“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light” – Isaiah 9:2
Dear Friends and Family,
Most of you know the location of the YFC building in downtown Winnipeg; 333 King Street, on the corner of Main Street and Higgins Avenue. This is arguably one of the darkest areas of the city. Although it is true that there are disadvantages to being located here, I always find myself coming back to the image of our building being a lighthouse, a beacon of hope, in the darkness that surrounds us.
There are so many beautiful ways that the image of light in darkness is portrayed throughout the scriptures – from the beginning “let there be light” (Genesis 1:1) to the prophecy of Jesus’ birth as a light coming into the world (Isaiah 9:2), and Jesus himself declaring us the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
I am so thankful for this season in which we get to celebrate the coming of Jesus – the light of the world – and as we receive him, preparing him room in our hearts that we also get to be part of bringing light into a dark world!
As I reflect on the ministry of Turning Point Counselling and YFC and my ability to serve as the Ministry Director, I of course think of all you who have and continue to contribute to me being here, whether through finances, encouragement or prayer. Thank you from me, and thank you on behalf of all the youth, families, staff and volunteers that I have the privilege of serving! I see the impact of your partnership in hope being restored, lives being saved, and healing being received. God’s literal light coming into the dark places of people’s lives.
It is truly a gift for me to serve in this way, and my prayer is that you will also experience this gift as you partner with me.
Have a Merry Christmas and may Jesus continue to light your way,
Katy Mesics
Fundraising Update
God has been so faithful throughout this fundraising season that I have been in; He has provided both physically and spiritually, truly sustaining me every step of the way. In the New Year it will be time to adjust my work hours according to how much financial support is in place to sustain it. I am currently at 50% of my goal, or 16 hours/week, but I would love to work as close to 32 hours/week as possible.
If you have been considering giving or perhaps have been waiting for the year-end, I would humbly ask that you would take that step of obedience and faith. Together we can continue to serve the youth of our city, inhabiting the darkness with His great Light!
Due to delays with Canada’s Postal strike, these alternative ways of giving are recommended at this time:
Online: https://yfc.ca/winnipeg/team/katy-mesics/
Etransfer: donation@yfcwinnipeg.ca
Phone: 204-669-4205 x207