heavier topics over the next few weeks, starting this week (Fri Nov. 5th) with the ‘Sanctity of Life’. We will be talking about the topics of Abortion, Euthanasia, and Capital Punishment over the next 3-4 weeks. I’m hoping to make it informative and not traumatizing, but if you have concerns or questions with regards to these topics please contact me. We will still have our games, snack, worship, and small-group as usual, so i hope to see ya’ll there!

In line with these topics I understand there are some, especially within our Senior Youth who have been dealing with some hard things in their life over the last while, I have been planning at Retreat for our Senior youth at Camp Nutimik at the beginning of December. It would go from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and would feature, food, games, teaching, and community (as covid restrictions allow). I understand that not every parent would be comfortable to send their kids to this, but I want to make sure you understand that we will hold to all the requirements the Camp would ask of us, and while there would definitely be ridiculousness and fun, the main goal would be to give our Senior Students a few days of Rest (without tv, phone, school stress) and be in the presence of God.

Please feel free to share some feedback on this with me, whether you agree or disagree, I would love to hear from you!

4HG Youth Oct 29th

Hey 4HG Students and Parents!

Thank you so much for last weeks fun evening! It was awesome to see everyone participate and have a blast!

I know the same will be true tomorrow as we take a bit of a break from our ‘Hot Coals’ Series and step into the missions-field with our Guest Speaker Paoline! She will be coming to us and speaking about what it means to be someone who did not grow up in Canada and share a vision in our Youth about reaching the people around us!

I can’t wait to play games, sing songs, eat snack and listen to God’s word tomorrow! I hope to see you all at the Church at 7pm!

4HG YOUTH Paintball

Hey Parents and Students,

Everything you need to know for Friday!

On the 22nd of October the goal is to meet at PAINTBALL PARADISE for 7pm until 9pm.  The Cost per Person is FREE(!) due to a Generous Gift from an amazing Family from our Church!

1. Please Fill out the waiver (printable-waiver-paintball-Paradise (https://buff.ly/3aerw7G)) and hand it into me before we walk into the building!
2. Fill out the registration form for 4HG (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679)

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE BOTH FILLED OUT, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO PLAY! So make sure you and the friends you bring (yes, you’re allowed to bring friends!) have both filled out!

If you want to bring some money to buy a snack, or more paint you’re welcome to do so.

I cant wait to see you all there tomorrow!

4Hg Hot Coals

Hey you Lovely People!

It is October! The leaves look beautiful, and the wind is getting colder but it’s ok because Sweater Weather is lovely too!

I have talked with a few of you making sure that these emails get to their intended targets, which has been a bit of a mess in the last few weeks. Feel free to give me feedback because I want to make sure you have the right information in a timely manner!

Please make sure to read through the full announcement below:

On October 22nd we are Meeting at ‘Paintball Paradise’ at 7pm.
1. FILL OUT THE PAINTBALL WAIVER (printable-waiver-paintball-Paradise), and HAND IN TO ME by October 20th!!!!
2. Make sure you have filled out the 4HG Registration Waiver (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679) If you have already filled it out for your child you DO NOT have to fill it out again.

We have had an incredibly generous Donor ask to pay for everyone’s Admission, so THIS EVENT IS FREE for you, bring your friends (make sure their waivers are filled out)!!!! If you want to bring some money to pay for more paint (for yourself), you’re welcome to do so, but the Admission covers you for 200 pellets.

Paintball Paradise wants you to know that these are slightly smaller paint pellets, with lower pressure guns, so they do not hurt as much as a regular hit would.
Make sure to dress appropriately for the weather and being outside.

For our weekly gathering on October 15th we are meeting at the Church at 7pm for some Games, Worship, Snack, and Hangout, with some teaching around the questions of how Christians should interact with the world on the topic of Legal Recreational Drugs. Being literate on the questions, dangers, temptations, and misleading information that we hear and how we can make good choices even when others might challenge us on them.

I’m so excited for these conversations and the time spent together, I hope to see you all there!!!!

As always, if you have questions, concerns, comments, or just want to say hi, please do no hesitate to contact me. I love hearing from you!

4HG Youth Update

Hey Parents and Students,

I want to start by apologizing, we have been having some issues on our side with our emails that did not get sent. We are working to make sure you get these every week especially when they contain important updates.  Note that our updates can also be found on the Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Facebook Page and Youth Ministries Facebook Group each week!

On the 22nd of October the goal is to meet at PAINTBALL PARADISE for 7pm until 9pm!
The Cost per Person is $30 (please talk to me privately if that’s an issue)
Please Fill out the waiver (printable-waiver-paintball-Paradise) and hand it into me by October 18th! 

We are digging into some more ethical Questions for this week, and we’re asking why we believe that Christianity IS the right religion, shouldn’t other religions have their say?

Come and let’s have a conversation about that this Friday the 8th of October, we’ll play some games, and worship as well. I hope to see you all there.

Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, comments.

4Hg Hot Coals

Hey Parents and Students,

I’m so excited for Friday night! It has been a great experience getting to know you all, and I hope you find your time at Youth as fulfilling as well.
We’ve taken some time to establish a few foundational aspects for our series, but we are now slowly getting into some of the topics you all asked about.
On Friday we will be digging into Evangelism, what it is, what we are called to, and how it affects us and the people around us. Is it good, bad, right wrong? What does Jesus say?

In a few weeks we are doing an offsite event, more information will be coming next week. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!!!

4HG Hot Coals

Hey Peeps!

I am so excited to get going on this series we’re jumping in on!
We’re getting into the weeds a little bit this week as we talk about Right and Wrong!
How can you tell me something is right and what is wrong?
I hope to see you all Friday night at 7pm!

We have some plans for the future so keep your ears to the ground on information coming for the next off-site event!

4Hg Hot Coals for the Fall

Hey Parents and Students of 4HisGlory,

I hope You’re all starting your new School year with excitement and already having awesome experiences! Here at 4HG we want to make sure you get a chance to hang out with Jesus, your leaders, and your friends!

This coming Year we will be dealing with some topics that might be hard for some people. Every week I will be sending out an email with the general topic so you can come each week ready to have a conversation.
Tonight we will actually start by simply talking about HOW we are going to talk about these topics, and more importantly, what God is calling us to in our conversations!

Can’t wait to see you all tonight at 7pm at the Church!

4HG KICKOFF Ya’ll Ready for this?!

Hey You lovely People of Whyte Ridge 4HG!

I hope you had an amazing summer and found some time to prepare for a new year at School, and at Youth! While we had some Youth Things happening throughout the Summer… We Are Back Full Time!

Before we get into it though, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. While we will be in person, we still want to keep everyone safe, this means, Masks inside.
2. For the New Year, we need a new Waiver for you to be able to attend. You will find the new Form Here:  https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679
3. We come to Youth to get to know Jesus and each other better, to do that we want to be respectful, and care about each other’s well-being.

This Friday (Sept 10th) we are Meeting at the Maze in Corn (https://goo.gl/maps/bK6uFYVUCHYZjhSQA) at 6:45pm until 9pm! $13 per student above 12 years Old, $11 per Student under 12 years old.
We will run through Corn, pet cute animals, and hang out, have a snack and enjoy each other’s company!

The New Year brings with it an exciting new series of Conversations here at 4HG. A series I’ve called ‘Hot Coals’ in which we will be taking a look at Hard Topics that Society is dealing with and we as Christians should understand from a Biblical Standpoint. Each week I will give a quick overview of the Topic and how we at WRBC understand scripture in those circumstances.

If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to comment, please feel free to contact me at
rudy@whyteridgebaptist.ca or call (780) 288-1147

4HG Startup 2021/2022

Hey 4HG peeps!

We are coming to the End of the Summer. It has been an amazing summer no doubt for most of you!
We have had some fun in the Sun, some pain in the rain… Just kidding, no pain just good times!

We have One (1) more event before the MASSIVE 4HG KICKOFF on SEPTEMBER 10th (More on that below)
Our Last event for 2020/2021 is Canoeing for the Junior High Schoolers! On September 3rd at 6:15pm at FortWhyte Alive Outdoor Adventure Center which is West of the Church follow this link https://buff.ly/3g1HOE6. Our Grade 6 to 8 are going to meet for a few hours of Canoeing Fun! Make sure you have filled out both Waivers for that.

1st Waiver is the 4HG Waiver which can be found here (https://buff.ly/3AA9tne). If you have already filled it out this one in the past year no need to do so again.
The 2nd Waiver is from Fort Whyte and will have to be physically be handed in to Me (Pastor Rudy) It can be downloaded here: https://buff.ly/2XkI3U5
It is 20 Dollars per person which I will collect on the night of.

The MASSIVE 4HG 2021/2022 YOUTH KICKOFF happens on SEPTEMBER 10th at THE CORNMAZE (https://www.cornmaze.ca/) We will be meeting there at 6:45pm and leave there at 9pm.
It is $13 if you’re 13 and older and $11 if you’re under 13 years old.

For the next year, we are starting conversations about difficult topics within our every-day lives, what God calls us to, how we know whether something is right or wrong. Some of you have given me some questions that you’re struggling with and I want to leave that invitation open, if you have more questions you would like me to address at Youth, please send me a message, or talk to me. The questions can be in person or anonymous.



Hey All,

We’re in July now! I’m so excited to share the summer with you all. We are coming up on another Friday night and as promised I want to make sure everyone is fully aware of what the plans are for their group.

This Friday (July 9th) The Senior High Girls are meeting at the Church for a Paint night at 7pm! Jenny, Christina, and Paola are super excited to see you ladies out there, if you want to bring a chair that would be great.

Next Friday (July 16th) will be our Junior High Boys meeting. Derek and Samuel are working on a plan and that will be sent out next week. Keep your ears to the ground and your nose into the wind for the information coming your way.

The Friday after that on the 23rd, the Junior Girls will be meeting up for some fun that Alexis and Emma are preparing.

As always, if you have questions and comments, please send them my way and I’ll respond to them.

Have an amazing summer everyone!


SUMMER YOUTH PLANS!!! Important Updates

Hey All,

We are now in Full Blown Summer. School is done, we can see people again…. life is great!

To make this even better we want to celebrate this together.

There are going to be a few changes as to how we are going to meet so going forward these emails are going to be super important to read!

The plan for the next Two months is that because we can still only have 25 or less people in person outside, we won’t be meeting as a full group.

So every week one of the Small Groups will be meeting in person, and each week I will be sending out an email with what that group will be doing that week.

The Schedule looks like this so far.

Tonight Friday July 2nd – Senior Boys 7pm at the Church
Next week July 9th – Senior Girls 7pm (More information to come)
July 16th – Junior Boys 7pm at the Church
July 23rd – Junior Girls

This is what we are looking at so far. As the time comes I will update the plans, times, and everything you’ll need to know.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and comments.


Friday Night Youth June 18th 2021

Hey Everyone,

Tonight we are getting together for Youth on zoom at 7pm. Come join us as we wrap up the week together!!

Can’t wait to see you all tonight!


7:00 pm – 4HG Youth Ministry Gathering
Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/4hgzoom
Meeting ID: 651 553 957 / Password: 2405
Contact: Pastor Rudy Wall – rudy@whyteridgebaptist.ca

Youth Night May 28th

Hey All!!!

I can’t believe we are at the end of May already! Spring has come, and if you’re not excited about the lush green nature out there, I hate to say it, but you’re wrong :)

We are on the homestretch to Summer, but that won’t make us forget the importance to care for each other! I hope you’re all feeling cared for, your leaders and I definitely love hearing about your lives, and spending time with each other is super important to us!

Tonight we will be focusing a little bit on change in our lives, and how that change can be tough, but people around us make it worth it!

I hope to see you all at
7:00 pm – 4HG Youth Ministry Gathering
Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/4hgzoom
Meeting ID: 651 553 957 / Password: 2405
Contact: Pastor Rudy Wall – rudy@whyteridgebaptist.ca


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