SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute – July 12th
Here is this week’s SONSeekers Summer Series Ministry Minute!
Solid Grounds Café
Solid Grounds Café – Opening Soon!!
Tuesdays – Thursdays
9:15 am – 11:30 am
Coffees on! Come on in!
If you are interested in volunteering at the café, please contact Pastor Doug Friesen.
Registration Now Open for 2020/2021 Children’s Ministries Programming!
Children’s Ministry Program registration is now open for Sunday Morning Programming for Babies to Grade 6!
SONSeekers Easter 2020 Update!
Happy Easter SONSeekers!
Jesus is Alive! God sent His son to die on a cross to save us from our sin and he rose again on the third day to defeat death. Because of this great sacrifice we can have forgiveness and the promise of eternal life! Hallelujah!
We have a special Easter lesson today brought to you from Mr Josh and Mr Girish! Let’s have a listen…
Message to the Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Family Re: Giving in the season of COVID-19
Download a Word Document of this if preferred.
March 27, 2020
Message to WRBC Church Family
Re: Giving in the season of Covid-19
Worshipping in the time of physical isolation is not easy! God desires relationship and relationship is best done in community. Coming together to worship is a way we nurture that relationship… with God and with each other. Still, God cannot be relegated to any one form of fellowship, so we know He is with us in this time of physical isolation, each in our own homes. Isn’t it great to know that the one we worship is receiving our worship regardless of how many are in one place?
We have been communicating with you over the past weeks to remind you that in this time of virtual services, there are different ways you can continue to worship your Heavenly Father through giving.
Think of this time as the virtual offering basket time.
While we recognize many of you might be feeling financial stress due to potential or real job loss or lay off and others with uncertainty of income due to market effects on your retirement income, we know you are still wanting to give in some way.
As we respond to this unprecedented season you are asked to prayerfully consider how you can continue to support the work and ministry of WRBC financially. Some of you already give by direct debit. This will continue regardless of our coming together. Most of you give when attending a service, in fact 70% of our weekly offering comes in cheques and cash. This is putting some pressure on our cash flow.
I just wanted to remind you this morning about the various ways you can continue to give, even if we are not meeting here together.
…. they are also listed on our website:
- Take advantage of giving from home by using the app.
- Set up automatic giving from your bank account (please refer website or contact Shirley Wynne – or 204-781-9187 for the set up form).
- Send money to the church electronically by e-transfer (to do this you can contact the church office by phone or email, Shirley Wynne or Krista Wynne directly)
- Send cheques to the church via Canada post
- Here is a new one…. If you want to give but cannot get out for whatever reason, we have a few good people standing by to come to your home to pick up a cheque or cash offering…. Anytime, anywhere (well almost!). Please call or email Shirley Wynne or Kathy Kornelsen to arrange: or 204-781-9187; or 204-489-3875
- Drop by the church during office hours to drop off a cheque or cash (2405 McGillivray Blvd)
May God be Glorified in how we as a congregation respond to this new and challenging season.
Your Finance Committee is meeting regularly to monitor and manage our church’s financial affairs. Your prayers for wisdom and discernment are appreciated.
Bob Fast
On behalf of the Finance Committee
Information Session for Service Life Group
We are interested in regularly meeting in a LifeGroup with others who want to pursue living out our Christianity through volunteering in the community. We are having an information meeting at 2 Tillbrook Place on Monday, September 23 at 7 pm. Let John or Sandee Wiltshire know if you are interested in checking this out.
Power Up VBS Highlights
It was an exciting week at Whyte Ridge Baptist at the Power Up VBS Summer VBS program was held for the first time at 2405 McGillivray.
Check our the highlights in our VBS wrap up video!
Whyte Ridge Baptist Online Welcome Card
Welcome to Whyte Ridge Baptist Church!
Click HERE to fill our our Welcome Card or to make a Special Request!
Recreational Marijuana is Arriving on October 17th. Let Us Stop It While We Can – Sign the Petition.
As reported earlier, the government of Canada has passed a law which makes the recreational use of marijuana legal in Canada. This law is set to come into effect on October 17, 2018. Besides exposing youth and vulnerable groups to the public health and safety risks associated with cannabis use, as well as sending the message that drug use is acceptable, this law will place Canada in violation of the United Nations Conventions on Narcotic Drugs, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child; both to which Canada is a signatory and party. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime issued a statement regretting the decision of the Canadian government to legalize marijuana for non-medicinal purposes.
There is an on-line petition available. The purpose of the petition is to call on the International Narcotics Control Board to intervene and bring this matter to the immediate attention of the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to apply international pressure on the Trudeau government to revoke marijuana legalization and to recommit itself to these conventions it has agreed to uphold. It is available here:
Please sign it, to protect Canada’s youth and vulnerable populations, to uphold Canada’s UN Treaty obligations and to stand against the moral decline of our society. Legalization of marijuana would affect every Canadian in numerous ways. No one is immune. Let us act while there are still some things we can do.
Related Resources:
Canadian Senator Betty Unger, an opponent of cannabis legalization, posted a chart called “Top 10 Myths of Marijuana” to dispel some of the misinformation that is being propagated concerning cannabis. It is very informative. Please see it here:
Here is a very informative episode from a Christian TV show, “The Faytene Show,” featuring the topic of marijuana. In this show, she is exploring the legalization of marijuana with University of Toronto expert on pharmacology and toxicology, Dr. Harold Kalant. Please watch!
The state of Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012. Let us learn from their mistakes. Here is a video from CBC warning us of the price to pay.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about this matter, please contact Tony and Ayumi Nakazato at
Canada Needs a Law on Abortion – Please Sign the Petition.
Canada has had no laws regarding the issue of abortion since 1988 when the Supreme Court struck down the law which had been in place. It means abortion is allowed on demand at any stage of fetal development, by any method and for any and all reasons.
The only other nations in the world which have absolutely no laws on abortion are North Korea, China and Vietnam (
Brad Trost, a Conservative MP from Saskatchewan, has sponsored a petition to the House of Commons which calls for: “respectful debate with the intent to form an all-party committee that will draft a bill governing the conduct of abortion in Canada”, and “that consideration of this bill will be by a free vote in the House”. The goal would be to pass a law that will balance the rights of a pregnant woman to choose with the rights of the unborn, as well as other stake holders such as the father and the parents of pregnant, pre-adult females. Laws would also provide limits on the use of abortion to prevent or reduce the number of births of certain racial groups, to limit the practice of gender selection and to protect the physically/developmentally challenged.
Do you believe that all life is ordained, created and sustained by God from conception to natural death so that our attitude must be for life not against? If so, we ask you to sign the petition at:
If you have any questions or would like to talk about this matter, please contact Tony and Ayumi Nakazato at
Thank you very much.
NAB Triennial 2018
If you are interested in attending the 2018 Triennial in the beautiful river valley of Edmonton, Alberta, July 26–29, please contact our office. Details can be found here!
Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting to approve the 2018 budget will take place on Sunday, December 3 following the second service; a soup and sandwich lunch will be served. All members and adherents are encouraged to attend! To help us plan for the meal please register here.
“Call for Conscience” Campaign
Join the “Call for Conscience”
This fall, members of Manitoba’s legislature will consider Bill 34 which deals with conscience rights for doctors, nurses and health care professionals who cannot participate in euthanasia/assisted suicide in good conscience. Please visit to learn more, join the “Call for Conscience” and write directly to your MLA asking them to support Bill 34.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Updates
Jesus calls his followers to be salt and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We seek to live as His faithful servants and be agents of His transforming presence in our society and the world.
Evangelicals engage in all areas of life as part of our witness, and we want to be obedient to God in the pursuit of justice and care for the vulnerable. One of the ways we do this is to learn about key issues facing our culture, and think through how biblical principles apply in these areas.
A way to do so is to join the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada‘s email list or to browse through their resource database containing hundreds of topics online.
Anna Gabrielle Major – Born: July 12, 2017, Date of Passing: July 12, 2017
Listen to Anna’s Celebration and Dedication to God Service here.
Jennifer and Sean, the proud parents of Anna Gabrielle Major, would like to introduce you to their wonderful daughter who is now safe in the arms of her loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
Her name has special meaning. Anna means ‘gracious and giving’ as she was a miraculous gift from God. Gabrielle means ‘woman of God’ and it was always our prayer that her life would glorify the Lord and that she would walk with Him.
Anna was a beautiful baby girl that we looked upon with awe and wonder. She was born on July 12, 2017 at Women’s Hospital, weighing 7lbs 4.3oz and measuring 21.5 inches long. Anna had her mum’s hair color and her daddy’s curls. She had the blue eyes, lips, ears, button nose and chubby cheeks of her mum and she had her daddy’s hands and feet. Anna only knew love, she never knew any sorrow or hurt. She was a much anticipated and desired child whose very existence was much celebrated.
While her arrival came right on time, our precious Anna’s life was limited to the time her mum got to share with her as she carried her in her womb.
Our darling, sweet Anna Gabrielle will continue to be loved and cherished and always remembered by many, including her parents, Sean and Jennifer Major, her grandparents, Jim and Cindy Law, Dolly Major and Les Major, her great-grandma, Audrey Hemminger and many other family and friends.
Anna’s parents would like to thank the many people who have helped through the joys and sorrows of this journey, humbling us with their warmth and care. They would also like to thank Ryan Mason, Pam Mason and Jim and Cindy Law for joining them in as they welcomed Anna into their arms and bid her goodbye with the same breaths.
A celebration and dedication to God of Anna Gabrielle was held at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church at 10:00 a.m. on July 15, 2017 with the interment following at Darlingford Cemetery.
Giving Options at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church
As announced this past Sunday, we are excited to launch a new Mobile Giving app,, as one of the various giving options at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church.
It was also announced that there will be a demonstration of this new giving option on Sunday, In advance of this demonstration, please download the app for iPhone and Android here.
Please note the following information regarding ways to Give @ Whyte Ridge Baptist Church. If you have questions regarding giving @ Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, please contact our church office.
Here are some ways that you can give at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church:
Give online
NEW: Online and mobile giving is now available! Click here for online credit card donations.
Give using the mobile app
Download the app for iPhone and Android here.
Give through automatic withdrawal
Fill out Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement and give or mail it into the church office.
Give personally
Using one of Whyte Ridge Baptist’s envelopes you can give a cheque or cash. It’s that simple. Envelopes can be found in the holders on the back of every pew or they can be requested from the church office.
Give by mail
If you are unable to attend a service or forget your tithe at home, you can mail your cheque to:
Whyte Ridge Baptist Church 201 Scurfield Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1A5
If you have questions regarding giving @ Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, please contact our church office.
WRBC Online Church Directory Profile (Breeze)
Click here to be directed to our WRBC Online directory! Please bookmark for reference.
If you have created your username and password, you can login anytime at or select ‘Church Directory Login’ from the menu at the bottom of our website or the Whyte Ridge Baptist Directory logo near the home button on this page.
You can also download the app for your mobile phone here for easy access!
If you have not yet updated your WRBC Online Directory Profile, please do so either in response to the invitation email that has been sent to you or login and update your profile and profile photos. or contact Pastor Kevin and he will happily arrange for assistance with set up. If you have not received an email invite but would like to be part of the Online Directory, please click here and request your invitation.
Details regarding how to complete this process can be found here:
Note that sections 1 and 2 in this video have been combined, and that some of the fields have changed. The video also may seem to end abruptly, but all instructions are included.
Thank you,
The Pastors and Leadership at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church
Sermons and Podcasts Available Online!
Miss a Sunday at Whyte Ridge Baptist Church this summer? All sermons are available online by visiting our Latest Sermons Page, or by subscribing to the podcast using the links below or via iTunes. Catch up on messages from a variety of speakers on your next drive to the beach or during your commute!
WRBC Prayer Wall
Are you receiving our Prayer@WhyteRidgeBaptist updates? If not, sign up visit our Prayer Wall to sign up today.
Praying for each other is a key part of doing life together, and this is a way to support each other in this way. Once you sign up, you will receive prayer requests as they come in and have opportunity to send a ‘prayer notification’ email to the individual requesting prayer by selecting ‘I Prayed for This’ on our Prayer Wall.
If you have any questions, please contact our new Prayer Coordinator, Irene Toews, at
Did you know @WhyteRidgeBaptist is on Twitter and Facebook??
All of the latest updates and news – including photos and additional posts – can also be found on Facebook and Twitter!
Follow us, like and comment!!