Visiting a church for the very first time can be a bit nerve racking. However, having an idea of what to expect can help make taking this step easier. Check out the links to your right to learn more about our Sunday services, what there is for kids, our staff, and what we believe. We look forward to meeting you.
At Whyte Ridge Baptist, we value relationship. We believe it is the key to finding one's way into the life of the church whatever your age or stage of life. This may mean stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards for doing so are great.
Consider the links to the right as doorways to opportunities for connecting in a meaningful way at Whyte Ridge Baptist.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Church Family Picnic – June 23 Don’t forget to sign up by Friday at 3 pm! All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic on the West side of the church and family friendly games on the field to the East of the building till about 2:30 pm. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE by Friday at 3 pm.
Camp Nutimik WRBC Worship @ Camp Nutimik Sunday, July 7 , 11 am Camp Nutimik is a 2 hour drive from WRBC. Bring a Picnic Lunch & join the Campus Tours at 1 pm.
Kitchen Volunteers Needed for Camp Nutimik – if you are able to volunteer in the kitchen at Camp Nutimik this summer, please contact Food Services Manager, Victoria Griffioen at 204-588-4797.
Spots for Camp Nutimik are still available! Go to to register.
Andrew and Courtney Joy Friesen’s Furlough Expenses – We praise God our housing has been provided for 5 months through the generosity of many people. We raised $6,000.00 for furlough expenses and we’re praying for the remaining $8,000.00 to come in. Praise God we have been able to raise $450.00 monthly partners and waiting on God’s provision for the $550.00 still required. We still are in need of accommodation during our stay in Winnipeg for 3 weeks end of August and 10 days in September 9-17. Please contact Emmie if you can be involved with financial support or accommodations.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you! Grab a card to see what specific items are needed.
Family Support Centre needs Baby Formula and newborn clothing for Baby Layettes! We will have a bin in the foyer (next to the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Debbie Neufeld.
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor for more information. Explore how you can be an important part of this ministry to children!
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Celebration of Life for Pat Janke will take place on Saturday, June 15 at 10 am at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. Due to the large number of guests expected, please use the west exit only to turn right(west) onto McGillivray.
2024 High School Grad Recognition June 16 – this Sunday during morning Worship Service. We will be celebrating the grads this weekend 6:30 at the church. If you haven’t sent your grad picture yet, please do so right away. Parents can also send childhood pictures of their grads by end of day, Friday June 14. Send pictures to Rudy.
Church Family Picnic – June 23 All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic and family friendly games for all ages. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact the church office by Thursday, June 20.
Camp Nutimik WRBC Worship @ Camp Nutimik Sunday, July 7 , 11 am Camp Nutimik is a 2 hour drive from WRBC. Bring a Picnic Lunch & join the Campus Tours at 1 pm.
Search Team Update – The Search Team is still working on the draft Lead Pastor job description and it will not be ready for presentation to the Board on June 18, as had been communicated last week. The Search Team will continue to work on the job description with the intent of finalizing it at our next meeting on June 25. Board approval will then be sought secretarially, by email, prior to preparing to post the job opportunity on selected job posting sites. Please continue to pray for God’s wisdom for the Search Team, and the Board, as we work through this critical stage of the search process.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Connecting Points
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper. Last gathering will be Sunday, June 16.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Life Transformation Ministry Information Meeting – Tuesday June 18, 7:00 p.m., Fireside Room. Come hear the good news of how God is working in the communist nation of Cuba. Please register by June 17. For more information, contact Richard or Miriam Salas at or text 204-894-9217. Pre-registration link.
Andrew and Courtney Joy Friesen’s Furlough Expenses – We praise God our housing has been provided for 5 months through the generosity of many people. We raised $6,000.00 for furlough expenses and we’re praying for the remaining $8,000.00 to come in. Praise God we have been able to raise $450.00 monthly partners and waiting on God’s provision for the $550.00 still required. We still are in need of accommodation during our stay in Winnipeg for 3 weeks end of August and 10 days in September 9-17. Please contact Emmie if you can be involved with financial support or accommodations.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you! Grab a card to see what specific items are needed.
Family Support Centre needs Baby Formula and newborn clothing for Baby Layettes! We will have a bin in the foyer (next to the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Debbie Neufeld.
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Retirement Celebrations for Pastor Terry scheduled for Sunday, June 9 and Saturday, June 15 will be postponed. Let’s keep the Janke family in prayer as they grieve the loss of Pat.
2024 High School Grad Recognition – June 16 Please send a picture of your grad by June 13 to the church office along with the name of the high school and possible future plans.
Church Family Picnic – June 23 All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic and family friendly games for all ages. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact the church office by Thursday, June 20.
Search Team Update – The Search Team has completed their initial review of the information received from the congregational survey, Lead Pastor exit interview and staff interviews. The Ministry Leaders Survey is now complete and information received from this survey will be reviewed and discussed at the next Search Team meeting on June 11. Relevant information from all of these sources is being used to shape the job description for the next Lead Pastor. This job description will be presented to the Board for their approval at the next Board meeting on June 18. Once the Board has approved the job description, the Search Team will prepare a job posting for appropriate sites (NABC, CCCC, others TBD). The Search Team will provide summaries of findings and recommendations from the interviews and surveys to the Board and Staff. They, in turn, will consider the feedback they contain, come to their own conclusions on issues related to governance and ministry, and will be free to share their thoughts and conclusions with the congregation. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.
Life Transformation MinistryOpportunity – A woman and her son who are newcomers to Canada need a ride to church every Sunday morning from the Fort Garry area. If interested in assisting please contact Richard Salas.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. Last day is June 13 and will resume in the fall. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Growing in Grace BBQ – Thursday, June 13, 12 pm. Register HERE by June 9.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Last Sunday to meet till fall is June 9 in the Fireside Room, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Life Transformation Ministry Information Meeting – Tuesday June 18, 7:00 p.m., Fireside Room. Come hear the good news of how God is working in the communist nation of Cuba. Please register by June 17. For more information, contact Richard or Miriam Salas at or text 204-894-9217. Pre-registration link.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Family Support Centre needs Baby Formula and newborn clothing for Baby Layettes! We will have a bin in the foyer (next to the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Debbie Neufeld.
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
2024 High School Grad Recognition – June 16 Please send a picture of your grad by June 13 to the church office along with the name of the high school and possible future plans.
Membership Meeting – June 2 A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, June 2 at approximately 12 noon. The primary purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of externally reviewed financial statements for 2023. As this is expected to be a very short meeting, we will transition into the meeting as quickly as possible following the service and food will not be provided. 2023 Draft Financial Statements Magnus
Retirement Celebration – A Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke will be held on Saturday, June 15 from 6:00-9:00pm. Doors will open at 5:30. A program will be held in the auditorium from 6:00-7:20. A reception will follow with a light snack.
Tickets can also be purchased in person before and after the Sunday service on June 2 and 9. In person purchases can be done by cash or cheque (made out to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church). You will receive an email confirmation for tickets purchased on-line.
Tickets cost $15.00 per person (11+), $5.00 per child age 5-10 (children 4 and under are free).
We are accepting donations towards a gift for Pastor Terry and Pat. Donations can be made by e-transfer to Shirley Wynne at 204-781-9187 or in person before and after the Sunday service on June 2 and 9. Donations can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque (made out to Shirley Wynne).
Ticket sales and gift donations are not tax receiptable.
We are praying that we will be able to celebrate Pastor Terry and Pat’s retirement from ministry at WRBC. We are holding our plans with open hands, knowing that changes in Pat’s health may change our plans. Pastor Terry, Pat and family have been consulted and are looking forward to sharing in this special evening with our church family.
Camp Nutimik Senior’s Day– June 4, 9:30 am-6:00 pm, $30. Day includes a program with speaker and worship time, tours of the camp, lunch, supper and snack, and time to just relax and enjoy the scenery. Transportation available (for an addition $30) For info or to register call 204-348-2551, or email Registration Deadline: June 3.
Worship Service at Rosewood—June 6 If you would like to be part of an ensemble that leads in several hymns at the service please meet at Rosewood, June 6, 9:20am, for practice. This will be the last service until September.
Church Family Picnic – June 23 All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic and family friendly games for all ages. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact Church Office by Thursday, June 20.
Life Transformation MinistryOpportunity – A woman and her son who are newcomers to Canada need a ride to church every Sunday morning from the Fort Garry area. If interested in assisting please contact Richard Salas.
Meal Train for Tim & Vicki Dyck – needed THIS Friday(May 31) – please sign up if you are able to provide a meal for them:
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. Last day is June 13 and will resume in the fall. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Women at Whyte Ridge Outdoor Concert—Saturday, June 1, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm. Featuring Shirley Burton and Sandra Benum. Special Speaker: Monica Hollins. West parking lot of the church. Bring your lawn chair and a sweet or savory snack to share. Will be moved inside if inclement weather.
Growing in Grace BBQ – Thursday, June 13, 12 pm. Register HERE by June 9.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Life Transformation Ministry Information Meeting – Tuesday June 18, 7:00 p.m., Fireside Room. Come hear the good news of how God is working in the communist nation of Cuba. Please register by June 17. For more information, contact Richard or Miriam Salas at or text 204-894-9217. Pre-registration link.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Membership Meeting – June 2, 2024 – A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The primary purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of externally reviewed financial statements for 2023. Further details, including a meeting agenda and copy of the financial statements will be provided via email in advance of the meeting. As this is expected to be a very short meeting, we will transition into the meeting as quickly as possible following the service and food will not be provided.
Retirement Celebration – A Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 6:00-9:00pm. Doors will open at 5:30. A program will be held in the auditorium from 6:00-7:20. A reception will follow with a light snack.
Tickets can also be purchased in person before and after the Sunday service on May 26, June 2 and 9. In person purchases can be done by cash or cheque (made out to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church). You will receive an email confirmation for tickets purchased on-line.
Tickets cost $15.00 per person (11+), $5.00 per child age 5-10 (children 4 and under are free).
We are accepting donations towards a gift for Pastor Terry and Pat. Donations can be made by e-transfer to Shirley Wynne at 204-781-9187 or in person before and after the Sunday service on May 26, June 2 and 9. Donations can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque (made out to Shirley Wynne).
Ticket sales and gift donations are not tax receptible.
We are praying that we will be able to celebrate Pastor Terry and Pat’s retirement from ministry at WRBC. We are holding our plans with open hands, knowing that changes in Pat’s health may change our plans. Pastor Terry, Pat and family have been consulted and are aware of our plans. They are looking forward to sharing in this special evening with our church family.
2024 High School Grad Recognition will take place on June 16. Please send a picture of your grad to the church office along with the name of the high school and possible future plans.
Church Family Picnic – June 23 All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic. Some family friendly games and activities will be available for all ages. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE.
Welcome Church Part 2 – May 26, 9:00am (Fireside room) Come learn more about how you can help our church care for newcomers to Canada. If you missed the first training, come anyway! Contact: Brenda Noble.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact Church Office by Thursday, June 20.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Women at Whyte Ridge Outdoor Concert—Saturday, June 1, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm. Featuring Shirley Burton and Sandra Benum. Special Speaker: Monica Hollins. West parking lot of the church. Bring your lawn chair and a sweet or savory snack to share. Will be moved inside if inclement weather.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Update from Board of Church Governance and Lead Pastor Search Team
May 16, 2024
Search Team Update The Search Team has conducted an initial review of the congregational survey results and been encouraged by what they have seen. There is a lot of information here and it is being compiled into a format that can be shared with the Board and Staff for further review. A summary of the results will then be shared with the congregation.
The Ministry Leaders Survey has been sent to selected leaders across all ministry areas, to be completed within the next week or two.
The Search Team has completed their exit interview with Pastor Terry and completed nearly all of the staff interviews.
The combined results of all these surveys and interviews will require some time to examine in detail, as we seek to gain the most complete understanding of our current situation and where we think God is leading us as a congregation.
Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.
Membership Meeting – June 2, 2024 A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The primary purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of externally reviewed financial statements for 2023. Further details, including a meeting agenda and copy of the financial statements will be provided via email in advance of the meeting.
You are invited to a Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 6:00-9:00pm. Doors will open at 5:30. A program will be held in the auditorium from 6:00-7:20. A reception will follow with a light snack.
The last date to purchase tickets is Sunday, June 9. Tickets can be purchased through this live link: Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke.
Tickets can also be purchased in person before and after the Sunday service on May 19, 26, June 2 and 9. In person purchases can be done by cash or cheque (made out to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church). You will receive an email confirmation for tickets purchased on-line. Tickets cost is $15.00 per person (11+), $5.00 per child age 5-10 (children 4 and under are free).
We are accepting donations towards a gift for Pastor Terry and Pat. Donations can be made by e-transfer to Shirley Wynne at 204-781-9187 or in person before and after the Sunday service on May 19, 26, June 2 and 9. Donations can be made by e-transfer, cash, or cheque (made out to Shirley Wynne). Ticket sales and gift donations are not tax receptible.
Church Family Picnic – June 23 All are welcome to join us after the morning worship service for a free BBQ picnic. Some family friendly games and activities will be available for all ages. Bring a chair or blanket and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. We hope to see you there! To help us plan please register HERE.
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—On May 19 we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Welcome Church Part 2 – May 26, 9:00am (Fireside room) Come learn more about how you can help our church care for newcomers to Canada. If you missed the first training, come anyway! Contact: Brenda Noble.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact Church Office by Thursday, June 20.
Mother’s Day Drive for the Family Support Centre – THANK YOU for all your donations of items for moms and babies! Together, we collected 62 bags! This is such a tangible way of showing God’s love to the clients of FSC. May you be encouraged that God is using you to have an impact on all of those who will receive these gifts.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Women at Whyte Ridge Outdoor Concert—Saturday, June 1, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm. Featuring Shirley Burton and Sandra Benum. Special Speaker: Monica Hollins. West parking lot of the church. Bring your lawn chair and a sweet or savory snack to share. Will be moved inside if inclement weather.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Update from Board of Church Governance and Lead Pastor Search Team
May 9, 2024
Transitional Pastor
The combined results of the vote on the motion to call Bruce Hollins as our Transitional Pastor (both online and paper ballot votes) were 125 in favour and none opposed. Pastor Bruce is expected to join us on June 1.
Search Team Update
The results of the congregational survey are still being reviewed by the Search Team. The overall feedback was very positive and detailed results will soon be shared with the Board and Staff for further review. A summary of the results will then be shared with the congregation.
The Ministry Leaders Survey is being sent to selected leaders across all ministry areas. This will provide more focused feedback on the various ministries of our church, as well as a ministry leaders’ perspective on the overall spiritual health of our congregation.
Staff interviews are being conducted to ensure that their perspectives are fully considered as we enter this time of transition. The Search Team will also conduct a detailed exit interview with Pastor Terry.
The combined results of all these surveys and interviews will give us a more complete picture of our current situation and a clearer indication of where we think God is leading us as a congregation. It will therefore help us discern the type of Lead Pastor we need, the man who we believe that God is preparing for us. Thank you all for your participation and your prayers.
Membership Meeting – June 2, 2024
A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The primary purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of externally reviewed financial statements for 2023. Further details, including a meeting agenda and copy of the financial statements will be provided via email in advance of the meeting.
Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke – The Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat originally scheduled for Saturday, May 25, 2024 has a new date. The Retirement Celebration will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 6:00pm at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. The event will start with a program in the auditorium followed by a reception and light snack in the foyer. On May 15 you will receive an email with the link to tickets/registration and information about donations towards a gift. It is important that those attending purchase a ticket so that we know how many people to plan for.
Life Transformation Ministry, in partnership with WRBC, has worked with newcomers from countries around the world who have chosen to settle in Winnipeg for two years. Over many years, this ministry has also strived to advance God’s kingdom amongst the people of Cuba. On Tuesday May 14 at 7:00 p.m. Richard Salas will be sharing the good news of how God continues to work for His Glory in the communist nation of Cuba. He will also share some simple ways in which, locally, you can become part of this ministry. Please register by May 13, 2024. For more information, contact Richard or Miriam Salas at or text 204-894-9217. Pre-registration link:
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—On May 19 we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Welcome Church Part 2 – May 26, 9:00am (Fireside room) Come learn more about how you can help our church care for newcomers to Canada. If you missed the first training, come anyway! Contact: Brenda Noble.
WRBC Kitchen Cleaning – June 24, 25, 26, 9:00am – 12:00pm. Able to Volunteer a day? Contact Church Office by Thursday, June 20.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Interested in LifeGroups? Join us on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00-9:00pm in the Fireside Room to learn more about LifeGroups. This is for new and current LifeGroup and Discussion Group members and leaders. Register HERE by May 14.
Women at Whyte Ridge Outdoor Concert—Saturday, June 1, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm. Featuring Shirley Burton and Sandra Benum. Special Speaker: Monica Hollins. West parking lot of the church. Bring your lawn chair and a sweet or savory snack to share. Will be moved inside if inclement weather.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Update from Board of Church Governance and Lead Pastor Search Team
April 25, 2024
Membership Meeting – May 5, 2024
A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The sole purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of the motion to call Pastor Bruce Hollins as our Transitional Pastor. Following any discussion on this motion, voting will take place by paper ballot (for those in attendance) and electronic voting (for members who are not able to attend in person). As this is expected to be a very short meeting, we will not be providing lunch.
Please look back to previous weekly email updates (available on the church website) for information on the requirement for a Transitional Pastor and background information on Bruce Hollins. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the moderator, Dave Barton (, in advance of this meeting.
Come to the Core: An evening of prayer in a time of transition – May 5, 2024 at 7 PM
Come to the Core is an equipping event for the everyone in our church family. Our next event is on May 5, starting at 7 PM in the main auditorium. It will be an evening of prayer and worship with a focus on the transition that we are entering into. Members from the Board, the Search Team, the Celebration Team and the Prayer Team will be leading us as they share updates from their respective teams and lead us in praying for our transitional needs. We hope that you will join us.
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—On May 19 we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Welcome Church Part 2 – May 26, 9:00am (Fireside room) Come learn more about how you can help our church care for newcomers to Canada. If you missed the first training, come anyway! Contact: Brenda Noble.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Interested in LifeGroups? Join us on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00-9:00pm in the Fireside Room to learn more about LifeGroups. This is for new and current LifeGroup and Discussion Group members and leaders.
Growing in Grace Lunch—May 9, 12:00pm
It’s High Tea at Growing in Grace. Gather your fascinators and gloves; ladies, put on your best dress and join us for fancy sandwiches and dainties. We will also celebrate our Moms and Grandmas. Don’t forget to bring a tea cup for our tea tasting station. Pre-registration and payment is required by May 5…bring a friend. Register onlineor in the foyer on Sunday morning. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Bring your own bedding and towel. Registration Form: WRBC Men’s Work Retreat Registration Form – May 10-11 (registration deadline is noon on Monday, May 6). Contact: Pastor Doug (204-489-3875)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Update from Board of Church Governance and Lead Pastor Search Team
April 25, 2024
Congregational Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the congregational survey. Your responses will help us determine the current health and concerns of our congregation and also help us develop the job description for our next Lead Pastor.
Having passed the required threshold for a statistically significant sample size, the survey is now closed. We will be analyzing the data in the coming weeks and will be sharing relevant results with the Board, the Staff and the congregation.
Membership Meeting – May 5, 2024
A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The sole purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of the motion to call Pastor Bruce Hollins as our Transitional Pastor. Following any discussion on this motion, voting will take place by paper ballot (for those in attendance) and electronic voting (for members who are not able to attend in person). As this is expected to be a very short meeting, we will not be providing lunch.
Please look back to previous weekly email updates (available on the church website) for information on the requirement for a Transitional Pastor and background information on Bruce Hollins. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the moderator, Dave Barton (, in advance of this meeting.
Come to the Core: An evening of prayer in a time of transition – May 5, 2024 at 7 PM
Come to the Core is an equipping event for the everyone in our church family. Our next event is on May 5, starting at 7 PM in the main auditorium. It will be an evening of prayer and worship with a focus on the transition that we are entering into. Members from the Board, the Search Team, the Celebration Team and the Prayer Team will be leading us as they share updates from their respective teams and lead us in praying for our transitional needs. We hope that you will join us.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—On May 19 we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Welcome Church Part 2 – May 26, 9:00am (Fireside room) Come learn more about how you can help our church care for newcomers to Canada. If you missed the first training, come anyway! Contact: Brenda Noble.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Growing in Grace Lunch—May 9, 12:00pm
It’s High Tea at Growing in Grace. Gather your fascinators and gloves; ladies, put on your best dress and join us for fancy sandwiches and dainties. We will also celebrate our Moms and Grandmas. Don’t forget to bring a tea cup for our tea tasting station. Pre-registration and payment is required by May 5…bring a friend. Register onlineor in the foyer on Sunday morning. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Bring your own bedding and towel. Registration Form: WRBC Men’s Work Retreat Registration Form – May 10-11 (registration deadline is noon on Monday, May 6). Contact: Pastor Doug (204-489-3875)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!
Update from Board of Church Governance and Lead Pastor Search Team
April 18, 2024
Congregational Survey
The congregational survey is a key component in our preparation to seek and find the man of God’s choosing to serve as our next Lead Pastor. This is YOUR opportunity to speak into the process and we earnestly desire the input of everyone who considers Whyte Ridge Baptist Church to be their home church. If you have not yet completed the congregational survey, please do so here:
It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete and is to be completed as individuals, not as a couple or family. If you have children who would like to contribute, please support them as appropriate. We strongly encourage you to complete the electronic version of the survey, however hard copies are available upon request at the Welcome Centre.
Transitional Pastor
I hope that everyone will take the opportunity to meet Pastor Bruce Hollins this weekend as he shares the message with us on Sunday morning. Bruce and Monica will be available in the foyer following the service to meet with congregants.
Some of you may be wondering why we need a Transitional Pastor. There are actually a number of very good reasons:
The search for a new Lead Pastor, when done properly, takes an extended period of time and there is no guarantee when the search will come to a successful conclusion. Thus, we have an indefinite interim period between the retirement of Pastor Terry and the calling of the next Lead Pastor.
Our staff operates as a team and the Lead Pastor serves as the team leader. We believe it is wise to have someone to serve as an interim team leader while we complete the process to find the next Lead Pastor.
This interim period is a time of transition for our church, as we grieve the end of Pastor Terry’s ministry as our Lead Pastor and await the arrival of his successor. This can, and should, also be a time of reflection and renewal as we seek to prepare ourselves for the next stage of our church life. This focus on our spiritual health is best facilitated by someone who is gifted and experienced in transitional leadership.
It is important to note that the skills and giftings of our Transitional Pastor (who will lead us through the transition) are not the same as the skills and giftings we will be looking for in our next Lead Pastor (to lead us into the future). The job description for our Transitional Pastor reflects an increased focus on congregational health and leading us through the period of transition. The job description for our Lead Pastor will reflect the current and future needs of our congregation, as determined by the interviews and surveys currently being conducted by the Search Team. Individual inputs through the congregational survey are instrumental components of that process.
Membership Meeting – May 5, 2024
A membership meeting will be held following the morning worship service on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at approximately 12 noon. The sole purpose of this meeting will be the presentation of the motion to call Pastor Bruce Hollins as our Transitional Pastor. Following any discussion on this motion, voting will take place by paper ballot (for those in attendance) and electronic voting (for members who are not able to attend in person). As this is expected to be a very short meeting, we will not be providing lunch.
Come to the Core: An evening of prayer in a time of transition – May 5, 2024 at 7 PM
Come to the Core is an equipping event for the whole church family. Our next event is on May 5, starting at 7 PM in the main auditorium. It will be an evening of prayer and worship with a focus on the transition that we are entering into. We hope that you will come and hear from the Board, the Search Team, the Celebration Team and the Prayer Team as we lead you in praying for our transitional needs.
Dave Barton (On behalf of the Board of Church Governance)
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—On May 19 we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Family Night—Friday, April 26, 6:00-8:00pm. Kids craft area, kids playland, party games, board games, snack station, gym games (non-marking footwear required for playing in the gym).
SAVE THE DATE! Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke—Saturday, May 25, 6:00-9:00. Tickets will be on sale April 28, May 5, 12, and 19.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Bring your own bedding and towel. Registration Form: WRBC Men’s Work Retreat Registration Form – May 10-11 (registration deadline is noon on Monday, May 6). Contact: Pastor Doug (204-489-3875)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
We desire to see this survey completed by everyone who considers Whyte Ridge Baptist Church to be their home church. It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete and the information we collect will be instrumental in building a complete picture of who we are and helping us define the type of person we are looking for as our next Lead Pastor.
Just a reminder to please complete the survey as individuals, not as a couple or family. If you have children who would like to contribute, please support them as appropriate. We strongly encourage you to complete the electronic version of the survey, however hard copies are available upon request at the Welcome Centre.
Candidacy Weekend
Pastor Bruce Hollins will be joining us for an extended long weekend as we consider his candidacy to serve as our Transitional Pastor. Here are the planned activities of his visit:
Lunch meeting with staff, Wednesday, April 17 at noon in the Church Office Common area.
Meeting with Youth on Friday, April 19 at 6:45 PM as part of their regular weekly meeting.
Coffee with the Board on Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM
Pastor Bruce will be preaching on Sunday, April 21. Bruce and Monica will be available in the foyer after the service to meet with congregants.
Meeting with Young Adults on Monday, April 22 at 7 PM as part of their regular weekly meeting.
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—In May we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Family Night—Friday, April 26, 6:00-8:00pm. Kids craft area, kids playland, party games, board games, snack station, gym games (non-marking footwear required for playing in the gym).
SAVE THE DATE! Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke—Saturday, May 25, 6:00-9:00. More details to follow.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Bring your own bedding and towel. Registration Form: WRBC Men’s Work Retreat Registration Form – May 10-11 (registration deadline is noon on Monday, May 6). Contact: Pastor Doug (204-489-3875)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
We desire to see this survey completed by everyone who considers Whyte Ridge Baptist Church to be their home church. It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete and the information we collect will be instrumental in building a complete picture of who we are and helping us define the type of person we are looking for as our next Lead Pastor.
Just a reminder to please complete the survey as individuals, not as a couple or family. If you have children who would like to contribute, please support them as appropriate. We strongly encourage you to complete the electronic version of the survey, however hard copies are available upon request at the Welcome Centre.
Candidacy Weekend
Pastor Bruce Hollins will be joining us for an extended long weekend as we consider his candidacy to serve as our Transitional Pastor. Here are the planned activities of his visit:
Lunch meeting with staff, Wednesday, April 17 at noon in the Church Office Common area.
Meeting with Youth on Friday, April 19 at 6:45 PM as part of their regular weekly meeting.
Coffee with the Board on Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM
Pastor Bruce will be preaching on Sunday, April 21. Bruce and Monica will be available in the foyer after the service to meet with congregants.
Meeting with Young Adults on Monday, April 22 at 7 PM as part of their regular weekly meeting.
Post Secondary Grad Recognition—In May we will be recognizing WRBC post-secondary graduates. If you or someone close to you is graduating from a post-secondary institution please send a picture and name of grad along with institution/program and any future plans to Rudy and the church office.
Family Night—Friday, April 26, 6:00-8:00pm. Kids craft area, kids playland, party games, board games, snack station, gym games (non-marking footwear required for playing in the gym).
SAVE THE DATE! Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke—Saturday, May 25, 6:00-9:00. More details to follow.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Bring your own bedding and towel. Registration Form: WRBC Men’s Work Retreat Registration Form – May 10-11 (registration deadline is noon on Monday, May 6). Contact: Pastor Doug (204-489-3875)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Transitional Pastor. As previously announced on Sunday morning, the Search Team is recommending that we call Pastor Bruce Hollins to serve as our Transitional Pastor, following Pastor Terry’s retirement in June. The Board of Church Governance will bring this recommendation to the membership at a meeting on May 5, with a motion for membership approval. To prepare our members for this vote, we have invited Pastor Bruce to join us for a Candidacy Weekend, April 19-21 and are providing additional detail below to help you get to know Pastor Bruce.
Bruce Hollins has completed a Bachelor of Arts from Winnipeg Bible College (now Providence College), Christian Education courses at Canadian Nazarene College, an extensive internship at Grant Memorial Baptist Church and a multitude of professional development courses throughout his career. His work history includes:
Director of Junior High Ministries, Grant Memorial Baptist Church (Winnipeg MB), 1983-1987
Youth Pastor, First Baptist Church (Dauphin MB), 1989-1990
Youth Pastor, Bethesda Church (Winnipeg MB), 1990-1996
Associate/Youth Pastor, Wortley Baptist Church (London ON), 1996-1998
Associate/Youth Pastor, McDermot Avenue Baptist Church (Winnipeg MB), 1998-2005
Director of Adult Ministries, Grant Memorial Baptist Church (Winnipeg MB), 2005-2012
Executive Pastor / Interim Lead Pastor, Waverley Church (Winnipeg MB), 2012-2016
Interim Executive Lead Pastor, Willowlake Baptist Church (Winnipeg MB), 2017-2018
Interim Executive Lead Pastor, Oakbank Baptist Church (Oakbank MB), 2018-2023
Interim Executive Lead Pastor / Church Planter, Christian Valley Community Church (Westbridge BC), 2023-present
In 2023, Pastor Bruce also founded “Churches in Transition” as a new ministry designed to assist churches in their transition between pastors. He has a proven track record of helping churches through pastoral transitions and preparing them to welcome their next Lead Pastor.
Congregational Survey. In support of our primary task of identifying the next Lead Pastor for WRBC, the Search Team is preparing a survey designed to collect input from across our congregation (members and non-members). If you are currently attending Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, we want to hear from you. This is an individual survey and we invite every member of the household to complete it individually. If younger members of the family want to fill it in, we encourage parents to assist them as required. We will also be providing a hardcopy option for those who prefer it, but we strongly encourage online completion as we believe this will be much easier for you as well as for us. When the survey is ready it will be distributed via email.
Brenda Hildebrand – Our condolences to the family of Brenda Hildebrand as she has gone home to be with Jesus. The family will be holding a private celebration of Brenda’s life in the upcoming weeks.
Good Friday (March 29) and Easter Sunday (March 31) Services – 10:30am
Prayer Shawl Ministry – If you are interested in crocheting prayer shawls or learning about the ministry please join us Tuesday April 2, 2024 at 10:00AM in the Theatre Room (CM area). Contact Shirley Wynne for further information.
SAVE THE DATE! Retirement Celebration for Pastor Terry and Pat Janke—Saturday, May 25, 6:00-9:00. More details to follow.
Worship Service at Rosewood—April 4. If you would like to be part of the ensemble that leads in several hymns at the Rosewood service meet there at 9:20am on April 4 for practice.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Growing in Grace Lunch – April 11, 2024 Join us for an Easter celebration on April 11, 12:00pm. There will be a great Easter dinner and hymn sing and IBK will join us to share about Child Evangelism Fellowship and how we can get involved. Pre registration and payment required! Register HERE.
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) Registration is OPEN for NORB-E VBS 2024! Register Here:
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
We are hiring! WRBC is looking to hire 1-2 students (aged 15-29) for our Green Team Summer Worker position. This will be approximately 25-30 hours per week starting mid-June until early September (approximately 10 weeks total). *flexibility in hours for June and September depending on student*
The summer worker tasks will include grounds maintenance duties and initiatives as well as children and family program initiatives (such as VBS and other community focused events). For a detailed job description, please contact the church office. Deadline to submit resumes is April 30th, 2024.
A car has been provided for Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) when she is back in Canada from March 17-May 12 but she is also looking for a place to stay in Winnipeg April 13-20 or April 21-28. If you can help with this, please contact her at Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Family Support Centre Spring Celebration – Wednesday, May 8. For tickets call 204-772-1923.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Point
Growing in Grace Lunch – April 11, 2024 Join us for an Easter celebration on April 11, 12:00pm. There will be a great Easter dinner and hymn sing and IBK will join us to share about Child Evangelism Fellowship and how we can get involved. Pre registration and payment required! Register HERE.
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Good Friday (March 29) and Easter Sunday (March 31) Services – 10:30am
SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please let her know. She is also looking for a place to stay in Winnipeg April 13-20 or April 21-28. If you can help with either of these requests, you can contact her at Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Men’s Work Retreat at Camp Nutimik – Friday, May 10 (8 pm) – Sat, May 11 (3:30 pm). Cost: FREE. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659)
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please contact her HERE. Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Come to the Table—March 13, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration March 13. Menu for March 13: Enchiladas and Caesar Salad, Dessert: Cup Cakes (registration closes Sunday evening prior).
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Seder (Passover Meal) Experience – Wednesday, March 27, 6:00–8:30 pm. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Cost: $12/person; $40/family (up to 4 in same household; $7/additional. Free for children under 2. Meal served at 7 pm. Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, March 21.Click to registeror call 204-489-3875.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Priscilla (one of our overseas workers) will be back in Canada from March 17-May 12 and is looking for a car to borrow during that time. If you know of a vehicle that’s available for some or all of that time, please contact her HERE. Thank you!
Muslim World Prayer Guide – 30 Days – To learn about and pray for our world’s Muslim Neighbours. (March 10 – April 8). Adult Guides Available ($3 – PDF or Booklet). Register online or purchase at the Welcome Centre.
Worship Service at Rosewood—March 7. If you would like to be part of the ensemble that leads in several hymns at the service meet at Rosewood, 9:20am for practice.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—March 6, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration March 6. Menu for March 6: Pizza & Caesar Salad Dessert: Ice Cream.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Seder (Passover Meal) Experience – Wednesday, March 27, 6:00–8:30 pm. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Cost: $12/person; $40/family (up to 5 in same household; $7/additional. Free for children under 2. Meal served at 7 pm. Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 24. Click to registeror call 204-489-3875.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
February 23 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
We are hiring a CUSTODIAN (contract position) for WRBC! To apply, please send your resume to the office by February 26 ( A detailed job description is also available through the office. The job requires 25-32 hours per week.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Interchurch Prayer Vigil for peace and justice in Ukraine at McIvor Church, 200 McIvor Ave. Saturday, February 24, 3:00-4:30pm. Prayer Vigil
Far East Broadcasting Friendship Dinners – March 12, 6:00pm, Holiday Inn Airport West; March 17, 1:15pm, Four Point Sheraton. For reservations call Trudy 204-230-4774.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 28, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 28. Menu for February 28: Hamburgers, French Fries. Coleslaw and Caesar Salad Dessert: Rhubarb Crisp
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
Upcoming Kids & Family Events to Remember!
February 23 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) Palm Sunday – Special Kids Song in Service Good Friday Service – No Children’s Programming Easter Sunday – Special Easter Program & Activities for SONSeekers April 26 – WRBC Family Night (drop in) SAVE THE DATE! VBS – July 22-26
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
We are hiring a CUSTODIAN (contract position) for WRBC! To apply, please send your resume to the office by February 26 ( A detailed job description is also available through the office. The job requires 25-32 hours per week.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
MBA Conference – Coming Together – April 12-13, 2024 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Morris. Register online at (registration deadline is March 29).
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship—Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Everyone Welcome! Tuesday, February 20 , 7:00-8: 30 pm. Contact Pastor Doug for more information.
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 21, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 21. Menu for February 21: Baked Chicken with Rice, Garden Salad Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Growing in Grace – March 14, 12:00pm – Join us for Hawaiian days and a luau meal. Payment due upon registration ($10.00/person). Register HERE (registration deadline March 11). Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140).
Precept Bible Study – Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
As a member of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, you are being asked to vote on a proposed amendment to the Church Bylaws. Please click on this link to read the motion and vote either “in favour” or “opposed” to this motion. As we need 2/3 positive membership vote to pass this motion, or 1/3 negative membership vote to deny it, it is important that all members exercise their right to vote. If you prefer to vote with paper ballot, please contact the church office (
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Tickets for the Camp Nutimik Banquet on March 9 may be purchased from Erika Cooper or online through the camp website ( Tickets: $45 / each individual ticket; $360 / table of 8 tickets.
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 14, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 14. Menu for February 14: Ham with Scallop Potatoes, Green Salad Dessert: Apple Crisp
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
A Women’s Weekend Get-Away – April 26-28. Register HERE.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
The Conquer Series is a powerful teaching series for men. This 10-week series will run from February 24 to April 27 (Saturday mornings), 8:00-10:00am. It will guide you on the path to freedom from pornography and lust. This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful and Godless world. For more information, or to register, contact us at
Come to the Table—February 7, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration February 7. Menu for February 7: Baked Spaghetti and Caesar Salad, Carrot Cake
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Speaker: Pastor Terry Janke – A Theology of Retirement: Developing a Faith Robust Enough to Handle any Transition. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Come to the Table—January 31, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration January 31. Menu: Chicken Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Toast Dessert: Blueberry Eton Mess.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Whyte Ridge Baptist has joined “Welcome Church,” the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s network of churches who welcome newcomers to Canada! Learn how you can be involved! Come watch introductory videos and discuss ideas. January 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am at the Church! Contact if questions.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Speaker: Pastor Terry Janke – A Theology of Retirement: Developing a Faith Robust Enough to Handle any Transition. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Maniitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist APP today at! (note it will direct to a app given they host the app – this is not the GIVE app).
Don’t delay – live services, registration, giving, the Prayer Wall and more – You can find it in the app!
Come to the Core—January 21, 7:00pm. An equipping event for the whole church aimed at equipping us in worship and prayer.
WRBC Annual General Meeting – February 4 following the service (Subway sandwiches provided for lunch). 2023 Annual Report: 2023 Annual Report (hard copies available at the Welcome Centre).
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Online registration HERE. In person registration in the foyer on January 21, 28 and February 4 (payment due with registration).
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Come to the Table—January 24, 5:30 – 7:00pm (meal 5:30-6:30). Cost: $7/person; $25/household of four ($5/add). Register online by Sunday prior. Discussion Groups meet after CTTT, 7:00-8:30pm in fireside room or foyer. Come to the Table Registration – January 24. Menu: Farmer Sausage with Perogies, Texas Sheet Cake.
LifePath Journey Wednesday Night Discussion Groups – Designed for casual attendance following Come to the Table (7:00– 8:30pm) in the front foyer. January 24 – March 20 (nine weeks).
LifePath Seasonal LifeGroups – Designed for regular attendance following Come to the Table (7:00-8:30pm) at the church on Wednesday nights, January 24 – March 20. Also offered throughout the week in host homes (as available).
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
Whyte Ridge Baptist has joined “Welcome Church,” the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s network of churches who welcome newcomers to Canada! Learn how you can be involved! Come watch introductory videos and discuss ideas. January 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am at the Church! Contact if questions.
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Growing in Grace – February 8, 12:00pm We will watch the movie “Sound of Freedom” and enjoy some movie food. Register and pay by February 5. Contact: Bonnie (204-797-3140). Register HERE.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, February 17, 9 – 11 am. Cost: $10. Contact: Pastor Doug (204-997-6659). Register HERE. Registration deadline Monday, Feb 12.
Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship—Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Everyone Welcome! Tuesday, February 20 , 7:00-8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug Friesen.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Maniitoba (February 2-4)—Missionfest Manitoba begins in just 12 days! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Newcomers Lunch—January 21, 12:00pm We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served. Gluten free option available. Register HERE.
Come to the Core—January 21, 7:00pm. An equipping event for the whole church aimed at equipping us in worship and prayer.
WRBC Family Night— Friday, February 23. Coffee house, board games, large group games… something for everyone. 6:00-8:00pm—events for all ages; 8:00-10:00pm gym for organized sports.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
To help us live out our mission to “Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships” we invite you to share how you’d like to participate this winter in our 9 week LifePath Journey: The Kingdom Consummated (Matt 24-28): LifePath Journey Interest Survey 2024
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Women at Whyte Ridge Fellowship Breakfast – Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 11:30am. Theme: Our Identity in Christ; Speaker: Pat Janke. Cost: $10.00 (payment is due when you sign up). Registration deadline February 4. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Newcomers Lunch—January 21, 12:00pm We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served. Gluten free option available. Register HERE.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Missionfest Manitoba is coming the beginning of February! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Growing in Grace Lunch – Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots of fun and a game of Bible trivia. Please sign up and pay by January 7. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140). Online registration HERE. Cost: $10/person.
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.
Newcomers Lunch—January 21, 12:00pm We are planning a Newcomer’s Lunch for people/families who are new to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. This lunch will be held on January 21, 12:00pm. We invite you to attend. This will be an opportunity for you to meet the staff and members of the board and deacons. Please complete the attached survey with your food preferences. Register by January 16. Registration required by January 16, 2024. Subway sandwiches, chips and beverages will be served. Gluten free option available. Register HERE.
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 – Missionfest Manitoba is coming the beginning of February! Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! You won’t want to miss this opportunity to be informed, inspired, equipped and involved in the Great Commission. For more information, go to
On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Growing in Grace Lunch – Join us on January 11 at noon for a great meal, lots of fun and a game of Bible trivia. Please sign up and pay by January 7. Call Bonnie for more info (204-797-3140). Online registration HERE. Cost: $10/person.
Precept Bible Study – Leviticus (7 lessons). A Holy God, A Holy People – Wednesdays, January 24-March 6, 7:00pm. Cost: $25. Register HERE. Numbers (7 lessons) Trusting God in the Wilderness – Wednesdays, March 13 – May 1 (*no meeting March 27). Cost: $25. Register HERE. Contact:
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.
Year End Giving
The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.
WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19 $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at
Digital Christmas Cards for our Missionariesare available now for signing until December 24 at midnight! We are asking ALL of the Whyte Ridge Baptist Family to let our missionaries know we are thinking of them this Christmas by posting a message, uploading a video or posting a special photo greeting at the links below!
Part time respite worker required for an early stage dementia senior. Requirements: experience with dementia, physically fit, car. Please respond to 204-791-8101.
On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
English Conversation Circle – Wednesdays: January 31 – April 17 (off March 27 for Spring Break), 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Contact: Brenda. Register HERE.
Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice: In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:
“Meet Jesus” International Bible Study—Learn more English as we discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. Sundays starting January 7, 9:00am. Zoom: Contact: Brenda Noble.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Missionfest Manitoba 2024 | February 2-4 Join us for a weekend of learning about God at work here and around the world as speakers share about our theme, Should I Not Be Concerned? Experience fascinating breakout sessions and great worship, and explore over 130 ministries and missions. Youth and Young Adults will love After Hours on Friday night! For more information, go to
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Our Christmas Eve service will be on Sunday, December 24, 5:00pm. There will be no morning service that day.
Year End Giving
The deadline for donations for 2023 tax receipting is December 31, 2023.
All cheques must be dated no later than December 31, 2023.
If mailed, envelopes must be postmarked no later than December 31.
Donations may also be dropped off at the church by noon on Sunday, December 31.
Electronic giving options must be exercised by midnight December 31, 2023.
WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19 $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at
Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines: Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023
Digital Christmas Cards for our Missionariesare available now for signing until December 24 at midnight! We are asking ALL of the Whyte Ridge Baptist Family to let our missionaries know we are thinking of them this Christmas by posting a message, uploading a video or posting a special photo greeting at the links below!
On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Growing in Grace – Join us for our Christmas Celebration on December 14 at noon. There will be a turkey dinner, carol sing and gift exchange. Please bring a $15 gift to exchange. We will also be collecting for Winnipeg Harvest so bring a few items to put in the bin. Pre-registration and payment of $10 required by December 10. Register and pay HERE.
Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice: In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:
Meet Jesus Bible Study – Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room. Contact Brenda.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.
Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or
Foodbank Christmas Hampers – Our WRBC Foodbank is collecting Christmas Hampers to give to the 60 families who visit our foodbank. A suggested shopping list is provided (est. cost $70). Two donation deadlines: Dec 3 (distribution Dec 7) and Dec 17 (distribution Dec 21). For details, check here: Food Hampers 2023
WRBC Christmas Offering—December 10—19 $2,000 each towards Far Corners Ministry (FCM) for children’s educations in India; Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) to support the Spiritual Formation Program at the theological seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Child Evangelism Fellowship (summer day camps in First Nations communities). Give online at
On the first Thursday of the month WRBC facilitates a worship service at the Rosewood Retirement Home on Wilkes Ave. We have an ensemble of singers leading several hymns in the service. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Lorraine Bergmann (204-330-2483). Practice will take place at Rosewood, 9:20am, the day of the service.
Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre – This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!
If you are interested in volunteering in our children’s or youth ministries, please contact Sheilla Taylor (children) or Rudy Wall (youth) for more information. We’d love to hear from you!
Solid Grounds Cafe You are welcome to use the foyer to meet with friends during office hours. (Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.)
Pickleball – Weekly co-ed pickleball for anyone age 18+. Monday 9:00 & 11:10am; Tuesday 6:00 & 8:10pm; Thursday 9:00 & 11:10am, 6 & 8:10pm. No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 charge. Please use the west entrance. For more information and to receive registration information contact Gary Schellenberg. Register HERE.
Connecting Points
Exploring Friendship-Focused Discipleship – Sharing our experiences of sharing Christ and growing friendship to discern next steps for our church family. Tuesday, December 5, 7 pm – 8: 30 pm. Contact: Pastor Doug.
Growing in Grace – Join us for our Christmas Celebration on December 14 at noon. There will be a turkey dinner, carol sing and gift exchange. Please bring a $15 gift to exchange. We will also be collecting for Winnipeg Harvest so bring a few items to put in the bin. Pre-registration and payment of $10 required by December 10. Register and pay HERE.
English Conversation Circles – Practice English and make new friends! Every Wednesday evening, 7 to 8:30 pm, from Oct. 4 to Dec. 6. Register HERE For more information contact Brenda.
Precept Bible Study – Spiritual Gifts God has called you and equipped you as a believer in Christ to serve His church. As you study the spiritual gifts described in Scripture, you will learn more about how you, as a vital member of the church, have been uniquely gifted to glorify God and edify His people. Wednesdays, November 15, 22, 29 and January 10, 17, 7:00-9:00 pm Book choice: In & Out (less homework) or Precept Upon Precept (more homework). Register Online starting October 22. Register HERE. $18 – pick up book at registration table in Church Foyer on Sunday, November 5 or 12 before or after service. Contact:
Meet Jesus Bible Study – Practice English and learn about Jesus from the Bible as we meet each Sunday, 9:00am in the Fireside Room. Contact Brenda.
Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – A prayer gathering guided by scripture, Wednesdays, 10:30—noon. Contact: Erika Cooper.
Missions / Justice and Mercy Ministries (JAM)
Dessert Night Fundraiser in support of Katy Mesics and Ben Wiltshire – Sunday, December 3, 7:00pm at WRBC. To RSVP please email: or
Harvest Manitoba—Food bank donations may be left in the box located in the foyer next to the mail folders. Any non-perishables are appreciated, especially pancake mix and syrup, canned fruit/vegetables, canned meat/fish especially salmon. Please do not bring perishable items. Thank you!
Help us support Family Support Centre! We will have a bin in the foyer (left side of the mail folders) at church to collect your donations of baby formula (Enfamil is the most requested, but any brand is appreciated!). Drop off any time. Contact: Karen Owzarek (204-832-0113).
Kids at the Ridge Programming
A registration form must be completed for all children in Nursery up to grade six. This form is required by our insurance to be completed each year for each child attending our kids programming throughout the year:
Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2 SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4 SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4 The Wave – Grade 5 and 6
POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Tuesdays, 9:30am – noon. An open time of connection and play for parents/caregivers with their little ones. Meet in the Nursery. Bring a coffee. Bring a friend! For more info contact Sheilla Taylor.
4HG – For His Glory (Youth Ministries)
If you do not receive the weekly emails, or if you have any other questions, please email Pastor Rudy.
Ways to give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church: For those who are looking for a way to give to the mission of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, options can be found at
To electronically transfer funds to WRBC please use the email: No password required. Include in the message portion of your e-transfer the following information:
Full name and address of the person to be receipted.
Your preferred Fund: General Fund, Capital Asset Fund, Missions Trips Fund or Benevolent Fund. If desiring more than one Fund please include dollar amount for each. In the event that no Fund is chosen the full amount will go into the General Fund.
Baptism and Membership – If you are feeling led to become baptized or pursue membership at WRBC, or if you have any questions about these things, please feel free to contact the office.
Log in to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Church Directory at If you have not received an email invitation to join our Online Church Directory and regularly attend at WRBC, please click here. For additional details on our Directory click here.Hard copies of the Breeze online church directory are available at the Welcome Centre.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering – Protect yourself and family with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering, and join the WRBC Covenant Community for an exclusive $4 / month discount code (applied at check out). For additional details, including pricing, click here.
To sign up to receive the WRBC Weekly Update and our Prayer Wall Update in your inbox, to unsubscribe, or to update your preferences, please click here.