UPDATE: An Opportunity to Invest in Kingdom work in NE India

Far Corners Ministry (NE India) – Kalchini Project (Updated, May 25, 2022)

UPDATE:  All gifts will be matched by a generous donor until June 30, 2022! 
To invest in this project, you can e-transfer to the ministry email at info@farcornersministry.org or by following this link to the Far Corners Ministry website (indicate Kalchini Project): https://farcornersministry.org/how-to-be-involved/donate


ORIGINAL DETAILS:  In 2009 WRBC began a ministry partnership with Far Corners Ministry (focused on NE India). This ministry is founded and led by Shant and Ginny Manuel. WRBC sent their first team to north-east India in 2010 and has every two years since, until Covid-19 interrupted the rhythm.

Several months ago, I (Bob Fast) was in conversation with Ginny and learned about a small but growing congregation that was in desperate need of a new meeting place. Pastor Sujat (one of the supported pastors) and his wife Hemanti minister in the village of Kalchini. Initially they met in one room of their three-room house. Then they outgrew it and put up a tent-like structure just next to the house. The tent-like structure had been repaired several times, and after the last rainy season it became apparent that this was not going to be adequate.

By November 2021, they had grown to about eighteen families with forty members. Many new families from other faiths are joining and during Christmas time 17 people committed their lives to Jesus and now they are coming regularly to church. Now there are around 34 families at Kalchini to attend in the new church building and Shakti (the local missionary working with Far Corners) feels that they will see continued growth in this area. Praise God!

The Kalchini church construction project started in November and was planned to be built in stages as funds became available. The building is approximately 18 x 40 feet. The pastor and wife have given part of their land for the building which saves over $5,500. The cost that Shakti gave for the project at the beginning was approximately $12,275 CDN. Costs for building materials and labour costs have increased significantly in India as in other parts of the world so this cost keeps rising. Other interested donors have given to this project to help with the construction. After donations from various donors, mostly in Canada, to complete the project, they estimate they require $4500 CDN.

My wife Dale, and I participated in one of the WRBC trips to Northeast India in 2016. Many others from our church have also gone and ministered to the wonderful people there… and have been ministered to. They are very committed to serving God and building His kingdom. I have regularly thought about how we can support them in some of their entrepreneurial initiatives. The people in this area are not wealthy but are very hard working.

Dale and I have personally invested in this particular kingdom project, and I would like to encourage you to pray about how God might be leading you to participate. It would be great if together, we could provide $5,000 to get this church building complete. To invest in this project, you can e-transfer to the ministry email at info@farcornersministry.org; or by following this link to the Far Corners Ministry website (indicate Kalchini Project): https://farcornersministry.org/how-to-be-involved/donate

Bob Fast

May 2022

Here are some photos of the church in progress:

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SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – Sept 6 20


SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – Aug 30th

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – Aug 23rd

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – August 9th, 2020

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – August 2nd

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – July 26th

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – July 19th

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – July 12th

Here is this week’s SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute!

Solid Grounds Café

Solid Grounds Café – Opening Soon!!
Tuesdays – Thursdays
9:15 am – 11:30 am
Coffees on! Come on in!

If you are interested in volunteering at the café, please contact Pastor Doug Friesen.

SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – July 5th

Unit 8 Session 3 Bible Story Video

Bible Story Video
Unit 8 Session 3– June 14, 2020

Unit 8 Session 2 Bible Story Video

Bible Story Video
Unit 8 Session 2– June 7, 2020


Unit 7 Session 4 – May 24, 2020

Bible Story Video
Unit 7 Session 4 – May 24, 2020

Information Session for Service Life Group

We are interested in regularly meeting in a LifeGroup with others who want to pursue living out our Christianity through volunteering in the community. We are having an information meeting at 2 Tillbrook Place on Monday, September 23 at 7 pm. Let John or Sandee Wiltshire know if you are interested in checking this out.

Update on Marijuana Legalization (Bill C-45) and Urgent Call to Action

Update:  May 11, 2018

Bill C-45, the legalization of marijuana, is being studied by several committees in the Senate. On May 1st, three of those committees recommended changes which may end up delaying the bill, possibly as long as one year.

The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee recommended banning home cultivation of marijuana. Bill C-45 would allow an individual to grow up to four marijuana plants in his/her home.

The Senate Aboriginal Peoples Committee has recommended delaying the implementation of Bill C-45 for up to one year because they believe that there was inadequate consultation with Indigenous communities about the bill.

The Senate National Security and Defense Committee recommended negotiating an agreement with the USA for Canadians crossing the border after legalization of marijuana.

Now, the principal committee on this issue, the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology (SOCI) is considering these recommendations and will make their own report to the full Senate on May 29.

It appears that the government, and specifically Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, are still planning to continue with legalization.

Thank you for praying about this matter and thank you to those who have contacted senators and others in the government with concerns about Bill C-45. If you have not had a chance to express your concerns to the senators yet, we encourage you to do so. In fact, this is a good time to communicate now that SOCI has started studying the recommendations each committee submitted.

For the contact information of the senators and relevant politicians and points of communication, please go to this website.


MY Canada also asks us to join them in prayer, saying…

“Please join us in praying that Bill C-45 and the legalization of cannabis would be delayed. Please pray that many MPs and Senators would disagree with the minimum recommended age and that this age would be increased to the suggested 25 years. Please pray against addiction affecting so many Canadians and especially our youth. Let’s pray for a spirit of revival that would bring real freedom to all those in bondage to addiction to mind-altering substances.”

Let us continue to contend for our country.

Thank you!


Previous update:  May 5, 2018

Bill C-45 would legalize access to marijuana for non-medicinal (or recreational) use and would also control and regulate how cannabis is grown, distributed and sold.

The bill in its present form would make access to marijuana legal for anyone over the age of 18. The concern is that many experts have warned that the legal age should be set at a minimum of 25, due to the effects of marijuana on brain development in young people. There is also concern that a clause in the bill may be interpreted to allow children as young as age 12 to legally possess up to 5 grams of marijuana (approximately 15 joints). There are also provisions in Bill C-45 that would allow up to four marijuana plants to be grown in a person’s home and to allow for a person to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana in public. Police forces have expressed concern that they will not be prepared for legalization by this summer. (The government’s original plan was for marijuana to be legalized by July 1st, 2018.)

Bill C-45 was passed in the House of Commons on November 27, 2017. On March 22, 2018, Bill C-45 passed second reading in the Senate. It is currently being studied by several committees in the Senate, principally the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology (SOCI) and is expected to come to a third reading vote before June 7. The Senate has the ability to make amendments to the bill and send it back to the House of Commons. If the bill passes into law at the federal level, it will be in the hands of the provinces to regulate it.

What Can We Do? The faith-based organization, My Canada, is encouraging all concerned Canadians to take the following actions:

1. Contact Senators on the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology (especially Independent and Liberal Senators) and ask them to make amendments to the bill.
2. Contact all Senators (especially Independent and Liberal Senators) to ask them to vote against C-45.
3. Contact your MLA to ask them to regulate marijuana with caution if it is passed into law by Parliament.
4. Contact your MP to ask them to vote against C-45 if it comes back to the House of Commons.
5. Pray about this matter and spread the word.

The final vote in the Senate will take place by June 7. Time is of the essence.

Please go to this website for contact information and concerns to communicate.

We also highly recommend the following show from MY Canada. It is very informative about the dangers of legalization of marijuana and the shortcomings of Bill C-45.


If anyone is interested in knowing more, please contact Tony and Ayumi at candy_igazato@hotmail.com or (204) 488-6850.

Thank you!

Ladies 4 x4 Fellowship Group


Are you interested in getting to know other ladies in the congregation in a fun, relaxed, social atmosphere?
4X4 LADIES FELLOWSHIP GROUPS are all about connecting with others, building relationships and enabling spiritual growth.

Each group of 4 people who are formed by picking out of a hat, will meet once a month for 4 months starting in March. In your group you will take turns planning an activity with your group each month. Activities can be as simple as a potluck, painting class, or teaching your group a craft. Or you can volunteer at a food bank. Savour the richness of God’s blessing in a 4X4 fellowship group. Learn together, grow together and experience God together.

Sign up sheets are at the Welcome Centre until March 5th. Launch date is Thursday March 9th from 7-8 pm.

Building Committee Prayer Update – February 6, 2017

As you know, the Building Committee has been working diligently to find a resolution for retention pond / drainage into Lake Muir.

We are reaching out to LaFarge and Fort Whyte Alive to seek an audience with them, with hopes of a favourable resolution to the drainage issue. We are asking you to lift this matter in prayer before the Lord. We are praying that the decision makers at both LaFarge and Fort Whyte will be open to receiving the various supporting documents that we have provided them, that they will be open to working with us, and that they will decide to allow drainage into Lake Muir.

We thank you for your continued prayers as you uphold this particular matter before the Lord.”

Thank you,

Azhar Laldin

WRBC Board of Church Governance Chair

Special Offering Reminder – Sunday, December 18, 2016

This Sunday, December 18, we will have a special offering to raise school funds for our 13 children in India ($3,000 total). Money received beyond $3000 will assist youth from Garden Hill (Pathway Camp Ministries) attending Youth Quake in February.

Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in our special offering to show love to these children.

Thank you.

Parent Resource: December 2016 Parenting Christian Kids Now Available Online!

The December 2016 edition of ‘Parenting Christian Kids’ is now available to view and download online!

Download the PDF file .

Download “December-2016-Parenting-Christian-Kids.pdf” December-2016-Parenting-Christian-Kids.pdf – Downloaded 546 times – 300.58 KB


December 4, 2016



Family Christmas Dinner – Saturday, December 3; at 5:30 pm

On December 3; 5:30 p.m., we will be holding a special Family Christmas Dinner at WRBC.  Everyone is invited to attend a festive celebration that will include a delicious pulled turkey dinner from Danny’s Whole Hog and a Variety Night of music and entertainment from our own church folk.

If you would like to attend, please sign up in the church foyer on Sunday morning.  Cost is $15.00 per adult, $7.00 for ages 5-12 years, and kids ages 4 and under are free. Payment due when you sign up.

And we would love to have many of you involved in the evening’s program!  If you, as an individual or part or a group, would like to provide music, a readings, a skit (or whatever else you might think of), please contact Pastor Kevin Klassen.



Capital Funds Update: Church Family Prayer Time and General Meeting, Mail in Ballots

Church Family Prayer Time – Tuesday, November, 15; 7:00p.m. 

Please join us for a time of prayer this Tuesday as we lift up to the Lord the decision we will be voting on next Sunday, November 20 at the Congregational Meeting concerning the selling of our current building and the construction of a new one on McGillivray Blvd. “Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jer. 33:3)

General Meeting—Sunday, November 20; 12:30p.m. 

While the general meeting will include the normal business of setting the operational budget, elections and membership, we will also have a motion from the Board regarding our decision to proceed with building and the potential sale of our current building. To encourage attendance, the meeting will be held immediately after the second service. While the members’ votes will determine acceptance of the motion, all adherents will be asked to vote to show their acceptance of this decision.

Advance Voting / Mail In Ballots

Your vote is important!  Mail in Ballots are currently available at the Information Centre for both members and adherents who are unable to attend this meeting, or by contacting office@whyteridgebaptist.ca.

Hymn Night Rescheduled, Church Family Christmas Dinner Date Confirmed!

Please note that the Hymn Night that had been scheduled for this coming Sunday evening has been postponed until January.

In the meantime, we look forward to a Church Family Christmas Dinner together on Saturday, December 3rd at 5:30 pm. This will feature a variety of music from people in our church family.

Please pass this information along to others, particularly those who may not have access to email / the internet.

Capital Funds Campaign Update

With thanks to God for His blessings and to the people of WRBC for their faith and service, we have $2,805,101 in pledges towards our goal of $3,000,000 (as of Sunday). We will leave the campaign open until November 20th for any who have not yet made a pledge.

The Board met this Tuesday, November 8th to decide on how to move forward and the motion from the Board will be announced by Sunday, November 13th. Let us continue to praise and glorify our God together.

Serve@WhyteRidgeBaptist Opportunity – Donations for New Immigrant Family

There is an immigrant family associated with English Conversations who have recently come to our attention.  They are new to Canada, have very little in the way of household/personal items and insufficient resources to acquire those items.

We are looking for people who might be able to supply some of the following items in support of this family:

  • Small couch
  • Children’s dresser
  • Bed or box spring
  • Small armchair
  • Comforters/bedding for several beds
  • Kitchen utensils, baking sheets, bowls, etc
  • Winter hats, scarfs, mitts, boots
  • Lamps
  • Night stand/table
  • Mirror
  • Ironing board/iron
  • Shovel

If you have any of these items available, please contact our office as soon as possible.  Thank you!

RSVP Today – A New Season of Growth: The ‘Main Event’

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 2:4-5

As we have been reminded in Pastor Terry’s sermons over this past month, God is building up a people – a spiritual house of Christ-followers who will honour Jesus with genuine worship and who will grow in an honest longing to honour Him with our lives.

And in every season, God continues to build His people. In every season, He faithfully guides us and provides for us, using various means and circumstances to challenge us in our faith, to demonstrate His love, and to show us the power of His hand, so that we might love Him more deeply, trust Him more fully and serve His Kingdom more effectively.

In this season, God has been shaping us through a process of seeking His will together. We declared in January 2016 that this was to be a year of discernment, a year in which we would intentionally inquire of the Lord as to how He would have us glorify Him with the property on McGillivray Boulevard that He gave to us a number of years ago.

And so this has been a season of prayer, discussion and faith-stretching. And now, ten months later, we continue on in this process of honest discernment. We know that God could still lead us in any direction on this journey, but it has seemed to us that He is leading us in the direction of building a new church building on that McGillivray property. And that belief has now taken us into a Capital Funds Campaign that I believe God will use to continue to stretch our faith and increase our trust and joy in Him.

The finale of this campaign is on Sunday, November 6th. But our desire is to have a special gathering even before this campaign is over so that we might publicly proclaim what God has blessed us with so far (spiritually, relationally and financially) and also so we can worship Him together, declaring that we will celebrate the consistency of His faithfulness no matter where He leads us and regardless of what the monetary result of the campaign will be.

This special gathering is called the Main Event and will be held on Saturday, October 29th at 6:30 pm. It will take place at Soul Sanctuary (2050 Chevrier Boulevard) and promises to be a FUN and MEANINGFUL evening of worship, special music, compelling sharing and fabulous dessert! There will also be nursery childcare for children up to 2 years as well as separate programming provided for children ages 2 – 9 years (with lots of fun snacks and DILL THE CLOWN!!)


Please let us know if you are able to attend the Main Event on October 29th by clicking here. We desire for this event to be packed so that we might worship our God TOGETHER, celebrate His faithfulness TOGETHER, and enjoy the fellowship of our faith community TOGETHER.

At the heart of everything, we want this evening to be a true reflection of our genuine belief that ALL of this – this event, this church, this campaign – is about the glory of Jesus Christ. Let this be a celebration of the wonderful truth that God has created us to be living stones for the SOLE purpose of being built into His spiritual Kingdom of Christ-directed worship! And it is the building of that Kingdom that is truly the Main Event.


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White Cross Work Day – Thursday, October 13; 9:45 am. 

Donations required!! We are once again looking for old cottons or flannelette; (e.g. sheets, pillow cases) to make bandages for our NABC Mission Health Care Facilities in Nigeria. Please leave in the container behind the information center.

A work day is scheduled for Thursday, October 13 at 9:45 AM in the church foyer. Anyone is welcome to come to and help.  Please contact Lorna Betcher for additional information.

For more information on the NAB White Cross, click HERE.