SONSeekers Missions Update

Hi Parents,

Well, it’s already March and we have been feeling a few “warmer” days lately. At the end of February, our kids had a special Missions class where we talked about different kinds of Missionaries and different ways people can be a missionary. We also talked about how we can share God’s love with others around us and that we can be on a mission for Him no matter where we are! Part of our activity was to pray for one of our WRBC Missionary Families, and we also wrote them a letter and made a big card for them showing how much we love them, appreciate them and are praying for them.

So I wanted to share this sweet card with our parents and families as they did such a great job. We mailed it last week, so we are praying it arrives safely!

We talked to the kids about how we can share the love of Jesus with those around us, but also how can we share the Good NEWS with them. So I’ve included a part of our activity below that you can try out as a family.

Family Activity Idea – Practice being a Missionary:

Take a look at some of the steps below that a missionary might use to tell someone about Jesus. Discuss with your kids ideas of how they might tell someone about Jesus, using any of these steps. Then, pray together and try acting on one or more of the steps below as a family.

– Make friends
– Eat a meal together
– Explore the city
– Invite friends to your home
– Give them a Bible
– Talk about Jesus
– Pray for them
– Invite them to church
– Enjoy their company
– Tell them how to become a Christian

I pray this activity brings meaningful conversations around the table with your kids!

Blessings on your week ahead.

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Unit 20 Session 1 – Jesus was Baptized – January 23, 2021

Hey Kids,

Join us as we hear the story of when Jesus was baptized! Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned, but He was still baptized. Let’s find out why!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

I hope you are keeping warm and enjoying all this snow! Hope you have a great week.
Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Unit 19 Session 5 – Jesus as Child – January 16, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join us this week as Miss Jane introduces our Bible story about Jesus as a child… What do you think Jesus was like as a child?

Last week, we learned that when Jesus was a baby, Mary and Joseph took Him to the temple to be dedicated. At the temple, Simeon and Anna worshiped Jesus as the Messiah. So what happened between the time Jesus was dedicated and the time He was a grown man?

Listen to today’s Bible story, it’s called: “Jesus as a Child.”

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Have a great week everyone!

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

An Expository Series in Romans – Past Sermons Available Online

Missed a message in the Expository Series in Romans?  Click here to view or listen to past sermons and click on the ‘Romans’ Series!

Included in this series is God’s Design for Sexuality Part 1 and Part 2.  Click here and select the ‘God’s Design for Sexuality’ Icon to view these two sessions.

Becoming a Romans 12 Christian – Starting Sunday, January 23 (for 12 weeks). On this journey, we will watch a 12 session series on RightNow Media (a Christian streaming service) called “True Spirituality: Becoming a Romans 12 Christian” by Chip Ingram (Wednesdays,  7:00 – 8:30 pm). For the first 3 Wednesdays (starting Jan 26th) we will meet on Zoom, 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The first half of the evening we will spend together then, after watching the video, we will make use of Zoom breakout rooms where groups of 3-6 people (Discipleship Groups) will be able to discuss what they’ve just learned  under the guidance of a host (these same groups will meet together over the 12 weeks). After three weeks, each Discipleship Group can decide if they want to continue meeting on Zoom, at the church, or in a home.

Other options: watching the videos on your own schedule with family, friends, or as a LifeGroup.

Need access to RightNow Media?

Join us on this journey through Romans 12 and let’s see how God will grow His Kingdom in us and through us! Registration Form:     *Please submit by Sunday, January 23. Contact: Pastor Doug Friesen

Unit 19 Session 4 – Jesus was Dedicated – January 9, 2021

Hey Kids,

We are back online again this week while our in-person gathering is closed. We are so glad you’ve joined us! We have new Kids Activity Packs for the month of January that are ready for pick up! These Activity Packs go along with our online lessons – make sure you watch til the end of the video to get your Activity Instructions!

Please sign up here!

This week we are continuing the story of Jesus after he was born. While he was still a baby, Mary and Joseph took him to the temple to be dedicated. Let’s hear more!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

We hope to see you all in person again soon, but we hope you are able to follow along with us over the next while online! We are praying for each of you that you are staying safe and healthy!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sheilla

Kids at the Ridge Presents: Just a Little Christmas

Join us for ‘Just a Little Christmas’…featuring Kids at the Ridge!
Merry Christmas!

Board Announcement – December 22, 2021

Video Update Here

Hello, I’m Dave Barton and I serve on the Board of Church Governance at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church.

The Board, and the Staff, have been having some deep discussions on how best to proceed with our Sunday morning services in light of the most recent changes to Public Health Orders in Manitoba. Many of you have shared your thoughts and concerns, which we greatly appreciate. Even more, we appreciate your prayers as we seek God’s guidance in discerning the best way forward.

Up front, I would like to remind you that we are the church and we are not defined by the building we meet in nor the type of service we have on a Sunday morning. Whether meeting in a building or online, we are still the body of Christ called to love one another and to be salt and light in this world. At Whyte Ridge Baptist we’ve defined our mission as “making and nurturing followers of Jesus through healthy relationships”. I encourage us to maintain this mission focus as we persevere through the challenging, and ever-changing Public Health Orders.

At a special Board meeting on December 21, we determined that our way forward needed to answer four primary questions:

  1. What is the right thing to do? Guided by Scripture, what decision would best honour God?
  2. What is the loving thing to do? Guided by Jesus’ example, how would our decision demonstrate our love for one another?
  3. What is the best way to “include” everyone with our decision? We don’t want anyone feeling left behind or left out.
  4. What is the best means to unite (rather than further divide) our congregation? We are already sensing divisions within our congregation – how can we best draw people together?

We don’t believe there is an easy answer to any of these questions, but in sharing the different perspectives of board members, which actually reflect the diversity of opinion within our congregation, we prayed that God would guide us to a solution that best answers these four questions, and which all Board members could support.

We encouraged one another to be creative in suggesting possible solutions and after much discussion we decided to set up a rotating schedule of checking vaccines on one Sunday and not checking vaccines the following Sunday. On the Sundays where we check vaccine status we can have 50% capacity. On the Sundays we don’t check (which we refer to as Open services), we can have multiple cohorts of 25 people, up to a maximum of 25% capacity. Staff and volunteers will be tasked with sorting out the logistical challenges of the Open service (how many cohorts can we safely accommodate, how do we keep them separated as they enter/leave the building, how do we stream the service to different groups in different rooms, etc.). We realize that this plan is less than ideal, but in reality there is no ideal plan that perfectly answers our four questions. We pray that the love and unity we’ve experienced as the Board would spread throughout the congregation as we each lovingly sacrifice our own desires to better include everyone and truly consider the needs of others.

In the midst of the Christmas holiday season, we believe it is unreasonable to expect these logistical details to be sorted out immediately and have therefore determined that for the first three Sundays of January our services will be livestreamed only, with no in-person attendance. This will give us time to plan and prepare for the first in-person service on January 23, where we will be checking vaccine status. When the call comes for more volunteers to execute this short-term plan, please consider how you could contribute.

More details will be shared in the coming weeks as plans are refined and finalized. We would also encourage you to maximize other opportunities to meet and worship together. Even during the coming weeks when church is online, you could join together with friends or neighbours for a Sunday morning watch party to worship in smaller groups. We encourage you to stay connected throughout the week, with your LifeGroup, your Neighbourhood Group, Ministry Teams or informal gatherings. If you don’t have a group, please consider joining a Discipleship Group as they are established in January.

In closing I want to encourage all of us to remember that we are in a spiritual battle, against Satan and the forces of darkness. We are called to pray for our government, our society and for one another. In our spiritual battle, Scripture is a weapon (the Sword of the Spirit) but it is a weapon against Satan, not against other human beings. I pray that in humility, we will rally together in this time of testing, with our focus on Christ and how we can serve Him together. The world will know we are His disciples by our love for one another.

I thank you all for your words of encouragement and especially for your prayers. I can assure you that our collective prayers were a difference maker for our Board meeting and I believe they are the key to seeing us through the coming weeks.

Just a reminder that we have two services on Christmas Eve, one at 4 PM where we will be checking vaccine status and one at 6 PM where we will not be checking vaccine status. There are a few seats still available for each service and you can go to our church website to register. The 4 PM service will be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube, then made available on our website for later viewing.

On behalf of the Board and Staff, I wish you all a blessed Christmas, full of His peace and joy.

Dave Barton

Moderator – Board of Church Governance, Whyte Ridge Baptist Church

InteracT Social night – Monday, December 13 @ 7 pm

For those who were able to join us at interacT Social night on Monday, December 13 @ 7 pm – glad you could join us!

Keep track of upcoming events and news on the new Whyte Ridge Baptist App by downloading at today!

Protected: Financial Update – October 23, 2021

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Sermon Series Discussion Groups September 28

Sermon Series Discussion Groups

Let’s dig deeper into God’s Word together!
Coffee. Conversation. Connection.

When: Tuesday Nights
Sept 21st – Dec 7th

Time: 7 pm – 9 pm
Where: WRBC Foyer
Come discuss the book of Romans and challenge each other to live it out.
Register Here.

Contact: Pastor Doug Friesen

English Conversation Circles

English Conversation Circles – In person: 7 to 8:30 pm Wednesdays / On Zoom: 7 pm Thursdays (Starting September 29). 

Register here or contact or contact if any questions.

Sermon Series Discussion Groups

Sermon Series Discussion Groups

Let’s dig deeper into God’s Word together!
Coffee. Conversation. Connection.

When: Tuesday Nights
Sept 21st – Dec 7th

Time: 7 pm – 9 pm
Where: WRBC Foyer
Come discuss the book of Romans and challenge each other to live it out.
Register HERE.

Contact: Pastor Doug Friesen

2021 World Watch List Guide

As we finish our summer series on prayer and look forward to our WRBC Missions weekend Oct 22-24th, you may be getting used to various pandemic restrictions like staying at home or attending Sunday service online. For many of us, we are feeling the negative impact of isolation and lack of connection. Our God is a God of relationship and encourages us to form and maintain healthy relationships with our brothers and sisters as well as those who might be outside the faith.

Sadly for our brothers and sisters living in developing countries, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is far greater than the impact we are likely experiencing. This situation is more significant in countries where being a Christian is illegal or is viewed unfavourably such as India and Yemen. They are discriminated against and marginalized. They may be refused food, medical care and other necessary aid, experiencing increased surveillance, violence and discrimination, because of their faith.

As you may know, every year, Open Doors produces the World Watch List, which ranks the 50 most dangerous countries to live in as a Christian. This year, the report will include information about how COVID-19 is impacting our marginalized and discriminated against brothers and sisters.

Where is the most dangerous place in the world to live as a Christian? Find out by downloading the new 2021 World Watch List Guide. Here are a few things you’ll learn:

– This year’s World Watch List highlights how the global pandemic has heightened systemic discrimination and persecution of over 340 million Christians.
– In China, the Communist Party extended its regulation of all religions in 2020, and even government-approved churches, both Catholic and Protestant, are under ever-more surveillance, both online and offline. Under-18s are still officially banned from all religious activity.
– North Korea remains the most dangerous place for Christians, having been number one since the inception of the World Watch List in 2002.

As a church family, let’s learn about the persecuted church together and pray with them. Click here to view the 2021 World Watch List Guide.

Seven Pillars of Freedom

An in-depth, 9 month discipleship program for men who struggle with pornography and/or other unwanted sexual behaviours. Current session is full. Interested or need help? Contact Steve Morris (

Haiti Emergency Response and Prayer Points

On August 14th, a massive earthquake struck Haiti affecting thousands of vulnerable children and their families.  Christian organizations such as World Vision are on the ground providing life-saving assistance such as clean water, food and tents for those who have lost their homes.
If you would like to part of the solution, you can donate to World Vision’s Emergencye response as we look to impact over 240,000 of those impacted at the link below:

Donate here:


Prayer Requests for Haiti:

Please pray for:

  • Comfort for Families shocked by the loss of loved ones
  • Safe transportation of humanitarian relief and equitable distribution of help to all the victims.
  • Powerful witness of Christian compassion during the crisis.
  • Hope for families hurting in a season of unrest and uncertainty
  • Generous contributions to arrive in a timely fashion for rebuilding, including for damaged churches.
  • Limited greed and misuse of funds and relief materials.
  • Vision and political will for local authorities so they seek primarily the welfare of the people.
  • Political breakthrough and stability through meaningful negotiations among political groups and civil society so that the nation can go forward after the assassination of the president.
  • That credible and experienced citizens in-country and in the diaspora are raised and find visibility as potential political leaders for the nation.
  • Protection from additional potential storms and bad weather

To download additional details, click here: CHURCH Haiti Emergency Response

Protected: WRBC Financial Update for Q2 2021

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Far Corners Ministry Emergency Food Relief

The following article has been submitted by Far Corners Ministry:

When India first went into a sudden and very restrictive lockdown in 2020, the effect on the poor was very devastating. That April 2020 we first received a request from our regional coordinator in Northeast India to help provide emergency food relief. This was especially needed for those whose very small subsistence income was suddenly cut off. Just $15.00 Cdn would provide a family with things such as rice, lentils, oil and vegetables for about 10 days. Through the efforts of the pastors and churches that we partner with, food was distributed to the very poor of their congregations and then to the surrounding villages and mission areas of those churches. Through generous donors we were able to help hundreds of families with these basic food staples. It was a truly wonderful way to demonstrate the love of Christ.

India is now facing increased coronavirus infections and is once again dealing with lockdowns. For the poor who are mainly daily wage earners, this is especially hard. If they are not able to go to their jobs, they have no money to buy even the basic food for their families. So we have again been asked to help provide emergency food relief. This has started going out to those most needy such as the auto rickshaw drivers, the tea garden workers and other daily wage earners.

You can give to this need for emergency food relief directly through Far Corners Ministry in one of two ways and know that 100% of your donation will go directly to meet this need. Far Corners Ministry is a registered Canadian charity (#BN812210615 RR0001), and issues income tax receipts for all individual and corporate donations every February.

Etransfers will go directly into the Far Corners bank account by using our email: Please put in the message line that it is for food relief.

Cheques can be mailed to: Far Corners Ministry, 33 Byblos Road, Upper Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1Y1

Thank you so much for your interest, prayers and support!

Shant and Ginny Manuel

Far Corners Ministry

Unit 15 Session 6 – Ezekiel Gave Hope – May 14, 2021

Hey Kids,

Last week we learned that the kingdom of Judah was captured by its enemies… but God had a plan. He gave the prophet Ezekiel a vision of hope! Let’s find out more. Click on the video to watch our lesson and don’t forget to watch to the end to get this week’s activity instructions!

Discussion questions:
1. How does the vision of dry bones actually give hope?
2. Look up Ephesians 2:4-5 – How does God make dead people alive?
3. When does our life with God start?

Have a great week!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Ezekiel Gave Hope – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Ezekiel Gave Hope – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Ezekiel Gave Hope – Gr 3-6

Unit 15 Session 5 – Judah Taken Captive – May 9, 2021

Hey Kids!

Did you know that God says our hearts can be hard or soft? The people of Judah had hard heart towards God and turned away from Him. This led to Judah being captured by their enemies!

God was right to punish His people for their sin, but He kept His promise to provide a king through David’s family. Ultimately, God punished our sin through His Son, Jesus, and made Him our King forever.

Let’s listen to the story to learn more!

*Happy Mothers Day! We have a special Mother’s Day craft we will work on together today – watch to the end of the lesson video for instructions!*

Discussion Questions:
1. Why is obedience to God and our parents important?
2. Talk about a time when you didn’t listen to a warning. What happened? What did you learn?
3. Experiment! Make your own ooblek together and discuss how our hearts can be hard or soft!

Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – Gr 3-6


Unit 15 Session 4 – Habakkuk the Prophet

Hey Kids!

This week we are focusing on Faith and Prayer. Join Miss Alexis as she introduces us to the prophet Habakkuk. Habakkuk asked the question that we all struggle with sometimes – “Why do bad things happen?”

Our activity at the end of the lesson will focus on writing letters to God – If you don’t want to write a letter, feel free to draw a picture about your questions or feelings instead!

Family Discussion Questions:
1. What promises are in this story to remember? How do they help us trust and love God?
2. Have you ever waited for something? How does waiting make you feel? Take turns praying for each other in a time of waiting.
3. After kids write or draw their prayers to God, ask them if they would like to share them with the family and then pray together.

Blessings to you all this week,
Love Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Habakkuk the Prophet – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Habakkuk the Prophet – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Habakkuk the Prophet – Gr 3-6

Prayer Prompts For Kids

Meet the Missionaries: Q and A with Stephane Joron of Pathway Ministries

Get to know Stephane and Jenni

Q: When did you first know you were called to work in Northern Manitoba?

In 2014, after serving full time in a Montreal network of churches for 12 years as deacon, director of food bank, men group co-leader, youth festival director, treasurer, president of the finance committee and/or in other capacities, I felt I should visit the mission fields. It is in Costa Rica, in 2014, on an Indian reserve, that I first felt that God had a different plan for my future.

Q: What life experiences prepared you to leave Montreal toward Northern Manitoba, doing Christian programs for kids and youth?

Doing week camps as a young person, directing yearly youth festivals, being a CPA (accountant) for years, doing Master in Theology between 2015 and 2017, doing lots of camping, raising 2 kids, loving renovations, traveling long distances and many other things, that appeared unrelated at the time, were very important life experiences. We never know which experience we live in the present… that will be important in the future.

Q: How would you describe your first year working overseas?

Very busy… just as like it!… But above the “business”, it was simply better/easier than expected!

Meeting communities, churches, cities… for the first time and supervising programs that were new to me were definitely great challenges.  But it was fun challenges without any big problems, troubles…that usually come in a transition between leaders. God is great!

Q: What were some of the surprises at the beginning of ministry?

My biggest great surprise was… the level of support that was provided to us, a new couple arriving from Quebec/Ontario, support from Winnipeg, Moosehorn, Fairford, Winnipeg, Toronto, Grand Rapids… and many more cities (Support in prayers, in volunteers, in finance and more).

Q: What do you wish you would have known prior to serving in this way? 

Nothing more. All the information needed was provided beforehand by my board of directors, the past directors and by my own readings/prayers.

Q:  How have you felt affirmed in this ministry?

On top of the above cited great support and the easiness of it all, there are at least 3 ways I felt “affirmed”:

  1. Several elders, board members and pastors gave me constant positive words  about the ministry
  2. Seeing some kids grow and some becoming Christians.
  3. So many moments of great unbelievable love between kids, between volunteers/staff and between those two groups. I will always remember a comment from a band counselor thanking us for the huge love we gave to their children.

Q: What have been some surprises about the First Nation communities you have had the honor to serve?

When I started, I honestly did not know the culture of the communities Pathway serve. I was surprised to see that the vast majority of the people in these communities are so easy to approach, soft spoken and took time to listen. About listening, I remember a Pastor from Toronto saying that he wished the kids in his church would listen as well!

Q: Why Pathway?

Pathway and I, were a great match in 2017. Through Pathway, I would able to work with First Nations (see my above-cited comment about Costa-Rica) and use lots of the talents/gifts/life experiences I “developed” or “lived” through the years. Above all, I simply felt it was where I should be! From my first phone call with them to my first visit to Manitoba, I felt it was my next home.

And on the other side, I was offering what Pathway seem to be needed in the transition of leadership.

Q: Any advise in in working with First Nations People?

It is an error to think that all Ojibway, Cree, Oji-Cree are the same. Just come, as much as possible, with an attitude of openness, flexibility, patience, peace, love and without preconceptions.

Q: What are some facts you wish to share with our congregation?

We often list all the “errors of the past”, like residential school, when we talk about First Nations. We also talk about the issues of Alcohol, suicide, teen pregnancy… in some of these communities… but we often forget to talk about the great respect for their Elders and many other amazing aspects of their cultures.

Easter Session 2 – Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection – April 4, 2021

Happy Easter Kids!

Jesus is alive! Sadness turns to joy for there is hope for sinners. Jesus’ resurrection gives us joy and hope for our own resurrection. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life. (Rom. 8:11)

Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. Jesus died to pay for our sins and He rose again to defeat death forever. God gives hope and true joy to everyone who trusts in Jesus.

As you celebrate Easter as a family, take time to reflect on the joy that this good news brings to all believers!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Easter Sunday – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Easter Sunday – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Easter Sunday – Gr 3-6

Easter Session 1 – Jesus’ Triumphal Entry – Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021

Hey Kids,

Join us today as we listen to the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem! It’s Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week as we countdown to Easter and Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection. Easter is such an important time for all of us to take time to reflect and focus on the good news of what Christ has done for us.

*Make sure to watch our full lesson to see our activity instructions at the end – I will give you an update on our Easter Resurrection gardens! *

Please feel free to download and use the Easter Holy Week Devotional for families (Lifeway Kids) below!  This devotional is for families to do together and also follows our kids lessons for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. It includes a scripture reading, discussion questions, prayer and simply family activity ideas for each day of Holy Week. If you prefer a hard copy, ask your neighborhood group leader to drop one off for you!

Download here: Easter Devotional 2021

Have a blessed week,

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page Palm Sunday PreK to Kinder

Activity Page Palm Sunday Gr 1-3

Activity Page Palm Sunday Gr 3-6


Unit 14 Session 3 – Israel Taken Captive – March 21, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join us this week as Miss Jane helps us understand the reason why we should obey God. Israel didn’t listen to the prophets and and kept sinning against God so they were captured! But there is a redeeming part of this story, and it has to do with Jesus. Watch to find out more!

*Don’t forget to water your Easter grass! Stay tuned to the end of our lesson video to hear our activity/craft instructions!*

Have a great week!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Israel Taken Captive – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Israel Taken Captive – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Israel Taken Captive – Gr 3-6

Unit 14 Session 2 – Hosea, Prophet to Israel – March 14, 2021

Hey Kids,

Paola is here today to talk about LOVE! Our story today is a reminder of God’s HUGE amount of love for us and how He loves us no matter what – even if His people do not love him in return. Isn’t that pretty much amazing?! Let’s find out more!

*This week we are getting started on our Easter crafts – so stay tuned to the end of the lesson for instructions!*

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Hosea, Prophet to Israel – PreK to Kinder

Activity Page – Hosea, Prophet to Israel – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Hosea, Prophet to Israel – Gr 3-6

Unit 14 Session 1 – Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh – March 7, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join Josh as he talks about one of our favorite prophets from the Old Testament – Jonah!! Have you learned about Jonah yet? Not only is this story one of my favorites, but it is also an amazing story on how much God loves His people – so much so that there is a whale involved… Watch to find out!

*New Activity Packs begin with THIS week’s lesson – so don’t forget to sign up for one. We’ve included all our craft supplies needed for each lesson AND we are already starting on our Easter craft next week – so you don’t want to miss out! I’m so excited to work on these with you all!* Click this link to sign up:

Have a great week and enjoy this warmer weather! Yay!

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh – Prek to Kinder

Activity Page – Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh – Gr 3-6

Unit 13 Session 4 – Elisha and the Army – February 28, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join us today as we talk about fog, wind and an invisible army! An invisible army of angels actually! Are you interested to know more? Click on the video below to find out!

Make sure to stay tuned right to the end of the video where I explain the activity for this week. Have you also been working on those Activity pages? There are some great reminders and discussion questions included on them, so be sure to check them out. (They are also attached here).

Happy End of February! Don’t forget to sign up for the March and Easter Activity Pack! Next week we are diving deep…. deep into the sea… and deep into a new unit… and that’s all the hints I will give for now!

Have a great week,

Love Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Prek to Kinder

Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Gr 3-6


Meet the Missionaries: Q & A with Nick and Iris

Get to know ‘Priscilla’*

Q: When did you first know you were called to work overseas?

When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to go overseas on a short-term trip with my youth group.  While I was there, God opened my eyes to see how lost the people in that area were, and He began to grow in me a passion for reaching that people group.

Q: What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

I’ve always had a love for languages and learning about other cultures.  All my life I’ve been drawn to people from other countries and have always tried to learn words from their cultures.  My education in teaching English helped prepare me in practical ways for teaching here.  In addition to that, while I was in university, I had an opportunity to do a teaching internship in a similar country to the one I’m now living in, and God used that to confirm that He was leading me to this area of the world.  My experiences there also helped make the transition to living here easier.

Q: How would you describe your first year working overseas?

There were lots of ups and downs.  I expected there to be more culture shock, but my earlier experiences overseas eased a lot of that.  That said, there were definitely times of frustration and confusion when things did not happen the way I expected them to.  I’ve been blessed to have a really close-knit group of fellow workers the whole time I’ve been overseas, and that also really helped in making my first year a positive experience.

Q: What are some of the ways you have been affirmed in following father’s leading?

Seeing the doors He has opened has been a big affirmation.  After working for a couple of years, I felt I needed to spend time studying the local language, and he made a way for me to return to the same country and study here without working full-time.  He has also given me many opportunities to share my faith with local friends, and I even have one friend who I am able to read the Word with regularly.

Q: What is something that would surprise others about work or the people you are called to serve?

I think many people would be surprised at how open the locals here are to talking about faith.  Many people assume that because it’s a strict country, those conversations would be difficult, but the reality is that because their faith dictates so much of their lives, there are many opportunities to share.

Q: What advice would you give to those considering working overseas?

Don’t doubt God’s ability to equip you!  I had no interest in ever leaving Manitoba before I went on my first trip in high school, but God, in his great mercy, changed my heart completely so that when it was time to move overseas, I could hardly wait to go, and now it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else.

Q: How can people support you?

Pray for me!  Sign up for my newsletters!  Connect with me in-person when I’m back in Canada.

Unit 13 Session 3 – Elijah and Elisha – February 21, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join me this week as we hear the story of how God “passed the baton” from Elijah to Elisha!

God gave Elisha the same spirit that was in Elijah so Elisha could carry out his mission as a prophet. Years later, Jesus told His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit. God gives believers the Holy Spirit so they can share the gospel with the world.

Don’t forget to work on those Activity Pages and watch to the end of the video for instructions on our Activity/Craft for this week!

*Note for Elementary*
I did not provide materials for the Care Kits that I describe in my activity video, but I encourage families to watch the video instructions and come up with your own Care Kits!

Preschool Parents – I encourage you to watch the activity at the end of the elementary video to get instructions on making Care Kits!
This is a great way to serve and help others while showing God’s love!

Have a great week!

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!


Activity Page – Elijah and Elisha – Prek – Kinder

Activity Page – Elijah and Elisha – Gr 1-3

Activity Page – Elijah and Elisha – Gr 3-6

Let’s Talk About It: God’s Design for Sexuality

Let’s Talk About It: God’s Design for Sexuality – Recorded Zoom Webinar with Pastor Terry (90 minutes – Tuesday, Feb. 9/21). This is a Q / A session responding to questions that were sent in after the two sermons preached Jan 31 and Feb 7 on God’s Design for Sexuality. A Resource page will also be made available in the coming week. 

To view the Webinar please click this link:  You can also view the ‘God’s Design for Sexuality’ messages (part A and B, recommended to be viewed prior) as well as the webinar at 

If you have questions to follow up on, please contact the church office to speak with one of the pastors.