Check out this week’s Ministry Minute!
Visiting a church for the very first time can be a bit nerve racking. However, having an idea of what to expect can help make taking this step easier. Check out the links to your right to learn more about our Sunday services, what there is for kids, our staff, and what we believe. We look forward to meeting you.
2405 McGillivray Blvd, Winnipeg
Services time: Sundays at 10:30 am
At Whyte Ridge Baptist, we value relationship. We believe it is the key to finding one's way into the life of the church whatever your age or stage of life. This may mean stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards for doing so are great.
Consider the links to the right as doorways to opportunities for connecting in a meaningful way at Whyte Ridge Baptist.
Check out this week’s Ministry Minute!
Hey kids,
This week, instead of our regular lesson, we will meet together on ZOOM for our summer kick off. We will play some Bible Bingo and take time to share and pray together!
SONSeekers Zoom – Sunday, June 27
9:00am – 9:30am – Preschool & Kindergarten Kids
9:45am – 10:15am – Elementary Kids – Grades 1-6
For additional details, contact sheilla(at)!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids!
Join us as Julia talks to us about building a firm foundation in God and not the world. Today, it’s Daniel’s turn for a dream. Let’s hear what God teaches Daniel in this dream!
Today is our last lesson before the summer! Next week Sunday morning, we will be meeting together on ZOOM for our year end celebration – we will be playing BINGO. If you have your activity pack, you’re all set for our game – bingo supplies are included. I will be emailing a link to parents this coming week as a reminder.
Please let me know if you would like to pick up an activity pack. I have also included our bingo game sheets today for you to print at home instead (you’ll need to print off a few copies if you don’t have a dry erase marker and plastic sheet protector).
Hope you’ll join us next week for our zoom bingo! Have a great week everyone!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Daniel’s Dream – PreK to Kinder
Activity Page – Daniel’s Dream – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Daniel’s Dream – Gr 3-6
Hey Kids!
How many of you at home would be TERRIFIED to be thrown into a pit with LIONS!? How many of you would stop praying if it was illegal to pray? It’s an amazing story of God’s power and how Daniel trusted in God in a scary situation. Daniel didn’t stop praying because He loved God and trusted Him.
I am sure many of you have heard of this story already, but even if you have, watch it again with fresh eyes and open hearts and see what God reveals to you in this story!
Blessings to you all this week!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Daniel in the Lion’s Den – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids!
Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Most of the time they are pretty silly and don’t mean anything. Today in our lesson, we will hear how God gave King Nebuchadnezzar a dream to get his attention – and he sure did! Watch our video to learn more!
*Don’t forget to pick up our kids activity pack so you can follow along with our activity at the end of our video! This week we are making silly potato grass heads! Contact me to get your pack. *
Have a wonderful week,
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Elementary Lesson!
Activity Page – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – PreK to Kinder
Hey kids,
This week, instead of our regular lesson, we met together on ZOOM to talk together and share, play a game and take time to pray together!
9:00am – 9:30am – Preschool & Kindergarten Kids
9:45am – 10:15am – Elementary Kids – Grades 1-6
Hey Kids,
You don’t want to miss this special lesson today as Pastor Rudy AND Pastor Kevin make an appearance for our Trust Experiment! We had some silly results and discovered that our plans don’t always work out the way we want to… BUT we learn in our story today that we can and should trust God! Our lesson for today is about 3 friends who trusted God in a scary situation. It’s one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Click on the video below to watch!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
Discussion Questions:
1. What can you do when you are faced with a problem?
2. Have you ever tried to stand strong and not follow what other are doing?
3. How does knowing God has power over everything make you feel?
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – The Fiery Furnace – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids,
Last week we learned that the kingdom of Judah was captured by its enemies… but God had a plan. He gave the prophet Ezekiel a vision of hope! Let’s find out more. Click on the video to watch our lesson and don’t forget to watch to the end to get this week’s activity instructions!
Discussion questions:
1. How does the vision of dry bones actually give hope?
2. Look up Ephesians 2:4-5 – How does God make dead people alive?
3. When does our life with God start?
Have a great week!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Ezekiel Gave Hope – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids!
Did you know that God says our hearts can be hard or soft? The people of Judah had hard heart towards God and turned away from Him. This led to Judah being captured by their enemies!
God was right to punish His people for their sin, but He kept His promise to provide a king through David’s family. Ultimately, God punished our sin through His Son, Jesus, and made Him our King forever.
Let’s listen to the story to learn more!
*Happy Mothers Day! We have a special Mother’s Day craft we will work on together today – watch to the end of the lesson video for instructions!*
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is obedience to God and our parents important?
2. Talk about a time when you didn’t listen to a warning. What happened? What did you learn?
3. Experiment! Make your own ooblek together and discuss how our hearts can be hard or soft!
Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – PreK to Kinder
Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Judah Taken Captive – Gr 3-6
Hey Kids!
This week we are focusing on Faith and Prayer. Join Miss Alexis as she introduces us to the prophet Habakkuk. Habakkuk asked the question that we all struggle with sometimes – “Why do bad things happen?”
Our activity at the end of the lesson will focus on writing letters to God – If you don’t want to write a letter, feel free to draw a picture about your questions or feelings instead!
Family Discussion Questions:
1. What promises are in this story to remember? How do they help us trust and love God?
2. Have you ever waited for something? How does waiting make you feel? Take turns praying for each other in a time of waiting.
3. After kids write or draw their prayers to God, ask them if they would like to share them with the family and then pray together.
Blessings to you all this week,
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Habakkuk the Prophet – PreK to Kinder
Activity Page – Habakkuk the Prophet – Gr 1-3
Hey Kids!
Join us this week as Josh breaks out his lab coat from storage to help us dig deeper into our Bible story today with a fun experiment!
The prophet Jeremiah told God’s people about a new and better covenant to come. Listen to find out more!
Family Discussion Questions:
1. How does sin make our hearts tricky?
2. What is the new and better covenant? Why is it better than the old one?
3. Jeremiah was a young prophet and Josiah was a king at age 8! What kinds of things do you feel like you can’t do or not allowed to do because you are young? Why is it different with Jeremiah and Josiah?
This weeks activity is a missions activity – I encourage you to work on this idea as a whole family!
Have a great week, God bless!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Jeremiah, Prophet to Judah – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids!
Could you imagine being a king or queen at 8 years old?? What would you do if you were?!
Our lesson today is about 2 good kings of Judah after a bunch of bad ones. Let’s find out what made them good!
Family Activity Ideas and Discussion questions:
1. Let your child be king or queen for a day (or for an hour!) – let them decide a couple of fun rules everyone has to follow. Then discuss what makes someone a good king or a bad king and what makes Jesus our perfect king!
2. Why is it hard to obey God? Why should we obey God?
*Reminder – our new Activity Packs are available now for pick up – please sign up soon! *
*Don’t forget to watch to the end to get the instructions on this week’s activity craft!*
Blessings to your family,
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Hezekiah and Josiah – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Hezekiah and Josiah – Gr 1-3
Hey Kids!
This week we start Unit 15 and we’ll be focusing on the Southern Kingdom of Judah! Even though we jumped out of our timeline to talk about Easter, this lesson helps us transition so well back into the Old Testament. The prophet Isaiah prophesied about the coming of the Messiah 700 years before He even came!
Activity packs for Unit 15 will be ready next week – so be sure to sign up for that soon! Here is the link to the sign up:
*sorry about the video quality this week – I had some filming technical difficulties!*
God Bless you all,
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Isaiah, Prophet to Judah – Prek to Kinder
Happy Easter Kids!
Jesus is alive! Sadness turns to joy for there is hope for sinners. Jesus’ resurrection gives us joy and hope for our own resurrection. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life. (Rom. 8:11)
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. Jesus died to pay for our sins and He rose again to defeat death forever. God gives hope and true joy to everyone who trusts in Jesus.
As you celebrate Easter as a family, take time to reflect on the joy that this good news brings to all believers!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Easter Sunday – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids,
Join us today as we listen to the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem! It’s Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week as we countdown to Easter and Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection. Easter is such an important time for all of us to take time to reflect and focus on the good news of what Christ has done for us.
*Make sure to watch our full lesson to see our activity instructions at the end – I will give you an update on our Easter Resurrection gardens! *
Please feel free to download and use the Easter Holy Week Devotional for families (Lifeway Kids) below! This devotional is for families to do together and also follows our kids lessons for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. It includes a scripture reading, discussion questions, prayer and simply family activity ideas for each day of Holy Week. If you prefer a hard copy, ask your neighborhood group leader to drop one off for you!
Download here: Easter Devotional 2021
Have a blessed week,
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page Palm Sunday PreK to Kinder
Activity Page Palm Sunday Gr 1-3
Activity Page Palm Sunday Gr 3-6
Hey Kids!
Join us this week as Miss Jane helps us understand the reason why we should obey God. Israel didn’t listen to the prophets and and kept sinning against God so they were captured! But there is a redeeming part of this story, and it has to do with Jesus. Watch to find out more!
*Don’t forget to water your Easter grass! Stay tuned to the end of our lesson video to hear our activity/craft instructions!*
Have a great week!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Israel Taken Captive – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids,
Paola is here today to talk about LOVE! Our story today is a reminder of God’s HUGE amount of love for us and how He loves us no matter what – even if His people do not love him in return. Isn’t that pretty much amazing?! Let’s find out more!
*This week we are getting started on our Easter crafts – so stay tuned to the end of the lesson for instructions!*
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Hosea, Prophet to Israel – PreK to Kinder
Hey Kids!
Join Josh as he talks about one of our favorite prophets from the Old Testament – Jonah!! Have you learned about Jonah yet? Not only is this story one of my favorites, but it is also an amazing story on how much God loves His people – so much so that there is a whale involved… Watch to find out!
*New Activity Packs begin with THIS week’s lesson – so don’t forget to sign up for one. We’ve included all our craft supplies needed for each lesson AND we are already starting on our Easter craft next week – so you don’t want to miss out! I’m so excited to work on these with you all!* Click this link to sign up:
Have a great week and enjoy this warmer weather! Yay!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh – Prek to Kinder
Hey Kids!
Join us today as we talk about fog, wind and an invisible army! An invisible army of angels actually! Are you interested to know more? Click on the video below to find out!
Make sure to stay tuned right to the end of the video where I explain the activity for this week. Have you also been working on those Activity pages? There are some great reminders and discussion questions included on them, so be sure to check them out. (They are also attached here).
Happy End of February! Don’t forget to sign up for the March and Easter Activity Pack! Next week we are diving deep…. deep into the sea… and deep into a new unit… and that’s all the hints I will give for now!
Have a great week,
Love Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Elisha and the Army – Gr 3-6
Hey Kids!
Join me this week as we hear the story of how God “passed the baton” from Elijah to Elisha!
God gave Elisha the same spirit that was in Elijah so Elisha could carry out his mission as a prophet. Years later, Jesus told His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit. God gives believers the Holy Spirit so they can share the gospel with the world.
Don’t forget to work on those Activity Pages and watch to the end of the video for instructions on our Activity/Craft for this week!
*Note for Elementary*
I did not provide materials for the Care Kits that I describe in my activity video, but I encourage families to watch the video instructions and come up with your own Care Kits!
Preschool Parents – I encourage you to watch the activity at the end of the elementary video to get instructions on making Care Kits!
This is a great way to serve and help others while showing God’s love!
Have a great week!
Love, Mrs. Sheilla
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Elijah and Elisha – Prek – Kinder
Hey Kids, Happy Valentines Day! Join Mrs. Jacoba as she continues our lesson on Elijah and we learn more about how powerful our God is!
Discussion Questions:
1. In what ways does your family worship God?
2. What are some things that people worship instead of God?
3. How can you show God’s love to others this week?
4. If your area permits, make a fire in a fire pit in your backyard. Share stories of God’s power. Roast hot
dogs or marshmallows. At the end of the night, put out the fire using water and remind your kids Elijah’s altar was sopping wet.
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Elijah at Mount Carmel – PreK to Kinder
Activity Page – Elijah at Mount Carmel – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Elijah at Mount Carmel – Gr 3-6
Remember that you are so loved and so treasured by God. As you make your craft this week, put it somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of that!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids!
It’s February already and we are beginning a new Volume and new Unit today in our journey through the Bible! Today we will learn that God sent a prophet named Elijah to help a widow and her son.
Activity Packs are available to pick up for the month of February – please sign up for one if you haven’t already! They follow along with our lessons and include a craft/activity kit for each week. Don’t forget to watch right to the end of our lesson to get instructions on the day’s craft!
Sign up for the Activity Pack Here:
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Elijah and the Widow – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Elijah and the Widow – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Elijah and the Widow – Gr 3-6
Have a great week!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids,
Join Sheilla for a special session learning about and sharing the gospel – the good news!
(This session is for all ages – there isn’t a specific preschool session this week).
Activity Ideas:
Draw a picture of the people who you want to talk to about Jesus! If you’re able, you can also write out some notes on how you would explain the Gospel to a friend and don’t forget to practice it!
This Week’s Lesson for all ages:
Have a great week!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids,
Julia is back this week to share our lesson with you! We will learn that even though King Solomon was wise, even he made foolish and sinful choices. Only Jesus is our true and perfect king.
Here are some discussion questions:
1. If King Solomon was so wise, why did he sin and worship false gods?
2. Share about a time you made a wise decision.
3. In your family, how can you act more wise?
For the older kids:
How would you explain the Good News to someone? The Bible tells us it’s wise to be prepared to share the gospel with people. [See 2 Tim. 4:2 and 1 Pet. 3:15.] Practice taking turns sharing with your family!
I will share more on this subject in next week’s lesson!
Next week is the 5th Sunday of January. Typically on 5th Sundays, we have a preschool only session and have the older kids sit in the service together with their families. But because we are online only right now, I want to take this opportunity to do a special review session before we begin our next unit.
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – The Kingdom Divided – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – The Kingdom Divided – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – The Kingdom Divided – Gr 3-6
Have a great week! May God bless you and keep you.
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids!
Join Josh, as he continues the story of King Solomon! This week we will hear about how God led His people to build a temple where he would dwell with them.
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Solomon Built the Temple – Gr 3-6
Family Activity/Discussion Ideas:
1. Don’t forget to watch the end of our lesson video for a fun activity with Sheilla! This week we are drawing self portraits and writing the attributes of a Christian. Can you find any other verses in the Bible that you can use?
2. Built a fort like Josh did (or an even bigger one!) and discuss how God lives with us instead of in a temple today.
3. In what ways does your family honor God? Brainstorm some new ways! How can you encourage one another?
Have a great week!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids!
This week we are continuing to follow King Solomon. Last week we learned that he asked God for Wisdom and he became one of the wisest men of the Bible! People came from all over to listen to his wise words.
Wisdom comes from God and in the Bible, wisdom shows us how to be like Jesus—in how we live, how we speak, and how we think. But wisdom cannot save us. Only Jesus, who perfectly followed God’s wise plan, can rescue us from sin.
Family Discussion Ideas:
1. Read through the book of Proverbs as a family – each day select a “Proverb of the Day”
2. Share a time when you made a wise choice and share a time when you made a foolish choice. Explain what happened in each situation. How can you praise God in both circumstances?
3. Discuss who is wise – have the kids draw pictures of those people or of wise behaviour.
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Wisdom for Gods People – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Wisdom for Gods People – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Wisdom for Gods People – Gr 3-6
Many blessings on the week ahead.
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hey Kids!
Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2021?! What an interesting year for sure. If there was one word you could give 2020, what would it be?
As we begin to look ahead to school starting again in just a few days, our lesson comes at a good time! Today we are jumping back into the timeline in the Old Testament in 1 Kings. King David has died and his son Solomon became king and he asked God for something… can you guess what it is? It’s not what you would expect!
Click on the video and activity links below to access our lesson materials!
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Prek to Kinder
Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Gr 1-3
Activity Page – Solomon Asked for Wisdom – Gr 3-6
Hope you have a wonderful first week back at school – whether you are doing online learning or in the building!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Well kids, we are on our last Christmas session and our last activity for December! I hope to work on some new activity packs you can pick up again for some upcoming lessons, so stay tuned for more information!
Today our lesson is on the Wise men who visited Jesus! The wise men came to worship Jesus as King. Jesus is the King who will rule forever, as God promised to King David! Jesus is our true king who is worthy of all our worship!
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus. Don’t forget to watch the end of the video for the lesson activity instructions! It was a cold one!!! Enjoy!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Merry Christmas to all our kids and families!
Wishing you so much joy and peace as you celebrate Christmas together as a family. I know this year looks a lot different, but I pray that this will be a wonderful opportunity to slow down and spend quality time together. Maybe this year, you’ll come up with new family traditions that can help you celebrate Jesus’ birth together!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson For Elementary!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
Hi Friends,
In this week’s lesson, we will learn that God chose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly parents! Can you imagine that? God chose ordinary people to do something extraordinary!
This Week’s Preschool Lesson!
This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!
Have a great week!
Love Mrs. Sheilla
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Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G6
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