WRBC Winter 2025 Connecting Points Brochure

Now available at the Welcome Centre and Online!


Join Us for Pickleball!

Weekly co-ed pickleball is for anyone (registration required) age 18+ at the following times (2 Hour Sessions):

Mondays: 9:00 am / 11:10 am / 1:30 pm

Tuesdays: 6:00 pm / 8:10 pm

Thursdays: 9:00 am / 11:10 am / 6:00 pm / 8:10 pm

18+ – Gym shoes required.  $5 fee (to be paid upon arrival)

There are three full courts, four players/court. You don’t need to have a partner to join the fun! No experience or equipment necessary to participate (must wear running shoes in the auditorium). $5.00 fee paid upon arrival. Please use the west entrance. 

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Whyte Ridge Baptist Church Registration Form.  

For more information contact Gary Schellenberg at pickleball@whyteridgebaptist.ca.



Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist App Today!

Download the Whyte Ridge Baptist APP today at www.whyteridgebaptist.ca/APP! (note it will direct to a Tithe.ly app given they host the app – this is not the GIVE app). 

Don’t delay – live services, registration, giving, the Prayer Wall and more – You can find it in the app!