4HG Youth December 16th

Lovely People of 4HG Youth!

This week, we as a Youth group will be celebrating Christmas! As we usually do things differently, we will be celebrating Christmas with some WRBC Winter Olympics. Games, Challenges, Thinking, Communication, and Unity will be key words to lead you to Victory! Can’t wait to see you there on Friday at 645pm!

As Small Groups you’ve been challenged to bring things for our part in the Christmas Hampers, if you forgot, or you weren’t told what your part was, make sure you ask your Small group leader, they will have that information!

We will not have another Youth event this year after the 16th, so be aware that the next event will be on January 6th, when we will go skating as a group!

Hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Years season!


4HG Youth December 9th

Hey Everyone,

I hope you have been able to stay warm these last few days! We’re coming toward Christmas and I’m excited to celebrate with you all as we get to remember Jesus coming to His people.

This week we will be meeting for an In-house night. Games, Snacks, Music, Small-group, and most importantly… Jesus! Hope you can all make it this Friday.

We have been working on doing our part in helping with the Hampers for the people at the Foodbank, and I want to make sure we’re all on the same page.

This last week and this week, we have been talking about who can be responsible to bring what for the hampers. Make sure you know exactly what you’re responsible for. If you don’t know make sure to ask your leader this week. Then we will take those things and put them together at the beginning of our Youth Event on the 16th so they will be ready for the second round of Hampers that is going out.

If you have any questions, make sure to let me know so I can clarify if you need me to.

Upcoming Events:

December 16th – Youth Christmas Party (Winter Olympics)

January 6th – Youth Skate Night

January 20-21 – Junior Youth Retreat Day (more information to come)


4HG Youth November 25th

Hey you Guys and Gals,

Hope you’re doing well!

In an effort to communicate better and more efficient after some complications in the past, you will start seeing two Youth Emails sent to you each week, that way you have an idea of what’s coming that week, and you’re reminded later in the week in case your life got busy (which happens to all of us).

For this week, I’m excited to announce and In-House event with Games, Snack, Music, and Jesus! Hope you can all make it and be excited to spend the Friday night together with your friends and leaders.

We have some exciting events coming in the next few weeks, including a Small-group night, where the small groups split up and meet at different places. If you as a parent would be willing to host one of those, please send me a message so we can plan what that night will look like together.

Here are some dates that will be useful to you for the foreseeable future:

December 2nd – Small Group Night
December 9th- Youth Packing Hampers for the Food Bank
December 16th – Youth Christmas Party (Winter Olympics)
January 6th – Youth Skate Night
January – Junior Youth Retreat Day (more information to come)

We will take a break over Christmas so there will not be Youth after the 16th of December to the 6th of January when we return, other than that Youth happens every Friday at 6:45pm at the Church, unless otherwise posted.


4HG Youth November 11th

Hey All,

For this week’s youth evening we are taking it a bit slower. It is Remembrance Day. We will talk about sacrifice, and then watch the movie ‘The Iron Giant’.

There will be snacks, and we will have a good time together.

Big Future Updates:

November 18th – Archery Tag
December 2nd – Small Group Night
December 16th – Youth Christmas Party (Winter Olympics)
January 6th – Youth Skate Night
January 20th/21st – Junior Youth Retreat Day

(We will take a break over Christmas so there will not be Youth after the 16th of December to the 6th of January when we return, other than that Youth happens every Friday at 6:45pm at the Church, unless otherwise Posted)

Come join us tonight!


Celebration of Life – Bob Fast

A Celebration of Life service for Bob Fast will be held at the church on Friday, October 14 at 3:00pm.

For those who would like to watch the service on livestream it can be accessed at:

A Summer at Winkler Bible Camp

Thank you, Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, for your support to me through prayer and finances while I was serving at Winkler Bible Camp this summer. It is such a blessing to know I have so many people supporting the work with kids at camp. Here is a little bit of information on what I was doing during the summer and some of the highlights.

I was at camp for a total of 17 weeks. The first nine weeks (in spring) consisted of site projects, maintenance, rental groups, and planning for summer camps. We do a lot of our summer camp prep in those two months before summer, so we make new activities, liven up some of the old ones, and plan what the kids are going to do. We also had school groups and companies rent our site during the day that we would help with.

The next eight weeks was running summer camp! For me, that consisted of running a smaller area of camp called Teepee Village. It is a kilometer into the bush with no electricity or running water and offers a great space to make deep connections with everyone there. A highlight out there was an evening around the fire; one of the leaders had his guitar and we had an impromptu worship time. I also was part of a skit that would run every day at chapel – I was the main character. The skit was completely original to the camp and followed the story of some adventurers trying to find the kingdom of heaven, represented as the “Lost City of Gold.”

Teepee Village didn’t run all summer, so the other weeks I was helping out wherever needed at the main camp.  But throughout the summer I was able to make deeper connections with other staff and we spent some late nights talking about faith. All in all, it was an awesome summer of being able to do ministry and I am hoping to do it again next year.

Thank you!
David Woelk

4HG Youth October 7th

Hey All!!!

This week we are meeting at the church for some awesome games, hangouts, snacks, AND something NEW! I’ll explain it when you get here. No need to bring anything, just yourself… and maybe your friends!

Important Note: Next Week October 14th, we are NOT meeting at Church, we will be meeting at Rowandale Baptist Church for a Camp Nutimik Worship night!!! 7pm on October 14th! More info next week. Feel free to build some car pools with each other!


4HG Youth Small Group night September 30

Hey All!

This Friday is going to look very different for all of us! Please pay very close attention to all the information in this email!

The small groups will be meeting in separate meeting places this week! 6:30 to 9pm for all groups!

The boys, Jr and Sr High will be meeting at my place for some games, ice cream and Jesus! (940 Centennial Street)

The Sr High Girls will be meeting at Christina Cooper’s apartment for some seriously needed R&R (465B Lanark Street)

The Jr High Girls will be meeting at the Mohr’s House for some fun times and snacks! (42 Meadowbank Rd)

I hope we can see you all in those places! Have an amazing Week!


4HG Youth September 23

Hey Peeps!
I Hope ya’ll had a lovely couple of weeks of school so far!

I’m so excited for us this week because we will be having music for Worship tomorrow, we’ll have the Gym for games!!! Can’t wait til 6:45pm!

A few Heads up for the parents!
1. If you have not filled out a registration for your Child to attend youth, please do so! (You can find the form here[https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995]) If you do not know if you have already filled one out for each child, you should have gotten a confirmation email.

2. Next week is our FIRST Small Group Night, where our small groups are splitting off and spending the evening in their small groups at someone’s house. If you would be willing to host one of those groups at your house, please contact me over this weekend so we can make plans to make that happen!

3. If you’re interested in helping Erika Cooper with the weekly snack by either baking or providing snack please contact her at erikacooper0101@gmail.com

A Summer at Gem Lake

Hello all! My name is Ethan Hildebrand and I spent my summer as a cabin leader at Gem Lake Wilderness Camp this year. Gem Lake is run by Inner City Youth Alive, an organization that is specifically aimed at bringing the hope of the gospel to those who live in the North End, especially the youth. I’m super thankful to have spent my summer up at Gem Lake, and I can honestly say I’ve had a very impactful two months. With it being my first normal summer up at camp, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. There were some nerves, lots of unknowns, and a whole lot of excitement, but through it all, I knew that God had brought me back up to camp for a reason, and he certainly showed his hand over the course of the summer.

In a summer of fun and meaningful moments, one stands out to me in particular. Coming back from a one-on-one time, a camper and I were having a conversation about camp, which shifted to a conversation about God and the existence of God. This camper hadn’t been particularly open to spiritual conversations during our past times together, but he had actually asked questions this time. I saw a hunger for truth in him, and it was a very tangible piece of evidence that what I and the staff team are doing up here is truly making a difference. It was a great summer, and I’m glad I followed God’s calling to serve at camp this summer.

Meet Jesus Bible Study – Sundays, 9 – 10 am

Come study the book of Matthew and learn more English!  No registration required.

Meet Jesus International Bible Study – Sundays, 9 am to 10 am

Join Zoom Meeting: https://bit.ly/meetjesusbiblestudy

Meeting ID: 138 398 409  / Password: 2405

Contact: Brenda Noble – ecc@whyteridgebaptist.ca

Important: 4HG Youth Kickoff Details! (September 9th)

Hey All!!!

I can’t believe we’re coming back! I’m so excited to see you all again after this long summer!

Tomorrow (Friday Sept. 9th) is our Youth Kickoff Event!

We will be Meeting at 630pm at the Corn Maze (https://www.cornmaze.ca/pages/find-us) so your parents can drop you off there and pick you up at 8:45pm! We’re going to have a blast cruising through the maze, checking out the animals and enjoying some ‘smores and Hot chocolate!

Cost is $13 per person (I don’t want anyone not coming because of money so please come and let me know), every person will pay for themselves to limit the chaos of trying to organize 40 people on the spot.

There are two things I will need for each person! (Mandatory)

1. To come to youth, I will need a filled out registration from each person attending. You can find that registration HERE: (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995)

2. To come to the Corn Maze, you’ll have to fill out a waiver you can find HERE: (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb013427866592)

If you do not have both filled out, I won’t be able to have you with us because of legal reasons. So please make sure you have them covered.

Tell your friends to come, make sure your friends know to fill out the forms (they can fill them out online even in the parking-lot of the maze, but it has to be done before we go in)!

Hope to see you all there!!!!

Thank you from WRBC’s Ukrainian Task Force

WRBC’s Ukrainian Task Force thanks everyone who donated household cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, dishes and food.

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre

This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

Click here to request your FREE membership today!

Come to the Quiet Prayer Time – Wednesdays, 10:30 am

Come to the Quiet Scripture-led prayer time meets every Wednesday at 10:30 am in the Fireside room.

Come join us – all are welcome!

Email thequiet@whyteridgebaptist.ca for more information or to confirm attendance!

4HG Fall Update!

(Note that there in no youth tonight.  Have a wonderful long week end!)

Hey, all!

I am so excited to tell you about our plan for the Fall but first just a heads up, we will need you to register every attending Student for the Year as we are jumping into a new ministry year You can do that by filling out the following form:

REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE FILL OUT!): https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb0134267667995

Two important dates for the Immediate future:

Friday September 2nd; NO YOUTH (This is an evening for our Youth Leaders to prep for the new Year)

Friday September 9th; YOUTH KICKOFF Cornmaze! You can find their website at https://www.cornmaze.ca/ I will make sure you have all the information for this in next week’s email.

For the fall, we are jumping into Matthew with the Church! There is an option for you to get a copy of the ESV Illumination Bible which acts as a Bible and Journal at the same time! (You can talk to Doug or Myself for this).

We are really looking forward to changing up the plan from last year in aspects that involve Serving as well as building community among the small groups with events like Small-group nights at people’s houses from our church, and options for snow removal for people in our church who can’t do things for themselves.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns as always please contact me and we can always have that conversation.  And, don’t forget to join us on Instagram! @4hgyouth!


Ministering to Ukrainian Refugees – Explore NAB Update

For the latest NAB Updates on our denominational response to the Ukraine Crisis, view the latest Explore NAB Update.  An excerpt from the latest update is below.

Ministering to Ukraine Refugees

NAB Northwest Regional Minister Marcus Elmer, Pastor Nick Jackson, and Pastor Pavel Sandu with a Moldovan pastor and his wife.

We have been excited to hear the many stories of local NAB churches throughout Canada and the US engaging with Ukrainian refugee care. We have also been overwhelmed by the response from the conference as a whole to our own Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

The following story comes from one of our NAB churches in the Northwest Association. A few months back, Pastor Pavel Sandu of Golgotha Romanian Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington, invited Marcus Elmer, interim regional minister for the NAB Northwest Association, and Pastor Nick Jackson of Timberline Baptist Church in Lacey, Washington, to accompany him on a 10-day encouragement trip to Moldova. Golgotha’s engagement with Ukrainian refugee care aligns well with the vision and mission of the NAB. While it is not the practice of the NAB to promote funding individual ministries of our NAB churches, we are sharing this story as it was presented to us from the Northwest Association leadership, and it includes an opportunity to support the ministry presented in this story.

One day we visited the border crossing at Palanca, Moldova. We witnessed refugees crossing the border by foot and in cars. We went there also to encourage the Christian volunteers that were working on both sides of the border. The volunteers are from Christian churches in Moldova, staffing the border crossing 24/7, offering snacks, water, information and help. Their yellow vests read “Praying for Ukraine.” We delivered some hot food to the volunteers and thanked them for their dedication.


Singerei Bible Camp is a ministry of the Baptist Union denomination of churches in Moldova. . . . By God’s sovereign hand, the camp had recently completed the construction of two brand new group homes that were planned to serve as orphanages staffed by live-in parents. These two new homes on the camp grounds had just been completed before the refugee crisis in February. Therefore, the homes were immediately re-purposed for the refugees. Each home can house up to 8 families. The camp currently hosts over 100 refugees.

Click here to read the full recap of their trip, including more about their visit to Singerei Bible Camp and visits to a host of churches. You can also support Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons by giving to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Faith at Home – Aug 28 22

Hey Kids (and Parents too!),

This week, join Jackson and Sheilla as they give you some fun ideas to develop a faith at home with your family! We know our families are busier than ever and we want to support you and we are praying for you as you build a solid faith at home with your kids!

This is our last Kids Ministry Minute for the summer. We are taking a break next week to gear up for our Kids Kick off Sunday on September 11th! We can’t wait to see your kids again and catch up with them. Don’t forget to bring in your Kids Sermon Notes Pages to show Mrs. Sheilla so you can enter our draw!

This Week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Courage – August 21, 2022

Hey Kids!

Join Mrs. Sheilla, Jackson and Luke as we hear more about Esther’s courage and how we can each make an impact for God’s kingdom.

P.S – Kids – don’t forget to join us in person on Wednesday mornings this August for our Kids Summer Camp Days! Join us as we “Focus” in and learn more about Faith and trusting what you can’t see by what you can see. Just 2 weeks left!

P.P.S – Kids Kick-off Sunday is September 11th – make sure to bring in all your Sermon Notes Pages to show Mrs. Sheilla. We’ll do our prize draws during Large Group time! (The Wave kids will get their prizes during their class time also).

Check out this week’s Kid’s Ministry Minute:

4HG Update – August 19, 2022

Hey All!!!  Note that Junior Youth Canoeing was yesterday, Friday (August 19), NOT today!

Senior Youth, be sure to join us next Friday (August 26) for Senior Youth Canoeing!  We will be meeting at the McGillivray entrance to Fort Whyte at 6pm! It’s $15 per person but if that’s an issue please talk to me, we want you there! Anyone going into Grade 6 to grade 8 is welcome! We’ll be done around 8pm for you to be picked up. Any questions please direct them to me!

A reminder of the upcoming weeks events:

Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing

Friday, September 2nd – Youth Leader Planning meeting (NO YOUTH)

Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!



4HG Update – August 19, 2022

Hey All!!!

I’m super excited to remind you that the Junior Youth are going Canoeing at Fort Whyte today!

We will be meeting at the McGillivray entrance to Fort Whyte at 6pm! It’s $15 per person but if that’s an issue please talk to me, we want you there! Anyone going into Grade 6 to grade 8 is welcome! We’ll be done around 8pm for you to be picked up. Any questions please direct them to me!

Friday, August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing

Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing

Friday, September 2nd – Youth Leader Planning meeting

Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!



ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Matthew

ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Matthew

Creatively engage with God’s Word as we go on our LifePath Journey together this Fall!

Available at the Resource Centre beginning August 28. Cost: $10


Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre

This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

Click here to request your FREE membership today!

Summer Missions Report

This summer I was on staff for the high school missions program, Bonfire, at YWAM Mendocino Coast. This program consists of 2 weeks on the YWAM base, followed by a missions trip for the final week. This year, we had 7 staff and 9 students.

On the base, we had classes on the Holy Spirit, values & culture, the Father heart of God, discerning God’s voice, spiritual warfare, some valuable tools for ministry, and more! We also had team-building activities, prayer and worship times, and fun field trips, including ocean kayaking and bonfires on the beach. These two weeks were packed full of fun and challenges as we got to know each other and both students and staff were learning a lot. God did so many little miracles, and several of our students had major growth and breakthrough with God in various areas of their lives!

For the third week, we drove to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico, and partnered with some ministries in the area; helping build a school for adults who didn’t have access to education, and spending time visiting a ministry for women and their children who are leaving situations of abuse. Getting to know and bless the women and children even for a couple days was beautiful and impactful, and it was also very encouraging to see what the long-term workers have accomplished as they follow God and build this ministry.

Also on outreach, I got to, with our school leader, baptize 4 of the students! I love baptisms because they are such a tangible picture of what God is doing in someone’s life, and it’s very exciting to see them taking that step of commitment, so I was very honoured to be a part of that for our students.

Throughout this program, I learned a lot about my gifts and leading along with the Holy Spirit. It is amazing to see God bring things I dreamed of into reality as I step forward in faith, and I’m so thankful to my church family for supporting me in this!

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you want to hear more! God bless!

Alexis Cooper

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Focus – Aug 14 22

Hey Kids!

Join us this week as Jaimie leads us to understand our new assignment. How can changing our focus help us overcome an obstacle or difficult task? You don’t want to miss this!

PS – Don’t forget to fill out your kids sermon notes page!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

4HG – August 6th at 5 pm

Note there is NO YOUTH this week.

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!

Friday, August 12th – No Youth
Friday, August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
Friday, August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
Friday, September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
Friday, September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!


Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.


Have an amazing Summer everyone!



Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Set Apart – August 7, 2022

Hey Kids,

Tune into this weeks Ministry Minute with Mrs. Jacoba! Will the next assignment find her mailbox this week? Let’s find out!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

4HG – August 6th at 5 pm

This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.

Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


4HG – August 5th @ 5 pm

This week: WATERFIGHT at the church for everyone (grades 6-12) 5:00, Saturday, August 6th.

Bring water guns, a towel and a change of clothes! 

Here is our summer schedule.  If you have any questions please contact me!  

August 6th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 9th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

Again, to those who have graduated grade 12, you are welcome to join us for the events during the Summer, and anyone coming into grade 6 same for you! You’ll be able to join the main events and the ones for your respective small groups.

Have an amazing Summer everyone!


Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Mustard Seed Faith – July 31, 2022

Hey Kids,

Join us this week as we discover a new assignment! This one takes us back to last summer for a fun experiment to teach us a lesson. I hope your summer is going well! Don’t forget to hold onto your Sermon Notes pages and bring them in for our Fall Kick off Sunday!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute: