Whyte Ridge Community Christmas Gift Baskets

We are looking for Life Groups or Families to create and deliver Christmas Gift Baskets to our community service workers, including the following locations:

Whyte Ridge Elementary School

HGI School

The Fire and Paramedics Building

The Police Station

Please sign up online below or contact Heather Warkentin at hjwarkentin@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Please select a valid form

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays – Monday, December 14, 2015

As part of the GriefShare program we are offering a one evening session called Surviving the Holidays.    Surviving the Holidays is a 40 minute video and a discussion time like a GriefShare session.  

Surviving the Holidays is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death.  You’ll learn:

  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
  • What to do about traditions and other coming changes
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future

This event will take place on Monday, December 14 from 7:15-9:00 at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church (201 Scurfield Blvd).   There is a book, which is optional, available for this session, cost is $13.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center or register online HERE or below:  Please select a valid form



General Meeting – Sunday, November 22, 2015

Praise the Lord for a wonderful business meeting on Sunday evening, November 22nd. We started off by accepting three people into membership. Then we proceeded to elect the following individuals:

Trudy Patzer – Board member (re-elected for second term)
Carla Litke – Board member (replacing Tony Naim)
Shirley Wynne – Financial Secretary (replacing Susan Bergmann)
Irene Toews – Deacon

Moderator Dave Wynne introduces the November Congregational Meeting

The Board also introduced a new position, Moderator Elect. Our current Moderator has one year left on his second term and then must leave the Board. In order to ensure a smooth transition of both governance and the building process, the Board felt that it would be good to put someone in place for the final year to foster that transition. Azhar Laldin allowed his name to stand for that position and the members confirmed that decision.


Dave Barton presents the 2014 Financials and 2015 BudgetDave Barton then led us through an update on our current financial status which has shown steady improvement since the summertime. Following that, he moved into the budget for 2016. The Board had directed that we aim for a zero based budget for 2016 and the Pastoral staff along with the Finance Team did an excellent job of putting together a budget to support our ministry while being cognizant of our building process. Even with the addition of half a year’s salary and benefits for our new Associate Pastor, the budget came in at $767,320 which represented an increase of only $12,820 and the budget was well received and approved.

After the budget, knowing we are in good financial position and being aware of our immediate future financial needs, we saw a video from John Wiltshire, Chair of the Capital Funds Committee, who was out of town but wanted to demonstrate his support for the project and the motion that was being presented.

Then Chris Karam provided us with a detailed look at the building revisions that brought the building size and cost down to our target range of 8 million dollars. Chris walked us through a detailed explanation of the changes and how things will look in both phase one and two of the building project. While there were many questions, he showed that the Building Committee had done their homework and he was able to answer all the questions and move the discussion forward. Chris showed what the exterior of the building would now look like and showed us some conceptual drawings of the completed project. His presentation was both welcome and warmly received.


Tim Hague leads the congregation in a time of prayer.


Having now seen the building presentation and what “we” wanted to see, Tim Hague, Chair of the Prayer Committee, then brought us together and refocused us on what God wanted and how we needed to maintain our service to and honour of Him. He led us through a prayer time, collectively and in small groups, to lift our hearts and minds before God and thank Him for bringing us to this point of discussion and decision.Committing the next steps in the building plans to prayer.

Then came the time to consider the resolution from the Board of Church Governance as follows:

“The Board resolves that WRBC should proceed with any necessary testing and architectural drawings at a cost of up to $350,000.00 as the first step of our building project on the McGillivray property.”

With very few questions or comments, our members voted unanimously to accept the motion. We are moving ahead with our building program.

Motion Regarding Building Project on McGillivray – Action Requested

The Board of Church Governance met on Tuesday, November 17th and reviewed our position on building based on the latest building plans.  It was a good and fruitful discussion and also required some input from our committees.  At the end, the Board felt we were in a position to start down the road to building, cautiously but optimistically.  We reviewed our current financial position, our budget for 2016, the recommendations coming out of the Feasibility Study and looked at the impact of servicing the potential debt.  While we still have many details to sort out and identify, we felt that it was time to put the question before our people.  Therefore, the Board is putting forward the following motion (resolution) at the business meeting to be held this Sunday, November 22nd at 6:00 PM.   “The Board resolves that WRBC should proceed with any necessary testing and architectural drawings at a cost of up to $350,000.00 as the first step of our building project on the McGillivray property.”   We encourage you to pray about this decision and how you will support it.  If you are able, please attend the business meeting on November 22nd to add your voice to the discussion.  We will also be dealing with issues of membership, elections and the 2016 budget.  If you are not able to attend, you can vote on this resolution by completing and signing the attached mail in ballot and returning to the church office in advance.  However, please note that if the resolution is changed in any way, the mail in ballots become void. View and Print WRBC Mail Ballot Download and Print WRBC Mail Ballot  

Board and Staff Retreat – Saturday, November 14, 2015

UpdateThe Board and Staff came together for a retreat on Saturday, November 14th to discuss how we can use LeaderShift, the leadership training we have been studying for the past couple of years, to help our congregants to know their spiritual gifting and how to better use them for their own fulfillment in serving God and be energized through their serving. The session was facilitated by Bob Fast and hosted by the Eric and Lorraine Bergmann at their farm.

We looked at ourselves and evaluated how we are using our own gifts but also looked at how we can take this learning down to the Life Groups and other groups within WRBC to continue to utilize this teaching for building our church and service.

While the day had to be shortened it was fruitful and we spent the last part of the day discussing how we can balance out the attendance between the first and second services so that there is room available in the second service for new people coming to explore our church and looking for a place to worship. While no definitive solutions were found in the discussions, we will continue to evaluate options and will engage our congregation in how they feel about the potential solutions.

– Submitted by David Wynne

2015 WRBC Family Christmas Dinner: A Faith @ Home Event – Saturday, December 5, 2015

GRAPHIC-1024x400 Saturday, December 5 @ 5:30 pm – Whyte Ridge Baptist Church.

This is a faith @ home evening  planned for our ENTIRE church family and will have ‘the importance of family mealtime’ as its theme.  A FUN evening is planned beginning with a full Christmas dinner being served and entertainment provided by our  special guest, comedian Timmy Boyle. Timmy loves to perform for families and caters his humour to all age groups. You will go home having enjoyed a great evening and having some great ideas to enhance your family mealtime conversation.
Deadline for signing-up was Sunday, November 29th.
Please note: For those with special dietary needs, low sugar and vegetarian and gluten free options will be provided.  

Please select a valid form

Congregational General Meeting – November 22, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

congregational_meeting_headerWhyte Ridge Baptist will be holding its annual fall meeting to deal with the proposed budget for 2016, membership and elections for terms that are expiring. Along with these normal items of business, there will be a presentation on the revised building plans and the potential for a vote to move ahead with building.

Building Plans

Chris Karam, Chair of the Building Committee, presented the revised plans to the members of Capital Funds Committee, Prayer Committee, the Board and the Pastors and staff at a meeting on November 3rd. The plans were well received and now come close to the target amount that was identified in the Feasibility Study that was conducted this past May.

The Board will be considering a resolution to bring to the church on moving forward with building.

Now is the time to Pray

As we move towards this important time in our church life, we need to ensure that we are all focused on the same thing – our ministry in serving God.

Building a new church is a big deal. There are dangers in committing to the cost which is significant. As we talk about the plans for the building, we will all see things differently and may think that things should be changed. But the building is not the goal, it is the means towards the goal which is to serve God.

If it is at all possible, please come to the meeting. Listen to the presentation on the building plans and join in making those plans possible. But for today, start or continue to pray for the wisdom and discernment to make choices that honor God. Pray for Chris Karam and the Building Team, John Wiltshire and the Capital Funds Team, Tim Hague and the Prayer Team who have been holding all of us up to God over these many months. Pray for Pastor Terry and the pastoral staff and pray for the Board as they now must decide how to move forward.

Who can attend

At WRBC our business meetings are open to everyone including non-members. The only condition within the meeting is that only members can vote on business matters. However, questions and discussion are open to everyone. Come and be a part of a very important and exciting time in the life of our church.

Mail Ballot—The Board has decided on a motion to take forward to the church to start us moving forward in our building plans.  A mail ballot is available for those who cannot make it to the meeting on November 22. WRBC Mail Ballot



After the death of a loved one, many grieving people find that they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or families have returned to their normal lives.  While others in their lives care deeply and want to be of help, people who are grieving can often find themselves in a lonely place, feeling that most people cannot relate to their feelings.  Feeling alone in their grief.

 Over the next few months, WRBC will be offering GriefShare, a weekly support group that is designed to be of help to anyone who is grieving the death of someone they loved.

Led by caring people who have experienced the pain of loss in their own lives, this program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the passing of a loved one.

 We trust that you will find this group to be a warm environment where you will experience the comfort of having people to walk along with you, as well as the encouragement of growing in your awareness of God in the process of your grieving.

 We are committed to complete confidentiality and safety for every participant and we look forward to a journey of healing and growing together with you.

 We will be meeting at WRBC on Mondays from October 19 – January 25 (no meetings on December 21st or 28th).  Meeting times will be from 7:15 pm – 9 pmand the cost for each participant is $25 (for the workbook).

 To register, please contact Lorraine deMonye (275-3347)

Next Steps in WRBC’s Building Plans

Discussion, Questions and ExploringOn Sundays June 21 & 28, Pastor Terry updated the people of Whyte Ridge Baptist on the status of the church’s building plans. The following is a summary of what was shared in those services. To hear Terry’s full report, go here: Ministry Reports – Building Updates June 21 & 28.

by Pastor Terry Janke

Sunday June 21, 2015

I was asked by the Board to share a brief synopsis of the congregational meeting last Sunday evening (June 14, 2015) and some reflections on how the Lord seems to be directing us. We were delighted to see a good attendance and participation in discussion. We prayed about various aspects of the ministry of WRBC, especially the Feasibility Study on the building project.

We took some time to give thanks for all that the Lord has done (cf. Ephesians. 1:16). And we do have much to thank God for. Though it may seem like building plans are moving painfully slow, there is very important ‘body-building’ going on in our Church. We also know much more now about moving forward than we did 6 months ago. In the process we see the Lord maturing us.

Feasibility Study Report

The Feasibility Study Report, which the Board made available a few weeks ago, clarifies many positive features of our ministry. Phil Yntema, from the NAB Foundation, based his conclusions on having interviewed 49 units in our church family. If you have not picked up a copy and read his three-page report, I encourage you to do so. It is quite informative and is available at the information center. It reveals a strong affirmation of the unity in our church, the leadership, and the mission and vision of the church. There is a growing sense of community and a near universal support to move ahead in God’s timing with the building project.

Interestingly enough, the top concern people voiced was the need for a Youth Pastor. Along with that came the concern of how we could move ahead in ministry to youth and take on a capital project at the same time. There were other areas of concern as well; how to assimilate new people into the fellowship, how to grow in evangelism, how the governance model is working, etc.

In the end, the report encouraged a re-envisioning of the project. The reason – the amount of money needed for the building in the case statement was not likely to be attained. So, on Sunday, June 14, various alternatives were presented to the congregation. This included everything from down-sizing the building to adjusting the design and materials.

The suggestion was even made to consider re-zoning two-and-a-half acres of the McGillivray property and sell it to generate more revenue. The Board wants the Church to be aware that none of this will take place without a conversation with Fort Whyte and LaFarge. The original agreement, signed when purchasing property, stated it would be ‘for church use only.’ There is no intention of dishonouring the agreement if these two parties are not in favour.

Next Steps

In the mean time, there are various steps to be taken.

First is a meeting with the city planning department. The city will be appropriating 100 feet of land (2.3 acres) for the expansion of McGillivray. However, until that happens, we have to pay taxes on the land. We are asking the city to purchase the 2.3 acres now and relieve us of the ongoing taxes. The other reason for meeting with the planning department is to again ask for our tax bill on the property to be reassessed and also request a note about the lower assessment be attached to our file for future years.

Secondly, work is being done to clarify our borrowing capacity for the project.

Thirdly, a decision was made to fix up the various issues that our current building has: window repairs, an air-conditioning unit, etc. The congregation approved up to $100,000 for the repairs. The rationale is for the re-sale value as well as our stewardship in using the building for ministry over the next couple years.

Discerning God’s Will

What concerns the Board and Staff is how we are interpreting the events and circumstances of these past months. We have been praying the Lord would shine His light upon our path and show us His will. We have been asking Him to direct this ministry. Now we have to pause, stand back, and ask God why we are where we are in the process. When Tim Hague led in the final prayer of the night, he reminded us to ‘Breathe. God is in control.’

So what has God been up to? This is a question Don Cousins, author of the book LeaderShift, poses at every one of his staff meetings. Where is God at work? I don’t think for a moment that the timing of Don’s visit the day after Phil Yntema completed the Feasibility Study was coincidental. Don’s teaching was a reminder that the kind of ministry Christ wants for His church is an equipping ministry of building up His people. Buildings can serve this purpose, but only in God’s timing and under His leading.

In answer to our prayers over the past 6 months, I think the Lord is showing us how to move ahead in ministry. To move ahead while we are yet in this building and until such a time when He will lead us to another and provide the resources for it through His people.

Friends, we must have the mindset of being in a building program – but the building is US. It says in 1 Peter 2:5 – ‘like living stones we are being built into a spiritual house.’ God is building us up as His people because it is not programs and facilities that reach people for Christ. People reach people for Christ! I hope no one feels discouraged. We believe the Lord is leading us. Christ is building His church and we should watch and pray with anticipation at how the next couple years unfold. I need to remind myself that the Lord is as interested in the process (journey) as He is in the product (destination).

In Isaiah 42:16 we read…

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

When I was pastor at First Baptist Church, Thunder Bay, ON, I would meet every so often with Rev. John Harvey, a retired pastor. I felt safe to share my frustrations with him since he was older and wiser than I, much like I now have Pastor Alf to walk with me. We enjoyed some hallowed times of prayer together, and invariably, before I left, he would quote to me Hebrews 10:36 in the KJV – For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. May the Lord grant us this same patience and perseverance to stand under that which He has placed on us until He lifts it and answers our prayer. Let’s continue to watch and pray.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Like last Sunday, the Board asked me to update the Church about the meeting with the city planning department this past Tuesday. There were three matters addressed:

  • On the first matter concerning the city’s plan to twin McGillivray Blvd. and purchase the 2.3 acres of land, the answer was ‘No, not in the next five years.’
  • On the second matter of the annual increase in assessment and taxes, they said they will look into putting it on file so we don’t have to re-apply for a reduction each year.
  • On the matter of possibly re-zoning 2.5 acres for sale, there was openness to look at it. However they would only do with the understanding that prior conversation and approval would need to be with both Fort Whyte and LaFarge. So, thank you for your prayer.

Researching Our Options

With each step we know a little more about our options. Yesterday (June 28) representatives from the Board sat with the chairs of the Building Committee and the Capital Funds Committee, as well as a representative of the prayer team. The goal is to continue such meetings so the leadership of our church works collaboratively to set real options before you as a Church family about how and when to proceed with a new facility.

This is largely in response to the Feasibility Study Report the NAB Foundation did among us the first weekend in May. Phil Yntema’s first two recommendations read as follows:

  1. Since there was overwhelming support for relocating the church, I recommend that leadership continue the process.
  2. I further recommend that leadership re-envision the project. If our assumptions are correct, we have over $8 million available with the land already paid for. Other alternatives should also be researched.

Essentially we are in the research mode so that we can set some options before the Church. Options that are economically feasible and live within our means. We do not want to be debt or ministry poor as we move ahead in becoming an equipping church. You will be receiving more information from the Board on this in few weeks. Please continue to be in prayer as these mid-course corrections get worked out.

Once again, let me re-iterate we are praying the Lord will shine His light upon our path and show us His will. Ministry continues on – evidenced by the Bolivia and Garden Hill Mission Teams commissioned on Sunday, June 28. We are asking God to direct us. Now we have to stand back and ponder what He is up to.

Until then, we praise God…

  • for the appointment of a Pastor of Student Ministries in Kevin Schular.
  • for a growing focus on being an equipping Church.
  • for partnerships in ministry.

In this season of time, God is growing the size of our hearts, the depth of our relationships, and the endurance of our faith in Him. He is maturing us in prayer, in service. and in gospel witness.

2015 Women’s Fall Retreat

Worship, Listen and Reflect

2015 Women's Fall RetreatThe theme of Whyte Ridge Baptist’s 2015 Women’s Fall Retreat is Prayer. Come and hear from women in our midst, their personal walks, challenges and faith stories. Be encouraged to grow in your relationship with God and others as we worship, listen and reflect.

The retreat will take place at the beautiful Pinewood Lodge and Resort, located in Manitoba’s Whiteshell Provincial Park. Enjoy hiking trails in lush forest, or a walk by the shoreline of Dorothy Lake. Enjoy the indoor saltwater Pool and Fitness Centre. Whether you stay in a suite or a chalet, we know you will have an awesome stay!


Friday, October 23 Saturday, October 24 Sunday, October 25    
6:00 Registration 8:00 Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast
7:30 Welcome to Retreat 9:00 Worship/Session 1 9:00 Silent Auction
7:45 Game 12:00 Lunch  Worship/Session 3
9:00 Evening Activities 1-5:00 Free Time 11:00 Communion
Options will be posted 12:30 Lunch
6:30 Worship/Session 2
9:00 Evening Activities

Registration & Cost

Retreat brochure with a registration form can be downloaded here. Brochures will also be available at the Information Center at Whyte Ridge Baptist.

The cost to attend the retreat is $150.00 per person with a special discount of $75.00 for full-time students. This is based on a minimum of 3 per room or 5 per chalet.

You can choose your own room via the Rooming Chart in the church foyer. Space is limited, so it is first come, first serve.

What to Bring

  • Bible
  • Indoor footwear/slippers
  • Poolwear, flip flops
  • Warm outerwear
  • Work out clothing
  • Water bottle/travel mug
  • Games/books/journal

We will also be having a Give a book — Take a book exchange on the weekend.


2015 Women's Fall RetreatTravel Time: Approximately 1:45 hours

  • North on Hwy. #59 to Hwy. #44
  • East on Hwy. #44 to Hwy#11
  • North on Hwy. #11 to Hwy. #307
  • 27 km East on Hwy. #307 to Pinewood


LeaderShift – overcoming leadership heresies

Experiencing LeaderShift

What is LeaderShift all about?

LeadershiftFuelled by the drive to be bigger and better, today’s church has adopted principles and practices created by the corporate world. The result is a toxic mix of the spiritual and secular, where success is measured in numbers, and pastors are encouraged to become CEO superstars.

In short, the world is influencing the church. How do we get back to a biblical foundation for leadership and church development?

Trusted and best-selling author Don Cousins will take you on a groundbreaking exploration of what makes a church leader successful. Lead using the gifts God has given you. Fulfill your calling to be a leader who equips others for the work of service. Experience God’s blessings as you carry out His work, His way.” (from the back slip cover)

Answers questions like:

  • What heresies are affecting spiritual leadership?
  • Can anyone be a leader?
  • How does God measure success in ministry?
  • What is the anointing of God?
  • What is the change process?
  • How can churches prepare leaders for the future?

The Opportunity:

Monday, May 4th

Don meets with the WRBC board and church staff
“What are the necessary shifts required in the local church
to effectively follow God’s plan for leading?”

Tuesday, May 5th

9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Don meets with NAB pastors
“What are the Key Principles of an Equipping based ministry”

Tuesday Evening open to all

7:00 – 9:00 pm 
Experiencing LeaderShift Seminar by Don Cousins 
“Discover God’s Plan for the Church and your place in it.”
“What is the Zone of God’s anointing?”


Whyte Ridge Baptist Church
201 Scurfield Blvd. Winnipeg


$25/person ($35 per couple)
[No charge for WRBC family]

Group rates

5 – 9 people $20.00 per person
10 or more people $15.00 per person

Please register via email at WRBC Office
*Payment can be made the day of in cash or cheque (to WRBC)



Don Cousins

Don Cousins:

  • a founding leader of Willow Creek Community Church
  • respected & trusted leader in the body of Christ
  • serves as coach to leaders, consultant to church and Para church ministries, a teacher to the body of Christ at large
  • involved with Discovery Church (a Christ centered, non-denominational church in Orlando, FL) since June of 2009, and currently serves on staff as the Lead Pastor.
  • best-selling author of “Unexplainable” and “Experiencing LeaderShift” among other books 


The Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles Creed

Flemish tapestry illustrating the first four articles of the Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles’ Creed Adult Elective

Whyte Ridge Baptist will be offering an Adult Elective on the Apostles’ Creed in April and May of this year.

The Apostles’ Creed has been used throughout history as a helpful summary of what all true Christians believe about God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In this four week study, we will explore the meaning and biblical basis of each statement of the Creed. We will seek to discover the practical value of the Creed for worship, prayer and evangelism. Each Sunday morning there will be a 30 minute message, followed by a time of guided group discussion. Weekly handouts and daily Scripture readings, with questions for personal application, will also be offered to help us dig more deeply into the spiritual riches of the Creed.

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic* Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

*The word “catholic” refers to the universal church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Class Details

Adult ElectiveThe Apostles’ Creed
4 sessions (between April 19–May 10)
Location: WRBC Basement
Time: Sundays, 9 am – 10:15 am             
Contact: Chris Wettstein (204-589-8479)

Outline of Sessions:

April 19 — The Historical Origin, Biblical Basis and Value of the Apostles’ Creed

April 26 — I Believe in God the Father Almighty        

May 3 — I Believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, Our Lord

May 10 — I Believe in the Holy Spirit and the Blessings which God has Promised

Director of Student Ministries

Job Description – Director of Student Ministries

“Making and nurturing followers of Jesus Christ through healthy relationships.”


Whyte Ridge Baptist Church is seeking a full time Director of Student Ministries who has a heart for discipleship among youth and young adults. This person should desire to work in a team ministry and be both relationally and administratively competent. Interested individuals can submit their resume to the church office (201 Scurfield Blvd., Winnipeg, MB) or via e-mail.

Key Focus

  • Sr. High & Young Adults
  • Secondary Focus: Middle School


  • Day to day operational – Senior Pastor
  • Periodic Reporting – Board of Church Governance and Membership

Summary of Qualifications

  • Personal relationship with Jesus Christ, modelling faith in daily lifestyle.
  • Christ-like character evidenced in life and conduct.
  • Compliance with statement of faith, core values and vision of WRBC. (see attached).
  • Love for Middle School, Sr. High and Young Adults, with the desire to see them come to mature faith.
  • Student of Scripture with a capacity to teach God’s Word.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a ministry team.
  • Capacity to lead, be innovative and use organizational skills.
  • Relational maturity; personable communication style.

Summary of Responsibilities

  • Provide leadership, support and care to all aspects of Youth (middle school, high school) and Young Adult Ministry.
  • Study, teach and minister God’s Word faithfully to youth and young adults.
  • Recruit and build a Youth Ministry Executive.

Co-lead monthly Youth Executive Meetings.
Recruit and disciple Adult leaders/sponsors/drivers.
Oversee the development of ministry with young adults.
Develop a discipleship plan for Student Ministries
Prepare annual budgets for Student Ministry needs.

  • Provide opportunities for the youth to grow in:

spiritual disciplines.
spiritual gifts/talents.
acts of service and evangelism.
Christ centred relationships.

  • Teach or be responsible for classes/seminars taught in the Youth Ministry.
  • Provide spiritual care to youth and maintain communication with their parents.
  • Plan and schedule regular youth events in coordination with Youth Executive.
  • Be responsible for all communication to our church administration for Sr. High school related activities (e.g. bulletin, WRBC news, website, etc.) making sure it’s up-to-date.
  • Follow-up with new Sr. High students and young adults to WRBC.
  • Promote church-wide events with our Sr. High / Young Adults.
  • Ensure that all aspects of Student Ministries follow our Plan to Protect Policy.
  • Attend weekly staff meetings and additional Training / Conferences as requested by Lead Pastor.

Priorities in Ministry

1. Relational Investment & Student Ministry Preparation (60 %)

  1. Oversee and provide administrative support for all student related ministries at WRBC, with primary focus on Sr. High and Young Adults.
  2. Oversee the youth ministry (middle school, high school and young adult), with the assistance of part-time or volunteer staff from within our church.
  3. Invest in relationships with youth and young adults.
  4. Participate in planning church-wide, cross generational activities.
  5. Network with families who have youth-aged children.

2. General Staff Items (10 %)

  1. Involvement in weekly staff meetings.
  2. General ministry support as required.

3. Administration and Planning (10 %)

  1. Assist in the administration of church-wide ministries and programs. (Example: Summer Carnival, Seminars, Special events)

4. Equipping of Students and Student Workers (20 %)

  1. Invest time with those having the capacity to help lead and mentor others.


Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Health and Dental Plan is made available as well as a generous Professional Development allowance. If you have any questions please contact the church office by e-mail.

Application Deadline: April 10, 2015

An evening of discussion, questions and exploring

Discussion, Questions and ExploringWhere is the Lord leading our Church in 2015?

With this as the focus, Whyte Ridge Baptist people met February 1, 2015 for a Family Meal and Equipping Seminar. In excess of 50 people gathered to share a meal and hear two brief presentations on our proposed building program. Attendees then participated in a time of discussion, questions and exploring where God is leading Whyte Ridge Baptist in 2015.

Capital Funds

John Wiltshire, Capital Funds Committee Chair, addressed the group first. He outlined the steps or process our church will go through over the next eight months.

Whyte Ridge Baptist has employed the services of a fund raising consultant – the North American Baptist Foundation. The NAB Foundation will help us determine the giving potential of our people for a building campaign. They provide assistance in a number of areas.

Case Statement

First, they assist the church in developing a Case Statement. The Case Statement is the document that identifies what the campaign is all about. The Capital Funds Committee is working to have this completed by the end of February 2015.

Feasibility Study

Next is the Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study involves conducting 30-minute interviews with a cross-section of our people. The goal of the interviews is to test the interest and capacity of our people to raise the necessary funds. All of the interviews are strictly confidential.

While the Foundation will be provided with the names of people to interview, anyone in our church can be interviewed. If this is something you would like to participate in, please talk to John or any other member of the committee.

Immediately following the interviews, the Foundation will provide a preliminary recommendation to our Board of how much they believe our congregation can raise over-and-above their regular giving. One week later, they submit their final report. The Feasibility Study will be completed by mid to late May 2015.

Sources of Funds

The funds for a building campaign will come from four sources.

  • Giving by Whyte Ridge People.
  • Sale of current building & 2 acres of land the City of Winnipeg will expropriate from the McGillivray property for the expansion of McGillivray Blvd.
  • Funds already raised.
  • Borrowed funds.

With the funds realized from the first three sources, it is hoped the amount borrowed will be as small as possible. Because of the first three sources of funds listed above, we will NOT be borrowing eight or nine million dollars as some have suggested.

In addition, our leadership is committed to move ahead with a building campaign only if it does not starve current and ongoing ministry.

Building Committee

Chris Karam, Building Committee Chair, then gave a brief history of the work their committee has accomplished to date. The most recent activity was a meeting on January 27 to examine the architect’s proposed building plans. Present at the meeting were the Building Committee, the church staff, the church Board, and representatives from the Capital Funds and Prayer Committees.

This meeting resulted in a fairly significant list of requests and suggestions. These ideas were sent back to the architect to incorporate into the drawings. Once the drawings are ready, the same participants will meet again to work on finalizing the plans. These will then be given to the Capital Funds Committee to be used in the Feasibility Study.

Gist of Plan

Chris then verbally shared the gist of the plan. The building will be located on the North East corner of the property. The front of the building will face McGillivray Blvd. Early on the committee asked Architect Ray Wan to design the building to be welcoming for those in our community. As a result, the building will have an “open arms” design as you view it from McGillivray Blvd.

The foyer will be in the front centre of the building. The children’s ministry area will be on the left/West side of the building. The meeting/worship space will be on the right/East side of the building. The fellowship and office/administration areas will be in the rear/North side of the building.

The projected size of the building is approximately 50,000 square feet. To put this into perspective, our current building has 16,000 square feet when both the basement and main floor are included. The foyer in the new building will be the size of our present sanctuary space.

There will be a concerted effort to conserve the natural beauty of the property God has given us.   Walking paths will be constructed in amongst the existing trees. While the property borders on Muir Lake at the FortWhyte Alive Centre, we will, unfortunately, not have a direct view of the lake. The trees, growing bigger with each passing year, on the Muir Lake shoreline will obstruct such a view.

Time Line

With the information from the Feasibility Study and the building plans, the Board and building campaign committees will prepare a recommendation to the church. This recommendation will be presented to the congregation at a meeting in June 2015.

Beginning in the fall, the Capital Funds Committee will approach our people to make a commitment to give to the building campaign. This will be a commitment over three years.

Discussion, Questions and Exploring

Following the presentations by John and Chris, all present engaged in a time of discussion, questions and exploring. The goal: Discern what God might have in store for Whyte Ridge Baptist in 2015. Facilitated by members of the staff or one of the building campaign committees, each table worked through a list of questions.

Notes were taken of the responses and discussion arising from the table questions. These notes will be compiled and distributed to our church leadership—the Board and building campaign committees—for further thought and reflection.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. — Ephesians 3:20-21

Key to a Great Marriage – Love and Respect

Love & Respect Webby Steve Morris

Attention all married couples, as well as those dating, separated, single or divorced!

On February 20th and 21st we will be holding the Love and Respect video marriage conference at WRBC. We are hoping that many from our church and community will take this opportunity to come and learn how to enrich their marriages, how to save them, or how to build them well from the start. 

The Love and Respect conference is conducted by world renown speakers Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife Sarah. This dynamic and life-changing conference is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships. 

What is Love and Respect?  These two words surface in the Bible from Ephesians 5:33 as the two key ingredients for a successful marriage. They teach that love best motivates a woman and respect most powerfully motivates a man. Dr. Emerson’s research reveals that during marital conflict a husband most often reacts when feeling disrespected and a wife reacts when feeling unloved. They asked 7000 people this question: when you are in a conflict with your spouse or significant other, do you feel unloved or disrespected?  83% of men said “disrespected”. 72% of women said, “unloved”. 

Though we all need love and respect, the felt needs differ during conflict and this difference is as different as pink is from blue!

Register, come and attend, and you will learn how to resolve conflict, dealing with the negative reactions. You will also learn how to motivate each other by meeting each other’s needs. Even if you feel helpless in your relationships you will grow in your understanding on how to handle an indifferent or unresponsive partner. 

The cost of the weekend is only $15 USD per person, if you register by February 9th. $20 per person after February 9th. This includes refreshments and a lite lunch on Saturday

To register online: Love & Respect Conference Registration 

Registrations can also be paid directly to the church via check when you sign up in the foyer. 

For more information, talk to Steve Morris or Pastor Kevin.

Discovering Our Identity in Christ

Everyone longs to belong and be known.

While God has created us to love Him and each other, as we love ourselves, we often find that hard to do. Why? In part, it is because we lack self-knowledge. True self-knowledge is to see ourselves as God sees us. If God sees us differently than we see ourselves, our self-knowledge is incomplete and inaccurate. This is a state which inhibits our ability to be recipients of God’s love and to be able to truly love others. It is here that we are in a place of discovering our identity in Christ.

In Christ, relational connectedness is not a luxury—but a necessity of the Christian life. We need each other in order to mature in our faith and honour God.

In Christ, identity and intimacy are intricately linked.

Finger PrintThe Who I am in Christ seminar is designed to help you come to a greater understanding of your identity in Christ by connecting six teaching sessions, which only you attend, along with six intentional conversations with a close friend chosen by you. (Who Should I Invite?)

The classes will take place on Saturday mornings from 9 am – 11 am at WRBC, usually every other week. On alternate weeks, you’ll arrange the times and places to meet with the same close friend, for 60 – 90 minutes, to discuss the personal impact of the preceding seminar’s content in order to gain your friend’s insights and foster your relationship.

Course Details


  • Orientation (with close friend) • Thursday, January 29, 7–9 pm At WRBC.
  • 6 Seminars • Thursdays, 7–9 pm at WRBC.
    Feb. 19, Mar. 5 & 19, Apr. 9 & 23 and May 7.

Cost: $25.00. Includes…

  • Christian Life Profile
  • Steps to Freedom in Christ
  • Discovering Your God-Given Gifts
  • Beverages and snacks

Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 25th.

Download the course Brochure & Registration Form.

All sessions take place at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church.

Outline of Sessions

Orientation Class (to attend with your friend)

The goal of this class is to prepare you and your friend for the times you will meet throughout the Who I am in Christ course.

Session One – Who I am in Christ – Overview

The goal of this session is to help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are in Christ and how growing in that knowledge can positively impact, and is impacted by, your relationship with others.

Session Two – I am Dead to Myself and Alive in Christ

(Mk 8:34-35; Gal 2:19-21)

The goal of this session is to help you discover that, at the core of your identity, life is no longer about you – it is about Christ and allowing His Holy Spirit to live in and through you.

Session Three – I am in a Covenant Relationship with God

(Heb 8:10; 2 Cor 3:6)

The goal of this session is to help you see that Christ has always been the initiator in your relationship with Him. He pursued you and you have responded to His love!

Session Four – I am a Lover of God and Others

(Mk 12:29-31)

The goal of this session is to help you embrace the reality that, at the core of your being, you are a “Lover of God” and a “Lover of Others”.

Session Five – I am Unique and Unified within the Church

(Rom 12:3-6)

The goal of this session is to help you recognize your uniqueness in Christ that is made possible by, and enhanced through, being unified with other believers.

Session Six – Who I am becoming in Christ

The goal of this session is to bring together what you have learned about Who You are in Christ and to consider the next steps you might take.

Who should I invite?

The close friend you invite to join you for the Who I am in Christ seminar should be:

  • a maturing believer in Christ.
  • someone with whom you share mutual trust.
  • someone you feel comfortable being open with.
  • someone who you know speaks truth in love.
  • some who will have the courage to tell you things you may not like to hear in order to see yourself more fully.
  •  willing, able, and reliable to make the required commitments for the Who I am in Christ seminar.

These commitments include:

    • being willing to meet bi-weekly with you,
    • being willing to the complete the Consent form given at the Orientation (Jan 29th) which covers their approval to be part of this study.
    • completion of both the pretest (part of the Orientation) and post test (during last class on May 7th).

Start the New Year Off Right

Start the New Year Off RightStart the new year off right. Take in one of WRBC’s many opportunities for growing deeper in your relationship with God and others. Some are single, one time events. Others are multi week opportunities.

Prayer Ministry

Theme: Seeking God’s direction for ministry & building plans
Location: WRBC Conference Room
Time: 1st Thursday of each month @ 10 am
Contact: Marilyn Parker • 204-421-0576

Men’s Breakfast

Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
Date: Saturday, Jan 17th
Time: 9 – 11 am
Cost: $5 

Adult Elective – God is the Gospel

8 sessions • Sundays, between Jan 18th – Mar 22nd
Location: WRBC Basement
Time: 9 am – 10:15 am                 
Cost: Participant Workbook (free PDF)
Contact: Steve Morris • 204-467-7338

Discipleship Explored – Philippians

8 sessions • Tuesdays, Jan 13th – Mar 10th
   Omit Feb 3rd
Location: 135 Apple Hill Rd
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook ($5)
Contact: Pastor Doug • 204-489-3875

Leadership Groups 

6 part series on developing Biblical Leadership
Leadershift (facilitated group study – required reading & prep for each session)
Location: WRBC Lobby
Dates: Tuesdays • Jan 13, Feb 3, March 3, Apr 7 & May 5
Time: 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Contact: Bob Fast • 204-488-4620

Christianity Explored – Gospel of Mark

8 sessions • Wednesdays, Jan 14th – Mar 11th
   Omit Feb 4th
Location: 50 Tolcross Gate
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook ($5)
Contact: Rene Gagnon • 204-488-3909

Young Adults Lunch

Location: WRBC Basement
Date: Sunday, Jan 18th
Time: after 2nd service
Cost: Free

Women’s Ministry Bible Study – Children of the Day

Location: Sanctuary Overflow
9 Sessions • Tuesdays, Jan 20th – Mar 17th
Time: 9:30 – 11 am
Cost: $25.00
Contact: Dale Fast – 204-488-4620 or Carol Bergmann – 204-883-2301

Growing in Grace (55+)

Bible Study based on our Sermon Series
3 sessions • Jan 22
nd, Feb 26th & March 26th
Location: WRBC Conference Room
Time: 10 am – 11am
Contact: John Goertzen • 204-269-7375

365 Police Prayer Watch

Week of January 25-31. 
Signup at the table in the lobby.
Contact: Marilyn Parker 

LifePath Seminar: Who I am in Christ

Orientation: Thursday January 29th
6 Session: Thursdays • Feb 19, Mar 5 & 19, Apr 9 & 23, May 7
Location: WRBC Lobby
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm
Cost: $25
Contact: Pastor Doug • 204-489-3875

Family Meals & Equipping Seminar

(1 hour for supper & 1 hour for a seminar and discussion)
Location: WRBC Basement
Date: Sunday, February 1st
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Cost: $5/person; $10/family
Free Child care for those 10 and under
Contact: Pastor Doug • 204-489-3875

Marriage Weekend Video Seminar

Theme: Love and Respect
Location: WRBC
Dates: Feb 20th (7-9 pm) & 21st (9 am – 2:30 pm)
Cost: $15/person
Contact: Pastor Kevin • 204-489-3875

Christmas Card Campaign 2014

by Heather Warkentin

The Christmas Card Campaign theme for 2024 is “Jesus: Hope of the Nations.” You will be given the opportunity to support three different ministries: Living Bible Explorers, Pathway Camp Ministries, and Far Corners Ministry.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah reminds that the heart of God is to give good news to the poor and disadvantaged.

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favour has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:1-3

By purchasing a Christmas Card, you will make a significant impact in the life of children in India, Northern Manitoba, and Winnipeg’s inner city. In addition to children, this campaign will make a difference in the lives of Pastor’s in India.

The Christ Card Campaign will run from November 30 to December 21, 2014

Living Bible Explorers

Christmas Card Campaign Living Bible Explorers has ministered to thousands of children in Winnipeg’s inner city neighbourhoods. Many of the children who attend their programs are being raised in the midst of poverty and brokenness. The desire of LBE is to see each child come to know the hope they can have in Jesus Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.

$10 • Two Duffel Bags

The children who attend summer camp through LBE each receive a personalized duffel bag. A duffel bag is a practical but much appreciated gift. The bag provides each child with something to bring their items to and from camp as well as carry belongings throughout the year. More importantly, this bag provides a child with a sense of pride and dignity. They now have something of their own.

$50 • Send a Child to LBE Weekend Camp

Camp gives LBE leaders the opportunity to plant seeds and speak truth into the lives of children. This time is important to their growing relationship with God. An added benefit is it gets them excited for continued involvement in year round programs.


Pathway Camp Ministries

Christmas Card CampaignPathway Camp Ministries provides faith-based curriculum and programs to youth in Manitoba’s aboriginal communities. They are committed to furthering the Kingdom of God by taking camp to “where they’re at.” PCM offers Summer Day Camps, Saturday Sports Days, Gym Nights, lunch time Bible Clubs, Youth Groups, and special events.

$25 • Sponsor Youth to Attend Youth Quake at Briercrest

Youth Quake has brought the Gospel to thousands of young people throughout the years. During the retreat, youth are challenged to become dedicated, authentic followers of Jesus Christ. A weekend at Youth Quake is an important ministry opportunity Pathway Camp leaders.

PCM is committed to walking alongside aboriginal youth. They foster God honouring relationships. They build the children up to become disciples amongst their peers and be a part of a strong network of support. The youth come from areas of isolation. Key to their discipleship is having them understand they are part of a greater community of Christians, both aboriginal and otherwise. Sponsoring someone to attend Youth Quake will help make this a reality.


Far Corners Ministry

Christmas Card CampaignFar Corners Ministry supports the growing church in Northeast India by training pastors and lay leaders, helping the poor, and building churches.

$10 • Blankets and Mosquito Netting

Blessing a family with a blanket offers protection from the cold. Mosquito netting helps prevent sickness and provide comfort and security in a life that has so little.

$25 • Sponsor a Pastor to attend Pastoral Training

Pastoral Training by FCM has met a critical need in a part of India where the church is experiencing tremendous growth. This growth, if it is be strong and have longevity, needs to be appropriately rooted and grounded. Pastoral training is essential to this.

$200 • Sponsor a Pastor’s Child’s Education for One Year

When a father in India answers the call to become a pastor, he also commits his family to a life of poverty. Pastors in India make very little money. They are often ostracized from their communities with little hope for a second income. This results in an inability to pay for their children’s education. Providing an education to a Pastor’s child allows dreams to come true. Your gift will allow a child to realize their full potential.


Artwork Donated by Rosalie Olson

The artwork for the Christmas Cards has been graciously donated by Whyte Ridge Baptist’s very own, Rosalie Olson. Rosalie’s expression of God’s heart is evident in the images she brings to life on canvas. Humbly we offer these cards as gifts. May God be glorified and many more blessing flow this Christmas season.

Family Christmas Party

Family ChristmasOn Saturday, Nov 29th, you’re invited to join us for our Family Christmas Party out at Miracle Ranch. We’ve booked their Ranch Lodge from 2 – 5 pm and have sleigh rides scheduled for 2 pm and 3 pm. After your sleigh ride, come into the lodge for a cup of hot chocolate and a hotdog. We’ll also take some time to sing a few Christmas carols together!


Tickets are needed and are $10/person or $30/family and include admission, food and one sleigh ride (whether or not used). Starting Sunday, November 2, tickets can be purchased at the Information Center. During the week, tickets can be bought from the church office. Seats on the sleighs are limited to 25 adults. Tickets are for a specific sleigh ride – 2 or 3 pm. All tickets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.


Miracle Ranch MapOnly five minutes north of the Floodway. From Winnipeg go north on Hwy 59 (Lagimodiere Blvd.), turn right (east) onto Garven Rd., go 1 km, turn right (south) onto Lorne Hill Rd. and go 1/2 km to the Miracle Ranch Entrance.

Plan now for a great afternoon of fun and laughter at our annual Family Christmas Party.

2014 Thank Offering

Thank Offeringby Pastor Kevin Klassen

Annual Thank Offering

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! Give thanks and bless His name for the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations” – Psalm 100:4-5

As has been our custom over the last number of years, we will be taking a special Thank offering during our Thanksgiving Sunday worship services. Half of what is collected in this offering will be allocated to the India Mission Trip Fund. The other half will go to the Capital Fund.

2014 Goal

The goal for Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Thank Offering is $10,000

India Mission Trip

The Mission Trip fund exists to support numerous mission initiatives from our church. A significant use of this fund in 2014 will be to support the approaching mission trip to India. The India Team looks forward to teaching and encouraging our brothers and sisters in northeast India in the Lord. They will do this by helping facilitate several conferences and distributing provisions and support to those in need.

Building Capital Fund

The Capital Fund exists to support our building program. Our day-to-day ministry is presently outgrowing our current space. Money given to the Capital Fund will help meet this need for ministry space down the road.

Special Thank Offering Envelopes

On Thanksgiving Sunday, we will be taking this special Thank offering at the same time as our regular offering. Special envelopes for the Thank offering will be provided both this Sunday and on Thanksgiving Sunday. Please use one of these special envelopes for your Thank offering. The ordinary offering envelopes will still be on hand for your regular giving.

The Lord has blessed us so we can serve Him and make Him known. Let us give with grateful hearts in support of the work of His Kingdom!

Connecting Points

Connecting Points

One of Whyte Ridge Baptist’s goals is to create a number of Connecting Points where you can foster Christ-honoring friendships. We hope, as you familiarize yourself with these opportunities, that one or two of these connecting points will be of interest to you and fit your schedule!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our pastoral staff or the contact people listed with each ministry.


Growing in Grace (55+)

Bible Study: Be Alert by Warren Wiersbe

4 sessions: Sept 25, Oct 23, Nov 27, Dec 18
Location: WRBC Conference Room
Time: 10 – 11am
Contact: John Goertzen – 204-269-7375


2nd Thursday of each Month
Sign up at Info Centre
Cost: $5-10 (suggested)
Contact: Bonnie Tholl – 204-489-1482

Young Adults

Monthly Events (details in WRBC News)
Contact: Emily Walker – 204-489-3875

The Way (mid-late teens)

Location: based out of WRBC
Time: Fridays, 7 – 10 pm (weekly)
Contact: Pastor Doug – email or 204-489-3875

The Wave (middle school)

Location: based out of WRBC
Time: Fridays, 7 – 9 pm (twice/month)
Contact: Krista Wynne – email or 204-269-4026

Gr. 5-6 only

Location: WRBC Conference Room
Time: Sundays (dismissed prior to message)
Contact: John Bergmann 204-489-3875

Grades 8-9 only

Study: Do Hard Things – A teenage rebellion against low expectations
6 sessions: Mondays – starting Sept 22 – biweekly
Location: 126 Sauve Cres (Pastor Doug’s)
When: Mondays (starting Sept 22 – biweekly)
7 – 8:30 pm
Cost: $10 – for book
Contact: Pastor Doug – email or 204-489-3875

SONSeekers (Nursery – Gr. 4)

Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
Time: Sundays, 11 am service
Contact: Grace Elke – email or 204-489-3875


A LifeGroup is a group of people, based on existing or developing friendships, who journey towards Christ-likeness together. For more information, check the LifeGroup brochure at the Information Centre, or visit our LifeGroups web page.

LifePath Seminar: LifeKeys

6 Sessions: Wednesdays. Oct 8 – Nov 12
Location: WRBC Lobby
Time: 7 – 9 pm
Cost: Participant Workbook – $15
Contact: Pastor Doug – email or 204-489-3875

Christianity Explored

8 sessions: Tuesdays, Oct 7 – Nov 25
Location: 135 Apple Hill Rd
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook – $5
Contact: Pastor Doug – email or 204-489-3875

Discipleship Explored

8 sessions: Thursdays, Oct 9 – Dec 4  (No meeting Oct 23)
Location: 50 Tolcross Gate
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook – $5
Contact: Rene Gagnon – 204-489-3875)

Adult Elective

When I Don’t Desire God
7 sessions: Sundays, Oct 19
 – Dec 7
Location: WRBC Basement
Time: 9 – 10:15 am
Cost: Participant Workbook – $10
Contact: Steve Morris – 204-489-3875

Leadership Groups

Leadershift (facilitated group study)

Note: required reading and prep for each session
Location: WRBC Lobby
When: Tuesdays – Monthly, 1st week beginning Nov 4
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Focus: a 6 part series on developing Biblical Leadership
Contact: Bob Fast – 204-488-4620

Leadership Learning

Location: WRBC Lobby
When:  Thursdays – monthly, 3rd wk beginning Oct 23
Time: 8 pm – 10 pm
Focus: Informal facilitated sessions designed to help people grow in their leadership capabilities.
Contact: Dave Barton – 204-489-3875


Prayer Ministry

Theme: Seeking God’s direction for future ministry and building plans
Location: WRBC Conference Room
Time: 10 am
When: 1st Thurday of each month
Contact: Marilyn Parker – 204-421-0576

English Conversation Circles

7 weeks: Starting – Wednesday, Oct 22
Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
Time: 7:30 – 9 pm
Contact: Rose Olson – 204-781.4494


Women’s Retreat

Theme: Transforming Encounters with Jesus
Location: Pinawa (Wilderness Edge Retreat Centre)
Time: October 3 – 5
Cost: $199
Contact: Kelly Karam – 204-489-3875

Men’s Breakfast

Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
Time: Saturday, Oct0ber 25, 9 – 11 am
Cost: $5

Multicultural Potluck

Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
When: Sunday, November 2
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Theme: Missions to India
Cost: Potluck contribution
Contact: George Giesbrecht – 204-489-3875

Orientation Lunch

Location: WRBC Lower Auditorium
When: Sunday – November 9 after 2nd service

Family Christmas Sleigh Ride

Location: Miracle Ranch – just north of Winnipeg
Time: Come & go from 3 – 5 pm – rides at 2 or 3 pm (purchase tickets)
Cost: $10/person; $30/family

Discipleship Explored

Discipleship Explored

Discipleship Explored is an informal 8-week course for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives. It is perfect if you have been through Christianity Explored and recently decided to follow Christ. 

Participants will be looking at Paul’s letter to the Philippians, exploring for themselves the meaning of Paul’s words ‘for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ Those who have taken the Christianity Explored course will feel right at home. Each session has a group discussion, picking up on the previous week’s material and a short study in Philippians. In addition each session will listen to a short talk or view a DVD on the theme for the week. This is followed up by further group discussion on issues raised in the talk or DVD.

Course Outline

Week 1: Confident In Christ – Philippians 1:1-11
Week 2: Living In Christ – Philippians 1:12-26
Week 3: Standing Together In Christ – Philippians 1:27-2:1
Week 4: Transformed By Christ – Philippians 2:12-30
Week 5: Righteous In Christ – Philippians 3:1-9
Week 6: Knowing Christ – Philippians 3:10-4:1
Week 7: Rejoicing In Christ – Philippians 4:2-9
Week 8: Content In Christ – Philippians 4:10-23

Course Details

8 sessions: Thursdays Oct 9 – Dec 4 (No meeting Oct 23)
Location: 50 Tolcross Gate
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook – $5
Contact: Church Office by email or by phone 204-489-3875

Watch a trailer of the course DVD or go to the Christianity Explored website to learn more.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is an informal 8-week course for people who’d like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. Studying Mark’s gospel, it explores who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.

Christianity Explored is primarily for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a small group of people. Whether you have previous experience of Church, Christians, and the Bible, or none at all, this course is for you. Everyone is welcome – from the long standing followers of Jesus to the convinced atheist. 

A typical evening starts with a something to eat or maybe just a cup of coffee. Then there’s a chance to look at the Bible for yourself and ask any questions you have. There is a short talk, or a DVD, and then a chance to discuss about what you just heard.

Course Outline

Week 1 – Good news: What are we doing here?
Week 2 – Identity: Who is Jesus?
Week 3 – Sin: Why did Jesus come?
Week 4 – The cross: Why did Jesus die?
Week 5 – Resurrection: Why did Jesus rise?
Week 6 – Grace: How can God accept us?
Week 7 – Listen Carefully, Ask Humbly, Choose Wisely.
Week 8 – Come and die: What does it mean?

Course Details

8 sessions: Tues: Oct 7 – Nov 25
Location: 135 Apple Hill Rd
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost: Participant Handbook – $5
Contact: Pastor Doug or by phone 204-489-3875

Watch an interview with Christianity Explored course author, Rico Tice, explaining more about the course.

Watch and share the Christianity Explored DVD trailers or visit Christianity Explored website to learn more about the course.

Youth Rebelution

Rebelution - Do Hard Things

A rebelution will be starting for Whyte Ridge Baptist youth in grades 8-9 on September 22nd. What’s a rebelution? In a single sentence…

A rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things.

Rebelution was started by Alex and Brett Harris. They started the movement when they were sixteen. They began with a blog which turned into their first book, Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectation, when they were eighteen years old. The book has sold over 400,000 copies, reaching as high as #5 on Amazon.com’s bestseller list and #1 under Christianity.

The Harris brothers wrote the book to help youth resist the cultural lies that limit their potential. They write on their website:

Kids everywhere were essentially being groomed for failure before they had ever been tested for success. Before they’d ever been invited to set their mind, will, and heart on making a mark for God in the world.

They believe the teen years are meant to be a season of daring, high hopes and real achievements. Do Hard Things draws from history, practical examples and biblical insights to help teens set a course for long term fulfillment and an eternal impact. 

Rebelution in 6 Sessions

Pastor Doug Friesen will be leading a small group of teens in his home through the book Do Hard Things. Here are the details:

Who: Teens in grades 8-9   

Where: 126 Sauve Cres (Pastor Doug’s)

When: Mondays • Sept 22 | Oct 6 & 20 | Nov 3 & 17 | Dec 1

Time:  7 – 8:30 pm

How Much: $10 (for book) 

Registration Deadline: Sunday, Sept 14th

Contact Pastor Doug by email or by phone 204.489.3875 (ext. 25)

St. John Ambulance First Aid Course

First Aid Course

Emergency with CPR C & AED Training

Whyte Ridge Baptist is hosting a St. John Ambulance First Aid Course at the end of September. This course offering is part of WRBC’s commitment to provide a safe and secure environment for all who attend and participate in our programs.

The normal cost for this particular course is $89.00. However, if you are volunteer at WRBC, the course will only cost you $45.00. Anyone who works directly with children, youth, or adults at WRBC – Children’s Ministry, The Wave (Middle School), The Way (Youth), Ushers, etc. – will benefit from this course.

First Aid Course Details

Course: Emergency First Aid with CPR C & AED  (also known as First Aider 1) 

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2014

Time: 8:30-4:30 pm  (8 hours)

Place: Whyte Ridge Baptist Church

Cost: $89.00  ($45.00 for WRBC Volunteers)

The primary focus is CPR Level C (adult/infant/child), AED (defibrillator), and emergency situations (ex. choking, bleeding, asthma, allergies). This course is aimed at individuals working within 30 minutes of a medical facility in low hazard work environments. Participants learn what to do when someone suffers heart failure by receiving Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training. In addition to CPR training, participants will learn how to use Automated External Defibrillation (AED) equipment. 

Registration Deadline

Sunday, September 21st. 

Course is limited to the first 18 participants. Sign up at the Information Center or contact the church office by email or by phone: 204.489.3875


Celebrating our Joint Venture

Celebrating our Joint VentureWhyte Ridge Baptist Church (WRBC) and Winnipeg Somang Presbyterian Church (WSPC) will be celebrating their joint mission venture in Bolivia in a combined worship service on September 7. 

Pastor Terry, with Pastor Saehoon translating, will be speaking from Revelation 4-5 on “Worthy is the Lamb!” The key verse is:

“You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” Revelation 5:9

IBolivia - Celebrating our Venturencluded in the combined service will be an update about the ministry to Bolivia based on the Partnership Agreement made with WRBC, WSPC, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), and Bolivia Baptist Union/Union Bautista Boliviana. This partnership came about as a result of representatives of WRBC and WSPC traveling to Bolivia in the summer of 2013. The goal of the trip was to build relationships with Bolivian sisters and brothers and visit various projects of the Bolivian Baptist Union. Of special interest to the two groups was learning about the Seminario Theologico Baustista (STB) in Cochabamba and the Chagas project in Mizque.

STEP Program BoliviaWhyte Ridge Baptist and Winnipeg Somang Presbyterian will enter into a STEP relationship with CBM, the STB and the Chagas Project (through the Bolivian Baptist Union) beginning in 2015. The STEP program is a global discipleship program that provides churches with the opportunity to engage more significantly in global mission through a three-way partnership with CBM and one of its global partners. Learn more about the STEP program on the CBM website or through this STEP program PDF.

A joint mission trip is being planned by the two congregations for next July 15 – 30, 2015.

In addition to the above update, Shant Manuel of Far Corners Ministry will be sharing a brief report on the current ministry in India.

Calling all Children & Teen Volunteers

Volunteers & Plan to Protect

Whyte Ridge Baptist is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all children and teens that participate in our programs. There are a number of things that go into providing such an environment. It takes more than committed and enthusiastic volunteers to accomplish this.

WRBC’s Commitment to Safety & Security

One of the most critical aspects of providing a safe and secure learning environment is having a clearly defined Plan to Protect program in place. All volunteers are required to go through a screening process that involves the completion of a written application form, training, a personal interview, reference checks, Child Abuse Registry Check and a Criminal Record Check.

In addition to the initial screening of all volunteers, WRBC conducts a Plan to Protect Refresher Training session each year. The refresher training is required of all volunteers who work children and teens. This means, that in addition to those who work directly in children’s ministry, volunteers in The Wave (Middle School), The Way (High School), those who do child care for English Conversation Circles, the family meals and seminars, etc. need to attend. 

Times & Dates

Here is the schedule for upcoming Plan to Protect Refresher Training sessions. If you cannot come on your designated Sunday, please be sure to come on the alternate Sunday. Groups are designated for specific Sundays because of space limitations. The smaller groups of workers also allow for more meaningful discussion around similar age groupings.

Please mark your calendars!

September 7th

10:00 am – Plan to Protect Refresher Training 
For all nursery and preschool workerssecurity greeters
Scripture Memory listeners and puppet volunteers, and child care providers.

 September 14th

10:00 am – Plan to Protect Refresher Training
For all children’s worship and workshop leaders, 
shepherds and youth workers.

Getting Ready for the Fall

Children's Ministry Preparation

We are getting ready for the fall in all areas of Children’s Ministry. This is for those currently serving or wanting to serve in Children’s Ministry at WRBC. The following preparation is a prerequisite for children want to participate and those serving in WRBC’s Children’s Ministry.

Fall Registration

September begins a new ministry year at Whyte Ridge Baptist. This means registration forms for all children in Nursery, SONSeekers and The Wave (middle school) need to be renewed/updated. You will find the 2014/2015 forms in your mail folder and at the Information Centre. When completed, please return them to the SONSeeker sign-in table any Sunday morning or to the folder in the door pocket of the Children’s Ministry office downstairs.

Children’s Ministry Orientation

If you cannot come on your designated Sunday, please be sure to come on the alternate Sunday. Groups are designated for specific Sundays because of space limitations. The smaller groups of workers also allow for more meaningful discussion around similar age groupings.

Please mark your calendars!

September 7th

11:00 am – Children’s Ministry Orientation
For all nursery and preschool workers, security greeters,
Scripture Memory listeners and puppet volunteers

 September 14th

11:00 am –  Children’s Ministry Orientation
For all children’s worship and workshop leaders,
shepherds and youth workers.

A Connection Like No Other

Connection Like No Other

Are you looking for a place to connect with other women? Are you interested in being enriched and challenged spiritually? Then the 2014 Women’s Retreat is just the place for you. This annual retreat is a wonderful time of connection with other women in a relaxed environment. Come, make new friends and strengthen relationships. It is a weekend you won’t soon forget. Reserve October 3-5, 2014 on your calendar!

The theme of this year’s retreat is Transforming Encounters with Jesus – heart, soul, strength, mind. The theme verse is:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.
Luke 10:27 NIV

Featured Speaker – Kimberley Morrison

Featured SpeakerKimberley and her husband are church planting in a working class poor and aboriginal neighbourhood. She has ministered in multiple settings that range from a pastor in mega churches to pioneering in remote mission settings. She is completing a doctorate in missiology with a focus on leader formation.

Kimberley is a wife of 34 years, a mom to four grown children and Mimi to 7 grandchildren. Her passion is seeing Jesus as He transforms lives!

Registration Details

October 3-5, 2014

Early Bird Rate
$174/person (before July 13)

Standard Rate:
$174/person (after July 13)

Based on double occupancy. All meals, snacks, and coffee included.

Payment in full is due with your registration form. Deadline for Standard Rate registration is September 21, 2014. Please make all cheques payable to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church.

Return registration form to the church office or Dale Fast. Any questions regarding registration, call Dale Fast at (204) 488-4620.

Retreat Location

TWilderness Edge Maphe Wilderness Edge Retreat Centre is located in beautiful Pinawa, Manitoba. Inside Whiteshell Provincial Park, it is on the edge of Canada’s Canadian Shield overlooking the Winnipeg River.

Click on the map for a larger Google Maps page.


Please prayerfully consider contributing any size donation for scholarships. Every woman needs the opportunity to participate in this wonderful, spirit-enriching weekend. Our hope is to provide many scholarships. Please contact Dale.

Summer Carnival – A Fun Filled Day

Summer Carnival

Looking for a great day filled with cool activities and food?  Plan to take in Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Summer Carnival on Saturday, July 19.

Our 2014 Summer Carnival will feature illusionist Gord Gilbey. Using illusion, sleight-of-hand, balloon sculpting, and story telling, Gord tells the story of Jesus.

All carnival events and activities are completely FREE!

Carnival Events

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

bouncers – petting zoo – face painting
balloon animals – small game zone – story telling and music

(drinks, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn)

BBQ supper
(hotdogs, chips and drink)

7:00 pm – 7:45 pm

Gord Gilbey

8:00 pm

bonfire and marshmallows

All carnival events will take place at the McGillivray property. 

Summer Carnival Property