4HG Youth October 25th

Hey All!!!

I hope you’re all doing well and are enjoying these beautiful Fall days. Last weeks’ Worship night was amazing, and we’re looking into making sure everyone can make it next time by renting a bus if the area we’re going to is far away.

That being said, there will not be a bus this week for our Camp Nutimik Worship Night. This will happen at Fort Richmond Baptist Church by the University of Manitoba (10 Radcliffe Rd). I hope you can all make it. We will meet there at 6:45 to 9:15pm. Can’t wait!


November 1: In-House (Question Night)
November 8: In-House (Question Night)
November 15: Small-Group Night (Places for each Small group tbd)
November 22: In-House
November 29: Family Night

4HG Youth October 25th

Hey All!!!

I hope you’re all doing well and are enjoying these beautiful Fall days. Last weeks’ Worship night was amazing, and we’re looking into making sure everyone can make it next time by renting a bus if the area we’re going to is far away.

That being said, there will not be a bus this week for our Camp Nutimik Worship Night. This will happen at Fort Richmond Baptist Church by the University of Manitoba (10 Radcliffe Rd). I hope you can all make it. We will meet there at 6:45 to 9:15pm. Can’t wait!


November 1: In-House (Question Night)
November 8: In-House (Question Night)
November 15: Small-Group Night (Places for each Small group tbd)
November 22: In-House
November 29: Family Night

4HG Youth October 18th

Hey All!

We are getting a chance to have some awesome events this month, these next two weeks we are actually getting a chance to worship God with tons of other people from around the city!

On Friday the 18th we are going to meet at North Kildonan MB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd. at 6:45pm-9pm for  Union Gospel Mission Worship Night!

On Friday the 25th we are meeting at Fort Richmond Baptist Church @ 10 Radcliffe Rd for a Camp Nutimik Worship Night!

Hope to see ya’ll there!  Contact Pastor Rudy for more information. 

Please make sure you have filled out this REGISTRATION FORM to attend 4HG Youth Events. 

4HG Youth October 18th

Hey All!

We are getting a chance to have some awesome events this month, these next two weeks we are actually getting a chance to worship God with tons of other people from around the city!

On Friday the 18th we are going to meet at North Kildonan MB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd. at 6:45pm-9pm for  Union Gospel Mission Worship Night!

On Friday the 25th we are meeting at Fort Richmond Baptist Church @ 10 Radcliffe Rd for a Camp Nutimik Worship Night!

Hope to see ya’ll there!  Contact Pastor Rudy for more information. 

Please make sure you have filled out this REGISTRATION FORM to attend 4HG Youth Events. 

4HG Youth October 11th

Hey All!

This week at 4HG we are meeting for an In-House night. We’re starting to answer more of your questions. I hope you’re able to be there and get ready to get heavy!
We will have an amazing time I believe, with games, snack, small-groups, and music! I can’t wait to see ya’ll at 6:45 on Friday!

October 11th – In-House Evening
October 18th – UGM Worship Night (North Kildonan MB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd.)
October 25th – Camp Nutimik Worship Night (Fort Richmond Baptist Church)

4HG Youth October 11th

Hey All!

This week at 4HG we are meeting for an In-House night. We’re starting to answer more of your questions. I hope you’re able to be there and get ready to get heavy!
We will have an amazing time I believe, with games, snack, small-groups, and music! I can’t wait to see ya’ll at 6:45 on Friday!

October 11th – In-House Evening
October 18th – UGM Worship Night (North Kildonan MB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd.)
October 25th – Camp Nutimik Worship Night (Fort Richmond Baptist Church)

4HG Youth October 4th

Hey Ya’ll!!

Happy October, we’re officially in the fall, which means it’s getting colder and some people have less of a chance to be outside and connected. That is why we are focusing our service night this week on writing letters to those who are on the visitation list from our church. This Friday we will be writing letters as small-groups to remind those who don’t have the ability to come to church, that they are part of us regardless.
So come for some great time of games, worship, snacks, and small-group time. If you haven’t filled out this registration form for the year yet, please do so as soon as possible! Youth Registration Form 2024-25 Contact Pastor Rudy if you have any questions. 

As always, Friday 6:45pm to 9:15pm! See you there!

Upcoming Events:

Oct  11: In-House
Oct  18: Union Gospel Mission Worship Night (North Kildonan MB Church)
Oct  25: Camp Nutimik Worship Night (Fort Richmond Baptist)

4HG Youth October 4th

Hey Ya’ll!!

Happy October, we’re officially in the fall, which means it’s getting colder and some people have less of a chance to be outside and connected. That is why we are focusing our service night this week on writing letters to those who are on the visitation list from our church. This Friday we will be writing letters as small-groups to remind those who don’t have the ability to come to church, that they are part of us regardless.
So come for some great time of games, worship, snacks, and small-group time.

As always, Friday 6:45pm to 9:15pm! See you there!

Upcoming Events:

Oct  11: In-House
Oct  18: Union Gospel Mission Worship Night (North Kildonan MB Church)
Oct  25: Camp Nutimik Worship Night (Fort Richmond Baptist)

Reminder: 4HG Youth September 27th

Hey Ya’ll!

We will be meeting for an In-House evening tonight. I want to remind you that if you’re carrying questions in you, you can bring them and we will put them with the other questions. Bring your friends, enjoy time together, snacks, and games!

Upcoming Events:

Oct 4: In-House (Service Night) – more info on that coming this week
Oct 11: In-House
Oct 18: Union Gospel Mission Worship Night
Oct 25: Camp Nutimik Worship Night


4HG Youth September 27th

Hey Ya’ll!

Hope you had a great start to your new year of school, it can be challenging but I hope you know you’re not alone as you’re going through this year.

We will be meeting for an In-House evening this week. I want to remind you that if you’re carrying questions in you, you can bring them this Friday and we will put them with the other questions. Bring your friends, enjoy time together, snacks, and games!

Upcoming Events:

Oct 4: In-House (Service Night) – more info on that coming this week
Oct 11: In-House
Oct 18: Union Gospel Mission Worship Night
Oct 25: Camp Nutimik Worship Night


4HG Youth September 20th

Hey All!

Thank you for sticking with us last week when we had to pivot last minute and move the event. I’m really excited for this new year and all the things that we’ll get a chance to do.

We decided to move the Corn-maze event to this week as we still want to give you that opportunity to be outside for a bit before winter comes and it gets cold. So this Friday (September 20th) we are meeting at the Corn-maze at 6:30pm til 8:30pm.!

If you haven’t registered for Youth please do that here (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679956659)

If you’re wanting to come to the Corn-Maze event, please fill out this (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f65497414) form additionally.

Upcoming Events:

September 27 – In-House Night
October 4 – Service Night
October 11 – In-House Night
October 18 – UGM Worship Night


4HG Youth September 20th

Hey All!

Thank you for sticking with us last week when we had to pivot last minute and move the event. I’m really excited for this new year and all the things that we’ll get a chance to do.

We decided to move the Corn-maze event to this week as we still want to give you that opportunity to be outside for a bit before winter comes and it gets cold. So this Friday (September 20th) we are meeting at the Corn-maze at 6:30pm til 8:30pm.!

If you haven’t registered for Youth please do that here (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679956659)

If you’re wanting to come to the Corn-Maze event, please fill out this (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/39b61f65497414) form additionally.

Upcoming Events:

September 27 – In-House Night
October 4 – Service Night
October 11 – In-House Night
October 18 – UGM Worship Night


UPDATE: Corn Maze Cancelled, Meet at Church at 6:45 pm.

IMPORTANT: Corn maze event for September 13th in Cancelled, due to rain we will meet at the Church at 6:45 for some Ice Cream Sundaes and get to know one-another games!

I’m really excited for this year and what we will be exploring. From September to December we will be collecting questions that we have, and working on answering those from a biblical point of view.

If you want to be part of 4HG make sure to fill out our Yearly Registration form.

Youth Calendar:

September 13th: Sundaes and Games at the Church (Corn Maze Cancelled)

September 27th: YIH


4HG CornMaze Kick-off Sept 13th

Hey All,

Welcome to our 2024-2025 Youth-Year! I’m so excited to have you join us on this journey!

We will be starting our journey this Friday at 6:30pm to 8:30 at A Maze-In-Corn (in St. Adolphe). The cost for the event is $11 for students under 12 and $13 for anyone over 12 years of age.
Come prepared for it to be slightly chilly as the sun goes down, we will have a fire and hot chocolate so you won’t be super cold. I can’t wait to see you there! Register HERE.

I’m really excited for this year and what we will be exploring. From September to December we will be collecting questions that we have, and working on answering those from a biblical point of view.

If you want to be part of 4HG make sure to fill out our Yearly Registration form.

Youth Calendar:

September 13th: Youth Kick-off at the Corn Maze – Register HERE.

September 27th: YIH


4HG Youth Kick-Off September 13th

Happy Friday! 

You are getting this email because you are connected to 4HG (for His glory), whether you are an attending student, you have a child who is a student, or you are a volunteer.  If you had not yet had opportunity to review this information or to fill out the Youth Registration Form 2024-25 today! 

Welcome to everyone who is new, and welcome back to those who have been getting these emails before. My goal is for you to receive an email every week regarding the plan for that Friday and a few weeks in advance; that way if for some reason, you do not get an email that week, you can refer back to an older email. As a general rule, if there was no information regarding that Friday night, expect Youth to happen.

I’m really excited for this year and what we will be exploring. From September to December we will be collecting questions that we have, and working on answering those from a biblical point of view.

If you want to be part of 4HG make sure to fill out our Yearly Registration form that you can find here (Youth Registration Form 2024-25)

Youth Calendar:

September 13th: Youth Kick-off at the Cornmaze – Register HERE.

September 20th: YIH (Youth In-House) Starting the Theme for the Year “Questions and Answers”

September 27th: YIH

4HG Youth Kick-Off September 13th

Welcome to Youth of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church,

You are getting this email because you are connected to 4HG (for His glory), whether you are an attending student, you have a child who is a student, or you are a volunteer.

Welcome to everyone who is new, and welcome back to those who have been getting these emails before. My goal is for you to receive an email every week regarding the plan for that Friday and a few weeks in advance; that way if for some reason, you do not get an email that week, you can refer back to an older email. As a general rule, if there was no information regarding that Friday night, expect Youth to happen.

I’m really excited for this year and what we will be exploring. From September to December we will be collecting questions that we have, and working on answering those from a biblical point of view.

If you want to be part of 4HG make sure to fill out our Yearly Registration form that you can find here (Youth Registration Form 2024-25)

Youth Calendar:

September 13th: Youth Kick-off at the Cornmaze – Register HERE.

September 20th: YIH (Youth In-House) Starting the Theme for the Year “Questions and Answers”

September 27th: YIH

4HG Youth Canoeing Night – Friday, August 16

Hey All,

Hope you’re signed up for our event this Friday evening. If you are not yet, please contact me ASAP. It’s $20 a person and we are meeting at 6:15 at Fort Whyte Alive on McCreary Road.  Here are the two forms you will need to fill out ON-Water-Waiver-2 and this one here.  If possible, get these forms to Rudy before the event.

Here is the info you need to make sure you’re getting where you need to go.

When arriving, we need everyone to park in the staff parking lot. When entering off of McCreary, drive past the farm, past the overflow parking, and past the regular parking lot – to the left of the main building (the Alloway Reception Centre), there is a gate. This gate will open when you drive close to it. Drive straight for about 50 meters, past the sod house, past the fork in the road to go to the “Siobhan Richardson Field Station” – you should now be in the staff parking lot (it is a long skinny lot with a grassy area in front it and the Richardson Interpretive Centre to the South). This is the parking lot where you will meet Brahm, the staff person, and the volunteers. Try to have your group arrive as close to 6:30 as possible.

There is a wedding ceremony rehearsal in the Alloway Reception Centre, so please make sure nobody goes through this building or parks in the main parking lot.

Once the whole group has arrived in the staff parking lot, everyone will go to the paddling location together (about a 6 minute walk). There will be no building access, so make sure people bring a water bottle if they want one. There are porta-potties where you are paddling, so washroom access will be available. We currently only have 1 staff and 1 volunteer (I am waiting to hear back from a few more) so it is unlikely we will be able to do a full paddle instructional program, but Brahm is very experienced and will be happy to help out as much as possible. You will have full access to the canoes and kayaks, so people should be able to get a good taste of what there is to offer.

Once the paddling is over at 8:30, the group will walk back to the parking lot together and Brahm will unlock the gate to let people out (and relock after everyone).

4HG Youth Canoeing Night

Hey All,

Hope you’re signed up for our event this Friday evening. If you are not yet, please contact me ASAP. It’s $20 a person and we are meeting at 6:15 at Fort Whyte Alive on McCreary Road.  Here are the two forms you will need to fill out ON-Water-Waiver-2 and this one here.  If possible, get these forms to Rudy before the event.

Here is the info you need to make sure you’re getting where you need to go.

When arriving, we need everyone to park in the staff parking lot. When entering off of McCreary, drive past the farm, past the overflow parking, and past the regular parking lot – to the left of the main building (the Alloway Reception Centre), there is a gate. This gate will open when you drive close to it. Drive straight for about 50 meters, past the sod house, past the fork in the road to go to the “Siobhan Richardson Field Station” – you should now be in the staff parking lot (it is a long skinny lot with a grassy area in front it and the Richardson Interpretive Centre to the South). This is the parking lot where you will meet Brahm, the staff person, and the volunteers. Try to have your group arrive as close to 6:30 as possible.

There is a wedding ceremony rehearsal in the Alloway Reception Centre, so please make sure nobody goes through this building or parks in the main parking lot.

Once the whole group has arrived in the staff parking lot, everyone will go to the paddling location together (about a 6 minute walk). There will be no building access, so make sure people bring a water bottle if they want one. There are porta-potties where you are paddling, so washroom access will be available. We currently only have 1 staff and 1 volunteer (I am waiting to hear back from a few more) so it is unlikely we will be able to do a full paddle instructional program, but Brahm is very experienced and will be happy to help out as much as possible. You will have full access to the canoes and kayaks, so people should be able to get a good taste of what there is to offer.

Once the paddling is over at 8:30, the group will walk back to the parking lot together and Brahm will unlock the gate to let people out (and relock after everyone).

4HG Youth July 26th

Hey All,

I can’t wait to see you this week as we have one of our Summer Events on Friday July 26th! Make sure you come ready for some water games, bring a change of clothes and a towel if you’re worried you’ll get soaked! We’ll have snack and time to just hang out as well!

I’m also excited to invite our new Youth for this event as well, so if you’re going into Gr. 6 this fall you’re welcome to join us!

Where: The Church (outside)
When: 7pm-9pm
What: Waterfight
Feel free to bring some waterguns of your own!

Update: 4HG Youth Summer Plans

Hey All, 

Don’t miss out on our next 4HG event! We will be having a water fight on July 26!!

A reminder that we will NOT be meeting for most of the Summer as there is a lot happening outside of youth. We will have TWO EVENTS that you’re invited to even if you have already graduated or are just coming into youth this year!

July 26th – Waterfight!!!
August 16th –  Canoeing at Fort Whyte

Please continue to connect with people in your small groups, show each other that you care about each other.


4HG Youth Summer Plans

Hey All, 

Just a reminder that we will NOT be meeting for most of the Summer as there is a lot happening outside of youth.

That being said, please continue to connect with people in your small groups, show each other that you care about each other.

We will have TWO EVENTS that You’re invited to even if you have already graduated or are just coming into youth this year!

July 26th – Waterfight!!!
August 16th –  Canoeing at Fort Whyte!

4HG Youth Summer Plans

Hey All, 

Just a reminder that we will NOT be meeting for most of the Summer as there is a lot happening outside of youth.

That being said, please continue to connect with people in your small groups, show each other that you care about each other.

We will have TWO EVENTS that You’re invited to even if you have already graduated or are just coming into youth this year!

July 26th – Waterfight!!!
August 16th –  Canoeing at Fort Whyte!

See you then!


4HG Youth June 21st

Hey Hey!

It is the end of the school year! We have celebrated our grads, and we’re slowly saying ‘hello’ to Summer! This coming Friday will be the last regular Youth Event until the fall. BUT that is not something to be sad about, we will have two big events coming this Summer. We will have a water fight, and some canoeing happening.

For this Friday, we will meet, we’ll eat some Pizza, we’ll spend time as small groups to share some plans for the summer, and getting a chance to pray for one another. I hope you can all make it there!


July 26th – Water Fight
August 16th – Canoeing at Fort Whyte
September 6th – Youth Kickoff
End of September (date tbd) – MBA Youth Retreat at Camp Nutimik! (Registrations will be available soon!)

4HG – June 14, 2024

Hey Ya’ll!

This week is a Special week for a few reasons! This Friday we will have some of the people who went to Mexico last year, share their Testimony! I’m really excited for that, but there is something else…. We are also going to celebrate our Graduates! To do so, we will have a Formal Attire dresscode (come dressed nicely) and we will celebrate and acknowledge how nice it has been to have had them in our midst. Hope you can all make it this Friday for this special Event!

After 930pm, everyone except the Grads will go home as normal, and the grads will stay for a special After-hours event for them.


4HG – June 14, 2024

Hey Ya’ll!

This week is a Special week for a few reasons! This Friday we will have some of the people who went to Mexico last year, share their Testimony! I’m really excited for that, but there is something else…. We are also going to celebrate our Graduates! To do so, we will have a Formal Attire dresscode (come dressed nicely) and we will celebrate and acknowledge how nice it has been to have had them in our midst. Hope you can all make it this Friday for this special Event!

After 930pm, everyone except the Grads will go home as normal, and the grads will stay for a special After-hours event for them.


4HG Youth June 7th

Hey All!

It’s June, aside from some heavy showers the weather has been really nice and it’s exciting to have some warmer days!

This week for youth we are in the building for an in-house! 6:45pm I hope you can make it, we are coming toward the end of the Youth-year and I’ll be sad to see less of you during the summer.


June 14th:    Graduation Friday! Youth will be focused on celebrating our Grads

June 21st:     Wrap Up Friday! Celebrating the end of the Year with Pizza

July and August will have one Youth Event Each to which our graduated Youth and our incoming Grade 6 youth are invited to! More information to follow

4HG Youth May 31

Hey Peeps!

Hope you’re doing well this lovely end of Spring/ beginning of Summer!
This week we are missing a few of our lovely leaders and students, but this will not stop us from enjoying being together!

6:45pm! Here at the Church, outside, and inside games… hope to see you all here, best day to bring a friend tbh!

4HG Youth May 24th

Hey All,

This week for Youth we will be in the Church Building, with some (hopefully) outside Games, a cool guest speaker who will challenge us on our walk with Jesus specifically regarding serving others. We’ll have snacks, and time together as small groups. Hope you can make it out, bring your friends!

See you at 6:45pm on Friday!

4HG Youth May 17th

Hey All!

I’m excited to be back with you again this week!

Those of you who have been paying attention to the calendar that has been sent out, know that we are going to Flying Squirrel this Friday!!! We will be meeting there (1250 St James St) at 7pm!

Make sure to fill out this waiver (https://waiver.roller.app/flyingsquirrelwinnipeg/) by Friday.

This event will cost $25 per person.

4HG Youth May 3

Hey All,

This Friday night we’ll be meeting at the church again for games,  snacks,  worship,  and small group time.  See you there!

A reminder of some of our Upcoming Events:

May 17th – Flying Squirrel

May 24th – Senior High Retreat Day

Be sure to join in on the activities on Friday night!