Celebrating 20 Years in Brazil



As I have shared my missionary experiences, over the years I have had people tell me that I should write a book. If I did it would certainly be a humorous one. Not that I think serving the Lord is funny. I just know first-hand that it can be rather amusing to take someone away from everything they know and plop them into a place they are completely unfamiliar with! But besides the funny stories, I would write about how I have changed, and important lessons learned. And I would dedicate it to my four grandparents, whose frequent prayers paved the way for me to end up where I am today.

On this, my 20th anniversary in Brazil, I don’t have time to write a book. But I would like to share a couple of things I have learned to commemorate this day. Perhaps it will become the start of a couple of chapters in a book one day. Like the last 20 years, only the Lord knows.

Lesson #1: The depth of my faith in the Lord is equally measurable to my ability to trust Him. Because trust is the foundation and the starting place of faith. Before coming to the mission field, I had no need to trust in God. In fact, I put my trust in myself and my parents. If I couldn’t figure out how to solve a problem, Mom and Dad were always there. It wasn’t as though I didn’t dedicate time to the Lord and for serving Him. I did my daily devotions; I was active in my church and even my job was a ministry position. But I now recognize that my faith was shallow because I didn’t depend on God for anything. Life in Brazil changed that. When I arrived, all I had was God. I didn’t even have myself because I had no clue how to exist in this place and couldn’t speak the language. However, in the last 20 years I have learned to trust in the Lord even when I can figure things out myself. I experience that “peace that passeth all understanding.” And my faith is much deeper and richer because of it. Of course, at times I slip up. But even then, I always come back to the Lord because I know He has what I need.

Lesson #2: At the very core of love, is sacrifice. At the start of 2009 I was feeling extremely alone. While I felt fulfilled ministerially, I remember telling the Lord that I only had about one more year left to give as a missionary before the loneliness would be too much for me to bear. Enter an average height, dark and handsome man into my life! And that smile! Paulo Andre Requia melted my heart. Except there was one problem – HE WAS MY STUDENT! Oh, the scandal! But we were in love, and the Lord blessed our coming together through the Seminary director and our pastors. Before this, I had thought being a single missionary was a sacrifice, but now I was confronted with the reality that the greater sacrifice was getting married. Was I truly ready to give up my future for our future? Was I willing to spend the rest of my life in Brazil, far away from my family and culture? I loved my independence, but did I love Paulo Requia more? Well, I think we all know the answer to these questions! Marrying Paulo was about loving him, but it also became about loving Brazilians and accepting love from them. To love, we must start giving ourselves away, pieces at a time. And loving Jesus, means giving up my whole self to him.

Lesson #3: You never heal from the wound grief leaves on your heart. Many people have experience much more loss than I have, and I would never attempt to understand how deep their grief is. But I do know that grief leaves its mark on our hearts – a permanent scar. At times, the pain of my grief ebbs and flows like the waves in the ocean. At other times, it comes unexpectedly like a tidal wave and knocks me off my feet. But as Paulo said to me soon after losing my dad, “You will get through this. You will learn to live with the grief.” There are many moments I wish I could share with my dad, like today. He was even in Brazil for my first anniversary here. To be honest, I don’t want this pain to go away, because the more I feel the pain, the more it shows what my dad meant to me – what he still means to me. So, I cherish the scar on my heart because it represents the important place Dad had in my life.

I finish this reflection with a thankful heart to the Lord, to my family and friends, to my missionary partners who support me and the North American Baptist Conference, to my Brazilian church and the Seminary, and to my Paulo. Thank you for believing in me and the Lord’s calling on my life. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for accepting me and loving me. And thank you for teaching me by living out what you believe and speak. I am forever grateful for all that you’ve done in my life!

Lyndell (March 15, 2023)

4HG Youth March 24

Hey peeps!

Hope you’re living in hope of Spring this week! The Sun is getting warmer, and I’m so excited that with the change in seasons there are awesome things coming for 4HG as well.

This coming Friday we will be meeting at McDermot Avenue Baptist Church (821 McDermot Ave) at 645pm for a Camp Nutimik Worship Night! We’ve had those before, and they’re incredibly uplifting and always gets me excited for the summer.

Feel free to contact your friends to plan carpools and we’ll see you there!
Pick-up will be at 9:15pm, hope you can make it.

More information on coming things will be showing up soon!

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, please contact me directly either over the phone or send me an email.


4HG – March 17 and Retreat Day Registration

Hey Peeps!
This week at 4HG, I hope you’re ready for a deep discussion on what a Christian life and its implications looks like. We will do our games and snacks as well. I hope to see you there!

On March 18 is our Senior Retreat Day! If you are in Sr. High, make sure to fill out the form here!

The retreat day is from 9am to 5pm.  If you have not registered, registration is now due as of last night if you have yet to register.  We will be going bowling for part of the day.  Contact me if questions.


4HG Youth – March 17

Hey Peeps!
This week at 4HG, I hope you’re ready for a deep discussion on what a Christian life and its implications looks like. We will do our games and snacks as well. I hope to see you there!

On March 18 is our Senior Retreat Day! If you are in Sr. High, make sure to fill out the form here!
Thank you,

4HG Youth – March 10

Hey Peeps!!!

I hope you’re all enjoying your week, and I hope that you’re excited to hang out on Friday! It will be a slightly different night as we will be playing Gorgon this Friday. Make sure you wear your stealthy clothes and come ready to sneak around the church!

We also have our retreat day coming up for the Sr. High Students. Important CORRECTION on that is that it is not this coming Saturday the 11th, but rather NEXT SATURDAY the 18th!


Join us on Sunday, March 5, 2023 @ 10:30 am

Plan now to join us in person at 2405 McGillivray or online this Sunday at 10:30 am!  Service resources are below…

This week’s message: The Training of  the Twelve (Matthew 10:1-15Sermon Notes March 5.23

For previous video and audio messages, visit www.whyteridgebaptist.ca/SERVICES!

Download the App today!

Service Resources:

Interactive Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes March 5.23

Newsletter March 5.23

Newsletter March 5.23

4HG Youth – March 3rd

Hey Peeps!

This week at 4HG, hold on to your hats for a great night at the church with games, snax, possibly even a guest speaker or two! Hope to see you all there at 6:45pm!


On March 11th we are planning our Senior Retreat Day! If you are in Sr. High, make sure to fill out the form that will be sent out next week!

Mexico Mission Trip, make sure you have filled out the application and gotten it back to me this week.

Thank you,


4HG – February 24

This week we are celebrating our Small Groups! You’ll be meeting in your Small groups and hanging out at someone’s house so make sure you know exactly where you have to be.

If you have any questions as to where or when you’ll meet, please contact your Small-group Leader, or as a last resort… me.

Junior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Emma’s House for some deserved R&R

Junior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm0pm at Colin and Sheilla Taylor’s for some games

Senior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Michael’s house for Games and Snack

Senior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Lauren Edel’s house for surprise activities!

See you tonight!

Save the Date! FOCUS VBS

Save the Date!

This Summer, we are excited to announce our dates for our summer kids camp program. We hope you’ll be able to join us for our FOCUS VBS on July 24 – 28.   This will be a half day program from 9am to 12pm and will be for all kids entering Kindergarten up to Grade 5. 

Our program will help kids dive deeper into their faith as we discover how to trust in what we CAN’T see because of what we CAN see by putting the FOCUS on God and His amazing plan for us!

So mark your calendars and stay tuned for more info in the weeks to come! 

4HG Youth February 24

Hello and Welcome One and All!

I hope your week is full of warmth and without Wind! But if it is…. I hope you’re bundled up and ready to face the world!

This week we are celebrating our Small Groups! You’ll be meeting in your Small groups and hanging out at someone’s house so make sure you know exactly where you have to be. If you have any questions as to where or when you’ll meet, please contact your Small-group Leader, or as a last resort… me.


Junior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Emma’s House for some deserved R&R

Junior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm0pm at Colin and Sheilla Taylor’s for some games

Senior Boys: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Michael’s house for Games and Snack

Senior Girls: Meeting at 6:45pm-9pm at Lauren Edel’s house for surprise activities!


Upcoming Events:

Senior High Students, mark your calendar for March 18th for our Retreat Day!!! More info to follow.


Missionary Newsletters

The latest NAB missionary newsletters are available HERE.

4HG Youth February 17th

Hey you lovely Peeps!

This week we are in house once again. I know you’re not worried about being bored or having a lame night, and that’s good, because it certainly will not be any of those things. Getting to know each other and Jesus is never a waste of time. I can’t wait to see you all there! 

Heads up for Small group night next week (Feb 24th). (If you or your parents would like to host your small group, you can either let me know, or contact your Youth Leader)


Camp Nutimik Summer Camp 2023

Registration for Summer Camp 2023 is now open.

Camp Nutimik Annual Fundraising Banquet

Camp Nutimik Annual Fundraising Banquet: March 11, 5:00pm; Victoria Inn.

Contact Erika Cooper (204-451-3332) for tickets or information.

In-Person Perspectives Course at Millar Winnipeg!

Do you want to learn more about God’s movement to bring glory to Himself throughout the world? Do you want to learn more about His purposes for you and the Church in fulfilling the Rev. 7 vision of seeing people of every tribe, tongue and nation before the throne worshipping God and the Lamb? Take Perspectives! This isn’t only for those going overseas on missions, but for all who are involved in God’s ultimate purpose to bring glory to Himself, to bless all peoples and to defeat the forces aligned against His will. Discounts available! Register at perspectivescanada.outreach.ca. Starts March 2 at Millar College of the Bible Winnipeg!

4HG Youth February 10th

Hey Peeps!

I hope you’re all doing well! We’ve been in different places over the last little while, I cannot wait to see you all back in the building this Friday!

We will be meeting at 645pm on Friday for an In-house Youth evening of Games, snacks, Small Groups, and of course the Main Focus… JESUS.  I can’t wait to walk through some questions around Spiritual Disciplines.  Hope you can all make it!


4HG Youth February 3rd

Hey people of 4HG Youth!

This week Friday, we will be meeting at Church of the Rock at 7 pm to celebrate Mission Fest. The time will be spent exploring stands of different mission related ministries and worshiping God with other believers of this City. We will be meeting in the front entrance of the building (West side of the building, 1397 Buffalo Pl) Pickup will be at the same place at 9:15pm.


There is a worship service that night geared toward Young Adults (9:15pm-11pm), if you would like to stay for that, we can make arrangements as long as you have a ride to go home afterward.

As we’ve advertised, we are planning to head on a Short-term Mission trip to Tijuana in August (7th-18th) of this year. If you would like more information on what it is, what it would cost, where to apply, or anything else, please contact me either over email or at the phone-number below.

See you Friday!!


World Watch List 2023 – Praying for Persecuted Christians

This is Open Doors 30th-anniversary edition of the World Watch List, a ranking of the 50 countries where Christians experience the most extreme persecution.

Published every January, it is a unique, in-depth record of the places where faith in Jesus costs the most, helping to demonstrate the enormous scale of the persecution being faced by Christians around the world.

Every year, The World Watch List stirs more and more people to wake up to the reality of extreme persecution. It is more than just a list – it helps us not only to pray for the persecuted church, but also to speak up for those who are being silenced, and to take action to help those in need of love and support.

Download your copy of this year’s World Watch List guide here.

Also available here: World-Watch-List-2023

CORRECTION: 4HG Youth Update – January 24

Hey people of 4HG Youth!
This Friday we are meeting at 7pm at the church to spend time together. I know it’s easy to think that it’s just the same thing again and again, but the goal of community is that we know we’re not doing life alone. And more importantly that God is walking with us and we can share that. I’m excited to see you all for some music, games, snacks, and small group.
On February 3rd we will be meeting at Church of the Rock at 7 pm to celebrate Mission Fest. The time will be spent exploring stands of different mission related ministries and worshiping God with other believers of this City.

See you Friday!!


4HG Update – January 19, 2023

Hey people of 4HG Youth!

This Friday (Jan 20) the Junior Youth will meet as we regularly do, but the Senior Youth will have the option to meet to study for their exams if you want to study alongside other people.

SATURDAY (Jan 21st) the Junior Youth will be meeting at 9am and we will be hanging out til 3pm! If you want to be there please REGISTER Here! NOTE YOU MUST REGISTER TODAY!

Sunday the 22nd we will have an information time for the mission trip to Tijuana 2023. It will be right after church around 12:30 so make sure you have your questions ready and are ready to jump straight in.

On February 3rd we will be meeting at Church of the Rock at 7 pm to celebrate Mission Fest. The time will be spent exploring stands of different mission related ministries and worshiping God with other believers of this City.

See you Friday!!



4HG Update – January 17, 2023

Hey people of 4HG Youth!

I have a few important pieces in this email so please make sure you read the whole email.

This Friday (Jan 20) we will be meeting under some slightly different circumstances. The Junior Youth will meet as regular, but the Senior Youth will have the option to meet to study for their exams if you want to study alongside other people.

For Next SATURDAY (Jan 21st) the Junior Youth will be meeting at 9am and we will be hanging out til 3pm! If you want to be there please REGISTER Here! Make sure you register by THURSDAY afternoon!

Sunday the 22nd we will have an information time for the mission trip to Tijuana 2023. It will be right after church around 12:30 so make sure you have your questions ready and are ready to jump straight in.

On February 3rd we will be meeting at Church of the Rock at 7pm to celebrate Mission Fest. The time will be spent exploring stands of different mission related ministries and worshiping God with other believers of this City.



4HG Youth Ministries Missions Session

For those aged 16+, join us on Sunday, January 22 following the church service for a 4HG Youth Ministries Missions Information Session!

This session will include information regarding the Tijuana (Mexico) Mission Trip 2023 (Goal and Vision, what to expect, and what the plan for the lead-up is going to be).

For details, contact Pastor Rudy!

4HG Update – January 12, 2023

Hey Everyone!!! 

Welcome back to 4HG 2023! We’re excited to have you with us as we jump into this new year! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this year, and I hope you’re excited with me!

This Friday we will have an In-house evening full of community, Jesus, snacks, and games! Hope to see you there at 6:45pm at the Church.

Upcoming Events:

January 20-21: Junior Youth Retreat Day! (More info next week)

January 20: Info session for Tijuana Mission Trip 2023 (Goal and Vision, what to expect, and what the plan for the lead-up is going to be)

February 3rd: Mission Fest Manitoba (7pm Exibits, Youth Room, 9pm After Hours Worship) 

See you Friday at 6:45!


Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 5, 12:00 pm

Whyte Ridge Baptist Church will hold our next Membership Meeting on February 5, 2023 immediately following the morning service (approximately 12 noon).

This meeting will be held in-person, in our church building, and will include the presentation of the Annual Report by Pastoral Staff and Chair of Finance. A meeting agenda and copies of the Annual Report will be made available in advance of the meeting.

Subway sandwiches and bottled water will be provided for all those attending this meeting.

No registration required.  All are welcome to attend!

WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023

Click here for the most recent WRBC Missions Prayer Card 2023: WRBC-Missions-Prayer-Card-2023-Final (hardcopy available at the Welcome Centre). 

4HG Reminder – January 6, 2023

A reminder that we will be meeting at the Forks at 7pm this Friday for some skating! If you don’t own skates, come anyways, there will be Hot Chocolate and there are some beautiful trails you can walk. The weather looks ok but obviously dress really warm! 

As announced, this August, we plan to go to Tijuana, Mexico to serve in a short term mission capacity with YWAM SanDiego/Baja! If thats something you’d love to know more about, please email me this week! (Doesn’t mean you’ve committed or said yes to anything yet, its just for information)

See you tonight!


4HG Update – January 3, 2023

Hey Everyone!  Happy new year!!!

I pray that you all managed to get through the holidays with joy and excitement for the new year. If that wasn’t the case for you, know that we love you still. 

To kick us off this year we will be meeting at the Forks at 7pm this Friday for some skating! If you don’t own skates, come anyways, there will be Hot Chocolate and there are some beautiful trails you can walk. The weather looks ok but obviously dress really warm! 

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!  This August, we want to go to Tijuana, Mexico to serve in a short term mission capacity with YWAM SanDiego/Baja! If thats something you’d love to know more about, please email me this week! (Doesn’t mean you’ve committed or said yes to anything yet, its just for information)


Missionfest Manitoba – February 3-5, 2023

Missionfest Manitoba is back! This year, it will return to it’s “normal” time: the first weekend of February (3-5) at Church of the Rock!

Come hear inspiring speakers and breakout session presenters tell of what God is doing throughout the world and the many ways you can be part of God’s mission.

There will be a mini-Missionfest for children and an “After Hours” event for youth and young adults on Friday evening featuring Bread We Break. We exist to challenge every Christian to be Great Commission informed, inspired and involved.

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Luke 2:10-11 – “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

We pray that this Christmas will be a meaningful time of reflection, renewal, and incredible joy for your family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

One of the best parts of Christmas for me and my family is to create lasting memories together.  We love looking back at pictures over the years to see how the kids have grown and changed and remembering those special times together.   I wanted to find a way to help our WRBC families to create some memories this year over the Christmas break, so to help you do that, I’ve created a Kids Christmas Bingo!  This game is filled with activity ideas and service ideas and I hope it brings fun and laughter to your home but most especially warm memories too! 

You can work on it as a family or have each child work on their own.  Every time you complete a row, find a way to celebrate as a family and choose to do something special (there are no rules, just have fun!). If kids bring in their completed bingo cards on January 8th , they can pick a prize out of our prize bin too.   

Print it at home or pick one up at the church – they’ll be on the Kids Craft Carts in the Auditorium as well as a few on the Children’s Check in Desk.


Merry Christmas everyone! 

No 4HG Youth This Week

Lovely People of 4HG Youth!

A reminder that there will not be 4HG Youth this week or next week. Our next event will be on January 6thwhen we will go skating as a group!

Please join us for our Christmas Eve Service this Saturday at 5:00 pm.  We would love to have you attend!

Hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Years season!
