Walk! Pray! Love!

Walk! Pray! Love!

by Pastor Kevin

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.” – Jesus 

This coming Sunday our worship service is going to look a little different than usual. We are holding one worship service at 10 am and, after a shorter time together in the church sanctuary, we are going to head outside and join together in prayer for our community. Our church family (including the kids) will divide into groups and walk through a number of parts of the Whyte Ridge and Fort Whyte developments, praying God would bless the people, the schools, and the local organizations.

Preparing for Love Winnipeg

This is not to be confused with our Love Winnipeg Sunday, which takes place a week later. On that day (June 1st), we will be going out into the community to bless others by helping those around us in a variety of ways, including grounds keeping at the schools, clean-up and tree planting at the community centre, graffiti removal in the community and visitation at several personal care homes.

As we look ahead to Love Winnipeg, this Sunday is partly about us preparing our hearts to serve others and, more importantly, it is about us asking the Lord to show His love to people in a powerful way. It is good and right for us to pray diligently for those around us.

Walk! Pray! Love! • Worship Continued

Our prayer walk this Sunday is not an “extra” thing that we are doing at the end of our worship service. Rather, think of it as the last part of our worship time together. When you come to church this week, be prepared to pray for our community.

We will be dividing into 6 prayer groups. Each group will start their prayer walk in a different part of the community.  Participants will be given a list of potential items from which to pray. You will be encouraged to walk in groups of two or three, or in family groups, spending half an hour praying together as you walk.

Those whose last names begin with the letters A-D are going to meet in the WRBC parking lot and start your walk from there. Those whose last names begin with E-H will meet in the Whyte Ridge Elementary School parking lot. I-M will meet at the HGI Middle School parking lot, N-Q will meet at the Whyte Ridge Community Club. R-Z will meet at the church’s property on McGillivray Blvd. Those who are not able to join the walk can remain in the church sanctuary for a time of prayer together there.

May God be blessed as we gather together this Sunday to worship Him in a variety of ways. And may He richly bless our community according to His purpose and in answer to our prayers.

Walk! Pray! Love!

See you Sunday! 

Why a Clothing Drive?

Clothing Drive 2014

A Real Need

Most of us never give much thought about whether we will have enough clothes to wear. Our closets are full of clothes. We have so many clothes that there are items we rarely, if ever, wear.

Such is not the case for those who are struggling financially for one reason or another. There are many in our city who do not have an abundance of clothing. They only have what we would consider a bare minimum.  

Love Winnipeg

To help meet this need for clothing, Whyte Ridge Baptist is doing a clothing drive on Sunday, June 1, 2014. This is part of our church’s participation in Love Winnipeg 2014. 

On Sunday, June 1st, various groups from Whyte Ridge Baptist will go out in to our community to perform acts of kindness and good will. The clothing drive is one of these events. 

How you can help

We are asking for gently used, clean clothes. These will be donated to a number of organizations who work with the poor in our city.

There will be a bin in the Church foyer for the gently used clothing you are willing to donate. These items of clothing then will be distributed to the needy in our community.

Some specific items in need are boys NEW pajamas and women’s business clothing, but all donations will be accepted.

When the Journey Gets Tough

Men's Breakfast - Slider

Men’s Breakfast

Life was good for Darryl Penner. Find out how a brain tumor, a cancer diagnosis, and months of medical appointments changed his life, and he would never choose to go back. Come hear his journey of pain, hardship, and God’s unconditional love and guidance. Darryl’s theme for the morning will be “When the Journey Gets Tough.”

Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Men’s Breakfast takes place at the church.

  • Saturday, May 31st
  • 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • Cost: $5

Walk-ins welcome – but we do appreciate it if men signup so we can adequately prepare the week of the breakfast. Please signup by Thursday, May 29th .

Signup at the Information Center or by contacting the church office.

For a bit of background on the Penner’s journey, check out these links:

Call to Prayer

Dan Hamil, North American Baptist Conference (NABC) Interim Executive Director, recently posted this call to prayer. In the video, Dan asks us to enter a season of prayer for the churches and ministries of the NABC. Less than 3 minutes in length, it is a worthwhile watch/listen.

More videos about the NABC can found on their Vimeo Channel.

Looking for a place to plugin?

Love Winnipeg

Servants Wanted

With the arrival of warmer weather, are you looking for a place to get out and plugin by serving others? How about an opportunity to make a difference in our community? Coming soon is a practical and tangible way to let the love of Jesus shine through you.

Whyte Ridge Baptist is once again participating in Love Winnipeg on June 1. Love Winnipeg is a network of churches from across Winnipeg. For many years now, these churches go out into their communities in an intentional way to share the Love of Jesus through practical acts of service.

Some of the acts of service Whyte Ridge Baptist people will be doing this year are:

  • providing musical entertainment in three personal care homes
  • cleaning gardens and planting flowers at local schools
  • cleaning graffiti and picking up garbage in our community
  • more to be announced soon…

Watch for more details in the coming weeks on how to personally get involved.

For now, we need individuals willing to serve on the Love Winnipeg Planning Committee. If you are interested in helping others plugin and serve in our community, please contact Heather Warkentin.

Take a couple of minutes to watch a video the video…

Three Crosses, Three Deaths

Three Crosses Three Deaths

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father,forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”

The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”

There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.

One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered him,“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:33-43 (NIV)

Whyte Ridge Hockey Team Bests the Jets

Wings 2014

Whyte Ridge Baptist’s division 4 hockey team – Whyteridge Wings – faired better than the Winnipeg Jets this season. The Wings finished first in the 4th division of the Fellowship Hockey League. Their record was 21 wins, 3 losses, and 4 ties. The team also won the Fellowship Cup in the playoffs, winning all of their games. 2013-2014 was the Wings first year in the league.

In addition to winning the 4th division and the Fellowship Cup, the Wings was one of lowest penalized teams in the league.

Whyte Ridge also had a second team in the league, playing in the 40+ division. They finished a very respectable second in their division.

Whyte Ridge’s own George Giesbrecht is and has been the president of the Fellowship Hockey League for the past 30 years. In 2013-2014, the league had 27 teams playing in 5 divisions.

Congratulations to Whyte Ridge’s teams on an excellent season.Wings 40+

The Daniel Plan

Daniel Plan

by Kelly Karam

Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Women’s Ministry would like to invite all women to a new 6 week study focusing on a healthy lifestyle entitled The Daniel Plan. It will be on Tuesday nights starting May 6 and ending June 10.

The topics covered will be Faith, Food, Fitness, Fitness, and Friends. The Bible will be our road map as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2) and do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:2).


We will learn to love food that loves us back and that give us vitality and energy. All this through fun and community as we are better together. When one falls the other will pick her up (Eccl. 4:10).

In summary, we will be learning simple ways to incorporate healthy choices in our faith, thinking, moving, eating, and relationships.

We have ordered a very limited number of books so it is important you and your friends sign up at the table in the church foyer.

Study Details

  • Date:  Tuesdays • May 6 to Jun 10
  • Time:  7:30 – 9:00pm
  • Place:  Tanya Humphries • 125 Girton Blvd
  • Cost:  $15

Five Steps in Everyone’s Journey to Jesus

5 Steps Slider

Come hear Kevin Huska share what God is doing in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and soon Red River College through Power to Change – Students (formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ).

Kevin will share a 5 phase model that will help us understand how people progress in their journey to Jesus.  We will learn how to discern where those around us are in the model and how to pray for them. We will learn what we can do to help our friends take next steps as they grow to trust us, become curious, are open to change and start seeking God on their way to entering the Kingdom and beginning a relationship with Jesus.

You will be encouraged, challenged and equipped to help the people around you discover Jesus.

Kevin is the Winnipeg Team Leader for Power to Change – Students. He has been involved for more than 22 years in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He has been married to his wife Adelle for 16 years and they have 3 boys.

Power to ChangePower to Change’s mission is to change the world by helping students discover Jesus. The Father is at work drawing students to Christ. Across Canada they are on 60 campuses and they long for a day when no student graduates without engaging in the life changing message of Jesus.

Camp Nutimik Encouraged by Generousity

by Dave Robinson (Executive Director)

Camp NutimikPraise the Lord for another successful fundraising banquet held on Saturday March 8th, 2014. This is a critical event that annually helps sustain the operations of the Camp. The Camp Nutimik Board is pleased to announce that donations raised from this banquet totaled $45,350, while corporate sponsorships brought in $10,500.

This year we introduced a new method to support the camp financially by way of a monthly pledge. We had many people commit themselves to giving to the Camp on a monthly basis in addition to the banquet offering. Annual commitments pledged at the banquet totaled $8,605.

We are encouraged by the generousity of all those who donated to this wonderful ministry that impacts so many children every year. Anyone still wishing to donate can do so by contacting the camp at:

Box 35040 RPO Henderson
Winnipeg  MB  R2K 4J9
(204) 981-6828

Helping Immigrants to Canada

English Conversation Circle Slider

by Rose Olson

Each Fall and Spring for the last few years, WRBC has offered an English Conversation Circle to support new immigrants now living in Winnipeg. The Circle time is designed to provide an opportunity for immigrants to practice their English and discuss topics relevant to adjusting to their new life in Canada. Volunteers benefit greatly from learning all about the “first” new experiences in Canada and the realities of leaving family, friends and homeland to start a new life in a new land that is so different in so many ways.

As we learn from each other, we have discovered that at the heart of ECC is friendship. These connections, more and more, are extending beyond our weekly Circle time. Everyone looks forward to our Potluck suppers and we have even ventured together on a couple of “field trips”,  including a wonderful time at Fort Whyte Alive with 22 adults and 12 children representing families from China, South Korea, El Salvador, Iran, Iraq and Canada.

Whether you have been in Winnipeg for a longer time or just new, ECC is a great place to meet new people and develop your English language skills. Come to share your experiences about adjusting to living in Winnipeg…it truly is a help to others.

ECC Spring 2014 runs for 6 weeks, starting Wednesday, March 5th from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the lower church auditorium.

How to Project Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity Theft Slider

by Bonnie Tholl

In our increasingly technological world the possibility of identity theft has left many feeling anxious and worried. While it is wise to be cautious, we do not need to live in fear. To know how to avoid being a victim of identity theft, Growing in Grace (+55 plus) will be hosting a special event on How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft.

Growing in Grace LogoAt noon on Thursday, March 13th, Sergeant Robert Cooke from the RCMP will be joining our Growing in Grace luncheon.

His presentation will be on Identity Theft, frauds and scams and other issues that are daily in the news. All the information presented will be geared to seniors in todays society but everyone is welcome to attend.

There will be time for questions and answers after the presentation.

Please sign up at the Information Centre by March 9th. A “thank you offering” to cover the costs of the meal will be collected at the door.

For more information call Bonnie at 204-489-1482.


Bible study this month will be Thursday, March 27th at 10 am.

Call John for more information 204-269-7375

Remembering India 2010

In 2009 WRBC decided to plan a pilot project to bring a team on a short term outreach assignment. As a Church, they moved forward step by step as God provided opportunities which resulted in a partnership with Far Corners Ministry to go to India. In early 2010, a team was put in place, and the Church was mobilized.

This would not just be a missions trip for the people to traveled to India – it was a mission project that the entire  Church participated in, on many levels. An intentional decision was made to organize two teams. Team Canada would participate in all the training and preparations, alongside of Team India. Team India would be the group that actually would go on the road to India in November 2010.

This video (together with a book available in our church library) is a documentation of that experience. The hope is that this story will inspire further conversation about how we as a Church will continue to participate in global outreach for Christ.

The Whyte Ridge story is being written.

Team India

Doug Friesen (Team Leader), John Bergmann, Bruce Brown, Shelly Cumming, Lindsay Hiller, Grant Hoeppner, Pratima Manuel, Raj Manuel, Tony Naim, Renuka Raviraj, Julia Sawatsky, Michelle Schmidt, Heather Warkentin.

Team Canada

Erika Cooper, Astrida Hoeppner, Pat Janke, Kevin Klassen, Dan Penner, Yvonne Reimer.

Symphony: I Lift My Hands

Symphony Slider

by Pastor Doug

It’s staggering when we begin to realize that all creation is singing the praises of the One who fashioned and formed the universe. Yet, singing stars and earth’s ovation cannot drown God’s desire to hear your voice. In the midst of a miraculous and immense symphony of praise, God is still mindful of you, going to extraordinary lengths to give you life and breath through His Son.

But, why would God pay such a high price to bring us to life again? Could it be that we are prized above all creation…that we are loved by the God who made the heavens and the earth. Such stunning grace awakens our hearts in extravagant worship as we take our place in His symphony and join the chorus, on both the best of days and through the darkest nights.

Join us Sunday, March 2 @ 5:30 pm for our monthly Family Meal & Equipping Seminar.

In addition to sharing a meal together and deepening our bonds of fellowship as Christ followers, we will also be watching the DVD: Symphony • I Lift My Hands featuring Louie Giglio & Chris Tomlin.

Cost: 5$/person or $10/family. Childcare for ages 10 and under.

To signup, contact the church office (204-489-3875) or visit the signup table in the lobby on Sunday morning.

Take 5 minutes to watch the trailer of the DVD.

National Men’s Conference

PK Conference

March 7–8, 2014, Promise Keepers Canada’s National Men’s Conference will again be held at Church of the Rock • 1397 Buffalo Place, Winnipeg. The theme for this year’s event is “Stronger – Learn what it means to live in Christ’s strength.” Be the man God calls you to be!

The conference is an affordable event featuring great music and speakers. It is a great place for a father to take his son(s) and together grow in their relationship with God.

Registration Fees

Adult (20+): $70.00
Youth (19 and younger): $40 flat

Walk-up prices (if not sold out):
Friday only: $45.00
Saturday only: $70.00
Friday/Saturday: $80.00

Lunch is available for purchase, $7.

You can register in one of two ways:

  • Online at Promise Keepers secure site, or
  • By Phone • Call toll-free 1-888-901-9700

Hurry Hard! Hurry Hard!

WRBC Curling - 4 guys

Do you want to  get to know people in the church? And have some fun doing it?

If yes, then you do not want to miss Whyte Ridge Baptist’s annual curling night. Held at the La Salle Curling Club in La Salle, MB, this event is a great opportunity to make new friends and enrich old friendships. You will laugh together all while enjoying some friendly competition.

Anyone 12 and older is encouraged to signup.  All ranges of curling experience–from no experience to provincial champs–are encouraged to come out.

Teams will be made up at the rink once we are certain of all who will be attending. People need to pay $5 when they sign up to confirm their spot.  Spots will only be held for those people who pay and are limited (48 spots).

WRBC Curling

Event Details

  • La SalleDate: Sunday, March 9th
  • Time: 2:30–6:30 pm
  • Place: La Salle Curling Club

Note: Please arrive at the curling club earlier so there is time to put together the teams.

Equipment Needed

  • MUST have clean indoor shoes.
    (Duck tape on the bottom of your shoe works for a slider.)
  • Curling broom and slider (if you have one). Those who have extras should bring them.

Contact us with your questions or talk to Darryl Penner.

Hurry Hard!

A Missions Brunch You Don’t Want to Miss

On Saturday, March 1 @ 9:30 am, Whyte Ridge Baptist will host the Manitoba Baptist Association Missions Brunch. Ron and Jeannie Seck, – missionaries with the North American Baptist Conference (NAB) working with Roma people in Hungary – will be sharing about their experience.

R & J SeckAfter 40 years in pastoral ministry, Ron and Jeannie are devoting the balance of their career service to working with Roma (Gypsy) people in Hungary. Up until 2011, Ron served as Senior Pastor of Fellowship Chapel (for 36 years!) in the suburbs north of Detroit, Michigan, and Jeannie was a high school art teacher. In December of 2011 they were officially appointed as NAB missionaries, serving as Field Director for Hungary. They are also the Central European regional coordinators for Community Health Evangelism. On their website – JustASeck – they write about this partnership and ministry:

We are thrilled to be part of this holistic approach to planting churches; making disciples and bringing personal, church and community health among the poorest, most rejected people of Europe.

To learn more about the Secks and their ministry, watch their 6-minute intro video.

Marriage Retreat Info & Signup

Marriage Retreat

by Pastor Kevin

PinewoodAttention all married couples!  You are invited to sign up for a fun, rejuvenating and informative weekend retreat at the beautiful Pinewood Lodge in the Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Charles & Charlene

Whyte Ridge’s marriage retreat weekend will include a number of seminar sessions facilitated by Charles and Charlene Van den Akker, as well as a great mix of food and down time. On Sunday morning we will gather for a time of worship together.

No marriage is without its challenges and messiness. All of us struggle with intentionally living out our relationships in a healthy, God-honouring way, and certainly our marriages are no exception. This retreat is designed to be of help to any couple who desires to experience Christ-centered marital growth.

The cost for the retreat is $330 (after a church subsidy of $110). This includes the cost of two nights at a beautiful resort and all of your meals, as well as the cost of the seminar itself.

To register online, fill out the Retreat Registration Form.

Here is a glance at some of what has been planned for the weekend:


6:30 pm – Housekeeping
7:00 pm – Intro Game and Introductions
8:00 pm – Session 1

God’s Design for Your Marriage


9:00 am – Session 2

Communication: You’re always communicating, but maybe not very well: methodology, technology
Capability: You’re able to talk, but maybe not in your spouse’s language: learning strategies, convincer strategies
Compatibility: You know what you want, but maybe it’s not what you need: basic human needs, want pictures

10:00 am – Q&A
10:30 am-1:00 pm – Free time and lunch
1:00  pm – Session 3

Conflict: The 5 communication stances and how they interact: The slippery slope, Forgiveness and reconciliation

4:00-7:00 pm – Free time and dinner

7:00 pm – Session 4

Connecting: Making your marriage matter: trust, respect, fun, newness, romance, sex

8:00 pm – Q&A


10:00 am – Worship
12:00 pm – Lunch and then head for home

WRBC Women’s Fall 2013 Retreat

Pictures from the Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Women’s 2013 Retreat held on the weekend of November 2-3, 2013. The retreat took place at the Lakeview Resort and Conference Centre in Gimli.

Over 60 women met for a weekend of fun, visiting, learning, worshipping, coffee, swimming, good food, walking and exploring the town of Gimli. The women were challenged around the theme of Hope for the Journey by Lisa Elliot, gifted speaker and author of the book, The Ben Ripple.

Faith Stories

Listen to faith stories shared at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. Some are stories about an individual’s  walk with God through a specific event, challenge, or experience. Others are testimonies given in preparation for baptism and/or membership in Whyte Ridge Baptist. To discover the nature of the individual faith story, click on the Details link at the bottom of the Faith Story Window.

Katie DeMonye - January 21, 2018

Faith Story - Katie DeMonye

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Tightening the Knot

Marriage Retreat

Statistics show that only about 20% of couples marry “happily ever after.” Those aren’t the best odds! But what have the 20% figured out that the other 80% haven’t?

In addition to understanding God’s design for marriage, happily married couples have learned the 5 key elements to a good relationship:

  • Communication,
  • Capability,
  • Compatibility,
  • Connecting,
  • Conflict.

They’re teachable, learnable things that you can put into practice right away to strengthen your own marriage.

Join with other couples from Whyte Ridge Baptist on the weekend of March 14-16 to explore these 5 key elements of a good relationship under the guidance of Christ-centered counsellors and life coaches Charles and Charlene Van den Akker. The theme for the weekend is: Tightening the Knot.


Whyte Ridge’s Marriage Retreat will be held at Pinewood Lodge located on Dorothy Lake, in the beautiful Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Stay tuned for more information about the retreat over the next few weeks.

Retreat Facilitators:

Charles & CharleneCharles and Charlene Van den Akkers are Christ-centered counsellors and life coaches in private practice in Winnipeg. With a range of specialty certifications, they use their God-given talents to minister to people struggling with everything from abuse and addictions to mental illness and unexplained symptoms to dysfunctional marriages and families.

Married for over 21 years and parents of 4 wonderful children aged 14 to 20, they have the life experience to practice what they preach in their private sessions and in their informative workshops. Somewhere in all the busyness of life, Charles and Charlene still make time for themselves and each other, knowing God’s joy in worship, work, and play.

Learn more about the Van den Akkers at their website – CtoC Support Services Group.

Men Becoming all that God Intended

Men's Breakfast 2014

Join us on January 25 @ 9 am for our Men’s Breakfast featuring guest speaker Tye Gamey. $5.00 get’s a great breakfast, great company, and a great speaker.

The theme for this month’s breakfast is “Men Becoming all that God Intended.”

God’s original creative intent was for us to live in a perfect world without brokenness but we know that we all fall short of God’s best for us. Our journey is hampered by the affects of what happened in the garden with Adam & Eve. As we are reconciled back into relationship with God, we can be filled up by Him–receiving the good things He has for us as a Father–we will be able to know and experience how the Heavenly Father can and longs to meet our needs. He wants to tell us who we are and how he feels about us.

Walk-ins welcome – but we’d appreciate men to sign up by Thur. Jan 23rd  (at the info center or by calling the church office) so we can adequately prepare the week of the breakfast.

Tye Gamey is the regional director of Living Waters Canada – Central Region. Tye has an M.A. in Biblical Counselling  and has worked in the areas of addictions, marriage and relationships. Having walked away from homosexuality himself, Tye has a wealth of understanding in coming alongside others. He and his wife Nancy, have three daughters and two son-in-laws and attend Soul Sanctuary. Tye is involved in full time ministry to sexually and relationally broken men and women.

Missionfest to Address Human Trafficking

MissionFest 2014

For over a quarter of a century, Missionfest Manitoba has drawn our attention to the work God is doing at home and around the world through a variety of mission agencies. The annual Province wide missions event has grown considerably from its early beginnings. This year in excess of 125 mission and ministry organizations will have displays highlighting the area of ministry they believe God has called them to fulfill.

The theme for 2014 is a sobering one: Human Trafficking: Speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. Missionfest Executive Director, Gordon Gilbey, writes:

During Missionfest Manitoba 2014 we will be exploring this epidemic. Jim Martin (International Justice Mission) will provide us with a snapshot of the problem, cause and concern, and what we as individuals can do. We will also see how the Lord used a housewife (Glendyne Gerrard), a retired RCMP officer (Brian McConaghy) and a former Miss Canada (Tara Teng) to get involved in their spheres of influence. The Lord delights in using His ordinary people to accomplish the extraordinary! (Source: Missionfest Magazine 2014)

Missionfest Speakers

Missionfest Manitoba is a full featured event with plenary sessions, workshops, mission/ministry displays as well as special sessions for children and youth. Missionfest will challenge you and help you learn how to make a difference in our world today.

Check out the Weekend Schedule of activities or read the Missionfest Magazine for a fuller explanation of all the events, sessions, workshops and displays at this year’s conference.

365 Police Prayer Watch

24:7 Prayer Watch

In 2014 churches all across Winnipeg will be joining together in a 365 Police Prayer Watch for the City of Winnipeg Police. While we are only asking for commitments to a specific day or days, this prayer watch will be 24/7/365 – 24 hours each day, 7 days each week, and 365 days in the year.

When Winnipeg’s Chief Clunis took the oath of office on November 2, 2012, he stated:

If we each do our part, we can eradicate the conditions conducive to the growth of crime in our city. I am asking every citizen to examine their role in helping the police reduce crime and create a safer Winnipeg. We are at a critical time in our city’s history. If we do not act cooperatively in addressing the social conditions at the root of crime, we may miss the opportunity to create a brighter future and be a difference maker. (Source: City of Winnipeg)

Chief Clunis’ statement that we, as the people of Winnipeg, need to “act cooperatively” to address our city’s crime problems, includes local churches. This is evidenced by statements he made in an interview with ChristianWeek. In that interview he said:

Devon Clunis“I’m a little tired of us…being ‘[the] murder capital of Canada,’” says Devon Clunis, who was appointed chief of police at the beginning of October. “People consistently say, ‘How are you going to solve that?’ It’s not simply going to be because we’re going to go out there and police it away. I truly believe that prayer will be a significant piece of that.” “What would happen if we all just truly—I’m talking about all religious stripes here—started praying for the peace of this city and then actually started putting some action behind that?” he adds. “I believe something phenomenal is going to happen in our city. I truly believe it’s coming. I don’t think I’ve arrived at this position just by chance.” (ChristianWeek, Oct. 11, 2012)

Winnipeg Police BadgeThe 365 Police Prayer Watch is a direct response to Chief Clunis’ call to prayer. Whyte Ridge Baptist has committed to praying for the week of January 27 – February 2. To fulfill our commitment to pray for the 168 hours in the week, we will need many in our church family to personally commit to praying for at least one hour during our week. We are asking Whyte Ridge Baptist people to indicate when they are willing to pray. This can be done by signing up at the Prayer Station in our church foyer on Sunday mornings or by going to the 365 Police Prayer Watch Signup page on this website. You can also see the hours still available to be covered during our week.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4

2013 Christmas Card Campaign Update

2013 CampaignHeather Warkentin, 2013 campaign coordinator, reports on the results of this year’s Christmas Card Campaign.

I am very pleased to announce the donation results for the Christmas Card Campaign for 2013!! There may be a few more donations trickling in, but they will be accounted for in the new year.

Living Bible Explorers:

  • Duffel Bags (66) – $660
  • Lunches (76.5) – $765

Pathway Camp Ministries

  • Youth Retreat – $1300

Far Corners Ministry

  • Blanket (78) – $780
  • Pastoral Training (36.2) –  $905
  • Children’s Education (13) – $2600

We have met our goal to have the education of 13 children paid for in India. As well Pathway Camp Ministry figured they would need approximately $1400 to pay for their youth and staff to attend Youth Quake at Briercrest, we have met their goal as well.

Our congregation has come forward once again with hearts of compassion and mercy and I am again humbled by people’s generosity. God is good.

Thank you all for your involvement!!


Living an Interrupted Life

January 5How much would we know about our Lord were it not for the faithfully recorded account of the interruptions in his earthly life? It is remarkable enough that the One who came to save the world should have spent his entire adult life close to home.

To those of us with a penchant for predetermining what the rest of the world needs, and then exporting plans, personnel and money to accomplish our objectives, it is even more astonishing  that the personal agendas of everyday folks should have consumed most of our Lord’s attention and time.

Jesus lived an interrupted life, and instructed his followers to do likewise. As followers of this “Three Mile An Hour God”, and as servants of The Servant, how can we do this in our time conscious, management obsessed modern contexts?

LifePathThese are the questions we will explore at our Family Meal & Equipping Seminar on January 5.


  • January 5 • 5:30 pm.
  • Cost is only $5/person, $10/family.
  • Childcare is provided for children 10 and under.

To signup:

  • stop by the Information Center
  • contact us at the church office.

This promises to be a great evening of fellowship and learning key spiritual truths.

Our guest speaker is Jon Bonk.

Note: Dr. Bonk will be also speaking in our worship services at 9 & 11 am.

Dr. Bonk was Executive Director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut until his retirement in July 2013. He also served as Editor of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research.

Jon Bonk 2013

He is now Research Professor of Mission at Boston University, where he directs the Dictionary of African Christian Biography, an electronic, multilingual, non-proprietary reference tool. He was Professor of Global Christian Studies at Providence College and Theological Seminary in Manitoba, and Adjunct Professor of Evangelism and Mission at both Yale Divinity School in New Haven and Presbyterian College and Seminary in Seoul.

He was raised in Ethiopia by missionary parents, serving there with his wife in famine relief from 1974–1976. He holds a PhD from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. He has been President of the American Society of Missiology (ASM), the Association of Professors of Mission (APM), and the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS).

He is the author of numerous articles, reviews, and books. His best-known book is Missions and Money: Affluence as a Western Missionary Problem.  He edited the Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries, Volume 9 in Routledge’s Religion and Society Series (2007).

He travels and lectures extensively in Africa and Asia, and recently returned from five weeks of lecturing and preaching in China, Korea and Myanmar. He and his wife, Jean, attend the Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship in Winnipeg.

Women’s Bible Study

Beth Moore ThumbnailFor six (6) weeks in January & February, join with other women from the Whyte Ridge Baptist Church family for a women’s Bible study: The Law of Love; Lessons from the Pages of Deuteronomy – by Beth Moore.

The Law of Love

The Law of Love is an overview of the book of Deuteronomy. Study about blessings and cursings, the law, the fulfillment of the law through Christ, the importance of fellowship at the table, to name a few.

Tuesdays, January 14–February 18. To sign up contact us for either the morning session (at the church) or evening session (in a home). For more info contact: Carol (204-883-2301) or Dale (204-488-4620).

Congregational Meeting • Dec. 1

Congregational Meeting Blackboard

Whyte Ridge Baptist’s General Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 1st, at 6:00 pm.

This congregational meeting will include the introduction of new members, nominations for leadership positions, and the proposed budget for 2014. We will also hear short reports from the Prayer, Capital Funds and Building Teams on what lies in our future.

While voting is only open to members, everyone is invited to attend and participate in the discussion and sharing around our planning for the future. Information on the proposed budget as well as the minutes from our last meeting were distributed in the mailboxes and should be available at the information counter.

Our current Board of Church Governance:

David Wynne – Moderator (term ends Dec 31, 2013)
Michelle Schmidt – Church Clerk
Bob Hogue – Chair of Deacons
Lyle Loewen – Chair of Finance (term ends Dec 31, 2013)
Tony Naim – Board Member
Trudy Patzer – Board Member
Chris Schroeder – Board Member & Communications

Nominations for election:

Moderator                  David Wynne
Chair of Finance
Deaconness             Denise Naim
Deacon                      Anthony Dyck

2013 Christmas Card Campaign

Christmas Card Campaign

Our Gifts of Grace – Mercifully and Humbly We Give 

“Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

The idea of OUR in “Our Gifts of Grace” is to understand that God gracefully loves us because he desires to do so, not because of anything we have done to earn it. We have been blessed by God’s grace and in turn are being asked to bless others. It’s not just us giving a Christmas card, and in turn a gift to a stranger, but us also receiving through this act because when we give out of obedience to God, we experience the blessing of honouring Him, growing in Him and being part of His Kingdom work.

LBE LogoLiving Bible Explorers

LBE has ministered to thousands of children in Winnipeg’s inner city neighbourhoods where many of the children who attend their programs are being raised in the midst of poverty and brokenness. The desire of LBE is to see each child come to know the hope they can have in their savior, Jesus Christ, and grow in their relationship with Him. Living Bible Explorers website.

$10 – Two Duffel Bags

LBE Cmp GirlsThe children who attend summer camp through LBE are blessed with a personalized duffel bag. Camp provides the leaders at LBE with the opportunity to continue planting seeds and speaking Truth into the lives of the children. This time is important to their growing relationship with God and gets them excited for continued involvement in year round programs. The practicality of these duffel bags allows the children to have something to bring their items to and from camp as well as carry belongings throughout the year. More importantly, this bag provides these children with a sense of pride and dignity that they now have something of their own. Order Form.

$10 – 10 Lunches

Children come to LBE in the midst of poverty and are provided with a safe, healthy environment and an amazing ministry program that speaks into their lives. Your donation will help feed these children that attend LBE’s Saturday Children’s Ministry Program. This program offers gym activities, bible teaching, praise and worship, prayer time and, of course, a nutritional lunch. Order Form.

PCM LogoPathway Camp Ministries

PCM is a Christian ministry providing faith-based curriculum and programs to youth in Manitoba’s aboriginal communities. They are committed to furthering the Kingdom of God by taking camp to “where they’re at.” PCM offers Summer Day Camps, Saturday Sports Days, Gym Nights, lunch time Bible Clubs, Youth Groups, and special events. Pathway Camp Ministries website.

$25 – Sponsor Youth to Attend Youth Quake at Briercrest

Pathway Camp Kids

Youth Quake has brought the Gospel to thousands of young people throughout the years; during the retreat, youth are challenged to become dedicated, authentic followers of Jesus Christ. PCM is committed to walking alongside aboriginal youth, fostering God honouring relationships and building these children up to become disciples amongst their peers and be a part of a strong network of support. These youth come from areas of isolation and so an important key in their discipleship movement is having them understand they are part of a greater community of Christians, both aboriginal and otherwise. Sponsoring someone to attend Youth Quake will help make this a reality. Order Form.

Far Corners LogoFar Corners Ministry

Far Corners Pastor's TrainingFCM supports the growing church in Northeast India by training pastors and lay leaders, helping the poor and building churches. Far Corners Ministry website.

$10 – Blankets and Mosquito Netting

Blessing a family with a blanket not only offers protection from the cold, but can prevent sickness and provide comfort and security in a life that has so little. Order Form.

$25 – Sponsor a Pastor to attend Pastoral Training

Pastoral Training by FCM has met a critical need in a part of India where the church is experiencing tremendous growth, growth that needs to be appropriately rooted and grounded. Order Form.

$200 – Sponsor a Pastor’s Child’s Education for One Year.

Pastor's Children EducationWhen a father in India answers the call to become a pastor, he has also committed his family to a life of poverty. Pastors in India make very little money, and are often ostracized from their communities, with little hope for a second income and the ability to pay for their children’s education. Providing an education to a Pastor’s child allows dreams to come true. Your gift will allow a child to realize their full potential. Order Form.

Online Church Directory Walkthrough

Rolodex Directory

You may have already heard that Whyte Ridge Baptist has an Online Church Directory where anyone who chooses to participate can have the ability to quickly and conveniently locate contact information for others in our church family. At Whyte Ridge Baptist, we still continue to seasonally provide a printed directory and the online directory will provide all the same kinds of information as the printed directory does (with the addition of pictures if you like), but with the added benefits of being accessible on your computer, as well as instantly updatable whenever your contact information changes. Also, the Online Church Directory will only provide information about, and access to, those who have chosen to take part.

As our use of this program progresses, those who are a part of the Online Church Directory will also be able to use it to access information about church groups in which they participate. Eventually, you may also be able to use this program for online giving.

In implementing the Online Church Directory, it is very important to us that peoples’ privacy is well protected. The directory has built-in automatic restrictions to children’s information and photos. The directory is a secure place to share information and connect with others in our church community. You control who and how much of your information others see.

Creating an account for yourself or for your family on Whyte Ridge Baptist’s online church directory takes only a few minutes. Please follow the steps below to register. If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please feel free to contact us.

Please remember – each adult in a family will need to register individually. 

Create an Account

1. Click the Online Church Directory link under Contact Us in the bottom left of each page on this website. The link will take you to the Login page of the inFellowship website, the service managing our online directory. To begin the registration process, please click the “Sign up!”link in the bottom right-hand corner of the login page:

User Login

2. Fill in the information in the first form as shown. When you are finished, click “Create an account” to continue.

Directory Signup

3. Once you’ve clicked “Create an account,” you will be presented with the “Activate your account…” screen. An email will be sent to the address you specified in the form. To complete the registration process, you will have to check your email and click the link provided. This helps ensure you have correctly entered your email address. This also guarantees no one else can register your name for the directory.

Email Verification

4. Once you click on the link provided in the email you receive, you will be returned to the inFellowship website and a screen indicating you were successful in registering for Whyte Ridge Baptist’s online directory. However, you are not quite done.

Successful Sign up Screen

Click on the Your Profile link and you will be presented with the opportunity to edit your profile.

Update Your Profile

Your Profile

On the profile page you can enter information such as your date of birth, gender, address, phone numbers, and other information that is valuable in a directory.

After you have entered all the information you choose to, click on the “Save and create account” button.

Update Privacy Settings

To be included in the online directory, you must opt-in to the directory. This is done on the Privacy Settings page.

Privacy Settings

Decide what and with whom you want to share the information in your profile by sliding the arrow at the end of the green bars. Be sure to click “Include me in the church directory” check box.

When you have set your privacy settings, click on “Save privacy settings”Now you are DONE and will be listed in Whyte Ridge Baptist’s online directory.

On the home screen you can now access the Directory either from the menu at the top or from the list.

Profile Page

Take the time to register today.