4HG Youth October 7th

Hey All!!!

This week we are meeting at the church for some awesome games, hangouts, snacks, AND something NEW! I’ll explain it when you get here. No need to bring anything, just yourself… and maybe your friends!

Important Note: Next Week October 14th, we are NOT meeting at Church, we will be meeting at Rowandale Baptist Church for a Camp Nutimik Worship night!!! 7pm on October 14th! More info next week. Feel free to build some car pools with each other!


4HG Youth Small Group night September 30

Hey All!

This Friday is going to look very different for all of us! Please pay very close attention to all the information in this email!

The small groups will be meeting in separate meeting places this week! 6:30 to 9pm for all groups!

The boys, Jr and Sr High will be meeting at my place for some games, ice cream and Jesus! (940 Centennial Street)

The Sr High Girls will be meeting at Christina Cooper’s apartment for some seriously needed R&R (465B Lanark Street)

The Jr High Girls will be meeting at the Mohr’s House for some fun times and snacks! (42 Meadowbank Rd)

I hope we can see you all in those places! Have an amazing Week!


4HG Youth September 23

Hey Peeps!
I Hope ya’ll had a lovely couple of weeks of school so far!

I’m so excited for us this week because we will be having music for Worship tomorrow, we’ll have the Gym for games!!! Can’t wait til 6:45pm!

A few Heads up for the parents!
1. If you have not filled out a registration for your Child to attend youth, please do so! (You can find the form here[https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995]) If you do not know if you have already filled one out for each child, you should have gotten a confirmation email.

2. Next week is our FIRST Small Group Night, where our small groups are splitting off and spending the evening in their small groups at someone’s house. If you would be willing to host one of those groups at your house, please contact me over this weekend so we can make plans to make that happen!

3. If you’re interested in helping Erika Cooper with the weekly snack by either baking or providing snack please contact her at erikacooper0101@gmail.com

Important: 4HG Youth Kickoff Details! (September 9th)

Hey All!!!

I can’t believe we’re coming back! I’m so excited to see you all again after this long summer!

Tomorrow (Friday Sept. 9th) is our Youth Kickoff Event!

We will be Meeting at 630pm at the Corn Maze (https://www.cornmaze.ca/pages/find-us) so your parents can drop you off there and pick you up at 8:45pm! We’re going to have a blast cruising through the maze, checking out the animals and enjoying some ‘smores and Hot chocolate!

Cost is $13 per person (I don’t want anyone not coming because of money so please come and let me know), every person will pay for themselves to limit the chaos of trying to organize 40 people on the spot.

There are two things I will need for each person! (Mandatory)

1. To come to youth, I will need a filled out registration from each person attending. You can find that registration HERE: (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995)

2. To come to the Corn Maze, you’ll have to fill out a waiver you can find HERE: (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb013427866592)

If you do not have both filled out, I won’t be able to have you with us because of legal reasons. So please make sure you have them covered.

Tell your friends to come, make sure your friends know to fill out the forms (they can fill them out online even in the parking-lot of the maze, but it has to be done before we go in)!

Hope to see you all there!!!!

4HG Fall Update!

(Note that there in no youth tonight.  Have a wonderful long week end!)

Hey, all!

I am so excited to tell you about our plan for the Fall but first just a heads up, we will need you to register every attending Student for the Year as we are jumping into a new ministry year You can do that by filling out the following form:

REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE FILL OUT!): https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995

Two important dates for the Immediate future:

Friday September 2nd; NO YOUTH (This is an evening for our Youth Leaders to prep for the new Year)

Friday September 9th; YOUTH KICKOFF Cornmaze! You can find their website at https://www.cornmaze.ca/ I will make sure you have all the information for this in next week’s email.

For the fall, we are jumping into Matthew with the Church! There is an option for you to get a copy of the ESV Illumination Bible which acts as a Bible and Journal at the same time! (You can talk to Doug or Myself for this).

We are really looking forward to changing up the plan from last year in aspects that involve Serving as well as building community among the small groups with events like Small-group nights at people’s houses from our church, and options for snow removal for people in our church who can’t do things for themselves.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns as always please contact me and we can always have that conversation.  And, don’t forget to join us on Instagram! @4hgyouth!


4HG Update – August 26, 2022

Hey All!!!

I’m super excited to remind you that the Senior Youth are going Canoeing at Fort Whyte this week!

We will be meeting at the MAIN ENTRANCE to Fort Whyte (Sam Fabro Way) at 6pm! It’s $15 per person but if that’s an issue please talk to me, we want you there! Anyone going into Grade 9 to grade 12 is welcome! If you know you’ll be coming, could you send me a quick thumbs up so I have a decent idea of the numbers? That would help immensely.

We’ll be done around 8pm for you to be picked up. Any questions please direct them to me!

Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
Friday, September 2nd – Youth Leader Planning meeting (No Youth)
Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year CORN MAZE!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG Update – August 19, 2022

Hey All!!!  Note that Junior Youth Canoeing was yesterday, Friday (August 19), NOT today!

Senior Youth, be sure to join us next Friday (August 26) for Senior Youth Canoeing!  We will be meeting at the McGillivray entrance to Fort Whyte at 6pm! It’s $15 per person but if that’s an issue please talk to me, we want you there! Anyone going into Grade 6 to grade 8 is welcome! We’ll be done around 8pm for you to be picked up. Any questions please direct them to me!

A reminder of the upcoming weeks events:

Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing

Friday, September 2nd – Youth Leader Planning meeting (NO YOUTH)

Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!



4HG Update – August 19, 2022

Hey All!!!

I’m super excited to remind you that the Junior Youth are going Canoeing at Fort Whyte today!

We will be meeting at the McGillivray entrance to Fort Whyte at 6pm! It’s $15 per person but if that’s an issue please talk to me, we want you there! Anyone going into Grade 6 to grade 8 is welcome! We’ll be done around 8pm for you to be picked up. Any questions please direct them to me!

Friday, August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing

Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing

Friday, September 2nd – Youth Leader Planning meeting

Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!



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4HG – August 6th at 5 pm

Note there is NO YOUTH this week.

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!

Friday, August 12th – No Youth
Friday, August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
Friday, September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!


Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.


Have an amazing Summer everyone!



4HG – August 6th at 5 pm

This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.

Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG – August 5th @ 5 pm

This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.

Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


UPDATE: 4HG Summer Update – July 29

Please note:  This week  Sr. Boys (not Jr. Boys) meet on Saturday at from 2 – 4 pm (note time) at the home of the Coopers –  340 Duffield St. 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

July 30th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG Summer Update – July 29 (2 – 4 pm)

This week  Sr. Boys meet on Saturday from 2-4 pm at the home of the Coopers- 340 Duffield St. 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

July 30th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


Revised: 4HG Summer Update – July 22

**Revised:  Note the start time this Saturday is 7 pm (not 2 pm)**

Hey People!

This week the Junior Boys will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 7 pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG Summer Update – July 22

Hey People!

This week the Junior Boys will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 7 pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG Summer Update – July 15

Hey People!

For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know.

This week the Senior Girls will be meeting on SATURDAY @ 2pm at the Church! Bring Clothes that could get dirty without getting ruined :D

Also, to the people who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

If you have any questions please contact me!

July 16th – Senior Girls Afternoon
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Have an amazing Summer everyone, I hope You find some rest and can relax a bit!


4HG Updated Schedule for the Summer!

Hey People!
For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know. This is an updated list so please pay close attention to when your Group will be meeting. As your group’s night comes closer, there will be more information for you to dig into.

July 8th – Junior Girls Night (Meeting at Erika Cooper’s House at 7pm 340 Duffield
July 16th – Senior Girls Night (Meeting at the Church at 7pm on SATURDAY)
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night (Meeting at the Church at 7pm of SATURDAY)
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

If you are bored and would like to do more hanging out throughout the week in the summer, please send me a message  because I’d like to make the church property available for games and s’mores on Wednesday nights occasionally throughout the summer. If that sounds like something you’d be into, let’s make it happen! The First one of those nights will happen on July 13th!!! Hope you can make it!

4HG June 10th

Hey People!

I wanted to make sure that you remember that there is NO YOUTH tonight. For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know.

July 1st – Canada Day No Youth
July 8th – Junior Girls Night
July 15th – Junior Boys Night
July 22nd – Senior Girls Night
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

If you are bored and would like to do more hanging out thorughout the week in the summer, please send me a message that you’d be interested in something like that, because I’d like to make the Church Property available for games and s’mores on Wednesday Nights occasionally through the Summer. If that sounds like something you’d be into, let’s make it happen!

Have an amazing Summer everyone, I hope You find some rest and can relax a bit!

4HG June 17

To Whom it may Concern,

You are sincerely invited to our 4HG Movie Award Show and Ceremony. Friday, the 17th of June, we will be hosting the legendary actors and actresses of WRBC 4HG! Please plan to arrive by 7pm, the dress code is Fancypants!

We are closing out the school year tomorrow with some fun movies you created, will eat pizza, hang out in small groups, talk about bringing Jesus with us into our summers and how we can stay connected. You’ll get a schedule for the summer that will have all the information on it so you’re never behind.

Next week there won’t be Youth, as your Leaders will take an evening to talk about the year and what the plans for the new year will be. So come tomorrow, bring your friends, and tell your parents to pick you up late ;) Hope to see you all tomorrow!

4HG June 10

Hey People!

As you are probably aware…. Summer is upon us! I can’t tell you how excited I am about this awesome weather! For tonight we want to make full use of this, so we will be doing an event that is slightly different from our regular scheduling. Tonight will be ‘Make Your Own Movie Night’ and basically what this will look like is that you’ll get into groups and created a movie from start to finish, which we will watch next Week! All the details will still come, just know that this won’t be made available online so make sure to come tonight and next week! Bring your friends and lets enjoy each others company in the knowledge that God is in the centre of all of this! Can’t wait to see you all tonight at 7pm at the Church!

4HG June 3

Hey Peeps!!!

I can’t believe it’s JUNE!!! We are coming toward the end of the School year and I’m sure you’re all wondering how the Summer is going to go. I will send out a schedule for the summer so you can make your plans accordingly :D I know you’re all making sure that Youth is the highest priority on your list ;)
Know that there will be enough things that will be happening that you won’t miss us too much.

For this Friday we will be meeting at the church at 7pm for an awesome time with an interesting story, awesome snacks… and obviously time to hang out with each other! Can’t wait to see all ya’ll!

4HG May 27th


Tonight we are at Youth and ready to enjoy an awesome night of Community, Music, Jesus, and Snacks. Hope you’re as excited as I am to enjoy this beautiful weather and each other’s company.

We will be at the Church from 7pm to 9pm!

If you want or need any more information please contact me!

4HG – May 20 (No Youth)

Hey All!

I know that this headline is super disappointing. No youth! Tragedy. It’s for good reason though!
This coming Friday, our registered Senior High Youth (please contact me if you have a question regarding this) are heading to Camp Nutimik for the weekend. Information will be below.
Youth will resume on May 27th as normal. Hope to see you then!

Youth Retreat Information you’ll need to know:

Bus arrives at WRBC at 5:15pm on Friday (May 20th) to pick us up leaving for Camp Nutimik, EAT BEFORE YOU GET THERE. We won’t have supper at Camp when we get there that night.

Bus will return to WRBC at 3:30pm on Sunday, for you to be picked up by your Parents. We will make sure Parents get a phone call from their child once we are within 30 minutes of arriving back at the church.

There will be an update email once we get to camp for you parents to feel safe in knowing that we will have arrived, and an update once we leave camp as well.

If you have any more questions, comments, concerns, please contact me today or tomorrow and I will do my best to help with those.

4HG May 6

Hello dear Reader,

It has been a long time since you’ve received any word from us, (at least 3 days), so here I am, ready to inform you of the brand-new things that are happening at 4HG Youth.

TONIGHT: Come and spend time with your friends and potential future friends, as we play games, sing songs, listen to God speak, eat snack, and spend valuable time with our small groups tonight! At the church at 7pm! Be there!

Upcoming Events:

Camp Nutimik Worship Night- Happens Next Friday (13th) at WRBC Church, there will be lots of people some of whom you’ve probably met, some who will be awesome to get to know. Lets come and worship together! (7pm)

Camp Nutimik Retreat- On May 20th the senior Youth (Grade 9-12) will be meeting at the Church at 5pm to take the Bus out to Camp Nutimik for an awesome time of connection, being out in God’s creation, worship and so much more. We will return back to the Church on Sunday the 22nd of May around 3pm.
TECHNICALLY the Deadline has passed, but because there were some issues with the registration form, if you LET ME KNOW THAT YOU’RE COMING BY TONIGHT, I will mark you down. The proper registration form is found HERE. If you could simply send me a message with a “____ will be there” that would be fantastic.

Thank you for your Patience,

Important Update for the Retreat Registration


Hey Parents and people who are planning to go on the retreat in May,

Over the last few weeks the link that went out for the registration form to sign up for the Senior Retreat was faulty. This has probably left some of you scratching your head and I apologize for this oversight.

Here is the proper link, please fill out the form and get it to me when you can, I understand that is easier said than done, so for now if you could just let me know that you are coming so i can make sure we have enough space on the bus and in the cabins, and then get the form to me once it’s filled out, that would be amazing.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience, I know some of you have handed the right form in to me, but if you could simply send me a message with a “____ will be there” that would be fantastic.

Thank you for your Patience.


4HG April 29

Hey All,

I hope you all remembered that tonight we are at MISSION FEST @ Church of the Rock. This means we will NOT meet at WRBC. We will be meeting at 6:45pm in the front entrance of Church of the Rock where I will sign you in and give you some instructions for the night.
There will be some awesome booths with information about missions around the world; we’ll be in the session that starts at 7. The booths close at 9:15 and if you are getting picked up you’ll have to let me know that you’re leaving so I can make sure no-one gets left behind. Feel free to direct any question toward me.

Upcoming News:

Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm

Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd Deadline May 1st (This Sunday!). Fill out form HERE.

4HG April 22nd

Hey All,

Guess what, we have a dry place for you tonight at the church! Hope to see you all tonight at 7pm!

Upcoming News:

NEXT WEEK (Really Important!): No Youth at WRBC, we’re going to MissionFest at Church of the Rock in Winnipeg on April 29th! We’ll meet in the Foyer at 645pm Next Friday!

Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm

Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd Deadline May 1st.  Fill out form here: https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f654974


4HG Youth April 15th-22th

Hey All!

Hope you’re all sitting warm and cozy because although it might not be the storm of the century out there… it is a bit crazy.

We are coming on Easter Weekend this week. Tomorrow is Good Friday. Remembering the story of Jesus going to his death for our sake. I hope you all take time to dig into what that means for you.

We will NOT have Youth tomorrow, but there will be a church service online in the morning (https://www.facebook.com/WhyteRidgeBaptist/live)

We will be back next Friday (April 22nd) and there is a real possibility of actually doing something outside. I will let you know what the plan is next week.

Upcoming Events:
Mission Fest Manitoba! April 29th, no youth at the Church, we will be meeting at 6:45pm @ “Church of the Rock 1397 Buffalo Place Winnipeg”

Senior Retreat: May 20th-22nd Deadline for registration is May 1st. (https://whyteridgebaptist-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/rudy_whyteridgebaptist_ca/EUQIxSsxYztIqd2aO1RFjqQBRRWa5Ria8p9V71REkv80iQ?e=YixSS8)

4HG April 8

Hey All,

I want to just say ‘Thank you!’ for last week! The MBA worship Night was amazing!!!! You guys really stepped up and allowed us all to feel comfortable around people we didn’t know at all or at least not very well. Tonight we are coming back to 4HG as you know and Love it, with games, music, God’s word, snack, AND Small group! Hope to see you all tonight at 7pm!
Upcoming News:
Nutimik Worship Night May 13th 7pm
Camp Nutimik Senior Retreat May 20th to 22nd (Deadline May 1st) Form is attached: Sr-High-Retreat-Form-2